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I J Butler, D B Drachman, A M Goldber. The effect of disuse on cholinergic enzymes. The Journal of physiology. vol 274. 1978-04-17. PMID:625010. |
these results indicate that disuse produced by ttx blockade of nerve conduction does not affect the cholinergic enzymes chat and ache in nerves, but does lead to a significant decrease in muscle ache. |
1978-04-17 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
H Wenk, U Meyer, V Big. [Histochemistry of cholinergic systems in the CNS. II. Topochemical and quantitative changes of cholinergic transmitter enzymes (AChe, ChAc) in the olfactory system of rats following midbrain lesions ]. Zeitschrift fur mikroskopisch-anatomische Forschung. vol 90. issue 5. 1978-01-27. PMID:1031525. |
topochemical and quantitative changes of cholinergic transmitter enzymes (ache, chac) in the olfactory system of rats following midbrain lesions ]. |
1978-01-27 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
S I Mellgren, W Harkmark, B Srebr. Some enzyme histochemical characteristics of the human hippocampus. Cell and tissue research. vol 181. issue 4. 1977-09-29. PMID:884717. |
based on our previous description of the ache-positive cell bodies and fibres in the human septum and a considerable body of experimental material obtained in the rat, it is suggested that most of the ache in the dentate area and the hippocampus proper is confined to terminals of cholinergic septal efferents in both man and other species. |
1977-09-29 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
I V Torskaia, V N Goloborod'k. [Quantitative relationship between neurons of a different mediator nature in the motor nuclei of the cat spinal cord cervical thickening]. Neirofiziologiia = Neurophysiology. vol 9. issue 2. 1977-06-30. PMID:16229. |
ache identification together with autoradiographic tracing of glycine showed that large cholinergic motoneurons are accompanied by small glycine-accumulating neurons with short processes which form axo-somatic and axo-dendritic contacts with large neurons. |
1977-06-30 |
2023-08-11 |
cat |
I V Torskaia, V N Goloborod'k. [Quantitative relationship between neurons of a different mediator nature in the motor nuclei of the cat spinal cord cervical thickening]. Neirofiziologiia = Neurophysiology. vol 9. issue 2. 1977-06-30. PMID:16229. |
the cholinergic motoneurons have polyreceptive properties, as can be concluded from the presence of ache and glycine-containing terminals on their soma and processes, as well as some noradrenergic and serotoninergic and many unidentified terminals. |
1977-06-30 |
2023-08-11 |
cat |
P L Chan. Effect of preganglionic sympathectomy on the cholinesterase activity in the superior cervical ganglia of rats and hamsters. Cell and tissue research. vol 179. issue 1. 1977-06-30. PMID:870206. |
histochemical enzyme examination reveals that in the rat superior cervical ganglion, the majority of the neurons are adrenergic with weak to moderate acetylcholinesterase (achhe) reaction and the minority of the neurons are cholinergic with strong ache activity, while only one type of adrenergic neurons exhibits a weak ache activity in the hamster superior cervical ganglion. |
1977-06-30 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
P L Chan. Effect of preganglionic sympathectomy on the cholinesterase activity in the superior cervical ganglia of rats and hamsters. Cell and tissue research. vol 179. issue 1. 1977-06-30. PMID:870206. |
after preganglionic sympathectomy, the ache activity in the adrenergic neurons and in the preganglionic unmyelinated nerve fibers is markedly reduced, whereas the cholinergic neurons and preganglionic myelinated nerve fibers remain unchanged. |
1977-06-30 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
P L Chan. Effect of preganglionic sympathectomy on the cholinesterase activity in the superior cervical ganglia of rats and hamsters. Cell and tissue research. vol 179. issue 1. 1977-06-30. PMID:870206. |
on the basis of these results two conclusions have been reached: (1) the fact that strong ache activity localized in the cholinergic neurons and preganglionic myelinated fibers is not influenced by denervation, suggests that these structures are able to produce ache. |
1977-06-30 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
I V Torskaia, V N Goloborod'k. [Acetylcholinesterase in the glial elements of the cat spinal cord]. Neirofiziologiia = Neurophysiology. vol 9. issue 1. 1977-04-25. PMID:840329. |
ache activity was demonstrated in satellite cells accompanying both cholinergic and noncholinergic neurons. |
1977-04-25 |
2023-08-11 |
cat |
L L Butcher, L Bilezikjia. Acetylcholinesterase-containing neurons in the neostriatum and substantia nigra revealed after punctate intracerebral injection of di-isopropylfluorophosphate. European journal of pharmacology. vol 34. issue 1. 1977-02-24. PMID:1234757. |
although the significance of dopaminergic--cholinergic interactions in the neostriatum could not be elucidated on the basis of these histochemical data, the thesis was advanced that dopamine neurons in the pars compacta of the substantia nigra also contained ache, possibly to inactivate acetylcholine released from cholinergic fibers afferent to this neural structure. |
