All Relations between planning and mr

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Jose D Velazco-Garcia, Nikhil V Navkar, Shidin Balakrishnan, Julien Abi-Nahed, Khalid Al-Rumaihi, Adham Darweesh, Abdulla Al-Ansari, Eftychios G Christoforou, Mansour Karkoub, Ernst L Leiss, Panagiotis Tsiamyrtzis, Nikolaos V Tseko. End-user evaluation of software-generated intervention planning environment for transrectal magnetic resonance-guided prostate biopsies. The international journal of medical robotics + computer assisted surgery : MRCAS. vol 17. issue 1. 2021-08-18. PMID:33047863. this study presents user evaluation studies to assess the effect of information rendered by an interventional planning software on the operator's ability to plan transrectal magnetic resonance (mr)-guided prostate biopsies using actuated robotic manipulators. 2021-08-18 2023-08-13 Not clear
Ayame Yamazaki, Taku Ito, Maki Sugimoto, Soichiro Yoshida, Keiji Honda, Yoshiyuki Kawashima, Taro Fujikawa, Yasuhisa Fujii, Takeshi Tsutsum. Patient-specific virtual and mixed reality for immersive, experiential anatomy education and for surgical planning in temporal bone surgery. Auris, nasus, larynx. vol 48. issue 6. 2021-08-18. PMID:34059399. we explored the use of patient-specific virtual reality (vr) and mixed reality (mr) temporal bone models in anatomical teaching, pre-operative surgical planning and intra-operative surgical referencing. 2021-08-18 2023-08-13 Not clear
Huiquan Wang, S Nizam Ahmed, Mrinal Manda. Automated detection of focal cortical dysplasia using a deep convolutional neural network. Computerized medical imaging and graphics : the official journal of the Computerized Medical Imaging Society. vol 79. 2021-08-05. PMID:31812131. the findings on magnetic resonance (mr) images are important for the diagnosis and surgical planning of fcd. 2021-08-05 2023-08-13 Not clear
Jihong Wang, Travis Salzillo, Yongying Jiang, Yuri Mackeyev, Clifton David Fuller, Caroline Chung, Seungtaek Choi, Neil Hughes, Yao Ding, Jinzhong Yang, Sastry Vedam, Sunil Krishna. Stability of MRI contrast agents in high-energy radiation of a 1.5T MR-Linac. Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. vol 161. 2021-08-05. PMID:34089753. gadolinium-based contrast is often used when acquiring mr images for radiation therapy planning for better target delineation. 2021-08-05 2023-08-13 Not clear
Vito Stifano, Maria C Palumbo, Swathi Chidambaram, Carmelo L Sturiale, Alessio Albanese, Enrico Marchese, Alberto Redaelli, Susan C Pannullo, Alessandro Oliv. The use of Mixed Reality for the treatment planning of unruptured intracranial aneurysms. Journal of neurosurgical sciences. 2021-08-03. PMID:34342192. in this paper, we describe our preliminary experience with the use of a new mr platform, aiming to assess its reliability and usefulness in the planning of surgical treatment of unruptured intracranial aneurysms. 2021-08-03 2023-08-13 Not clear
Bharathi D Jagadeesa. MR Imaging Safety in the Interventional Environment. Magnetic resonance imaging clinics of North America. vol 28. issue 4. 2021-08-02. PMID:33040998. the safe operation of an interventional mr imaging system is a complex undertaking, which is only possible with multidisciplinary planning, training, operations and oversight. 2021-08-02 2023-08-13 Not clear
Kiaran P McGee, Ken-Pin Hwang, Daniel C Sullivan, John Kurhanewicz, Yanle Hu, Jihong Wang, Wen Li, Josef Debbins, Eric Paulson, Jeffrey R Olsen, Chia-Ho Hua, Lizette Warner, Daniel Ma, Eduardo Moros, Neelam Tyagi, Caroline Chun. Magnetic resonance biomarkers in radiation oncology: The report of AAPM Task Group 294. Medical physics. vol 48. issue 7. 2021-07-29. PMID:33864283. the ongoing integration of mr into routine clinical radiation therapy (rt) planning and the development of mr guided radiation therapy systems is providing new opportunities for mr biomarkers to personalize and improve clinical outcomes. 2021-07-29 2023-08-13 Not clear
