All Relations between purkinje and molecular layer

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E Scherini, D Necchi, C Vignola, G Bernocch. Cis-dichlorodiammineplatinum alters GABAergic structures in the immature rat cerebellum. Neuroscience. vol 50. issue 4. 1992-12-29. PMID:1448209. at all post-treatment intervals, most of the purkinje and golgi neurons and molecular layer interneurons showed stronger anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase immunoreactivity than in controls; this may have been due to altered fixation because of cis-dichlorodiammineplatinum-induced damages to the blood vessels; but could also reflect cellular retention of the enzyme, maybe due to cis-dichlorodiammineplatinum-induced damage of the microtubular apparatus. 1992-12-29 2023-08-11 rat
S Matsuda, N Okumura, H Yoshimura, Y Koyama, M Sakanak. Basic fibroblast growth factor-like immunoreactivity in Purkinje cells of the rat cerebellum. Neuroscience. vol 50. issue 1. 1992-11-23. PMID:1407563. light and electron microscopic immunohistochemistry revealed that a large number of purkinje cells, if not all, send immunoreactive dendrites to the molecular layer and basic fibroblast growth factor-containing axons to the deep cerebellar and lateral vestibular nuclei, where basic fibroblast growth factor nerve terminals form synapses with the soma and dendrites of neurons labeled weakly with basic fibroblast growth factor. 1992-11-23 2023-08-11 rat
M Keep, R M Alvarado-Mallart, C Sotel. New insight on the factors orienting the axonal outgrowth of grafted Purkinje cells in the pcd cerebellum. Developmental neuroscience. vol 14. issue 2. 1992-11-17. PMID:1396175. with cortical implants, the absence of donor nuclear neurons is not sufficient to allow the axons of the grafted purkinje cells that have invaded the host molecular layer to escape the confinement of this layer. 1992-11-17 2023-08-11 mouse
M Keep, R M Alvarado-Mallart, C Sotel. New insight on the factors orienting the axonal outgrowth of grafted Purkinje cells in the pcd cerebellum. Developmental neuroscience. vol 14. issue 2. 1992-11-17. PMID:1396175. finally, when the grafts positioned in the central white matter (intermediate grafts) disrupt the integrity of the host granule cell layer, some of the grafted purkinje cells invade the host molecular layer, while most of them remain within the implant. 1992-11-17 2023-08-11 mouse
M Keep, R M Alvarado-Mallart, C Sotel. New insight on the factors orienting the axonal outgrowth of grafted Purkinje cells in the pcd cerebellum. Developmental neuroscience. vol 14. issue 2. 1992-11-17. PMID:1396175. these results emphasize the ability of grafted purkinje cells to specifically innervate their target host neurons, when either there is proximity, or when a permissive microenvironment for their axonal outgrowth is created by embryonic grafted cortical cerebellar neurons, filling the gap between the molecular layer and the deep nuclei of the host. 1992-11-17 2023-08-11 mouse
H Guo, M Sekiguchi, K Shima. Cytoarchitectonic abnormalities in cerebellum and hippocampal formation of beige mutant mouse. The Tokai journal of experimental and clinical medicine. vol 17. issue 1. 1992-10-15. PMID:1523694. in the cerebellum, purkinje cells and clusters of granule cells, plus an occasional bergmann glia cell, were located ectopically in the molecular layer. 1992-10-15 2023-08-11 mouse
J Puymirat, M Miehe, R Marchand, L Sarlieve, J H Dussaul. Immunocytochemical localization of thyroid hormone receptors in the adult rat brain. Thyroid : official journal of the American Thyroid Association. vol 1. issue 2. 1992-08-31. PMID:1822365. in the cerebellum, a strong ntr immunoreactivity was found in the nuclei of purkinje cells, in the internal granular layer, and in some nuclei of cells located in the molecular layer. 1992-08-31 2023-08-11 rat
J Puymirat, R Marchand, J H Dussaul. Immunocytochemical localization of beta thyroid receptor in the rat cerebellum. Neuroscience letters. vol 135. issue 2. 1992-08-07. PMID:1625801. we show that the immunoreactivity is specifically located in the purkinje cells while the internal granular layer and the molecular layer are devoid of staining. 1992-08-07 2023-08-11 rat
J R Alonso, R Arèvalo, J G Briñòn, J Lara, E Weruaga, J Aijò. Parvalbumin immunoreactive neurons and fibres in the teleost cerebellum. Anatomy and embryology. vol 185. issue 4. 1992-07-21. PMID:1609963. in the molecular layer, only the dendritic branches of the purkinje cells were pv-positive. 1992-07-21 2023-08-11 Not clear
J Mee. Why run parallel fibers parallel? Teleostean Purkinje cells as possible coincidence detectors, in a timing device subserving spatial coding of temporal differences. Neuroscience. vol 48. issue 2. 1992-07-16. PMID:1603322. at only one (lateral) side of the molecular layer, giving rise to parallel fibers without bifurcation in a unidirectional molecular layer, where all parallel fibers conduct signals in the same direction; (ii) a bilateral location at both sides of the molecular layer giving rise to a bidirectional molecular layer where parallel fibers conduct signals in two opposite directions originating from two discrete sources; and (iii) a basal (or sometimes apical) location underneath (or opposite to) the layer of purkinje cells, giving rise to a bidirectional molecular layer where parallel fibers conduct signals in two opposite directions originating from a continuous range of sources. 1992-07-16 2023-08-11 Not clear
