All Relations between purkinje and cerebellum

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N Hirokaw. A study of the synaptogenesis in the cerebellar cortex through chronic treatment and immunocytochemistry of beta-bungarotoxin. The Journal of comparative neurology. vol 185. issue 1. 1979-06-11. PMID:372258. thus, in chicken cerebellum, beta-bt primarily affects purkinje cells. 1979-06-11 2023-08-11 chicken
P Bradley, M Berr. Effects of thiophene on the Purkinje cell dendritic tree: a quantitative Golgi study. Neuropathology and applied neurobiology. vol 5. issue 1. 1979-06-11. PMID:431769. a quantitative analysis was made of alterations in the dentritic organisation of purkinje cells in the cerebellum of the adult rat following the administration of the degranulating agent, thiophene. 1979-06-11 2023-08-11 rat
S L Manocha, S P Sharm. Nucleolar changes in response to dietary protein malnutrition in the neurons of the motor cerebral cortex and cerebellum of squirrel moneky Saimiri sciureus. La Cellule. vol 72. issue 3. 1979-05-23. PMID:105809. as a result of protein malnutrition, the nucleolus in a majority of the neurons from the motor cortex and the purkinje cells of the cerebellum undergoes a series of morphological and cytochemical transformations in response to cytoplasmic changes related to impaired protein metabolism. 1979-05-23 2023-08-11 monkey
D L Davidson, Y Tsukada, A Barbea. Ouabain induced seizures: site of production and response to anticonvulsants. The Canadian journal of neurological sciences. Le journal canadien des sciences neurologiques. vol 5. issue 4. 1979-05-23. PMID:743650. it is suggested that this results from decreased inhibitory effect of vermal and paravermal purkinje cells on intra-cerebellar nuclei, which alters cerebellar influence on the reticular formation and the limbic system. 1979-05-23 2023-08-11 rat
A Rabié, C Favre, M C Clavel, J Legran. Sequential effects of thyroxine on the developing cerebellum of rats made hypothyroid by propylthiouracil. Brain research. vol 161. issue 3. 1979-05-16. PMID:421132. the increased cell death in the cerebellum of hypothyroid rats is probably related to the decreased synaptogenetic competence of purkinje cells. 1979-05-16 2023-08-11 rat
C Pfister, R Görn. [Some notes on the specifity of the fluorescence histochemical demonstration of GABA (author's transl)]. Acta histochemica. vol 63. issue 1. 1979-04-26. PMID:105559. the distribution of the gaba in the purkinje cells of the rat cerebellum was demonstrated by means of modified fluorescence histochemical method according to wolman (1971). 1979-04-26 2023-08-11 rat
F A Ziter, P F Bray, P A Cancill. Neuropathologic findings in a patient with neuroblastoma and myoclonic encephalopathy. Archives of neurology. vol 36. issue 1. 1979-04-25. PMID:420608. in our 6-year-old patient, the brain changes were restricted to the cerebellum and consisted of demyelination, gliosis, and loss of purkinje's cells. 1979-04-25 2023-08-11 Not clear
B Sjölun. The ventral spino-olivocerebellar system in the cat. V. Supraspinal control of spinal transmission. Experimental brain research. vol 33. issue 3-4. 1979-03-28. PMID:215435. the climbing fibre responses evoked in purkinje cells by electrical stimulation of limb nerves and spinal tracts were monitored by recording the mass activity at the cerebellar surface simultaneously from several termination zones, while the activity in flexor motoneurones was recorded from a flexor nerve and the primary afferent depolarization from a dorsal filament. 1979-03-28 2023-08-11 cat
H W Spater, A B Novikoff, S H Spater, N Quintan. Pyridoxal phosphatase: cytochemical localization in GERL and other organelles of rat neurons. The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society. vol 26. issue 10. 1979-02-12. PMID:31396. neurons in dorsal root ganglia, sympathetic ganglia and ventral horn of spinal cord were studied by light and electron microscopy, while purkinje cells, neurons in the dentate nucleus of the cerebellum, thalamus, and hypothalamus were studied by light microscopy only. 1979-02-12 2023-08-11 rat
H M Sinnamon, B Shaw, D G Amaral, D J Woodwar. Cerebellar inhibition and ICSS from stimulation in the area of the nucleus locus coeruleus. Brain research bulletin. vol 3. issue 3. 1979-01-26. PMID:709381. lli of purkinje cells was produced most effectively by stimulation of an area dorsolateral to the lc where axons arising from the lc collect to ascend to the cerebellum. 1979-01-26 2023-08-11 Not clear