Ikhyun Jun, David Sung Yong Kang, Samuel Arba-Mosquera, Dan Z Reinstein, Timothy J Archer, Seung Ki Jean, Eung Kweon Kim, Kyoung Yul Seo, Hyung Keun Lee, Tae-Im Ki. Comparison of clinical outcomes between vector planning and manifest refraction planning in SMILE for myopic astigmatism. Journal of cataract and refractive surgery. vol 46. issue 8. 2021-07-28. PMID:32347695. to compare clinical outcomes of small-incision lenticule extraction (smile) between manifest refraction (mr) and vector planning for myopic astigmatism with high ocular residual astigmatism (ora). 2021-07-28 2023-08-13 Not clear
Fabio Settecase, Vitaliy L Ray. Advanced vascular imaging techniques. Handbook of clinical neurology. vol 176. 2021-07-28. PMID:33272412. noninvasive mr techniques to evaluate the vessel lumen, such as noncontrast time-of-flight magnetic resonance angiography and contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (cemra) are routinely used in diagnosis, planning, and posttreatment follow-up. 2021-07-28 2023-08-13 Not clear
Maria Concetta Pastore, Giulia Elena Mandoli, Anna Sannino, Aleksander Dokollari, Gianluigi Bisleri, Flavio D'Ascenzi, Luna Cavigli, Annalisa Pasquini, Matteo Lisi, Nicolò Ghionzoli, Ciro Santoro, Marcelo Haertel Miglioranza, Marta Focardi, Giuseppe Patti, Serafina Valente, Sergio Mondillo, Matteo Camel. Two and Three-Dimensional Echocardiography in Primary Mitral Regurgitation: Practical Hints to Optimize the Surgical Planning. Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine. vol 8. 2021-07-27. PMID:34307510. this review paper aims to realize a practical overview on the main use of basic and advanced echocardiography in mr surgical planning and to provide a precise checklist with reference parameters to follow when performing pre-operative echocardiographic exam, in order to aid cardiologists to provide a complete echocardiographic evaluation for mr operation planning from clinical and surgical point-of-view. 2021-07-27 2023-08-13 Not clear
W Ye, X Zhang, T Li, C Luo, L Yan. Mixed-reality hologram for diagnosis and surgical planning of double outlet of the right ventricle: a pilot study. Clinical radiology. vol 76. issue 3. 2021-07-26. PMID:33309030. to evaluate the mixed-reality (mr) hologram, a novel technology based on two-dimensional images, which simulates three-dimensional (3d) images and provides a dynamic and interactive alternative, for its usefulness in the diagnosis and surgical planning of double outlet of the right ventricle (dorv). 2021-07-26 2023-08-13 Not clear
Yizheng Chen, Lei Xing, Lequan Yu, Wu Liu, Benjamin Pooya Fahimian, Thomas Niedermayr, Hilary P Bagshaw, Mark Buyyounouski, Bin Ha. MR to ultrasound image registration with segmentation-based learning for HDR prostate brachytherapy. Medical physics. vol 48. issue 6. 2021-07-09. PMID:33905566. propagation of contours from high-quality magnetic resonance (mr) images to treatment planning ultrasound (us) images with severe needle artifacts is a challenging task, which can greatly aid the organ contouring in high dose rate (hdr) prostate brachytherapy. 2021-07-09 2023-08-13 Not clear
Stefanie Corradini, Filippo Alongi, Nicolaus Andratschke, David Azria, Omar Bohoudi, Luca Boldrini, Anna Bruynzeel, Juliane Hörner-Rieber, Ina Jürgenliemk-Schulz, Frank Lagerwaard, Helen McNair, Bas Raaymakers, Tine Schytte, Alison Tree, Vincenzo Valentini, Lotte Wilke, Daniel Zips, Claus Belk. ESTRO-ACROP recommendations on the clinical implementation of hybrid MR-linac systems in radiation oncology. Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. vol 159. 2021-06-25. PMID:33775715. the revolutionary concept of omrgrt systems is the ability to acquire mr images for adaptive treatment planning and also online imaging during treatment delivery. 2021-06-25 2023-08-13 Not clear
