All Relations between b6 and alpha

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
H Y Lei, C Y Shun, J Y Wang, T R Hsiue, S H Lei. Involvement of histamine or tumor necrosis factor in early-type hypersensitivity. Immunopharmacology. vol 29. issue 2. 1995-07-12. PMID:7775159. the observation that gat-induced eth in (balb/c x b6)f1 mice was inhibited by both diphenhydramine and anti-tnf alpha suggests that the mediation of the actions of histamine or tnf alpha by gat was genetically controlled and inherited as the dominant trait in (balb/c x b6)f1 mice. 1995-07-12 2023-08-12 mouse
M Oshima, M Z Atass. Effect of amino acid substitutions within the region 62-76 of I-A beta b on binding with and antigen presentation of Torpedo acetylcholine receptor alpha-chain peptide 146-162. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). vol 154. issue 10. 1995-05-31. PMID:7537303. previous study has shown that reduced t cell response to peptide alpha 146-162 of torpedo californica acetylcholine receptor (tachr) in b6.c-h-2bm12 (bm12) mice, a mutant of c57bl/6 (b6) mice, correlated with its nonsusceptiblity to experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis. 1995-05-31 2023-08-12 mouse
M Oshima, M Z Atass. Effect of amino acid substitutions within the region 62-76 of I-A beta b on binding with and antigen presentation of Torpedo acetylcholine receptor alpha-chain peptide 146-162. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). vol 154. issue 10. 1995-05-31. PMID:7537303. we synthesized peptides i-a beta b62-76 (peptide b6), i-a beta bm1262-76 (peptide bm), and three additional peptides, b6(67f), b6(70q), and b6(71k), and determined their ability to bind peptide alpha 146-162 and the dissociation constants (kd) of the binding. 1995-05-31 2023-08-12 mouse
M Oshima, M Z Atass. Effect of amino acid substitutions within the region 62-76 of I-A beta b on binding with and antigen presentation of Torpedo acetylcholine receptor alpha-chain peptide 146-162. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). vol 154. issue 10. 1995-05-31. PMID:7537303. peptide alpha 146-162 bound with a significantly higher affinity to peptide b6 than to peptides bm or b6(71k), suggesting that the lower affinity of peptide alpha 146-162 to i-abm12 is a factor in the reduced response to this peptide by bm12 t cells. 1995-05-31 2023-08-12 mouse
M Oshima, M Z Atass. Effect of amino acid substitutions within the region 62-76 of I-A beta b on binding with and antigen presentation of Torpedo acetylcholine receptor alpha-chain peptide 146-162. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). vol 154. issue 10. 1995-05-31. PMID:7537303. this was confirmed by measurement of the kd values of the binding of peptide alpha 146-162 to the i-a molecules of b6 and bm12. 1995-05-31 2023-08-12 mouse
M Oshima, M Z Atass. Effect of amino acid substitutions within the region 62-76 of I-A beta b on binding with and antigen presentation of Torpedo acetylcholine receptor alpha-chain peptide 146-162. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). vol 154. issue 10. 1995-05-31. PMID:7537303. however, apc of b6 also presented peptide alpha 146-162 much less efficiently to peptide-specific t cells of bm12. 1995-05-31 2023-08-12 mouse
M Oshima, M Z Atass. Effect of amino acid substitutions within the region 62-76 of I-A beta b on binding with and antigen presentation of Torpedo acetylcholine receptor alpha-chain peptide 146-162. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). vol 154. issue 10. 1995-05-31. PMID:7537303. this demonstrated that these three amino acid changes also influence the t cell receptor recognition of peptide-mhc complex and that both b6 and bm12 t cells recognizing peptide alpha 146-162 or tachr are under a high h-2 restriction. 1995-05-31 2023-08-12 mouse
B Wu, M Shenoy, E Goluszko, R Kaul, P Christados. TCR gene usage in experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis pathogenesis. Usage of multiple TCRBV genes in the H-2b strains. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). vol 154. issue 7. 1995-04-27. PMID:7897239. in vitro analysis suggested that the tcrbv6 was the predominant tcr that recognized achr and one of the dominant epitopes, alpha 146-162, in c57bl6 (b6, h-2b) mice. 1995-04-27 2023-08-12 mouse
P F Mixter, J Q Russell, F H Durie, R C Bud. Decreased CD4-CD8- TCR-alpha beta + cells in lpr/lpr mice lacking beta 2-microglobulin. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). vol 154. issue 5. 1995-03-29. PMID:7868883. c57bl/6 (b6) mice homozygous for both the lpr mutation of the fas gene and inactivation of the beta 2-m gene (beta 2-m-/- lpr/lpr) develop less alpha beta t cell lymphadenopathy than the parental b6 lpr/lpr strain. 1995-03-29 2023-08-12 mouse
J Longley, T G Ding, D Levin, J Lewis, R Edelson, R Tigelaar, R Flavel. Regulation of transgenic class II major histocompatibility genes in murine Langerhans cells. The Journal of investigative dermatology. vol 104. issue 3. 1995-03-20. PMID:7860996. a series of transgenic mice were developed previously that carry e alpha d gene constructs with promoter-region deletions that cause expression of i-e by different cell types when maintained on a b6 (i-e[-]) genetic background. 1995-03-20 2023-08-12 mouse
Y Nishimura, M Eto, T Maeda, K Hiromatsu, N Kobayashi, K Nomoto, Y Y Kong, K Nomot. Inhibition of skin xenograft rejection by depleting T-cell receptor alpha beta-bearing cells without T-cell receptor gamma delta-bearing cells or natural killer cells by monoclonal antibody. Immunology. vol 83. issue 2. 1995-03-02. PMID:7835935. in anti-tcr alpha beta mab-treated b6 mice, f344 rat skin grafts survived for about 54 days, whereas in anti-cd3 mab-treated b6 mice with or without anti-nk1.1 mab treatment grafts survived about 25 days. 1995-03-02 2023-08-12 mouse
