All Relations between autonomy and sdt

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b' Emanuela Chemolli, Maryl\\xc3\\xa8ne Gagn\\xc3\\xa. Evidence against the continuum structure underlying motivation measures derived from self-determination theory. Psychological assessment. vol 26. issue 2. 2015-09-17. PMID:24611788.' we discuss the concept of continuum against sdt's conceptualization of motivation and argue against the use of the relative autonomy index on the grounds that evidence for a continuum structure underlying the regulations is weak and because the index is statistically problematic. 2015-09-17 2023-08-12 Not clear
Gaurav Suri, Gal Sheppes, Sara Leslie, James J Gros. Stairs or escalator? Using theories of persuasion and motivation to facilitate healthy decision making. Journal of experimental psychology. Applied. vol 20. issue 4. 2015-07-30. PMID:25180946. we also tested whether (as predicted by sdt) messages promoting autonomy would be more likely to result in sustained motivated behavior (i.e., stair taking at subsequent uncued choice points) than messages that use commands. 2015-07-30 2023-08-13 Not clear
Johan Y Y Ng, Nikos Ntoumanis, Cecilie Thøgersen-Ntoumani, Edward L Deci, Richard M Ryan, Joan L Duda, Geoffrey C William. Self-Determination Theory Applied to Health Contexts: A Meta-Analysis. Perspectives on psychological science : a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. vol 7. issue 4. 2015-07-15. PMID:26168470. a meta-analysis evaluated relations between the sdt-based constructs of practitioner support for patient autonomy and patients' experience of psychological need satisfaction, as well as relations between these sdt constructs and indices of mental and physical health. 2015-07-15 2023-08-13 human
João P P Rosa, Altay A L de Souza, Giscard H O de Lima, Dayane F Rodrigues, Valdir de Aquino Lemos, Eduardo da Silva Alves, Sergio Tufik, Marco T de Mell. Motivational and evolutionary aspects of a physical exercise training program: a longitudinal study. Frontiers in psychology. vol 6. 2015-06-04. PMID:26042076. grounded in sdt and its innate needs (competence, autonomy, relatedness), physical exercise is not an end; it is a means to achieve autonomy and self-cohesion. 2015-06-04 2023-08-13 human
Benjamin D Hoffma. Using self-determination theory to improve residency training: learning to make omelets without breaking eggs. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. vol 90. issue 4. 2015-05-26. PMID:25340367. applying an sdt framework to their findings, biondi and colleagues report that faculty desire from residents the evidence of internal motivation and demonstration of competence and self-confidence that will allow faculty to entrust learners with autonomy. 2015-05-26 2023-08-13 human
Claude Ferrand, Guillaume Martinent, Neriman Durma. Psychological need satisfaction and well-being in adults aged 80 years and older living in residential homes: using a self-determination theory perspective. Journal of aging studies. vol 30. 2015-03-30. PMID:24984913. in conclusion, our results offer evidence that old age can be fruitful and, in consistent with sdt, show that autonomy and relatedness need satisfaction is positively associated with indicators of well-being such as purpose in life and personal growth, considered as essential components of optimal functioning. 2015-03-30 2023-08-13 human
Hoda Badr, Cardinale B Smith, Nathan E Goldstein, Jorge E Gomez, William H Red. Dyadic psychosocial intervention for advanced lung cancer patients and their family caregivers: results of a randomized pilot trial. Cancer. vol 121. issue 1. 2015-02-25. PMID:25209975. the program was grounded in self-determination theory (sdt), which emphasizes the importance of competence (self-efficacy), autonomy (sense of choice/volition), and relatedness (sense of belonging/connection) for psychological functioning. 2015-02-25 2023-08-13 Not clear
Hoda Badr, Cardinale B Smith, Nathan E Goldstein, Jorge E Gomez, William H Red. Dyadic psychosocial intervention for advanced lung cancer patients and their family caregivers: results of a randomized pilot trial. Cancer. vol 121. issue 1. 2015-02-25. PMID:25209975. the secondary outcomes were the sdt constructs of competence, autonomy, and relatedness. 2015-02-25 2023-08-13 Not clear
Derwin King-Chung Chan, Ying-Ki Fung, Suxuan Xing, Martin S Hagge. Myopia prevention, near work, and visual acuity of college students: integrating the theory of planned behavior and self-determination theory. Journal of behavioral medicine. vol 37. issue 3. 2015-02-07. PMID:23404136. the results showed that perceived autonomy support and autonomous motivation from sdt significantly predicted attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control from the tpb. 2015-02-07 2023-08-12 Not clear
