All Relations between purkinje and cerebellum

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P Benoit, J Marian. Effect of 1-methyl cyclohexane carboxylic acid on electrical activity of Purkinje cells in the rat: evidence for a potentiation of intracerebellar inhibition. Neuropharmacology. vol 21. issue 12. 1983-03-11. PMID:7155307. these results strongly suggest that the effect of cca upon electrical activity of purkinje cells is related to an enhancement of the inhibition exerted on purkinje cells by gabaergic, cerebellar interneurones. 1983-03-11 2023-08-12 rat
M Rodriguez, M J Buchmeier, M B Oldstone, P W Lamper. Ultrastructural localization of viral antigens in the CNS of mice persistently infected with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV). The American journal of pathology. vol 110. issue 1. 1983-02-25. PMID:6336906. in the cerebellum, purkinje cells selectively expressed viral antigens. 1983-02-25 2023-08-12 mouse
C F Ekerot, B Larso. Branching of olivary axons to innervate pairs of sagittal zones in the cerebellar anterior lobe of the cat. Experimental brain research. vol 48. issue 2. 1983-02-25. PMID:7173356. the termination sites of climbing fibre branches were determined by identifying the low-threshold spots on the cerebellar surface from which short-latency (3.1-7.5 ms), "direct" climbing fibre responses could be evoked in purkinje cells. 1983-02-25 2023-08-12 cat
J Garthwaite, G P Wilki. Kainic acid receptors and neurotoxicity in adult and immature rat cerebellar slices. Neuroscience. vol 7. issue 10. 1983-02-14. PMID:6294559. in the immature cerebellum, at an age (8 days after birth) when the parallel fibres (thought to use glutamate as transmitter) are largely yet to be developed, selective toxicity was still evident but purkinje cells and inhibitory interneurones were about 10-fold, and granule cells about 30-fold, less sensitive to kainate than in the adult. 1983-02-14 2023-08-12 rat
J Garthwaite, G P Wilki. Kainic acid receptors and neurotoxicity in adult and immature rat cerebellar slices. Neuroscience. vol 7. issue 10. 1983-02-14. PMID:6294559. it is suggested that kainate receptors, whose activation is associated with both neurotoxic damage and elevation of cyclic gmp levels, are located on all cell types in the adult cerebellum, with purkinje cells and inhibitory interneurones displaying a higher sensitivity to kainate than granule cells. 1983-02-14 2023-08-12 rat
O Mameli, E Tolu, S Piredda, F Monaco, R Mutan. Cerebellar impairment following acute nontoxic administration of phenytoin in rat. Epilepsia. vol 23. issue 6. 1983-02-14. PMID:7173135. in awake paralyzed wistar rats, the following effects of an acute nontoxic dose of phenytoin (pht) on different parameters of cerebellar electrical activity were evaluated: spontaneous discharge rate of single purkinje cells (p-cells), field potentials, and responses of p-cells generated by electrical stimulation of a forelimb nerve. 1983-02-14 2023-08-12 rat
A Bergman, J J Feigenbaum, J Yana. Neuronal losses in mice following both prenatal and neonatal exposure to phenobarbital. Acta anatomica. vol 114. issue 2. 1983-02-14. PMID:7180384. consistent with previous studies, neob animals had a 14-20% smaller cerebellar layer area than controls, 32% fewer cerebellar purkinje cells and 34% fewer granule cells than controls. 1983-02-14 2023-08-12 mouse
A Bergman, J J Feigenbaum, J Yana. Neuronal losses in mice following both prenatal and neonatal exposure to phenobarbital. Acta anatomica. vol 114. issue 2. 1983-02-14. PMID:7180384. the pre- and neob animals did not differ from controls in the area of their cerebellar layers, but they did have fewer cerebellar purkinje and granule cells. 1983-02-14 2023-08-12 mouse
K Herrup, S L Wilczynsk. Cerebellar cell degeneration in the leaner mutant mouse. Neuroscience. vol 7. issue 9. 1983-01-19. PMID:7145091. the loss of both purkinje and golgi cells occurs late relative to the major events of cerebellar maturation. 1983-01-19 2023-08-12 mouse
G Moonen, E A Neale, R L Macdonald, W Gibbs, P G Nelso. Cerebellar macroneurons in microexplant cell culture. Methodology, basic electrophysiology, and morphology after horseradish peroxidase injection. Brain research. vol 281. issue 1. 1983-01-07. PMID:6291726. cerebellar macroneurons, including purkinje cells, survive and differentiate in long-term monolayer cultures, which are prepared by a partial dissociation procedure we refer to as a microexplant technique. 1983-01-07 2023-08-12 Not clear
D W McCandless, F C Schwartzenbur. Audiogenic seizure-induced changes in energy metabolites in cerebral cortical and cerebellar layers. Epilepsia. vol 23. issue 5. 1983-01-07. PMID:6814900. layers 1 and pyramidal from the parietal cortex and the molecular and purkinje cell-rich layers from the cerebellar vermis were separately analyzed for glucose, glycogen, atp, and phosphocreatine. 1983-01-07 2023-08-12 mouse
