All Relations between gh and insulin

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M J Parkes, J M Basset. Antagonism by growth hormone of insulin action in fetal sheep. The Journal of endocrinology. vol 105. issue 3. 1985-07-22. PMID:3889210. insulin, glucose, lactate and alpha-amino acid nitrogen concentrations were measured in the plasma of ewes and their hypophysectomized fetal lambs during intravenous infusions of gh, prolactin or saline into the fetus in utero. 1985-07-22 2023-08-11 Not clear
M J Parkes, J M Basset. Antagonism by growth hormone of insulin action in fetal sheep. The Journal of endocrinology. vol 105. issue 3. 1985-07-22. PMID:3889210. infusion of gh at 1.2 mg/kg per day for 2 days or at 0.4 mg/kg per day for 4 days caused a sustained twofold increae in the level of insulin and a smaller, but sustained, increase in the level of glucose in fetal plasma. 1985-07-22 2023-08-11 Not clear
M J Parkes, J M Basset. Antagonism by growth hormone of insulin action in fetal sheep. The Journal of endocrinology. vol 105. issue 3. 1985-07-22. PMID:3889210. we suggest that gh antagonizes the action of insulin in the fetus. 1985-07-22 2023-08-11 Not clear
J C Reub. A somatostatin analogue inhibits chondrosarcoma and insulinoma tumour growth. Acta endocrinologica. vol 109. issue 1. 1985-07-16. PMID:2860768. in the rat chondrosarcoma, the effect of sms 201-995 is probably indirect, due to inhibition of gh, somatomedin and insulin. 1985-07-16 2023-08-11 rat
M A Della-Fera, C A Bail. CCK-octapeptide injected into cerebral ventricles of sheep decreases plasma insulin level. Physiology & behavior. vol 34. issue 2. 1985-06-28. PMID:3889948. cholecystokinin-8 (cck-8) was injected into the lateral cerebral ventricles (lv) of conscious sheep to determine its effect on secretion of three hormones important in regulation of peripheral metabolism: growth hormone (gh), glucagon, and insulin. 1985-06-28 2023-08-11 Not clear
P R Prosser, J W Kosola, C Y Bower. The 24-hour effects of glyburide and chlorpropamide after chronic treatment of type II diabetic patients. The American journal of the medical sciences. vol 289. issue 5. 1985-06-28. PMID:3923833. gl and cp produced essentially the same effects on serum levels of glucose, insulin, glucagon (irg), growth hormone (gh), cholesterol, and triglyceride. 1985-06-28 2023-08-11 Not clear
S W Lamberts, R Oosterom, M Neufeld, E del Poz. The somatostatin analog SMS 201-995 induces long-acting inhibition of growth hormone secretion without rebound hypersecretion in acromegalic patients. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. vol 60. issue 6. 1985-06-24. PMID:2860119. after a control day, 50 micrograms sms were injected sc, and plasma gh and insulin and blood glucose levels were measured at multiple intervals for 24 h. gh significantly (p less than 0.001) decreased in seven of eight acromegalic patients from 30 +/- 5 (+/- se) to an average of 10.7 +/- 4 micrograms/l from 1-10 h after drug administration. 1985-06-24 2023-08-11 human
S W Lamberts, R Oosterom, M Neufeld, E del Poz. The somatostatin analog SMS 201-995 induces long-acting inhibition of growth hormone secretion without rebound hypersecretion in acromegalic patients. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. vol 60. issue 6. 1985-06-24. PMID:2860119. in conclusion, the somatostatin derivative sms exerts a potent and prolonged inhibitory action on gh secretion and a shorter lasting suppression of insulin in acromegalic patients. 1985-06-24 2023-08-11 human
G P Ceda, A R Hoffman, G D Silverberg, D M Wilson, R G Rosenfel. Regulation of growth hormone release from cultured human pituitary adenomas by somatomedins and insulin. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. vol 60. issue 6. 1985-06-24. PMID:3889029. in a single tumor, insulin also partially inhibited ghrh-stimulated gh release. 1985-06-24 2023-08-11 human
G P Ceda, A R Hoffman, G D Silverberg, D M Wilson, R G Rosenfel. Regulation of growth hormone release from cultured human pituitary adenomas by somatomedins and insulin. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. vol 60. issue 6. 1985-06-24. PMID:3889029. additionally, in one nonadenomatous pituitary removed from a patient with diabetes mellitus, insulin and somatomedin inhibited ghrh-stimulated gh release, and insulin inhibited basal gh secretion. 1985-06-24 2023-08-11 human
