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K M Fairhall, B G Gabrielsson, I C Robinso. Effect of food withdrawal and insulin on growth hormone secretion in the guinea pig. Endocrinology. vol 127. issue 2. 1990-08-30. PMID:1973650. |
the effects of fasting on the gh secretory pattern and the gh responses to insulin, gh-releasing factor (grf), and somatostatin (ss) during fasting have now been studied by automatic microsampling of blood in chronically cannulated normal guinea pigs. |
1990-08-30 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
K M Fairhall, B G Gabrielsson, I C Robinso. Effect of food withdrawal and insulin on growth hormone secretion in the guinea pig. Endocrinology. vol 127. issue 2. 1990-08-30. PMID:1973650. |
insulin injections (1, 2, or 6 u, iv) inhibited spontaneous gh pulses in normally fed animals, but had little effect on the high continuous gh tone during fasting. |
1990-08-30 |
2023-08-11 |
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K M Fairhall, B G Gabrielsson, I C Robinso. Effect of food withdrawal and insulin on growth hormone secretion in the guinea pig. Endocrinology. vol 127. issue 2. 1990-08-30. PMID:1973650. |
because the gh secretory pattern in the guinea pig is so sensitive to nutrition and insulin, this species may provide an interesting model in which to study selectively the metabolic, as opposed to growth-promoting, actions and regulation of gh. |
1990-08-30 |
2023-08-11 |
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S Niimi, T Hayakawa, A Tanak. Hormonal regulation of growth hormone receptors in primary cultured rat hepatocytes. Endocrinology. vol 127. issue 2. 1990-08-30. PMID:2164918. |
this strongly suggests that the number of somatogenic (gh) receptors may be subject to hormonal regulation: dexamethasone alone or with glucagon may induce gh receptors, whereas insulin and egf may suppress the induction of gh receptors. |
1990-08-30 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
J Weill, C Stuckens, C Pont. [Transient complete somatotropin insufficiency. A retrospective study]. Pediatrie. vol 45. issue 5. 1990-08-28. PMID:2165246. |
sex steroid hormone priming tests were highly discriminative, especially for the gh response to insulin stimulation. |
1990-08-28 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
K E Bornfeldt, H J Arnqvist, G Norsted. Regulation of insulin-like growth factor-I gene expression by growth factors in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells. The Journal of endocrinology. vol 125. issue 3. 1990-08-28. PMID:2197366. |
near-confluent cells were deprived of serum for 24 h and then exposed to igf-i, insulin, serum, basic fibroblast growth factor (basic fgf), platelet-derived growth factor (pdgf-bb; consisting of b-chain homodimer) or gh for 24 h. levels of igf-i mrna were measured by solution hybridization. |
1990-08-28 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
K E Bornfeldt, H J Arnqvist, G Norsted. Regulation of insulin-like growth factor-I gene expression by growth factors in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells. The Journal of endocrinology. vol 125. issue 3. 1990-08-28. PMID:2197366. |
% decrease), 1 nmol basic fgf/l (53 +/- 8%), and 1 nmol pdgf-bb/l (40 +/- 3%) when measured after 24 h. the effect of pdgf-bb was significant after 6 h and became more marked after 24 h. gh (1 nmol/l or 0.1 mumol/l) or insulin (1 nmol/l) had no effect after 24 h, whereas igf-i (1 nmol/l) and insulin (10 mumol/l) increased igf-i mrna 64 +/- 20% and 46 +/- 14% respectively. |
1990-08-28 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
K E Bornfeldt, H J Arnqvist, G Norsted. Regulation of insulin-like growth factor-I gene expression by growth factors in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells. The Journal of endocrinology. vol 125. issue 3. 1990-08-28. PMID:2197366. |
exposure of the cells to 10% serum, 1 nmol basic fgf/l or 1 nmol pdgf-bb/l for 48 h increased the cell number by 104 +/- 7%, 64 +/- 3% and 61 +/- 22% respectively, while igf-i, insulin and gh had little effect. |
1990-08-28 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
L M Winer, A Molteni, M E Molitc. Effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition on pituitary hormone responses to insulin-induced hypoglycemia in humans. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. vol 71. issue 1. 1990-08-23. PMID:2164528. |
glucose, acth, cortisol, prl, and gh levels were measured before e or p and at 20-min intervals beginning 20 min before insulin administration. |
1990-08-23 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
A Villa-Godoy, T L Hughes, R S Emery, W J Enright, A D Ealy, S A Zinn, R L Fogwel. Energy balance and body condition influence luteal function in Holstein heifers. Domestic animal endocrinology. vol 7. issue 2. 1990-08-21. PMID:2196158. |
on days 9, 10, or 11 after fourth estrus, blood was sampled every 15 min for 12 hr to quantify luteinizing hormone (lh), growth hormone (gh), insulin and non-esterified fatty acids (nefa). |
1990-08-21 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
A Villa-Godoy, T L Hughes, R S Emery, W J Enright, A D Ealy, S A Zinn, R L Fogwel. Energy balance and body condition influence luteal function in Holstein heifers. Domestic animal endocrinology. vol 7. issue 2. 1990-08-21. PMID:2196158. |
