All Relations between gh and insulin

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Verónica Mericq, Rossana Román, Germán Iñiguez, Bárbara Angel, Teresa Salazar, Alejandra Avila, Francisco Perez-Bravo, Fernando Cassorl. Relationship between nocturnal growth hormone concentrations, serum IGF-I/IGFBP-3 levels, insulin sensitivity and GH receptor allelic variant in small for gestational age children. Hormone research. vol 68. issue 3. 2007-09-04. PMID:17347571. to test this hypothesis, we studied 38 prepubertal lbw children with nocturnal gh concentrations, igf-i and igfbp-3 levels and insulin sensitivity during ogtt and insulin test. 2007-09-04 2023-08-12 Not clear
Kazuo Chihara, Akira Shimatsu, Naomi Hizuka, Toshiaki Tanaka, Yoshiki Seino, Yuzuru Katofo. A simple diagnostic test using GH-releasing peptide-2 in adult GH deficiency. European journal of endocrinology. vol 157. issue 1. 2007-08-29. PMID:17609397. the international, first-line diagnostic test for adult gh deficiency is the insulin tolerance test (itt), which is contraindicated in some patients due to severe adverse events. 2007-08-29 2023-08-12 Not clear
Abbass Ghanbari-Niaki, Saeid Nabatchian, Mehdi Hedayat. Plasma agouti-related protein (AGRP), growth hormone, insulin responses to a single circuit-resistance exercise in male college students. Peptides. vol 28. issue 5. 2007-08-24. PMID:17368650. the purpose of the present study was to investigate the response of plasma agrp, gh and insulin to a single circuit-resistance exercise. 2007-08-24 2023-08-12 human
Marcin R Tatara, Ewa Sliwa, Witold Krupsk. Prenatal programming of skeletal development in the offspring: effects of maternal treatment with beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB) on femur properties in pigs at slaughter age. Bone. vol 40. issue 6. 2007-08-23. PMID:17433802. newborn piglets were weighed and subjected to blood collection for determination of serum levels of growth hormone (gh), insulin-like growth factor-1 (igf-1), insulin, leptin, glucose and bone alkaline phosphatase (bap) activity and lipid profile. 2007-08-23 2023-08-12 Not clear
Michael Bur, Hanno Huwer, Claus-Michael Lehr, Nina Hagen, Mette Guldbrandt, Kwang-Jin Kim, Carsten Ehrhard. Assessment of transport rates of proteins and peptides across primary human alveolar epithelial cell monolayers. European journal of pharmaceutical sciences : official journal of the European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences. vol 28. issue 3. 2007-08-06. PMID:16533597. in this study, we investigated bi-directional fluxes (i.e., in absorptive and secretive directions) of human serum proteins [albumin (hsa), transferrin (tf), and immunoglobulin g (igg)] and peptides/proteins of potential therapeutic relevance [insulin (ins), glucagon-like peptide-1 (glp-1), growth hormone (gh), and parathyroid hormone (pth)] across tight monolayers of human alveolar epithelial cells (haepc) in primary culture. 2007-08-06 2023-08-12 human
Maria Cristina Maggio, Lucina Titone, Amelia Romano, Marcello Saitta, Maria Concetta Celauro, Luisa Abbagnato, Valentina Frasca Polara, Laura Infurnari, Andrea Liotta, Paola Di Carl. [Hormonal, auxological and clinical follow-up in children with connatal HIV infection: personal records]. Le infezioni in medicina. vol 14. issue 3. 2007-08-02. PMID:17127827. we studied 10 children with connatal hiv infection who were enrolled in this analysis and followed up for 7 years in order to evaluate their height-weight growth, pubertal maturation, bone age progression and hormonal pattern [basal growth hormone (gh) and gh after clonidine or insulin stimulation, insulin-like growth factor 1 (igf-1), insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 (igfbp-3), fsh, lh, acth and cortisol, tsh, ft4, t4, t3, ab-tgo, leptin]. 2007-08-02 2023-08-12 Not clear
