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V Locatelli, H Miyoshi, G Bestetti, G L Rossi, E E Mülle. Effect of growth hormone-releasing stimuli in streptozotocin diabetic rats. Brain research. vol 341. issue 1. 1985-11-05. PMID:2931155. |
substitution therapy with insulin (1 iu/100 g b.wt.daily) delivered through subcutaneously implanted minipumps, allowed re-institution of a normal gh responsiveness to clonidine. |
1985-11-05 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
L L Bernardi. Ventromedial and dorsomedial hypothalamic syndromes in the weanling rat: is the "center" concept really outmoded? Brain research bulletin. vol 14. issue 6. 1985-10-22. PMID:2862969. |
mean 24-hour plasma growth hormone (gh) and corticosterone (b) levels are reduced and insulin levels are greatly elevated in vmnl rats; prolactin (prl) levels are normal. |
1985-10-22 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
L L Bernardi. Ventromedial and dorsomedial hypothalamic syndromes in the weanling rat: is the "center" concept really outmoded? Brain research bulletin. vol 14. issue 6. 1985-10-22. PMID:2862969. |
in dmnl rats, gh, b, insulin and somatomedin activity are normal but prl is elevated. |
1985-10-22 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
L L Bernardi. Ventromedial and dorsomedial hypothalamic syndromes in the weanling rat: is the "center" concept really outmoded? Brain research bulletin. vol 14. issue 6. 1985-10-22. PMID:2862969. |
circadian rhythms of gh, insulin and triiodothyronine are normal in dmnl rats but b levels are disrupted, as they are in vmnl rats. |
1985-10-22 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
S Arlot, J D Lalau, P Galibert, J Quichau. [Primary empty sella turcica. Analysis of 14 cases and review of the literature]. Annales d'endocrinologie. vol 46. issue 2. 1985-10-22. PMID:4037706. |
gh was blunted in four cases, below 5 ng/ml during insulin tolerance test. |
1985-10-22 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
G A Smythe, J E Bradshaw, M V Nicholson, H S Grunstein, L H Storlie. Rapid bidirectional effects of insulin on hypothalamic noradrenergic and serotoninergic neuronal activity in the rat: role in glucose homeostasis. Endocrinology. vol 117. issue 4. 1985-10-21. PMID:2411530. |
significant changes in serum corticosterone and gh levels also occurred after insulin administration, and the changes in these two hormones were positively associated with the changes in hypothalamic neuronal activities of ne and 5-ht, respectively. |
1985-10-21 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
P S Ward, D C Savag. Growth hormone responses to sleep, insulin hypoglycaemia and arginine infusion. Hormone research. vol 22. issue 1-2. 1985-10-08. PMID:3897015. |
peak serum gh concentration during sleep correlated significantly with peak gh response to insulin hypoglycaemia (r = 0.64, p less than 0.01) and arginine infusion (r = 0.57, p less than 0.01). |
1985-10-08 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
P S Ward, D C Savag. Growth hormone responses to sleep, insulin hypoglycaemia and arginine infusion. Hormone research. vol 22. issue 1-2. 1985-10-08. PMID:3897015. |
1 child had a normal peak serum gh response to sleep but subnormal responses to insulin and arginine. |
1985-10-08 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
G Van Vliet, D Bosson, C Robyn, M Craen, P Malvaux, M Vanderschueren-Lodeweyckx, R Wolte. Effect of growth hormone-releasing factor on plasma growth hormone, prolactin and somatomedin C in hypopituitary and short normal children. Hormone research. vol 22. issue 1-2. 1985-10-08. PMID:3928475. |
gh less than 5 ng/ml after insulin and glucagon tolerance tests. |
1985-10-08 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
L L Bellinger, L L Bernardis, R H McCusker, D R Campio. Plasma hormone levels in growth-retarded rats with dorsomedial hypothalamic lesions. Physiology & behavior. vol 34. issue 5. 1985-10-07. PMID:3898163. |
the dmnl rats exhibited no differences from scon rats in plasma triiodothyronine (t3), growth hormone (gh), insulin and somatomedin (sm) concentrations, trial 2: kainic acid, a neurotoxin, was used for lesion production. |
1985-10-07 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