Y Nishimura, M Eto, T Maeda, K Hiromatsu, N Kobayashi, K Nomoto, Y Y Kong, K Nomot. Inhibition of skin xenograft rejection by depleting T-cell receptor alpha beta-bearing cells without T-cell receptor gamma delta-bearing cells or natural killer cells by monoclonal antibody. Immunology. vol 83. issue 2. 1995-03-02. PMID:7835935. in anti-tcr alpha beta mab-treated b6 mice, tcr alpha beta-bearing t-lymphocyte function was completely abrogated, although tcr gamma delta-bearing t-lymphocyte function was still intact on day 9. 1995-03-02 2023-08-12 mouse
M Shenoy, E Goluszko, P Christados. The pathogenic role of acetylcholine receptor alpha chain epitope within alpha 146-162 in the development of experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis in C57BL6 mice. Clinical immunology and immunopathology. vol 73. issue 3. 1994-12-27. PMID:7955562. one of the dominant t cell epitopes in the acetylcholine receptor (achr) alpha chain lies within the region 146-162 and has been implicated in the pathogenesis of experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis (eamg) in c57bl6 (b6) mice. 1994-12-27 2023-08-12 mouse
M Shenoy, E Goluszko, P Christados. The pathogenic role of acetylcholine receptor alpha chain epitope within alpha 146-162 in the development of experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis in C57BL6 mice. Clinical immunology and immunopathology. vol 73. issue 3. 1994-12-27. PMID:7955562. to directly examine the pathogenic potential of alpha 146-162 in eamg, b6 mice were primed with achr in complete freunds adjuvant (cfa) and subsequently boosted twice with either alpha 146-162 or a control peptide in cfa. 1994-12-27 2023-08-12 mouse
M Shenoy, E Goluszko, P Christados. The pathogenic role of acetylcholine receptor alpha chain epitope within alpha 146-162 in the development of experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis in C57BL6 mice. Clinical immunology and immunopathology. vol 73. issue 3. 1994-12-27. PMID:7955562. thus, the data provided evidence for epitope within achr alpha 146-162 as one of the eamg-inducing pathogenic epitopes in b6 mice. 1994-12-27 2023-08-12 mouse
W Kaca, R I Roth, J Levi. Hemoglobin, a newly recognized lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-binding protein that enhances LPS biological activity. The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 269. issue 40. 1994-11-04. PMID:7929195. mixtures of each of three different hb preparations (cross-linked alpha alpha hb, cross-linked carbon monoxy-alpha alpha hbco, and non-cross-linked (native) hbao) and lps (escherichia coli o26:b6 or proteus mirabilis s1959) were examined by several independent methods for evidence of hb.lps complex formation. 1994-11-04 2023-08-12 human
M Oshima, A R Pachner, M Z Atass. Profile of the regions of acetylcholine receptor alpha chain recognized by T-lymphocytes and by antibodies in EAMG-susceptible and non-susceptible mouse strains after different periods of immunization with the receptor. Molecular immunology. vol 31. issue 11. 1994-09-01. PMID:7519305. to determine whether eamg is related to recognition of particular region(s) on the main extracellular domain of the alpha chain (residues alpha 1-210) in prolonged immunization, we have examined the differences in the antibody and t cell recognition profiles of b6 and sjl (a strain that does not develop eamg) mice after different periods and a number of immunizations with torpedo achr. 1994-09-01 2023-08-12 mouse
M Oshima, A R Pachner, M Z Atass. Profile of the regions of acetylcholine receptor alpha chain recognized by T-lymphocytes and by antibodies in EAMG-susceptible and non-susceptible mouse strains after different periods of immunization with the receptor. Molecular immunology. vol 31. issue 11. 1994-09-01. PMID:7519305. t cells of sjl recognized consistently only one region (111-126) within this part of the alpha chain, whereas in b6, t cell recognition of three peptides (111-126, 146-162 and 182-198) and next neighbor regions to them persisted throughout the period. 1994-09-01 2023-08-12 mouse
M Oshima, A R Pachner, M Z Atass. Profile of the regions of acetylcholine receptor alpha chain recognized by T-lymphocytes and by antibodies in EAMG-susceptible and non-susceptible mouse strains after different periods of immunization with the receptor. Molecular immunology. vol 31. issue 11. 1994-09-01. PMID:7519305. it is concluded that the presence of persistent t cell responses to the second half (residues (100-210) of the main extracellular domain of the alpha chain is associated with the development of eamg in b6 mice, while absence of these responses in sjl mice may enable them to escape the disease. 1994-09-01 2023-08-12 mouse
b' K Heiskanen, M A Siimes, J Perheentupa, L Salmenper\\xc3\\xa. Reference ranges for erythrocyte pyridoxal 5\'-phosphate concentration and the erythrocyte aspartate transaminase stimulation test in lactating mothers and their infants. The American journal of clinical nutrition. vol 59. issue 6. 1994-06-24. PMID:8198054.' we determined reference ranges for erythrocyte pyridoxal 5'-phosphate concentrations (eplp) and erythrocyte aspartate transaminase basal activities (easto) and activation coefficients (alpha east) in lactating mothers and infants from data of mothers receiving a vitamin b-6 supplement and infants breast-fed by mothers with adequate vitamin b6 status. 1994-06-24 2023-08-12 Not clear