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D D Spencer, S S Spence. Hippocampal resections and the use of human tissue in defining temporal lobe epilepsy syndromes. Hippocampus. vol 4. issue 3. 1995-03-03. PMID:7842044. |
from the clinical perspective, a continued analysis of the hippocampus in animal models of epilepsy as well as in human material will be critical to finally understanding mtle. |
1995-03-03 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
D D Spencer, S S Spence. Hippocampal resections and the use of human tissue in defining temporal lobe epilepsy syndromes. Hippocampus. vol 4. issue 3. 1995-03-03. PMID:7842044. |
through the continued evolution of surgical feedback to our preoperative localization studies, and from our basic science studies on resected tissue, we propose that 1) the hippocampus is critical to developing medial temporal lobe excitability, and that the inhibitory hilar interneurons which suffer most during developmental injury are likely to be involved in this process; 2) the hippocampus is not the only potentially hyperexcitable medial temporal lobe structure, but seems to function (both normally and pathologically) in a recurrent loop consisting of the entorhinal cortex, amygdala, and temporal neocortices; and 3) hypotheses derived from animal model studies, and data obtained directly from analysis of human tissue can be used to refine epilepsy classifications. |
1995-03-03 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
T P Sutula, J E Cavazos, A R Woodar. Long-term structural and functional alterations induced in the hippocampus by kindling: implications for memory dysfunction and the development of epilepsy. Hippocampus. vol 4. issue 3. 1995-03-03. PMID:7842046. |
long-term structural and functional alterations induced in the hippocampus by kindling: implications for memory dysfunction and the development of epilepsy. |
1995-03-03 |
2023-08-12 |
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H K Wolf, M Spänle, M B Müller, C E Elger, J Schramm, O D Wiestle. Hippocampal loss of the GABAA receptor alpha 1 subunit in patients with chronic pharmacoresistant epilepsies. Acta neuropathologica. vol 88. issue 4. 1995-02-27. PMID:7839824. |
hippocampal loss of the gabaa receptor alpha 1 subunit in patients with chronic pharmacoresistant epilepsies. |
1995-02-27 |
2023-08-12 |
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H K Wolf, M Spänle, M B Müller, C E Elger, J Schramm, O D Wiestle. Hippocampal loss of the GABAA receptor alpha 1 subunit in patients with chronic pharmacoresistant epilepsies. Acta neuropathologica. vol 88. issue 4. 1995-02-27. PMID:7839824. |
here we examine the distribution of the gabaa receptor in the hippocampus of 78 surgical specimens from patients with chronic pharmacoresistant focal epilepsies. |
1995-02-27 |
2023-08-12 |
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D F Condorelli, N Belluardo, G Mudò, P Dell'Albani, X Jiang, A M Giuffrida-Stell. Changes in gene expression of AMPA-selective glutamate receptor subunits induced by status epilepticus in rat brain. Neurochemistry international. vol 25. issue 4. 1995-02-16. PMID:7529610. |
both the glur-1 decrease and the glur-3 increase are transient effects and a return to basal level can be observed after 48-72 h. in the ca1 layer of the hippocampus, a parallel decrease of both glur-1 and glur-3 expression is found 12-24 h after drug treatment, followed by a recovery of the expression to control values at 48 h. in kainate-induced epilepsy we could reproduce the late increase (12-24 h) in glur-3 mrna in the dentate gyrus; however, under this experimental condition, no clear decrease of glur-1 expression can be observed in this area. |
1995-02-16 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
W D Gaillard, S Bhatia, S Y Bookheimer, S Fazilat, S Sato, W H Theodor. FDG-PET and volumetric MRI in the evaluation of patients with partial epilepsy. Neurology. vol 45. issue 1. 1995-02-10. PMID:7824101. |
we performed interictal fdg-pet- and mri-based hippocampal volumetric measurements on 18 adult patients with complex partial epilepsy of temporal lobe origin in whom we had identified their ictal focus by video-telemetry eeg. |
1995-02-10 |
2023-08-12 |
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C G Wasterlain, Y Shirasak. Seizures, brain damage and brain development. Brain & development. vol 16. issue 4. 1995-02-06. PMID:7818023. |
recent evidence suggests that hippocampal damage can be both the result of seizure activity and the cause of further chronic epilepsy. |
1995-02-06 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
C G Wasterlain, Y Shirasak. Seizures, brain damage and brain development. Brain & development. vol 16. issue 4. 1995-02-06. PMID:7818023. |
the mechanisms by which seizure-induced hippocampal lesions cause chronic epilepsy have been explored in several recent animal models. |
1995-02-06 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
R Contzen, O W Witt. Epileptic activity can induce both long-lasting potentiation and long-lasting depression. Brain research. vol 653. issue 1-2. 1995-01-03. PMID:7982071. |
such alterations were investigated in the ca1 area of hippocampal slices using the acute high potassium model of epilepsy which allows rapid wash of the epileptogenic solution. |
1995-01-03 |
2023-08-12 |
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B S Meldru. The role of glutamate in epilepsy and other CNS disorders. Neurology. vol 44. issue 11 Suppl 8. 1994-12-20. PMID:7970002. |
the function of these receptors is enhanced in the hippocampus of kindled rats and in the cerebral cortex of patients with focal epilepsy. |
1994-12-20 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
M Baulac, J M Saint-Hilaire, C Adam, M Martinez, S Fontaine, D Laplan. Correlations between magnetic resonance imaging-based hippocampal sclerosis and depth electrode investigation in epilepsy of the mesiotemporal lobe. Epilepsia. vol 35. issue 5. 1994-11-21. PMID:7925150. |
correlations between magnetic resonance imaging-based hippocampal sclerosis and depth electrode investigation in epilepsy of the mesiotemporal lobe. |
1994-11-21 |
2023-08-12 |
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M Baulac, J M Saint-Hilaire, C Adam, M Martinez, S Fontaine, D Laplan. Correlations between magnetic resonance imaging-based hippocampal sclerosis and depth electrode investigation in epilepsy of the mesiotemporal lobe. Epilepsia. vol 35. issue 5. 1994-11-21. PMID:7925150. |
quantitative analysis of hippocampal formations (hf) by magnetic resonance imaging (mri) was correlated with depth electrode recordings in 18 patients with partial epilepsy. |
1994-11-21 |
2023-08-12 |
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A A Raymond, D R Fish, J M Stevens, M J Cook, S M Sisodiya, S D Shorvo. Association of hippocampal sclerosis with cortical dysgenesis in patients with epilepsy. Neurology. vol 44. issue 10. 1994-11-16. PMID:7936233. |
association of hippocampal sclerosis with cortical dysgenesis in patients with epilepsy. |
1994-11-16 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
A A Raymond, D R Fish, J M Stevens, M J Cook, S M Sisodiya, S D Shorvo. Association of hippocampal sclerosis with cortical dysgenesis in patients with epilepsy. Neurology. vol 44. issue 10. 1994-11-16. PMID:7936233. |
the possible dual occurrence of hippocampal sclerosis (hs) and other structural lesions (especially cortical dysgenesis [cd]) is well established in patients with chronic partial epilepsy. |
1994-11-16 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
P Gass, T Herdegen, R Bravo, M Kiesslin. High induction threshold for transcription factor KROX-20 in the rat brain: partial co-expression with heat shock protein 70 following limbic seizures. Brain research. Molecular brain research. vol 23. issue 4. 1994-10-17. PMID:8090069. |
though not inducible in the hippocampus by generalized seizures, it is expressed after limbic epilepsy. |
1994-10-17 |
2023-08-12 |
rat |
R A Grünewald, G D Jackson, A Connelly, J S Dunca. MR detection of hippocampal disease in epilepsy: factors influencing T2 relaxation time. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology. vol 15. issue 6. 1994-09-23. PMID:8073986. |
mr detection of hippocampal disease in epilepsy: factors influencing t2 relaxation time. |
1994-09-23 |
2023-08-12 |
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R A Grünewald, G D Jackson, A Connelly, J S Dunca. MR detection of hippocampal disease in epilepsy: factors influencing T2 relaxation time. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology. vol 15. issue 6. 1994-09-23. PMID:8073986. |
to assess the reproducibility and stability of hippocampal t2 relaxation times and examine the effects of patients' age, seizures, and duration of epilepsy on this measure. |
1994-09-23 |
2023-08-12 |
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I Ferrer, B Oliver, A Russi, R Casas, R River. Parvalbumin and calbindin-D28k immunocytochemistry in human neocortical epileptic foci. Journal of the neurological sciences. vol 123. issue 1-2. 1994-09-19. PMID:8064311. |
(3) increased percentages of immunoreactive local circuit neurons and fibers in focal neocortical necrosis (cavernous angiomas), diffuse hypoxic encephalopathy, and hippocampus in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy due to mesial sclerosis, may play a role in epilepsy. |
1994-09-19 |
2023-08-12 |
human |
U Heinemann, A Draguhn, E Ficker, J Stabel, C L Zhan. Strategies for the development of drugs for pharmacoresistant epilepsies. Epilepsia. vol 35 Suppl 5. 1994-08-25. PMID:7518767. |
epilepsy induced alterations in the interaction between the ec and the hippocampus may lead to alterations that facilitate precipitation of seizures. |
1994-08-25 |
2023-08-12 |
Not clear |