G P Ceda, A R Hoffman, G D Silverberg, D M Wilson, R G Rosenfel. Regulation of growth hormone release from cultured human pituitary adenomas by somatomedins and insulin. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. vol 60. issue 6. 1985-06-24. PMID:3889029. these results indicate that specific cell membrane receptors for somatomedin peptides and insulin may be found on cell membranes from gh-secreting tumors, and that somatomedins and insulin can inhibit gh release in cultured human somatotropinoma cells. 1985-06-24 2023-08-11 human
T Shibasaki, M Hotta, A Masuda, T Imaki, N Obara, H Demura, N Ling, K Shizum. Plasma GH responses to GHRH and insulin-induced hypoglycemia in man. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. vol 60. issue 6. 1985-06-24. PMID:3923025. changes in plasma gh levels in response to an intravenous bolus injection of 200 micrograms ghrh-44 or 0.1 u/kg body weight regular insulin were examined in normal men who were pre-treated with 200 micrograms ghrh-44 or 0.1 u/kg body weight regular insulin 120 min in advance. 1985-06-24 2023-08-11 Not clear
T Shibasaki, M Hotta, A Masuda, T Imaki, N Obara, H Demura, N Ling, K Shizum. Plasma GH responses to GHRH and insulin-induced hypoglycemia in man. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. vol 60. issue 6. 1985-06-24. PMID:3923025. the prior bolus injection of ghrh-44 inhibited the plasma gh response to the subsequent administration of ghrh-44 whereas the plasma gh response to the subsequent injection of insulin was not influenced by the prior administration of ghrh-44. 1985-06-24 2023-08-11 Not clear
T Shibasaki, M Hotta, A Masuda, T Imaki, N Obara, H Demura, N Ling, K Shizum. Plasma GH responses to GHRH and insulin-induced hypoglycemia in man. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. vol 60. issue 6. 1985-06-24. PMID:3923025. the prior administration of insulin attenuated the plasma gh response to the subsequently given ghrh-44. 1985-06-24 2023-08-11 Not clear
F Roelfsema, M Frölic. Glucose tolerance and plasma immunoreactive insulin levels in acromegalics before and after selective transsphenoidal surgery. Clinical endocrinology. vol 22. issue 4. 1985-06-07. PMID:3886210. two years after surgery, eight patients still showed some abnormalities of the insulin secretion (as revealed by the integrated sum and the maximum increment in iri levels during the ogtt) despite the presence of normal circulating gh levels and a normalized paradoxical reaction to trh. 1985-06-07 2023-08-11 Not clear
F Roelfsema, M Frölic. Glucose tolerance and plasma immunoreactive insulin levels in acromegalics before and after selective transsphenoidal surgery. Clinical endocrinology. vol 22. issue 4. 1985-06-07. PMID:3886210. the data show that after normalization of gh levels in acromegalics, increased insulin secretion may still occur after glucose ingestion in some patients. 1985-06-07 2023-08-11 Not clear
C Gonzalez, T Joli. Effect of streptozotocin diabetes and insulin replacement on growth hormone in rats. Journal of endocrinological investigation. vol 8. issue 1. 1985-06-03. PMID:3886772. the effects of insulin deprivation on the growth rate, plasma and pituitary growth hormone (gh) and gh synthesis were investigated in male wistar rats. 1985-06-03 2023-08-11 rat
C Gonzalez, T Joli. Effect of streptozotocin diabetes and insulin replacement on growth hormone in rats. Journal of endocrinological investigation. vol 8. issue 1. 1985-06-03. PMID:3886772. insulin treatment prevented the metabolic changes, and restored normal levels of plasma and pituitary gh in diabetic rats. 1985-06-03 2023-08-11 rat
I C Hart, P M Chadwick, A Coert, S James, A D Simmond. Effect of different growth hormone-releasing factors on the concentrations of growth hormone, insulin and metabolites in the plasma of sheep maintained in positive and negative energy balance. The Journal of endocrinology. vol 105. issue 1. 1985-05-31. PMID:2859343. analysis of plasma samples, obtained before and for 150 min after injection, revealed that the reduced food intake resulted in the expected changes in body weight and circulating gh, insulin, glucose, urea and non-esterified fatty acids. 1985-05-31 2023-08-11 human
J Schwartz, S Ede. Acute growth hormone deficiency rapidly alters glucose metabolism in rat adipocytes. Relation to insulin responses and binding. Endocrinology. vol 116. issue 5. 1985-05-30. PMID:3886369. to investigate cellular aspects of the antagonism between endogenous gh and insulin in adipose tissue, we examined glucose metabolism, insulin responses, and insulin binding in adipocytes isolated from rats made gh deficient by treatment with antibodies to rat gh (argh), which neutralize the biological actions of gh. 1985-05-30 2023-08-11 rat