Chen Zhang, Huazhong Shu, Guanyu Yang, Faqi Li, Yingang Wen, Qin Zhang, Jean-Louis Dillenseger, Jean-Louis Coatrieu. HIFUNet: Multi-Class Segmentation of Uterine Regions From MR Images Using Global Convolutional Networks for HIFU Surgery Planning. IEEE transactions on medical imaging. vol 39. issue 11. 2021-06-24. PMID:32356741. hifunet: multi-class segmentation of uterine regions from mr images using global convolutional networks for hifu surgery planning. 2021-06-24 2023-08-13 Not clear
Heran Yang, Jian Sun, Aaron Carass, Can Zhao, Junghoon Lee, Jerry L Prince, Zongben X. Unsupervised MR-to-CT Synthesis Using Structure-Constrained CycleGAN. IEEE transactions on medical imaging. vol 39. issue 12. 2021-06-24. PMID:32780700. synthesizing a ct image from an available mr image has recently emerged as a key goal in radiotherapy treatment planning for cancer patients. 2021-06-24 2023-08-13 Not clear
Uffe Bernchou, Rasmus L Christiansen, Anders Bertelsen, David Tilly, Hans L Riis, Henrik R Jensen, Faisal Mahmood, Christian R Hansen, Vibeke N Hansen, Tine Schytte, Carsten Brin. End-to-end validation of the geometric dose delivery performance of MR linac adaptive radiotherapy. Physics in medicine and biology. vol 66. issue 4. 2021-06-23. PMID:33321475. in the current study, an mr visible phantom was developed and used to test the spatial deviation between planned and delivered dose at two 1.5 t mr linear accelerator (mr linac) systems, including pre-treatment imaging, dose planning, online imaging, image registration, plan adaptation, and dose delivery. 2021-06-23 2023-08-13 Not clear
Jeffrey E Snyder, Joël St-Aubin, Sridhar Yaddanapudi, Amanda Boczkowski, David A P Dunkerley, Stephen A Graves, Daniel E Hye. Commissioning of a 1.5T Elekta Unity MR-linac: A single institution experience. Journal of applied clinical medical physics. vol 21. issue 7. 2021-06-21. PMID:32432405. multileaf collimator positional accuracy was within 1.0 mm, the measured radiation isocenter walkout was 0.20 mm, and the coincidence between mr and mv isocenter was 1.06 mm, which is accounted for in the treatment planning system (tps). 2021-06-21 2023-08-13 Not clear
Roushanak Rahmat, Khadijeh Saednia, Mohammad Reza Haji Hosseini Khani, Mohamad Rahmati, Raj Jena, Stephen J Pric. Multi-scale segmentation in GBM treatment using diffusion tensor imaging. Computers in biology and medicine. vol 123. 2021-06-21. PMID:32658776. currently segmentation of gbm for surgery or radiotherapy (rt) planning is labor intensive, especially for high-dimensional mr imaging methods that may provide more sensitive indicators of tumor phenotype. 2021-06-21 2023-08-13 Not clear
Roushanak Rahmat, Khadijeh Saednia, Mohammad Reza Haji Hosseini Khani, Mohamad Rahmati, Raj Jena, Stephen J Pric. Multi-scale segmentation in GBM treatment using diffusion tensor imaging. Computers in biology and medicine. vol 123. 2021-06-21. PMID:32658776. the high accuracy and efficiency of our proposed model demonstrates the potential of utilizing diffusion mr images for target definition in precision radiation treatment planning and surgery in routine clinical practice. 2021-06-21 2023-08-13 Not clear
Jessica M Fagerstrom, Sukhjit Kau. Simple phantom fabrication for MRI-based HDR brachytherapy applicator commissioning. Journal of applied clinical medical physics. vol 21. issue 11. 2021-06-21. PMID:33016469. a new high dose rate (hdr) brachytherapy program was initiated in a community hospital setting, with the goal of using magnetic resonance (mr) images with the implant in place during the planning process. 2021-06-21 2023-08-13 Not clear