David E Gard, Amy H Sanchez, Jessica Starr, Shanna Cooper, Melissa Fisher, Abby Rowlands, Sophia Vinogrado. Using self-determination theory to understand motivation deficits in schizophrenia: the 'why' of motivated behavior. Schizophrenia research. vol 156. issue 2-3. 2015-01-20. PMID:24853060. however, sdt emphasizes that motivated behavior results from three different factors: intrinsic motivators (facilitated by needs for autonomy, competency, and relatedness), extrinsic motivators (towards reward or away from punishment), or when intrinsic and extrinsic motivators are absent or thwarted a disconnect-disengagement occurs resulting in behavior driven by boredom or 'passing time'. 2015-01-20 2023-08-13 human
Annette Burgess, George Ramsey-Stewar. What motivates surgeons to teach dissection anatomy to medical students and surgical trainees? Advances in medical education and practice. vol 6. 2015-01-08. PMID:25565913. sdt proposes that for individuals to be intrinsically motivated, three key elements are needed: 1) autonomy, 2) competence, and 3) relatedness. 2015-01-08 2023-08-13 Not clear
Benjamin D Sylvester, Martyn Standage, A Justine Dowd, Luc J Martin, Shane N Sweet, Mark R Beaucham. Perceived variety, psychological needs satisfaction and exercise-related well-being. Psychology & health. vol 29. issue 9. 2014-07-31. PMID:24669787. in this study, we developed an instrument to measure perceived variety in exercise (pve), and examined whether ratings of pve predict unique variance in indices of exercise-related well-being in addition to that explained by satisfaction of the three basic psychological needs (for competence, relatedness and autonomy) embedded within self-determination theory (sdt). 2014-07-31 2023-08-12 Not clear
Olle Th J ten Cat. Why receiving feedback collides with self determination. Advances in health sciences education : theory and practice. vol 18. issue 4. 2014-06-16. PMID:23180108. sdt claims that the development and maintenance of intrinsic motivation, associated with effective learning, requires feelings of competence, autonomy and relatedness. 2014-06-16 2023-08-12 Not clear
Anise M S Wu, Lamis L M Lei, Lisbeth K. Psychological needs, purpose in life, and problem video game playing among Chinese young adults. International journal of psychology : Journal international de psychologie. vol 48. issue 4. 2014-02-03. PMID:22506646. based on self-determination theory (sdt; ryan & deci, 2000), this study hypothesized that the three basic psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness are positively associated with purpose in life, which in turn acts as a protective factor against problem video game playing among chinese young adult players. 2014-02-03 2023-08-12 Not clear
Judy B Springe. "I am very, very proud of myself": improving youth activity levels using self-determination theory in program development. Frontiers in public health. vol 1. 2013-12-18. PMID:24350215. components of sdt included relatedness, competence, and autonomy. 2013-12-18 2023-08-12 human
Nicholas J K Breitborde, Petra Kleinlein, Vinod H Srihar. Self-determination and first-episode psychosis: associations with symptomatology, social and vocational functioning, and quality of life. Schizophrenia research. vol 137. issue 1-3. 2012-09-18. PMID:22445463. self-determination theory (sdt) postulates that satisfaction of three basic psychological needs (i.e., autonomy, competence, and well-being) promotes motivation, well-being, and growth across domains of functioning. 2012-09-18 2023-08-12 Not clear
Edward L Deci, Richard M Rya. Self-determination theory in health care and its relations to motivational interviewing: a few comments. The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. vol 9. 2012-06-27. PMID:22385839. the current paper refers to these studies and also clarifies the meaning of autonomy, which is central to sdt and has been shown to be important for effective change. 2012-06-27 2023-08-12 Not clear
Edward L Deci, Richard M Rya. Self-determination theory in health care and its relations to motivational interviewing: a few comments. The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. vol 9. 2012-06-27. PMID:22385839. finally, we point out that sdt and mi have had much in common for each has emphasized autonomy. 2012-06-27 2023-08-12 Not clear
Lise Juul, Helle T Maindal, Vibeke Zoffmann, Morten Frydenberg, Annelli Sandbae. A cluster randomised pragmatic trial applying Self-determination theory to type 2 diabetes care in general practice. BMC family practice. vol 12. 2012-05-11. PMID:22111524. the aims of this paper were to describe 1) the design of a trial assessing the effectiveness of a training course for practice-nurses in autonomy support on patient-perceived motivation, hba1, cholesterol, and well-being among a diabetes population, 2) the actual intervention to a level of detail that allows its replication, and 3) the connection between sdt recommendations for health care-provider behaviour and the content of the training course. 2012-05-11 2023-08-12 Not clear
Th J Ten Cate, Rashmi A Kusurkar, Geoffrey C William. How self-determination theory can assist our understanding of the teaching and learning processes in medical education. AMEE guide No. 59. Medical teacher. vol 33. issue 12. 2012-05-08. PMID:22225433. sdt is explained in seven principles, one of which is the distinction of three innate psychological needs of human beings: for competence, for autonomy and for relatedness. 2012-05-08 2023-08-12 human