All Relations between planning and mr

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Shibin Wu, Pin He, Shaode Yu, Shoujun Zhou, Jun Xia, Yaoqin Xi. To Align Multimodal Lumbar Spine Images via Bending Energy Constrained Normalized Mutual Information. BioMed research international. vol 2020. 2021-04-13. PMID:32733945. to align multimodal images is important for information fusion, clinical diagnosis, treatment planning, and delivery, while few methods have been dedicated to matching computerized tomography (ct) and magnetic resonance (mr) images of lumbar spine. 2021-04-13 2023-08-13 Not clear
Antonella Castellano, Michele Bailo, Francesco Cicone, Luciano Carideo, Natale Quartuccio, Pietro Mortini, Andrea Falini, Giuseppe Lucio Cascini, Giuseppe Minnit. Advanced Imaging Techniques for Radiotherapy Planning of Gliomas. Cancers. vol 13. issue 5. 2021-04-08. PMID:33802292. advanced physiology-based mri techniques, such as mr spectroscopy, diffusion mri and perfusion mri, have been developed for the biological characterization of gliomas and may circumvent these limitations, providing additional metabolic, structural, and hemodynamic information for treatment planning and monitoring. 2021-04-08 2023-08-13 Not clear
Takashi Nakamur. Dental MRI: a road beyond CBCT. European radiology. vol 30. issue 12. 2021-03-31. PMID:32997171. • three-dimensional (3d) imaging coupled with computer-guided surgery planning is the core of the contemporary dental implant practice.• magnetic resonance (mr)-based dental implant planning can achieve results comparable to those with cone beam computed tomography (cbct)-based planning.• mr-based dental implant planning without radiation dose could be a potential alternative to cbct-based planning. 2021-03-31 2023-08-13 Not clear
Yuping Hu, Xuechun Wang, Peng Zhao, Hao Wang, Wei Gu, Ling Y. Nanozyme-catalyzed oxygen release from calcium peroxide nanoparticles for accelerated hypoxia relief and image-guided super-efficient photodynamic therapy. Biomaterials science. vol 8. issue 10. 2021-02-08. PMID:32314771. meanwhile, mno2 imparts an mr t1 imaging modality for tumor detection and treatment planning. 2021-02-08 2023-08-13 mouse
P Su, S Guo, S Roys, F Maier, H Bhat, E R Melhem, D Gandhi, R P Gullapalli, J Zhu. Transcranial MR Imaging-Guided Focused Ultrasound Interventions Using Deep Learning Synthesized CT. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology. vol 41. issue 10. 2021-02-02. PMID:32883668. planning for transcranial mr imaging-guided focused ultrasound requires both a ct scan for skull density estimation and treatment-planning simulation and an mr imaging for target identification. 2021-02-02 2023-08-13 Not clear
P Su, S Guo, S Roys, F Maier, H Bhat, E R Melhem, D Gandhi, R P Gullapalli, J Zhu. Transcranial MR Imaging-Guided Focused Ultrasound Interventions Using Deep Learning Synthesized CT. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology. vol 41. issue 10. 2021-02-02. PMID:32883668. it is desirable to simplify the clinical workflow of transcranial mr imaging-guided focused ultrasound treatment planning. 2021-02-02 2023-08-13 Not clear
P Su, S Guo, S Roys, F Maier, H Bhat, E R Melhem, D Gandhi, R P Gullapalli, J Zhu. Transcranial MR Imaging-Guided Focused Ultrasound Interventions Using Deep Learning Synthesized CT. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology. vol 41. issue 10. 2021-02-02. PMID:32883668. the purpose of this study was to examine the feasibility of deep learning techniques to convert mr imaging ultrashort te images directly to synthetic ct of the skull images for use in transcranial mr imaging-guided focused ultrasound treatment planning. 2021-02-02 2023-08-13 Not clear
Terence Patrick Farrell, Adam Zog. Acromioclavicular Joint: What to Look for. Magnetic resonance imaging clinics of North America. vol 28. issue 2. 2021-01-19. PMID:32241663. mr imaging of the acj is a powerful secondary diagnostic tool in early diagnosis of acj pathology and in accurate assessment of acj injuries, helping to resolve clinically challenging cases and allowing for individualized treatment planning. 2021-01-19 2023-08-13 Not clear
Agustinus J A J van de Schoot, Wouter van den Wollenberg, Casper Carbaat, Peter de Ruiter, Marlies E Nowee, Floris Pos, Baukelien van Triest, Jan-Jakob Sonke, Tomas M Jansse. Evaluation of plan quality in radiotherapy planning with an MR-linac. Physics and imaging in radiation oncology. vol 10. 2021-01-19. PMID:33458263. clinical introduction of magnetic resonance (mr)-guided radiotherapy involves treatment planning while taking into account machine-specific characteristics. 2021-01-19 2023-08-13 Not clear
Myriam G Jaarsma-Coes, Marina Marinkovic, Eleftheria Astreinidou, Megan S Schuurmans, Femke P Peters, Gregorius P M Luyten, Coen R N Rasch, Jan-Willem M Beenakke. Measuring eye deformation between planning and proton beam therapy position using magnetic resonance imaging. Physics and imaging in radiation oncology. vol 16. 2021-01-19. PMID:33458341. proton beam therapy (pbt) for uveal melanoma (um) is performed in sitting position, while the acquisition of the magnetic resonance (mr)-images for treatment planning is performed in supine position. 2021-01-19 2023-08-13 human