S Roffler-Tarlov, M Ture. The content of amino acids in the developing cerebellar cortex and deep cerebellar nuclei of granule cell deficient mutant mice. Brain research. vol 247. issue 1. 1982-12-21. PMID:6127146. we have found: (1) an early and transient deficit in taurine in weaver cerebellar cortex during the period of granule cell migration, (2) deficits during the second postnatal week in taurine, aspartic and glutamic acids in both weaver and staggerer cerebellar cortex, (3) that aspartic and glutamic acid deficits result from failure to increase concentrations at the normal rate after birth rather than from a fall from normal levels, (4) decreased concentrations of glutamic acid but not of taurine and aspartic acids apparent in the deep nuclei of both weaver and staggerer at about the same time as in cerebellar cortex, (5) amino acid changes in weaver heterozygote cerebellum which result in values intermediate in magnitude between normal and homozygous weaver animals and (6) an early and persistent reduction in staggerer deep nuclei of gamma-aminobutyric acid (gaba), the purkinje cell transmitter, indicating early denervation or lack of full innervation of deep nuclei by purkinje cells. 1982-12-21 2023-08-12 mouse
E A Neale, G Moonen, R L Macdonald, P G Nelso. Cerebellar macroneurons in microexplant cell culture: ultrastructural morphology. Neuroscience. vol 7. issue 8. 1982-12-21. PMID:7133404. microexplant cell cultures of fetal rat cerebellum contain essentially monolayer networks of purkinje cells, occasional granule cells and neurons from the deep nuclei. 1982-12-21 2023-08-12 rat
E A Neale, G Moonen, R L Macdonald, P G Nelso. Cerebellar macroneurons in microexplant cell culture: ultrastructural morphology. Neuroscience. vol 7. issue 8. 1982-12-21. PMID:7133404. in the absence of extrinsic input to the cerebellum and greatly reduced numbers of granule cells, the purkinje cells develop a stunted and non-oriented dendritic arbor similar to that observed in agranular cerebella. 1982-12-21 2023-08-12 rat
S Takashim. Olivocerebellar lesions in infants born prematurely. Brain & development. vol 4. issue 5. 1982-12-18. PMID:6753623. there was a close relationship between lesions of the inferior olivary nuclei and the presence of cerebellar hemispheric lesions such as cerebellar hemorrhage or loss of purkinje cells and astrogliosis of the cerebellar white matter. 1982-12-18 2023-08-12 Not clear
G A Bisho. The pattern of distribution of the local axonal collaterals of Purkinje cells in the intermediate cortex of the anterior lobe and paramedian lobule of the cat cerebellum. The Journal of comparative neurology. vol 210. issue 1. 1982-12-16. PMID:6182168. the pattern of distribution of the local axonal collaterals of purkinje cells in the intermediate cortex of the anterior lobe and paramedian lobule of the cat cerebellum. 1982-12-16 2023-08-12 cat
G A Bisho. The pattern of distribution of the local axonal collaterals of Purkinje cells in the intermediate cortex of the anterior lobe and paramedian lobule of the cat cerebellum. The Journal of comparative neurology. vol 210. issue 1. 1982-12-16. PMID:6182168. purkinje cells in the intermediate cortex of the anterior lobe and paramedian lobule of the cat cerebellum were intracellularly injected with horseradish peroxidase. 1982-12-16 2023-08-12 cat
B J Potter, M T Mano, G B Belling, G H McIntosh, C Hua, B G Cragg, J Marshall, M L Wellby, B S Hetze. Retarded fetal brain development resulting from severe dietary iodine deficiency in sheep. Neuropathology and applied neurobiology. vol 8. issue 4. 1982-12-16. PMID:7133315. in the cerebellum there was delayed migration of cells from the external granular layer to the internal granular layer and increased density of purkinje cells in the iodine-deficient fetal brains. 1982-12-16 2023-08-12 Not clear
R S Hannah, S H Roth, A W Spir. The effects of chlorpromazine and phenobarbital on cerebellar Purkinje cells. Teratology. vol 26. issue 1. 1982-12-16. PMID:7135255. the morphological effects of two chemically different neuroactive drugs (chlorpromazine and phenobarbital) on developing purkinje cells in the rat cerebellum were examined to determine the presence of cytological alterations. 1982-12-16 2023-08-12 rat
K Nagaike, K Mikoshiba, Y Tsukad. Dysmyelination of shiverer mutant mice in vivo and in vitro. Journal of neurochemistry. vol 39. issue 5. 1982-12-03. PMID:6750046. axons of purkinje cells are thought to be the main myelinated axons in the primary culture of the cerebellum. 1982-12-03 2023-08-12 mouse