All Relations between ca1 field and hippocampus

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
M J Rowan, R Anwy. Neurophysiological effects of buspirone and isapirone in the hippocampus: comparison with 5-hydroxytryptamine. European journal of pharmacology. vol 132. issue 1. 1987-04-01. PMID:2880731. the neurophysiological effects of two novel anxiolytic compounds, buspirone and isapirone (tvx q 7821), were compared with those of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-ht) on the population spike in the ca1 region of the rat hippocampal slice. 1987-04-01 2023-08-11 rat
W Kamphuis, W J Wadman, R M Buijs, F H Lopes da Silv. Decrease in number of hippocampal gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) immunoreactive cells in the rat kindling model of epilepsy. Experimental brain research. vol 64. issue 3. 1987-03-17. PMID:3542543. a significant decrease in number of gaba immunoreactive positive cell bodies in stimulated ca1 region of the rat hippocampus compared to the contralateral side was found. 1987-03-17 2023-08-11 rat
T J Walsh, D W Schulz, H A Tilson, D E Schmeche. Colchicine-induced granule cell loss in rat hippocampus: selective behavioral and histological alterations. Brain research. vol 398. issue 1. 1987-03-10. PMID:3801898. histological analysis confirmed that this dosage of colchicine resulted in the selective loss of most granule cells in both superior and inferior blades of the dentate gyrus near the injection sites, while sparing pyramidal cells in ca1, ca2, ca3, and ca4, and gabaergic interneurons throughout the hippocampus. 1987-03-10 2023-08-11 rat
H W Bothe, H J Bosma, H Hofer, K A Hossmann, W F Angermeie. Selective vulnerability of hippocampus and disturbances of memory storage after mild unilateral ischemia of gerbil brain. Stroke. vol 17. issue 6. 1987-03-09. PMID:3810715. after eight weeks, learning behaviour and blood flow were normal but now a significant loss of pyramidal neurons was present in the ca1 and ca2 sectors of the hippocampus. 1987-03-09 2023-08-11 Not clear
N J Penington, R J Reiffenstei. Lack of effect of antagonists on serotonin-induced inhibition in rat hippocampus. Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology. vol 64. issue 11. 1987-02-18. PMID:3791042. the results of this study suggest that ca1 hippocampus is another structure, innervated by serotonergic neurones, where all (peripherally active) serotonin antagonists tested to date are ineffective against 5-hydroxytryptamine induced inhibition. 1987-02-18 2023-08-11 rat
D Vergé, G Daval, M Marcinkiewicz, A Patey, S el Mestikawy, H Gozlan, M Hamo. Quantitative autoradiography of multiple 5-HT1 receptor subtypes in the brain of control or 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine-treated rats. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 6. issue 12. 1987-02-10. PMID:2947981. 5-ht1a binding was notably high in limbic regions (dentate gyrus, ca1 and ca3 hippocampal regions, lateral septum, frontal cortex), whereas 5-ht1b binding was particularly concentrated in extrapyramidal areas (caudate nucleus, globus pallidus, substantia nigra). 1987-02-10 2023-08-11 rat
R Ravid, D F Swaab, T P Van der Woude, G J Boe. Immunocytochemically-stained vasopressin binding sites in rat brain. Ventricular application of vasopressin/Accurel in the Brattleboro rat. Journal of the neurological sciences. vol 76. issue 2-3. 1987-02-05. PMID:3540218. subsequently, bound vp was detected immunocytochemically in 2 distinct patterns: in perineuronal structures and dots between cells, in the lateral septum (dorsorostral part), striatum, cingulate cortex, granular cells of the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus, pyramidal cells of ca1 and ca3 hippocampal areas and around cerebellar purkinje cells. 1987-02-05 2023-08-11 rat
K M Harris, D M Landi. Membrane structure at synaptic junctions in area CA1 of the rat hippocampus. Neuroscience. vol 19. issue 3. 1987-02-05. PMID:3796819. in tissue from area ca1 of the rat hippocampus prepared for electron microscopic study by thin-sectioning, asymmetric synaptic junctions were found on dendritic spines, spiny dendritic shafts, and non-spiny dendritic shafts. 1987-02-05 2023-08-11 rat
K H Taber, C T Lin, J W Liu, R H Thalmann, J Y W. Taurine in hippocampus: localization and postsynaptic action. Brain research. vol 386. issue 1-2. 1987-01-16. PMID:2430674. both immunocytochemical and electrophysiological methods have been employed to determine whether the localization of the taurine synthetic enzyme, cysteine sulfinic acid decarboxylase, (csad) and the postsynaptic action of taurine in the ca1 region of rat hippocampus are consistent with the hypothesis that taurine may be used as a neurotransmitter by some hippocampal neurons. 1987-01-16 2023-08-11 rat
J W Goh, M Ho-Asjoe, B R Sastr. Tetanic stimulation-induced changes in [3H]glutamate binding and uptake in rat hippocampus. General pharmacology. vol 17. issue 5. 1987-01-16. PMID:2877913. tetanus-induced (400 hz, 200 pulses) long-lasting potentiation of the stratum radiatum-evoked ca1 population spike in hippocampal slices is not accompanied by any change in na+-independent [3h]glutamate binding sites. 1987-01-16 2023-08-11 rat