Hamdee Attallah, Anne L Friedlander, Matilde Nino-Murcia, Andrew R Hoffma. Effects of growth hormone and pioglitazone in viscerally obese adults with impaired glucose tolerance: a factorial clinical trial. PLoS clinical trials. vol 2. issue 5. 2007-08-02. PMID:17479164. recombinant human growth hormone (gh) and pioglitazone (pio) in abdominally obese adults with impaired glucose tolerance were evaluated under the hypothesis that the combination attenuates gh-induced increases in glucose concentrations, reduces visceral adipose tissue (vat), and improves insulin sensitivity over time. 2007-08-02 2023-08-12 human
M Coculescu, D Niculescu, R Lichiardopol, M Puric. Insulin resistance and insulin secretion in non-diabetic acromegalic patients. Experimental and clinical endocrinology & diabetes : official journal, German Society of Endocrinology [and] German Diabetes Association. vol 115. issue 5. 2007-08-01. PMID:17516294. insulin resistance (ir) can be induced by high amounts of growth hormone (gh). 2007-08-01 2023-08-12 Not clear
Jyh-Yih Chen, Chuan-Chih Wei, Ming-Jyun Chiou, Hung-Yi Su, Ching-Ming Ku. Cloning and expression analysis of a protein kinase C gene, PKCmu, and its regulation of the promoter region in zebrafish. DNA and cell biology. vol 26. issue 6. 2007-07-30. PMID:17570765. after injecting insulin-like growth factor ii (igf-ii), growth hormone (gh), insulin, or human chorionic gonadotropin, significant differences were observed between the control and experimental groups 24 h after treatment. 2007-07-30 2023-08-12 human
Jyh-Yih Chen, Chuan-Chih Wei, Ming-Jyun Chiou, Hung-Yi Su, Ching-Ming Ku. Cloning and expression analysis of a protein kinase C gene, PKCmu, and its regulation of the promoter region in zebrafish. DNA and cell biology. vol 26. issue 6. 2007-07-30. PMID:17570765. these results suggest that in vivo pkcmu expression is regulated by the insulin family or by the gh, but other sex hormones produced a significant expression level more quickly than the insulin family and gh. 2007-07-30 2023-08-12 human
D Jezova, Z Radikova, M Viga. Growth hormone response to different consecutive stress stimuli in healthy men: is there any difference? Stress (Amsterdam, Netherlands). vol 10. issue 2. 2007-07-26. PMID:17514589. hypoglycemia induced by insulin (0.1 iu/kg intravenously) resulted in a significant gh response also during the second of the two consecutive insulin tests, though the response was reduced. 2007-07-26 2023-08-12 Not clear
D Jezova, Z Radikova, M Viga. Growth hormone response to different consecutive stress stimuli in healthy men: is there any difference? Stress (Amsterdam, Netherlands). vol 10. issue 2. 2007-07-26. PMID:17514589. administration of apomorphine (0.75 mg subcutaneously) or insulin prevented the increase in gh release in response to a sequential bolus of apomorphine, while hypoglycemia induced a significant elevation in gh levels even if applied after a previous treatment with apomorphine. 2007-07-26 2023-08-12 Not clear
Zhihui Wang, Michal M Masternak, Khalid A Al-Regaiey, Andrzej Bartk. Adipocytokines and the regulation of lipid metabolism in growth hormone transgenic and calorie-restricted mice. Endocrinology. vol 148. issue 6. 2007-07-24. PMID:17347312. chronic elevation of gh induces resistance to insulin and hyperinsulinemia in both humans and animals, whereas calorie restriction (cr) improves peripheral insulin sensitivity in many species. 2007-07-24 2023-08-12 mouse