Thomas Woolcot, Evanthia Kousi, Emma Wells, Katharine Aitken, Helen Taylor, Maria A Schmid. An evaluation of systematic errors on marker-based registration of computed tomography and magnetic resonance images of the liver. Physics and imaging in radiation oncology. vol 7. 2021-01-19. PMID:33458402. we demonstrated a general method to evaluate systematic errors related to magnetic resonance (mr) imaging sequences in marker-based co-registration of mr and computed tomography (ct) images, and investigated the effect of mr image quality in the co-registration process using clinical mr and ct protocols for stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy (sabr) planning of the liver. 2021-01-19 2023-08-13 Not clear
Richard Speight, Michael Dubec, Cynthia L Eccles, Ben George, Ann Henry, Trina Herbert, Robert Johnstone, Gary P Liney, Hazel Mhairi McCallum, Maria A Schmid. IPEM topical report: guidance on the use of MRI for external beam radiotherapy treatment planning. Physics in medicine and biology. 2021-01-15. PMID:33450742. in this document, advice is given on introducing an rt workload onto a non-rt-dedicated mr scanner, as well as planning for installation of an mr scanner dedicated for rt. 2021-01-15 2023-08-13 Not clear
Richard Speight, Michael Dubec, Cynthia L Eccles, Ben George, Ann Henry, Trina Herbert, Robert Johnstone, Gary P Liney, Hazel Mhairi McCallum, Maria A Schmid. IPEM topical report: guidance on the use of MRI for external beam radiotherapy treatment planning. Physics in medicine and biology. 2021-01-15. PMID:33450742. next, practical guidance is given on the following, in the context of rt planning: training and education for all staff working in and around an mr scanner; rt patient set-up on an mr scanner; mri sequence optimisation for rt purposes; commissioning and quality assurance (qa) to be performed on an mr scanner; and mri to ct registration, including commissioning and qa. 2021-01-15 2023-08-13 Not clear
Katja N De Paepe, David M Higgins, Iain Ball, Veronica A Morgan, Desmond P Barton, Nandita M deSouz. Visualizing the autonomic and somatic innervation of the female pelvis with 3D MR neurography: a feasibility study. Acta radiologica (Stockholm, Sweden : 1987). vol 61. issue 12. 2020-12-15. PMID:32212832. magnetic resonance (mr) neurography mapping the female pelvic innervation could aid in treatment planning. 2020-12-15 2023-08-13 Not clear
Ryan D Wagner, Andres F Doval, Nikhilesh V Mehra, Hung B Le, Paul A Niziol, Warren A Ellsworth, Aldona J Spiege. Incidental Findings in CT and MR Angiography for Preoperative Planning in DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction. Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open. vol 8. issue 10. 2020-12-08. PMID:33173675. incidental findings in ct and mr angiography for preoperative planning in diep flap breast reconstruction. 2020-12-08 2023-08-13 Not clear
Nicolas Gerber, Fabio Carrillo, Daniel Abegg, Reto Sutter, Guoyan Zheng, Philipp Fürnstah. Evaluation of CT-MR image registration methodologies for 3D preoperative planning of forearm surgeries. Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society. vol 38. issue 9. 2020-12-07. PMID:32108368. computerized surgical planning for forearm procedures that considers both soft and bony tissue, requires alignment of preoperatively acquired computed tomography (ct) and magnetic resonance (mr) images by image registration. 2020-12-07 2023-08-13 Not clear
Peter Klages, Ilyes Benslimane, Sadegh Riyahi, Jue Jiang, Margie Hunt, Joseph O Deasy, Harini Veeraraghavan, Neelam Tyag. Patch-based generative adversarial neural network models for head and neck MR-only planning. Medical physics. vol 47. issue 2. 2020-11-23. PMID:31733164. to evaluate pix2pix and cyclegan and to assess the effects of multiple combination strategies on accuracy for patch-based synthetic computed tomography (sct) generation for magnetic resonance (mr)-only treatment planning in head and neck (hn) cancer patients. 2020-11-23 2023-08-13 Not clear
W A Mehan, K Buch, M F Brasz, F F J Simonis, S MacDonald, S Rincon, J E Kirsch, P Carus. Balanced Steady-State Free Precession Techniques Improve Detection of Residual Germ Cell Tumor for Treatment Planning. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology. vol 41. issue 5. 2020-11-09. PMID:32354710. the purpose of this study was to assess the diagnostic utility of a balanced steady-state free precession sequence as an adjunct to standard mr imaging sequences for the detection of residual tumor in pediatric patients on postchemoreduction pre-radiation planning mr imaging. 2020-11-09 2023-08-13 Not clear
Bo Ram Kim, Joon Woo Lee, Eugene Lee, Yusuhn Kang, Joong Mo Ahn, Heung Sik Kan. Utility of heavily T2-weighted MR myelography as the first step in CSF leak detection and the planning of epidural blood patches. Journal of clinical neuroscience : official journal of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia. vol 77. 2020-11-05. PMID:32402615. utility of heavily t2-weighted mr myelography as the first step in csf leak detection and the planning of epidural blood patches. 2020-11-05 2023-08-13 Not clear
Antonio Esposito, Guglielmo Gallone, Anna Palmisano, Livia Marchitelli, Federica Catapano, Marco Francon. The current landscape of imaging recommendations in cardiovascular clinical guidelines: toward an imaging-guided precision medicine. La Radiologia medica. vol 125. issue 11. 2020-11-05. PMID:32964326. the use of cardiac ct and cardiac mr in the risk assessment, diagnosis, therapeutic and procedural planning is in continuous development, driven by an increasing need to evolve toward an imaging-guided precision medicine, combined with cost-effectiveness and healthcare sustainability. 2020-11-05 2023-08-13 Not clear