All Relations between mp and retina

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
F F Behar-Cohen, A El Aouni, S Gautier, G David, J Davis, P Chapon, J M Pare. Transscleral Coulomb-controlled iontophoresis of methylprednisolone into the rabbit eye: influence of duration of treatment, current intensity and drug concentration on ocular tissue and fluid levels. Experimental eye research. vol 74. issue 1. 2002-05-13. PMID:11878818. sustained and highest levels of mp were achieved in the choroid and the retina of rabbit eyes treated with the highest current and 10min duration of cci. 2002-05-13 2023-08-12 rabbit
Joanne Curran Celentano, Joanne D Burke, Billy R Hammon. In vivo assessment of retinal carotenoids: macular pigment detection techniques and their impact on monitoring pigment status. The Journal of nutrition. vol 132. issue 3. 2002-04-09. PMID:11880588. some evidence indicates that the mp carotenoids may protect the retina and lens, and could improve vision through some optical mechanisms. 2002-04-09 2023-08-12 human
E J Johnson, B R Hammond, K J Yeum, J Qin, X D Wang, C Castaneda, D M Snodderly, R M Russel. Relation among serum and tissue concentrations of lutein and zeaxanthin and macular pigment density. The American journal of clinical nutrition. vol 71. issue 6. 2000-07-14. PMID:10837298. lutein and zeaxanthin are the only carotenoids in the macular region of the retina (referred to as macular pigment [mp]). 2000-07-14 2023-08-12 Not clear
B R Wooten, B R Hammond, R I Land, D M Snodderl. A practical method for measuring macular pigment optical density. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science. vol 40. issue 11. 1999-10-07. PMID:10509640. increasing evidence indicates that the macular pigments (mp) protect the central retina and may retard macular disease. 1999-10-07 2023-08-12 Not clear
B R Hammond, E J Johnson, R M Russell, N I Krinsky, K J Yeum, R B Edwards, D M Snodderl. Dietary modification of human macular pigment density. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science. vol 38. issue 9. 1997-09-15. PMID:9286268. the purpose of this study was to determine whether mp density in the retina could be raised by increasing dietary intake of l and z from foods. 1997-09-15 2023-08-12 human
B R Hammond, B R Wooten, D M Snodderl. Individual variations in the spatial profile of human macular pigment. Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision. vol 14. issue 6. 1997-06-23. PMID:9168592. assuming an exponential decay with eccentricity, once mp density has been measured in the center of the retina (denoted a), mp density at more eccentric locations (x, deg) can be predicted with a standardized equation (mp = a x 10(-0.42x)). 1997-06-23 2023-08-12 human
B R Hammond, J Curran-Celentano, S Judd, K Fuld, N I Krinsky, B R Wooten, D M Snodderl. Sex differences in macular pigment optical density: relation to plasma carotenoid concentrations and dietary patterns. Vision research. vol 36. issue 13. 1996-10-03. PMID:8759440. sex differences in protection of the retina by mp and in the relationship between the retina, blood and diet could be a factor in the incidence of retinal diseases, especially age-related macular degeneration. 1996-10-03 2023-08-12 Not clear