J L Liessens, J Monstrey, E Vanden Eeckhout, R Djudzman, J J Marti. Bismuth encephalopathy. A clinical and anatomo-pathological report of one case. Acta neurologica Belgica. vol 78. issue 5. 1979-01-26. PMID:716834. the anatomo-pathological study showed non specific anoxic lesions including a widespread loss of purkinje cells in the cerebellum. 1979-01-26 2023-08-11 Not clear
B Meldru. Physiological changes during prolonged seizures and epileptic brain damage. Neuropadiatrie. vol 9. issue 3. 1979-01-15. PMID:581396. ischaemic neuronal change is found after seizures lasting 1.5--7 hours, involving the small neurones of the third cortical lamina, purkinje and basket cells in the cerebellum, and pyramidal neurons in the endfolium and sommer sector of the hippocampus. 1979-01-15 2023-08-11 rat
G Andersson, B Sjölun. The ventral spino-olivocerebellar system in the cat. IV. Spinal transmission after administration of clonidine and L-dopa. Experimental brain research. vol 33. issue 2. 1978-12-27. PMID:212284. the climbing fiber responses evoked in purkinje cells by electrical stimulation of limb nerves were monitored by recording the mass activity at the cerebellar surface simultaneously from several termination zones, while the flexion reflex was recorded from a flexor nerve and the primary afferent depolarization (pad) from a dorsal root filament. 1978-12-27 2023-08-11 cat
M Ito, I Orlov, I Shimoyam. Reduction of the cerebellar stimulus effect on rat Deiters neurons after chemical destruction of the inferior olive. Experimental brain research. vol 33. issue 1. 1978-12-27. PMID:699998. after the inferior olive of the rats had been destroyed by administration of 3-acetylpyridine, the inhibitory effect of cerebellar stimulation on deiters neurons was substantially reduced, indicating impairment in functions of purkinje cells and/or their axons after deprivation of climbing fiber afferents from the cerebellum. 1978-12-27 2023-08-11 rat
T Yamano, M Shimada, K Nakao, T Nakamura, S Wakaizumi, T Kusunok. Maturation of Purkinje cells in mouse cerebellum after neonatal administrations of cytosine arabinoside. Acta neuropathologica. vol 44. issue 1. 1978-12-27. PMID:707044. maturation of purkinje cells in mouse cerebellum after neonatal administrations of cytosine arabinoside. 1978-12-27 2023-08-11 mouse
G Andersson, O Oscarsso. Projections to lateral vestibular nucleus from cerebellar climbing fiber zones. Experimental brain research. vol 32. issue 4. 1978-12-02. PMID:689128. simultaneously the climbing fiber responses evoked in purkinje cells located in the a-, b- and c1-zones were recorded as positive potentials from the cerebellar surface. 1978-12-02 2023-08-11 Not clear
b' T L Marshak, V Maresh, V Ia Brodski\\xc4\\xa. [Number of Purkinje cells with an increased DNA content in rat cerebellum]. Tsitologiia. vol 20. issue 6. 1978-12-02. PMID:695000.' [number of purkinje cells with an increased dna content in rat cerebellum]. 1978-12-02 2023-08-11 rat
R M Herndon, J T Coyl. Selective destruction of purkinje cells, basket-stellate cells, and golgi type II cells of the cerebellum by kainic acid: further evidence that glutamate is the granule cell transmitter. Transactions of the American Neurological Association. vol 102. 1978-10-27. PMID:28603. selective destruction of purkinje cells, basket-stellate cells, and golgi type ii cells of the cerebellum by kainic acid: further evidence that glutamate is the granule cell transmitter. 1978-10-27 2023-08-11 Not clear
D Taylor, J Nathanson, B Hoffer, L Olson, A Seige. Lead blockade of norepinephrine-induced inhibition of cerebellar Purkinje neurons. The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics. vol 206. issue 2. 1978-10-27. PMID:682119. biochemical studies showing that lead (pb++) inhibits cerebellar adenylate cyclase (ic50 = 2 micrometer) prompted us to test the effects of this cation on the depression of spontaneous discharge of purkinje (p) cells produced by iontophoresis of norepinephrine (ne). 1978-10-27 2023-08-11 Not clear
T A Gruber, P Costigan, G T Wilkinson, A A Seawrigh. Chronic methylmercurialism in the cat. Australian veterinary journal. vol 54. issue 4. 1978-10-27. PMID:687273. pathological changes were confined to the nervous system and included degeneration of neurones and perivascular cuffing in the cerebrocortical grey matter, focal atrophy of the granular layer, focal spongiosus of the molecular layer and degeneration and loss of purkinje cells in the cerebellum and demyelination in the fibre tracts of the dorsal funiculus, mainly the fasciculus cuneatus and in the lateral and ventral corticospinal tracts. 1978-10-27 2023-08-11 cat