All Relations between autonomy and sdt

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Hanna Kalajas-Tilga, Andre Koka, Vello Hein, Henri Tilga, Lennart Raudsep. Motivational processes in physical education and objectively measured physical activity among adolescents. Journal of sport and health science. vol 9. issue 5. 2021-01-25. PMID:32928449. grounded in self-determination theory (sdt), the present study tested how students' perceptions of autonomy support from physical education teachers predicts objectively measured moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (mvpa) of adolescents. 2021-01-25 2023-08-13 Not clear
Rick A LaCaille, Stephanie A Hooker, Lara J LaCaill. Using self-determination theory to understand eating behaviors and weight change in emerging adults. Eating behaviors. vol 39. 2021-01-20. PMID:32961470. self-determination theory (sdt) suggests that satisfaction of basic psychological needs (autonomy, competence, relatedness) supports autonomous regulation of behavior, which is associated with healthier behaviors. 2021-01-20 2023-08-13 Not clear
Dylan K Richards, Matthew R Pearson, Craig A Fiel. Further validation of the Treatment Self-Regulation Questionnaire for assessing motivations for responsible drinking: A test of self-determination theory. Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology. 2021-01-19. PMID:32658531. in the present study, we examined the relation of motivations for responsible drinking, as assessed by the treatment self-regulation questionnaire (tsrq), with other sdt constructs (psychological need satisfaction and dispositional autonomy) and pbs use. 2021-01-19 2023-08-13 Not clear
Nuria Güil Oumrait, Meena Daivadanam, Pilvikki Absetz, David Guwatudde, Aravinda Berggreen-Clausen, Helle Mölsted Alvesson, Jeroen De Man, Kristi Sidney Annersted. Can Self-Determination Explain Dietary Patterns Among Adults at Risk of or with Type 2 Diabetes? A Cross-Sectional Study in Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Areas in Stockholm. Nutrients. vol 12. issue 3. 2020-12-04. PMID:32120791. this study aims to identify the main dietary patterns of adults at risk of and with t2d from two socio-economically disadvantaged stockholm areas and to determine the association between those patterns and selected sdt constructs (relatedness, autonomy motivation and competence). 2020-12-04 2023-08-13 human
April Idalski Carcone, Deborah A Ellis, Susan Eggly, Karen E MacDonell, Samiran Ghosh, Colleen Buggs-Saxton, Steven J Ondersm. Improving Diabetes Management in Emerging Adulthood: An Intervention Development Study Using the Multiphase Optimization Strategy. JMIR research protocols. vol 9. issue 10. 2020-11-17. PMID:33079068. self-determination theory (sdt) suggests that interventions leveraging emerging adults' innate developmental need for autonomy may offer a route to improving diabetes outcomes by increasing feelings of responsibility for and control over diabetes self-management activities. 2020-11-17 2023-08-13 Not clear
Ma Jenina N Nalipay, Ronnel B King, Yuyang Ca. Autonomy is equally important across East and West: Testing the cross-cultural universality of self-determination theory. Journal of adolescence. vol 78. 2020-11-12. PMID:31846888. self-determination theory (sdt) posits the importance of three basic psychological needs (i.e., relatedness, autonomy, and competence) in promoting achievement. 2020-11-12 2023-08-13 Not clear
Arto Laukkanen, Arja Sääkslahti, Kaisa Aunol. "It Is Like Compulsory to Go, but It Is still pretty Nice": Young Children's Views on Physical Activity Parenting and the Associated Motivational Regulation. International journal of environmental research and public health. vol 17. issue 7. 2020-10-29. PMID:32235476. through qualitative theory-guided content analysis, using frameworks of parenting dimensions and self-determination theory (sdt), we found that children's perceptions of high responsiveness and low demandingness in pap-according to sdt, autonomy support, involvement, and structure-were associated with satisfaction of all three psychological basic needs-autonomy, competence, and relatedness. 2020-10-29 2023-08-13 Not clear
Georgios S Gorozidis, Yannis S Tzioumakis, Charalambos Krommidas, Athanasios G Papaioanno. Facebook group PETCoN (Physical Education Teacher Collaborative Network). An innovative approach to PE teacher in-service training: A self-determination theory perspective. Teaching and teacher education. vol 96. 2020-10-20. PMID:32843819. drawing from self-determination theory (sdt), the program aimed at satisfying teachers' autonomy, competence, and relatedness needs and facilitating their autonomous motivation. 2020-10-20 2023-08-13 Not clear
David J Sturm, Joachim Bachner, Stephan Haug, Yolanda Demetrio. The German Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction in Physical Education Scale: Adaption and Multilevel Validation in a Sample of Sixth-Grade Girls. International journal of environmental research and public health. vol 17. issue 5. 2020-10-15. PMID:32121284. (1) background: self-determination theory (sdt) claims that need supportive behavior is related to the satisfaction of the basic psychological needs: autonomy, relatedness and competence. 2020-10-15 2023-08-13 Not clear
Po-Chien Chang, Honglei Rui, Amber Yun-Ping Le. How Having a Calling Leads to Job Crafting: A Moderated Mediation Model. Frontiers in psychology. vol 11. 2020-10-13. PMID:33041919. drawing from the job crafting perspective and self-determination theory (sdt), career commitment is identified as the mediator, and occupational self-efficacy and job autonomy are identified as the moderators in the model, respectively. 2020-10-13 2023-08-13 Not clear
