All Relations between purkinje and cerebellum

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
D H Baird, C A Baptista, L C Wang, C A Maso. Specificity of a target cell-derived stop signal for afferent axonal growth. Journal of neurobiology. vol 23. issue 5. 1992-12-07. PMID:1431837. to ask whether this stop signal is afferent specific, we co-cultured granule neurons with another cerebellar afferent system, the climbing fibers from the inferior olivary nuclei, which normally contact purkinje neurons, and with retinal ganglion cell afferents, which never enter the cerebellum. 1992-12-07 2023-08-11 Not clear
S Hirota, A Ito, E Morii, A Wanaka, M Tohyama, Y Kitamura, S Nomur. Localization of mRNA for c-kit receptor and its ligand in the brain of adult rats: an analysis using in situ hybridization histochemistry. Brain research. Molecular brain research. vol 15. issue 1-2. 1992-12-02. PMID:1331669. in the cerebellum, the signals were detected in purkinje cells. 1992-12-02 2023-08-11 rat
R Shigemoto, S Nakanishi, N Mizun. Distribution of the mRNA for a metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR1) in the central nervous system: an in situ hybridization study in adult and developing rat. The Journal of comparative neurology. vol 322. issue 1. 1992-12-02. PMID:1430307. most intensely labeled neurons were purkinje cells of the cerebellum, mitral and tufted cells of the olfactory bulb, and neurons in the hippocampus, lateral septum, thalamus, globus pallidus, entopeduncular nucleus, ventral pallidum, magnocellular preoptic nucleus, substantia nigra, and dorsal cochlear nucleus. 1992-12-02 2023-08-11 rat
H H Lim, G J Michael, P Smith, L Lim, C Hal. Developmental regulation and neuronal expression of the mRNA of rat n-chimaerin, a p21rac GAP:cDNA sequence. The Biochemical journal. vol 287 ( Pt 2). 1992-12-01. PMID:1445199. in the cerebellum the mrna was detected only in purkinje neurons. 1992-12-01 2023-08-11 human
S J East, J Garthwait. Actions of a metabotropic glutamate receptor agonist in immature and adult rat cerebellum. European journal of pharmacology. vol 219. issue 3. 1992-11-27. PMID:1385175. the electrophysiological actions of the metabotropic glutamate receptor agonist 1s,3r-1-aminocyclopentane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid (acpd) on purkinje and granule cells were studied in immature and adult cerebellar slices. 1992-11-27 2023-08-11 rat
N H Barmack, H Shojak. Vestibularly induced slow oscillations in climbing fiber responses of Purkinje cells in the cerebellar nodulus of the rabbit. Neuroscience. vol 50. issue 1. 1992-11-23. PMID:1407553. vestibularly induced slow oscillations in climbing fiber responses of purkinje cells in the cerebellar nodulus of the rabbit. 1992-11-23 2023-08-11 rabbit
N H Barmack, H Shojak. Vestibularly induced slow oscillations in climbing fiber responses of Purkinje cells in the cerebellar nodulus of the rabbit. Neuroscience. vol 50. issue 1. 1992-11-23. PMID:1407553. in this report we describe an interesting form of plasticity in climbing fiber responses evoked in purkinje cells of the rabbit cerebellum by periodic vestibular stimulation. 1992-11-23 2023-08-11 rabbit
S Matsuda, N Okumura, H Yoshimura, Y Koyama, M Sakanak. Basic fibroblast growth factor-like immunoreactivity in Purkinje cells of the rat cerebellum. Neuroscience. vol 50. issue 1. 1992-11-23. PMID:1407563. basic fibroblast growth factor-like immunoreactivity in purkinje cells of the rat cerebellum. 1992-11-23 2023-08-11 rat
S Matsuda, N Okumura, H Yoshimura, Y Koyama, M Sakanak. Basic fibroblast growth factor-like immunoreactivity in Purkinje cells of the rat cerebellum. Neuroscience. vol 50. issue 1. 1992-11-23. PMID:1407563. light and electron microscopic immunohistochemistry revealed that a large number of purkinje cells, if not all, send immunoreactive dendrites to the molecular layer and basic fibroblast growth factor-containing axons to the deep cerebellar and lateral vestibular nuclei, where basic fibroblast growth factor nerve terminals form synapses with the soma and dendrites of neurons labeled weakly with basic fibroblast growth factor. 1992-11-23 2023-08-11 rat
P Volpe, R Sacchetto, B H Alderson-Lan. Postnatal expression of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor in canine cerebellum. The International journal of biochemistry. vol 24. issue 10. 1992-11-20. PMID:1327888. the time-course of ip3 receptor ontogeny paralleled both growth of purkinje neurons, as indicated by immunofluorescence of cerebellum cortex cryosections with anti-ip3 receptor antibodies, and synaptogenesis, as judged by western blotting of the microsomal fractions with anti-synaptophysin antibodies. 1992-11-20 2023-08-11 Not clear