J van Neerven, O Pompeiano, H Collewij. Effects of GABAergic and noradrenergic injections into the cerebellar flocculus on vestibulo-ocular reflexes in the rabbit. Progress in brain research. vol 88. 1992-06-16. PMID:1667550. gaba, the main transmitter through which cerebellar interneurons inhibit purkinje cells directly or indirectly, acts normally through gabaa receptors (mainly located in the granular layer) and gabab receptors (predominantly located in the molecular layer). 1992-06-16 2023-08-11 rabbit
E Morii, S Hirota, H M Kim, K Mikoshiba, Y Nishimune, Y Kitamura, S Nomur. Spatial expression of genes encoding c-kit receptors and their ligands in mouse cerebellum as revealed by in situ hybridization. Brain research. Developmental brain research. vol 65. issue 1. 1992-04-29. PMID:1372540. since neurons in the molecular layer construct suppressive neurojunctions with purkinje cells, the present result suggests that c-kit receptors and their ligands may play an important role for the construction of their junctions. 1992-04-29 2023-08-11 mouse
M Sekiguchi, K Shimai, M Moriya, R S Nowakowsk. Abnormalities of foliation and neuronal position in the cerebellum of NZB/BINJ mouse. Brain research. Developmental brain research. vol 64. issue 1-2. 1992-03-24. PMID:1786643. three abnormalities of cerebellar foliation--(1) lobe isolated from other cerebellar lobes, (2) lobes imbalanced in relative amounts or ratio of granular cell layer and molecular layer, (3) lobes in which some purkinje cells and the molecular layer was embedded in the granular cell layer--were observed in nzb/binj mice. 1992-03-24 2023-08-11 mouse
M Sekiguchi, K Shimai, M Moriya, R S Nowakowsk. Abnormalities of foliation and neuronal position in the cerebellum of NZB/BINJ mouse. Brain research. Developmental brain research. vol 64. issue 1-2. 1992-03-24. PMID:1786643. the pattern of ectopically-situated purkinje cells could be divided into 4 types: (1) ectopia of a group of cells from one part of the purkinje cell layer, (2) ectopia of a single purkinje cell observed in the molecular layer, (3) single purkinje cell scattered within the white matter accompanied by clusters of ectopic granule cells and (4) ectopic purkinje cells embedded in the granular cell layer. 1992-03-24 2023-08-11 mouse
K Almarghini, A Remy, M Tappa. Immunocytochemistry of the taurine biosynthesis enzyme, cysteine sulfinate decarboxylase, in the cerebellum: evidence for a glial localization. Neuroscience. vol 43. issue 1. 1991-11-15. PMID:1922763. around the purkinje cells numerous small satellite cells were immunostained that sent faintly labeled radial fibers through the molecular layer. 1991-11-15 2023-08-11 rat
A Nishida, H Kaiya, Y Kanaho, Y Nozaw. Distinct cellular expression of pertussis toxin-sensitive GTP-binding proteins in rat cerebellum. Neuroscience letters. vol 124. issue 1. 1991-08-28. PMID:1907001. immunohistochemical localization of pertussis toxin-sensitive gtp-binding proteins in rat cerebellum was investigated using antibodies raised against purified g alpha o and synthetic peptides corresponding to specific sequences of g alpha i1, g alpha i2 and g alpha o was detected mostly in the molecular layer but not in the cell body of the purkinje cells. 1991-08-28 2023-08-11 rat
A Nishida, H Kaiya, Y Kanaho, Y Nozaw. Distinct cellular expression of pertussis toxin-sensitive GTP-binding proteins in rat cerebellum. Neuroscience letters. vol 124. issue 1. 1991-08-28. PMID:1907001. g alpha i1 and g alpha i2 were found predominantly in the molecular layer and in addition in the cell body of the purkinje cells. 1991-08-28 2023-08-11 rat
Y Inoue, N Maeda, T Kokubun, C Takayama, K Inoue, T Terashima, K Mikoshib. Architecture of Purkinje cells of the reeler mutant mouse observed by immunohistochemistry for the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor protein P400. Neuroscience research. vol 8. issue 3. 1990-11-14. PMID:1699178. the dendrites within the molecular layer extended from purkinje cells whose cell bodies were located in the normal position, abnormally in the granule cell layer, or at the surface of the central mass. 1990-11-14 2023-08-11 mouse
A Matus, N Delhaye-Bouchaud, J Marian. Microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2) in Purkinje cell dendrites: evidence that factors other than binding to microtubules are involved in determining its cytoplasmic distribution. The Journal of comparative neurology. vol 297. issue 3. 1990-10-12. PMID:2398141. the purkinje cells of such animals have abnormally elongated apical primary processes that branch in the other molecular layer rather than close to the cell body as in normal tissue. 1990-10-12 2023-08-11 rat
P M Hwang, D S Bredt, S H Snyde. Autoradiographic imaging of phosphoinositide turnover in the brain. Science (New York, N.Y.). vol 249. issue 4970. 1990-09-25. PMID:1975122. in the cerebellum, glutamatergic stimulation elicits an increase of phosphoinositide turnover only in purkinje cells and the molecular layer. 1990-09-25 2023-08-11 Not clear