1977-02-24 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
A Ebel, R Jaffard, C Destrade, G Ayad, P Mandel, B Card. [Changes in cholinergic mechanisms and in learning in three strains of inbred mice after electric stimulation of the dorsal hippocampus]. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de l'Academie des sciences. Serie D: Sciences naturelles. vol 283. issue 5. 1977-01-29. PMID:825302. |
the second experiment was aimed at studying the stimulation effect on hippocampal cholinergic mechanisms by testing the two main enzymes involved in acetylcholine synthesis and degradation (choline acetyltransferase = chac and acetylcholinesterase = ache). |
1977-01-29 |
2023-08-11 |
mouse |
E J Diliberto, R Davis, G B Boell. Localization of acetylcholinesterase in a crustacean neuromuscular system. General pharmacology. vol 7. issue 4. 1976-12-30. PMID:976738. |
the localization of acetylcholinesterase (ache) was studied by light and electron microscopy (lm and em) at the neuromuscular junctions (nmjs) of the abdominal superficial flexor muscle (sfm) and the claw adductor muscle (cam) of the crayfish in view of reported pharmacological evidence of cholinergic transmission at the former but not at the latter site. |
1976-12-30 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
M Shlafer, J L Matheny, A M Karo. Cardiac chronotropic mechanisms of dimethyl sulphoxide: inhibition of acetylcholinesterase and antagonism of negative chronotropy by atropine. Archives internationales de pharmacodynamie et de therapie. vol 221. issue 1. 1976-10-20. PMID:962427. |
the results indicate that the --c responses are due specifically to ache inhibition by dmso and resulting cholinergic influences on the atrial pacemaker. |
1976-10-20 |
2023-08-11 |
rabbit |
M Z Aronov. [Electronmicroscopic study of the gravity receptors in ctenophores]. Zhurnal evoliutsionnoi biokhimii i fiziologii. vol 11. issue 5. 1976-04-27. PMID:3076. |
the localization of ache, buche products of cytochemical reaction on sodium suggests that the cholinergic mechanism may take part in the process of synaptic transmission. |
1976-04-27 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
T J Sobotka, R E Brodie, M P Coo. Psychophysiologic effects of early lead exposure. Toxicology. vol 5. issue 2. 1976-04-01. PMID:174250. |
the only indication of a central neurochemical modification accompanying this behavioral defect was a tendency for telencephalic acetylcholinesterase (ache) and butyrylcholinesterase (buche) activities to be depressed, suggesting a possible involvement of the cholinergic system. |
1976-04-01 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
P R Lewis, F E Scho. The localization of acetylcholinesterase in the locus coeruleus of the normal rat and after 6-hydroxydopamine treatment. Journal of anatomy. vol 120. issue Pt 2. 1976-03-01. PMID:1201968. |
the locus coeruleus therefore represents an area of the rat brain with a high content of ache, but no evidence of a cholinergic mechanism. |
1976-03-01 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
A Iu Budantsev, K N Kul'tas, A D Gur'ianov. [Distribution of biogenic amines and acetylcholinesterase in the mammillary nuclei of rabbits]. Arkhiv anatomii, gistologii i embriologii. vol 68. issue 4. 1976-01-29. PMID:811196. |
due to the presence of ache-cells in the medial nucleus and ba-cells and ache-cells in the lateral nucleus a supposition is possible that while the afferents of the nedial nucleus are cholinergic, the efferents of the lateral nucleus contain both ache and ba. |
1976-01-29 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
G R Hillman, A W Senf. Anticholinergic properties of the antischistosomal drug hycanthone. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene. vol 24. issue 5. 1976-01-16. PMID:1190369. |
these observations suggest that schistosome ache differs from the mammalian enzyme with respect to the configuration of the active center, and that hycanthone may have a selective affinity for schistosomal cholinergic systems. |
1976-01-16 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
W B War. Olivocochlear and vestibular efferent neurons of the feline brain stem: their location, morphology and number determined by retrograde axonal transport and acetylcholinesterase histochemistry. The Journal of comparative neurology. vol 161. issue 2. 1975-08-04. PMID:47866. |
because there is evidence that the efferent innervation of the labyrinth is cholinergic, acetylcholinesterase (ache) was also demonstrated histochemically in the same or in adjacent tissue sections. |
1975-08-04 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
H Wenk, H Kru. [Quantitative studies of chemodifferentiation of cholinergic structures (AChE) in the rat hippocampus]. Zeitschrift fur mikroskopisch-anatomische Forschung. vol 88. issue 1. 1974-11-18. PMID:4849559. |
[quantitative studies of chemodifferentiation of cholinergic structures (ache) in the rat hippocampus]. |
1974-11-18 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |