All Relations between purkinje and cerebellum

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Y Gahéry, O Pompeian. Effects of pressure stimulation of the body surface on placing reactions. Archives italiennes de biologie. vol 124. issue 1. 1986-09-17. PMID:3741035. we postulate that the exteroceptive input resulting from body pressure decreased the placing reactions by exciting the purkinje cells of the intermediate cortex of the cerebellum, which are in turn inhibitory on the interpositus nucleus, thus reducing the neuronal discharge of the interpositorubrospinal pathway acting on flexor motoneurons. 1986-09-17 2023-08-11 Not clear
A B Oestreicher, W H Gispe. Comparison of the immunocytochemical distribution of the phosphoprotein B-50 in the cerebellum and hippocampus of immature and adult rat brain. Brain research. vol 375. issue 2. 1986-09-16. PMID:2942220. in the cerebellum of the 8-day-old rat we observed distinct patterns of distribution of b-50 immunoreactivity (bir) in the premigratory zone and the developing molecular layer, likely associated with outgrowing parallel and climbing fibers contacting purkinje cells in the internal granular layer and in axons coursing through the cerebellar medulla. 1986-09-16 2023-08-11 rat
G N Berge, I Nafstad, F Fonnu. Prenatal effects of trichlorfon on the guinea pig brain. Archives of toxicology. vol 59. issue 1. 1986-09-16. PMID:3741140. histological examination of the cerebellum revealed reduction of the external granular layer and the molecular layer, and regional absence of purkinje cells. 1986-09-16 2023-08-11 Not clear
A V Plioplys, R Hawke. A survey of MabQ113 immunoreactivity in the adult rat brain: differential staining of the lateral and medial habenular nuclei. Brain research. vol 375. issue 1. 1986-08-04. PMID:2424565. monoclonal antibody mabq113 recognizes a polypeptide antigen which, in rat cerebellum, is confined exclusively to a subset of purkinje cells which are organized into parasagittal bands. 1986-08-04 2023-08-11 rat
F Crepel, J Penit-Sori. Inward rectification and low threshold calcium conductance in rat cerebellar Purkinje cells. An in vitro study. The Journal of physiology. vol 372. 1986-07-25. PMID:2425081. the bioelectrical properties of purkinje cells were analysed in sagittal slices of adult rat cerebellum by the use of intracellular recordings performed at a somatic level in current or in voltage clamp. 1986-07-25 2023-08-11 rat
H Jahnse. Electrophysiological characteristics of neurones in the guinea-pig deep cerebellar nuclei in vitro. The Journal of physiology. vol 372. 1986-07-25. PMID:3723407. the physiological importance may be that the cerebellar output from these cells can be rapidly and efficiently modulated by synaptic potentials generated by purkinje cells and mossy and climbing fibres. 1986-07-25 2023-08-11 Not clear
P F Worley, J M Baraban, C Van Dop, E J Neer, S H Snyde. Go, a guanine nucleotide-binding protein: immunohistochemical localization in rat brain resembles distribution of second messenger systems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. vol 83. issue 12. 1986-07-18. PMID:3086888. go may be associated with purkinje cells in the cerebellum since membranes from mutant mice (nervous), which postnatally lose purkinje cells, are markedly depleted in pertussis toxin substrate. 1986-07-18 2023-08-11 mouse
T L Marshak, A A Karavanov, L I Korochkin, E A Braga, V V Nosiko. [Intra- and interpopulation heterogeneity of the cerebellar nerve cells in topography and ribosomal gene content]. Tsitologiia. vol 28. issue 3. 1986-07-14. PMID:3715975. using the method of in situ hybridization of ribosomal dna with dna of isolated nuclei, a study was made of localization and relative content of ribosomal genes in the purkinje cells and other cells of the rat cerebellum. 1986-07-14 2023-08-11 rat
K Logan, L T Robertso. Somatosensory representation of the cerebellar climbing fiber system in the rat. Brain research. vol 372. issue 2. 1986-07-07. PMID:3708365. the climbing fiber responses of 542 purkinje cells were isolated in the vermal and intermediate zones of lobules ii to vi of the rat cerebellum. 1986-07-07 2023-08-11 rat
I Ferrer, T Ribalta, I Fabregues, M Pineda, V Cus. A Golgi study of cerebellar malformation in 13 trisomy. Clinical neuropathology. vol 5. issue 2. 1986-07-02. PMID:2423283. poorly organized cerebellar dysplasias (heterotaxias) are composed of purkinje, golgi and granule cells arranged and oriented in a disorderly fashion. 1986-07-02 2023-08-11 Not clear
C Y Chan, C Nicholso. Modulation by applied electric fields of Purkinje and stellate cell activity in the isolated turtle cerebellum. The Journal of physiology. vol 371. 1986-06-20. PMID:3701658. modulation by applied electric fields of purkinje and stellate cell activity in the isolated turtle cerebellum. 1986-06-20 2023-08-11 Not clear
S I Walaas, A C Nairn, P Greengar. PCPP-260, a Purkinje cell-specific cyclic AMP-regulated membrane phosphoprotein of Mr 260,000. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 6. issue 4. 1986-06-06. PMID:3009734. analysis of cerebella from mutant mice, deficient in either purkinje cells or in granule cells, indicates that pcpp-260 within the cerebellum is restricted to purkinje cells. 1986-06-06 2023-08-11 mouse
C von Knebel Doeberitz, J Sievers, M Sadler, F W Pehlemann, M Berry, P Halliwel. Destruction of meningeal cells over the newborn hamster cerebellum with 6-hydroxydopamine prevents foliation and lamination in the rostral cerebellum. Neuroscience. vol 17. issue 2. 1986-05-30. PMID:2422586. after 20 or 30 days the cerebella of treated animals showed severe morphological alterations including: an absence of distinct folia anterior to the primary fissure; a disruption of lamination in the same region by the displacement of both purkinje cells and cerebellar interneurons; a reduction in size and frequency of branching of the medullary tree with anomalous anterobasal branches and splaying; reductions in the area of the molecular layer, the total area occupied by granule cells, the length of the pial surface and the length of the purkinje cell layer of 29, 21, 57 and 27%, respectively; disorganization of the radially organized glial scaffold by outgrowth of bergmann glial fibers and displacement of their cell bodies, the golgi epithelial cells, and anomalous orientation, polarity, size and branching frequency of purkinje cell dendritic trees. 1986-05-30 2023-08-11 Not clear
G Bernocchi, S Barni, E Scherin. The annual cycle of Erinaceus europaeus L. as a model for a further study of cytochemical heterogeneity in Purkinje neuron nuclei. Neuroscience. vol 17. issue 2. 1986-05-30. PMID:2422587. the cytochemical heterogeneity of nuclei in purkinje cells, which reflects differences in metabolic states within the population, has been studied by comparing cerebellar hemispheres of the hedgehog during periods of activity and hibernation. 1986-05-30 2023-08-11 Not clear
T W McKeon, J F Lorden, M Beales, G A Oltman. Alterations in the noradrenergic projection to the cerebellum of the dystonic (dt) rat. Brain research. vol 366. issue 1-2. 1986-05-30. PMID:3008916. this change and other evidence of biochemical abnormalities in the purkinje cells suggest that the alterations in cerebellar ne in the dt mutant may be a secondary response to a functional change in the target neuron for this system, the purkinje cell. 1986-05-30 2023-08-11 rat
K Herru. Cell lineage relationships in the development of the mammalian CNS: role of cell lineage in control of cerebellar Purkinje cell number. Developmental biology. vol 115. issue 1. 1986-05-30. PMID:3699243. evidence is presented in the present study that the purkinje cells of the c57bl/6 strain, exist in 10 clones, of 9200 cells per half cerebellum. 1986-05-30 2023-08-11 mouse
A Rotter, A Frosthol. Cerebellar histamine-H1 receptor distribution: an autoradiographic study of Purkinje cell degeneration, staggerer, weaver and reeler mutant mouse strains. Brain research bulletin. vol 16. issue 2. 1986-05-27. PMID:3697788. in the 54 day old purkinje cell degeneration mutant cerebellum, which is depleted of purkinje cells, a greatly reduced labeling of the cerebellar cortex was observed. 1986-05-27 2023-08-11 mouse
A Rotter, A Frosthol. Cerebellar histamine-H1 receptor distribution: an autoradiographic study of Purkinje cell degeneration, staggerer, weaver and reeler mutant mouse strains. Brain research bulletin. vol 16. issue 2. 1986-05-27. PMID:3697788. in the 27 day old staggerer cerebellum, a mutation characterized by purkinje cells which are almost devoid of spines and which do not form synaptic contacts with granule cells, a higher than normal grain density was seen over the cerebellar cortex, while normal grain density was observed over the deep cerebellar nuclei. 1986-05-27 2023-08-11 mouse
A Rotter, A Frosthol. Cerebellar histamine-H1 receptor distribution: an autoradiographic study of Purkinje cell degeneration, staggerer, weaver and reeler mutant mouse strains. Brain research bulletin. vol 16. issue 2. 1986-05-27. PMID:3697788. the present observations suggest that cerebellar cortical histamine-h1 receptors are associated predominantly with purkinje cells. 1986-05-27 2023-08-11 mouse
S Col. Cerebellar dysfunction during high dose cytosine arabinoside therapy in a case of acute myelogenous leukaemia. Scandinavian journal of haematology. vol 36. issue 2. 1986-05-23. PMID:3458292. a review of previously published reports indicates that the cerebellar toxicity of hdca, which has been ascribed to loss of purkinje cells, usually occurs when the accumulated dose exceeds 36 g/m2. 1986-05-23 2023-08-11 Not clear