Zhihui Wang, Michal M Masternak, Khalid A Al-Regaiey, Andrzej Bartk. Adipocytokines and the regulation of lipid metabolism in growth hormone transgenic and calorie-restricted mice. Endocrinology. vol 148. issue 6. 2007-07-24. PMID:17347312. to investigate the mechanisms that lead to insulin resistance in animals with high levels of gh as well as the mechanisms that might improve insulin sensitivity, we fed gh-overexpressing transgenic mice ad libitum or subjected them to 30% cr. 2007-07-24 2023-08-12 mouse
Hiroaki Ehara, Yasushi Utsunomiya, Atsushi Ieshima, Yoshihiro Maegaki, Gen Nishimura, Kenzo Takeshita, Kousaku Ohn. Martsolf syndrome in Japanese siblings. American journal of medical genetics. Part A. vol 143A. issue 9. 2007-07-13. PMID:17394201. severe gh deficiency was demonstrated after insulin tolerance and glucagon/propranolol tolerance tests. 2007-07-13 2023-08-12 Not clear
A L Crown, J M Holl. The insulin-like growth factor system in critical illness: pathophysiology and therapeutic potential. Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland). vol 14. issue 6. 2007-07-11. PMID:16843952. the use of recombinant human gh combined with nutritional support increases protein synthesis, but the gh resistance necessitates high doses and gh has adverse direct metabolic effects including insulin resistance and impaired glucose tolerance. 2007-07-11 2023-08-12 human
R Resende de Lima Oliveira Brasil, D Vieira Soares, L Diniz Carneiro Spina, P Marise Lobo, E Maria Carvalho da Silva, V Aleta Mansur, M F Miguens Castelar Pinheiro, F L Conceição, M Vaisma. Association of insulin resistance and nocturnal fall of blood pressure in GH-deficient adults during GH replacement. Journal of endocrinological investigation. vol 30. issue 4. 2007-07-11. PMID:17556867. association of insulin resistance and nocturnal fall of blood pressure in gh-deficient adults during gh replacement. 2007-07-11 2023-08-12 Not clear
R Resende de Lima Oliveira Brasil, D Vieira Soares, L Diniz Carneiro Spina, P Marise Lobo, E Maria Carvalho da Silva, V Aleta Mansur, M F Miguens Castelar Pinheiro, F L Conceição, M Vaisma. Association of insulin resistance and nocturnal fall of blood pressure in GH-deficient adults during GH replacement. Journal of endocrinological investigation. vol 30. issue 4. 2007-07-11. PMID:17556867. changes of blood pressure (bp) levels related to the presence of insulin resistance (ir) may be present in the gh-deficient adult prior to or after therapy with recombinant gh (hgh). 2007-07-11 2023-08-12 Not clear
R Resende de Lima Oliveira Brasil, D Vieira Soares, L Diniz Carneiro Spina, P Marise Lobo, E Maria Carvalho da Silva, V Aleta Mansur, M F Miguens Castelar Pinheiro, F L Conceição, M Vaisma. Association of insulin resistance and nocturnal fall of blood pressure in GH-deficient adults during GH replacement. Journal of endocrinological investigation. vol 30. issue 4. 2007-07-11. PMID:17556867. although the patients within the nondipper group had higher homa and insulin levels throughout the study, there were no changes in any of these parameters after gh replacement. 2007-07-11 2023-08-12 Not clear
Chiho Kawashima, Katsuya Kida, Ken-Go Hayashi, Carlos Amaya Montoya, Etsushi Kaneko, Nobuyoshi Matsunaga, Takashi Shimizu, Motozumi Matsui, Yoh-Ichi Miyake, Dieter Schams, Akio Miyamot. Changes in plasma metabolic hormone concentrations during the ovarian cycles of Japanese black and holstein cattle. The Journal of reproduction and development. vol 53. issue 2. 2007-06-18. PMID:17132912. blood samples for hormonal analysis (growth hormone, gh; insulin-like growth factor-i, igf-1; insulin; and progesterone, p4) were obtained twice weekly for 40 days before artificial insemination for japanese black cattle and from 50 to 100 days postpartum for holstein cows. 2007-06-18 2023-08-12 cattle