independent of bc, neb decreased concentrations of insulin and increased gh and nefa. |
1990-08-21 |
2023-08-11 |
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A Villa-Godoy, T L Hughes, R S Emery, W J Enright, A D Ealy, S A Zinn, R L Fogwel. Energy balance and body condition influence luteal function in Holstein heifers. Domestic animal endocrinology. vol 7. issue 2. 1990-08-21. PMID:2196158. |
secretion of progesterone was not associated with lh, gh or insulin, but was correlated negatively with nefa. |
1990-08-21 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
P Bang, J Brandt, M Degerblad, G Enberg, L Kaijser, M Thorén, K Hal. Exercise-induced changes in insulin-like growth factors and their low molecular weight binding protein in healthy subjects and patients with growth hormone deficiency. European journal of clinical investigation. vol 20. issue 3. 1990-08-17. PMID:1695151. |
serum concentrations of insulin-like growth factors 1 and 2 (igf-1 and igf-2), the low molecular weight form of igf binding protein (igfbp-1), insulin, c-peptide and gh were determined in six healthy subjects and four patients with gh deficiency during 30 min of moderate physical exercise on the cycle ergometer. |
1990-08-17 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
L A Frohman, T R Downs, I J Clarke, G B Thoma. Measurement of growth hormone-releasing hormone and somatostatin in hypothalamic-portal plasma of unanesthetized sheep. Spontaneous secretion and response to insulin-induced hypoglycemia. The Journal of clinical investigation. vol 86. issue 1. 1990-08-13. PMID:1973173. |
insulin hypoglycemia resulted in a rapid and brief stimulation of srih secretion followed by a decline in gh levels. |
1990-08-13 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
L A Frohman, T R Downs, I J Clarke, G B Thoma. Measurement of growth hormone-releasing hormone and somatostatin in hypothalamic-portal plasma of unanesthetized sheep. Spontaneous secretion and response to insulin-induced hypoglycemia. The Journal of clinical investigation. vol 86. issue 1. 1990-08-13. PMID:1973173. |
the results suggest (a) the presence of an independent neural rhythmicity of grh and srih secretion with a primary role of grh in determining pulsatile grh secretion, and (b) that the inhibitory effects of insulin hypoglycemia on gh in this species are attributable to a combination of enhanced srih secretion and possibly other factors, though without significant inhibition of grh. |
1990-08-13 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
N B Anthony, R Vasilatos-Younken, W L Bacon, M S Lilbur. Secretory pattern of growth hormone, insulin, and related metabolites in growing male turkeys: effects of overnight fasting and refeeding. Poultry science. vol 69. issue 5. 1990-08-13. PMID:2195484. |
the effect of an overnight fast on the secretory profile of growth hormone (gh), insulin, and related metabolites [glucose, nonesterified fatty acids (nefa) and triglycerides (tg)] was determined in two separate experiments with 8- and 9-wk-old male turkeys. |
1990-08-13 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
N B Anthony, R Vasilatos-Younken, W L Bacon, M S Lilbur. Secretory pattern of growth hormone, insulin, and related metabolites in growing male turkeys: effects of overnight fasting and refeeding. Poultry science. vol 69. issue 5. 1990-08-13. PMID:2195484. |
a separate group of fasted males was refed after 4 h of sampling; the plasma levels of gh, insulin, and metabolites returned to those observed in birds given feed ad libitum within 30 min of refeeding. |
1990-08-13 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
b' V Popovi\\xc4\\x87, D Mici\\xc4\\x87, S Damjanovi\\xc4\\x87, M Petakov, D Manojlovi\\xc4\\x87, J Mi\\xc4\\x87i\\xc4\\x8. Discordance between growth hormone responses after growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) and insulin hypoglycemia in ectopic GHRH syndrome. Endocrinologia experimentalis. vol 24. issue 1-2. 1990-08-08. PMID:2113855.' |
insulin hypoglycemia stimulated gh secretion in both patients (i.e. |
1990-08-08 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
b' V Popovi\\xc4\\x87, D Mici\\xc4\\x87, S Damjanovi\\xc4\\x87, M Petakov, D Manojlovi\\xc4\\x87, J Mi\\xc4\\x87i\\xc4\\x8. Discordance between growth hormone responses after growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) and insulin hypoglycemia in ectopic GHRH syndrome. Endocrinologia experimentalis. vol 24. issue 1-2. 1990-08-08. PMID:2113855.' |
gh response to trh may be mediated at the pituitary level and results from prolonged exposure to ghrh; 3. the discordant response of gh after ghrh and insulin induced hypoglycemia might suggest the involvement (at least partially) of somatostatin in the mechanism of gh release after hypoglycemia and after ghrh. |
1990-08-08 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
Y Schwartz, H M Goodma. Refractoriness to the insulin-like effects of growth hormone depends upon calcium. Endocrinology. vol 127. issue 1. 1990-08-08. PMID:2113862. |
insulin (100 microu/ml) increased lipogenesis by 3-5-fold whether fat cells were sensitive or refractory to gh. |
1990-08-08 |
2023-08-11 |
human |