Laura Migliorini, Paola Cardinali, Nadia Rani. How Could Self-Determination Theory Be Useful for Facing Health Innovation Challenges? Frontiers in psychology. vol 10. 2020-10-01. PMID:31474910. practitioners are called upon to revise their orientation toward patients and, according to sdt, they should support autonomy rather than control the promotion of health-related change. 2020-10-01 2023-08-13 Not clear
Martina F Mylrea, Tarun Sen Gupta, Beverley D Glas. Developing Professional Identity in Undergraduate Pharmacy Students: A Role for Self-Determination Theory. Pharmacy (Basel, Switzerland). vol 5. issue 2. 2020-09-30. PMID:28970428. sdt explains the concepts of competence, relatedness and autonomy and the part they play in producing highly motivated individuals, leading to the development of one's sense of self. 2020-09-30 2023-08-13 Not clear
Merilyn Lock, Dannielle Post, James Dollman, Gaynor Parfit. Development of a Self-Determination Theory-Based Physical Activity Intervention for Aged Care Workers: Protocol for the Activity for Well-being Program. Frontiers in public health. vol 6. 2020-09-30. PMID:30534548. the program is based in self-determination theory (sdt) and provides tools and elements to support autonomy (the use of a collaboratively developed activity plan and participant choice in activity types), competence (action/coping planning, goal-setting and pedometers), and relatedness (the use of a motivational interviewing-inspired appointment and ongoing support in activity). 2020-09-30 2023-08-13 human
Michael E Moore, Dulce M Vega, Katie M Wiens, Natalia Caporal. Connecting Theory to Practice: Using Self-Determination Theory To Better Understand Inclusion in STEM. Journal of microbiology & biology education. vol 21. issue 1. 2020-09-28. PMID:32431768. self-determination theory (sdt) is a well-established theoretical framework in educational psychology that states that ones' internal motivation is strongly correlated with the satisfaction of three specific psychological needs: autonomy, competency, and relatedness. 2020-09-28 2023-08-13 Not clear
Mary Schenkenfelder, Elise A Frickey, Lisa M Larso. College environment and basic psychological needs: Predicting academic major satisfaction. Journal of counseling psychology. vol 67. issue 2. 2020-08-10. PMID:31464450. based on sdt, it was hypothesized that student perceptions of their volitional autonomy, competence, and relatedness in their academic major would fully mediate the relations between perceived faculty and peer supports and major satisfaction. 2020-08-10 2023-08-13 Not clear
Sander L Koole, Caroline Schlinkert, Tobias Maldei, Nicola Bauman. Becoming who you are: An integrative review of self-determination theory and personality systems interactions theory. Journal of personality. vol 87. issue 1. 2020-04-27. PMID:29524339. sdt (a) is rooted in humanistic psychology; (b) has emphasized a first-person perspective on motivation and personality; (c) posits that the person, supported by the social environment, naturally moves toward growth through the satisfaction of basic psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness. 2020-04-27 2023-08-13 Not clear
Johnmarshall Reeve, Woogul Le. A neuroscientific perspective on basic psychological needs. Journal of personality. vol 87. issue 1. 2020-04-27. PMID:29626342. self-determination theory's (sdt) most basic propositions are, first, that all people possess an inherent set of psychological needs and, second, that autonomy, competence, and relatedness are the three critical psychological satisfactions needed to maintain and promote personal growth and well-being. 2020-04-27 2023-08-13 Not clear
Julia Schüler, Nicola Baumann, Athanasios Chasiotis, Michael Bender, Ingrid Bau. Implicit motives and basic psychological needs. Journal of personality. vol 87. issue 1. 2020-04-27. PMID:30298518. these three aspects are (a) the noncorresponding concepts of implicit power motive (mdt) and basic need for autonomy (sdt); (b) the differentiation of needs into hope and fear components, which is theoretically embedded in mdt, but not in sdt; and (c) mdt researchers' differentiation into an implicit and explicit motivational system, which is not included in sdt. 2020-04-27 2023-08-13 human
Nicholas J K Breitborde, Jacob G Pine, Aubrey M Mo. Specialized, multi-component care for individuals with first-episode psychosis: Effects on autonomy, competence and relatedness. Early intervention in psychiatry. vol 13. issue 6. 2020-03-09. PMID:30644170. self-determination theory (sdt) has demonstrated that human well-being is associated with the satisfaction of three basic psychological needs (ie, autonomy, competence and relatedness)-with more recent research highlighting the applicability of sdt to individuals with first-episode psychosis (fep). 2020-03-09 2023-08-13 human
Rubén Trigueros, José Manuel Aguilar-Parra, Adolfo J Cangas-Díaz, José M Fernández-Batanero, Miguel A Mañas, Víctor B Arias, Remedios López-Liri. The influence of the trainer on the motivation and resilience of sportspeople: A study from the perspective of self-determination theory. PloS one. vol 14. issue 8. 2020-03-06. PMID:31430325. structural equation modeling of the proposed relations among variables supported sdt by showing a positive relation between perceived autonomy support and the satisfaction of basic psychological needs (β = .39, p < .001) and a negative relation with the frustration of psychological needs (β = -.17, p < .05). 2020-03-06 2023-08-13 Not clear