M M Borges, M M Paula-Barbosa, B Vol. Chronic alcohol consumption induces lipofuscin deposition in the rat hippocampus. Neurobiology of aging. vol 7. issue 5. 1987-01-13. PMID:3785534. a precocious and progressive deposition of lipofuscin pigment was found in both ca1 and ca3 neurons in ammon's horn hippocampal fields after 3 and 6 months of alcohol feeding, respectively. 1987-01-13 2023-08-11 rat
M Balestrino, G G Somje. Chlorpromazine protects brain tissue in hypoxia by delaying spreading depression-mediated calcium influx. Brain research. vol 385. issue 2. 1987-01-06. PMID:3022872. we have investigated the possible protective effect of chlorpromazine in hypoxia of brain tissue, using rat hippocampal slices maintained at 35-36 degrees c. the recovery of synaptic transmission along the schaffer collaterals to the ca1 pathway after 9 min hypoxia was compared in chlorpromazine-treated and in control slices. 1987-01-06 2023-08-11 rat
P R Solomon, E R Vander Schaaf, R F Thompson, D J Weis. Hippocampus and trace conditioning of the rabbit's classically conditioned nictitating membrane response. Behavioral neuroscience. vol 100. issue 5. 1986-12-29. PMID:3778636. in a second experiment multiple-unit activity in area ca1 of the hippocampus was examined during acquisition of the trace conditioned response (cr). 1986-12-29 2023-08-11 rabbit
B Hamon, U Heineman. Effects of GABA and bicuculline on N-methyl-D-aspartate- and quisqualate-induced reductions in extracellular free calcium in area CA1 of the hippocampal slice. Experimental brain research. vol 64. issue 1. 1986-12-16. PMID:3533598. effects of gaba and bicuculline on n-methyl-d-aspartate- and quisqualate-induced reductions in extracellular free calcium in area ca1 of the hippocampal slice. 1986-12-16 2023-08-11 Not clear
W R Proctor, M Mynlieff, T V Dunwiddi. Facilitatory action of etomidate and pentobarbital on recurrent inhibition in rat hippocampal pyramidal neurons. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 6. issue 11. 1986-12-11. PMID:3772427. the present investigations were designed to characterize the electrophysiological effects of etomidate on the recurrent gabaergic inhibitory pathway in the ca1 region of the rat in vitro hippocampal slice and to compare the actions of etomidate to those of pentobarbital. 1986-12-11 2023-08-11 rat
Y Yaari, A Konnerth, U Heineman. Nonsynaptic epileptogenesis in the mammalian hippocampus in vitro. II. Role of extracellular potassium. Journal of neurophysiology. vol 56. issue 2. 1986-11-18. PMID:3760929. the role of extracellular k+ (k+o) in nonsynaptic epileptogenesis induced in the ca1 area of rat hippocampal slices by lowering [ca2]o was studied with k+-selective microelectrodes (ksms). 1986-11-18 2023-08-11 rat
S Zola-Morgan, L R Squire, D G Amara. Human amnesia and the medial temporal region: enduring memory impairment following a bilateral lesion limited to field CA1 of the hippocampus. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 6. issue 10. 1986-11-12. PMID:3760943. human amnesia and the medial temporal region: enduring memory impairment following a bilateral lesion limited to field ca1 of the hippocampus. 1986-11-12 2023-08-11 human
J R Huguenard, B E Alge. Whole-cell voltage-clamp study of the fading of GABA-activated currents in acutely dissociated hippocampal neurons. Journal of neurophysiology. vol 56. issue 1. 1986-10-22. PMID:3746390. the lability of the responses of mammalian central neurons to gamma-aminobutyric acid (gaba) was studied using neurons acutely dissociated from the ca1 region of the adult guinea pig hippocampus as a model system. 1986-10-22 2023-08-11 Not clear
R Ravid, D F Swaab, T P Van der Woude, G J Boe. Immunocytochemically stained binding sites for oxytocin and alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone in rat brain following ventricular administration. Brain research. vol 379. issue 2. 1986-10-06. PMID:2427169. two patterns were found: 'ring type' staining in perineuronal structures was observed in ca1 and ca3 areas of ventral hippocampus and in subiculum for oxt implanted brains and a very weak staining in striatum for alpha-msh-implanted brains; cytoplasmic staining of intracellular binding sites was observed in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (bst) in brains with oxt implants and in the anterodorsal thalamic nucleus (ad) and postcingulate cortex in brains with alpha-msh implants. 1986-10-06 2023-08-11 rat
J R West, K M Hamre, M D Cassel. Effects of ethanol exposure during the third trimester equivalent on neuron number in rat hippocampus and dentate gyrus. Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research. vol 10. issue 2. 1986-06-27. PMID:3521377. ethanol exposure also resulted in a 16% reduction of neurons in hippocampal field ca4, compared to controls, but did not produce deficits in fields ca1 or ca3. 1986-06-27 2023-08-11 rat