L L Bellinger, L L Bernardis, R H McCusker, D R Campio. Plasma hormone levels in growth-retarded rats with dorsomedial hypothalamic lesions. Physiology & behavior. vol 34. issue 5. 1985-10-07. PMID:3898163. |
again, dmnl rats showed no deficiencies in plasma levels of t3, gh or insulin. |
1985-10-07 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
M T Strosser, S Harvey, C Foltzer, P Mialh. Growth hormone secretion and pancreatic function following somatostatin infusion in ducks (Anas platyrhynchos). British poultry science. vol 26. issue 3. 1985-10-03. PMID:2862973. |
the data provide further evidence for age-related changes in the control of avian gh and insulin release and for the independence of the effects of somatostatin on the pituitary and pancreas glands. |
1985-10-03 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
L Savi, C Cardillo, G Bombardier. Somatostatin and peripheral blood flow in man. Angiology. vol 36. issue 8. 1985-09-30. PMID:2864003. |
somatostatin (ss), a physiological substance which inhibits secretion of gh, tsh, glucagon and insulin, was evaluated as a vasoactive agent. |
1985-09-30 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
P J Evans, C Dieguez, S Foord, J R Peters, R Hall, M F Scanlo. The effects of cholinergic blockade on the growth hormone and prolactin response to insulin hypoglycaemia. Clinical endocrinology. vol 22. issue 6. 1985-09-25. PMID:3893805. |
gh responses were significantly lower 45 min after insulin administration with atropine (17.5 +/- 2.5 mu/l (mean +/- sem) than with placebo (37.6 +/- 3.6 mu/l, p less than 0.0006). |
1985-09-25 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
P J Evans, C Dieguez, S Foord, J R Peters, R Hall, M F Scanlo. The effects of cholinergic blockade on the growth hormone and prolactin response to insulin hypoglycaemia. Clinical endocrinology. vol 22. issue 6. 1985-09-25. PMID:3893805. |
these data demonstrate that cholinergic mechanisms are involved in stimulatory and inhibitory pathways in the medication of the respective gh and prl responses to insulin induced hypoglycaemia in man. |
1985-09-25 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
J C Painson, G S Tannenbau. Effects of intracellular glucopenia on pulsatile growth hormone secretion: mediation in part by somatostatin. Endocrinology. vol 117. issue 3. 1985-09-19. PMID:2862015. |
we examined the effects of 2-deoxy-d-glucose (2dg)-induced intracellular glucoprivation on gh, insulin, and glucose secretory dynamics in freely moving rats bearing chronic intracerebroventricular and intracardiac venous cannulae. |
1985-09-19 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
P C Owens, M J Waters, G D Thorburn, M W Brinsmea. Insulin-like growth factor receptor in fetal lamb liver: characterization and developmental changes. Endocrinology. vol 117. issue 3. 1985-09-19. PMID:2990880. |
the binding of radiolabeled msa-ii is inhibited by igf but not by insulin, human, and ovine gh, ovine prl, ovine placental lactogen, and mouse epidermal growth factor. |
1985-09-19 |
2023-08-11 |
mouse |
C Foltzer, M T Strosser, S Harvey, P Mialh. Control of plasma levels of growth hormone, glucagon and insulin in ducklings: roles of free fatty acids and somatostatin. The Journal of endocrinology. vol 106. issue 1. 1985-08-29. PMID:2862214. |
the effects of plasma free fatty acids (ffa) and somatostatin-14 (s-14) on concentrations of plasma gh, glucagon and insulin were investigated in juvenile ducks. |
1985-08-29 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
C Foltzer, M T Strosser, S Harvey, P Mialh. Control of plasma levels of growth hormone, glucagon and insulin in ducklings: roles of free fatty acids and somatostatin. The Journal of endocrinology. vol 106. issue 1. 1985-08-29. PMID:2862214. |
oleic acid, s-14 or both were infused into 4- to 7-week-old birds and plasma gh, glucagon-like immunoreactivity (gli), immunoreactive insulin (iri) and ffa were measured. |
1985-08-29 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
S Melmed, S M Slanin. Insulin suppresses triiodothyronine-induced growth hormone secretion by GH3 rat pituitary cells. Endocrinology. vol 117. issue 2. 1985-08-29. PMID:3893986. |
physiological doses of insulin were shown by us to suppress basal and hydrocortisone (hct)-induced gh secretion and gh mrna levels in gh3 rat pituitary cells. |
1985-08-29 |
2023-08-11 |
human |