M Keep, R M Alvarado-Mallart, C Sotel. New insight on the factors orienting the axonal outgrowth of grafted Purkinje cells in the pcd cerebellum. Developmental neuroscience. vol 14. issue 2. 1992-11-17. PMID:1396175. new insight on the factors orienting the axonal outgrowth of grafted purkinje cells in the pcd cerebellum. 1992-11-17 2023-08-11 mouse
M Keep, R M Alvarado-Mallart, C Sotel. New insight on the factors orienting the axonal outgrowth of grafted Purkinje cells in the pcd cerebellum. Developmental neuroscience. vol 14. issue 2. 1992-11-17. PMID:1396175. despite purkinje cell replacement, leading to the repair of the cortical circuit of the pcd mouse cerebellum grafted with e12 cerebellar primordium, the reestablishment of the corticonuclear projection only occurs for some purkinje cells and in a small percentage of grafted mice. 1992-11-17 2023-08-11 mouse
M Keep, R M Alvarado-Mallart, C Sotel. New insight on the factors orienting the axonal outgrowth of grafted Purkinje cells in the pcd cerebellum. Developmental neuroscience. vol 14. issue 2. 1992-11-17. PMID:1396175. these results emphasize the ability of grafted purkinje cells to specifically innervate their target host neurons, when either there is proximity, or when a permissive microenvironment for their axonal outgrowth is created by embryonic grafted cortical cerebellar neurons, filling the gap between the molecular layer and the deep nuclei of the host. 1992-11-17 2023-08-11 mouse
R W Leech, R A Brumback, J Davis, D Feebac. A modified Da Fano silver stain for demonstration of neurons and dendrites in glycol methacrylate-embedded brain tissue. Archives of pathology & laboratory medicine. vol 116. issue 10. 1992-11-13. PMID:1384455. in cerebellar sections, this modified technique impregnates nearly all purkinje cells, elucidating the fine structural detail of the developing neuronal dendritic tree and spines. 1992-11-13 2023-08-11 human
J F Lorden, J Lutes, V L Michela, J Ervi. Abnormal cerebellar output in rats with an inherited movement disorder. Experimental neurology. vol 118. issue 1. 1992-11-13. PMID:1397181. since the electrophysiological findings cannot be ascribed to a loss of the purkinje cells that normally provide an inhibitory input to the cerebellar nuclei, the results of this study indicate the presence of a functional defect in the control of cerebellar output in the dystonic rat that accounts for the failure of these animals to display harmaline tremor and which may be critical to the motor syndrome. 1992-11-13 2023-08-11 rat
P W Lane, R T Bronson, C A Spence. Rostral cerebellar malformation, (rcm): a new recessive mutation on chromosome 3 of the mouse. The Journal of heredity. vol 83. issue 4. 1992-11-10. PMID:1401878. a new recessive mutation in the mouse that causes a disorderly arrangement of purkinje and granule cells in the rostral portion of the cerebellum is described. 1992-11-10 2023-08-11 mouse
K Kiyosawa, K Mokuno, A Takahashi, N Murakami, K Kat. [Cerebrospinal fluid levels of 28 kDa calcium-binding protein in patients with neurological diseases]. Rinsho shinkeigaku = Clinical neurology. vol 32. issue 4. 1992-10-26. PMID:1395324. in the cerebellum, cabp is localized in purkinje cells. 1992-10-26 2023-08-11 human
V E Anderson, I Hajimohammadreza, J M Gallo, B H Anderton, J Uney, A W Brown, C C Nolan, J B Cavanagh, P N Leig. Ubiquitin, PGP 9.5 and dense body formation in trimethyltin intoxication: differential neuronal responses to chemically induced cell damage. Neuropathology and applied neurobiology. vol 18. issue 4. 1992-10-22. PMID:1382241. pgp 9.5 immunoreactivity was not altered in hippocampal cells at any time, while purkinje and golgi cell dendrites and perikarya showed intensified labelling at 3 h that reached a peak of 12 h. at 48 h western blot analysis of hippocampal homogenates showed significant increases in high molecular weight (hmw) ubiquitin conjugates, while cerebellar homogenates showed an increase in ubiquitin-histone conjugates. 1992-10-22 2023-08-11 rat
L C Triarhou, W C Low, B Ghett. Serotonin fiber innervation of cerebellar cell suspensions intraparenchymally grafted to the cerebellum of pcd mutant mice. Neurochemical research. vol 17. issue 5. 1992-10-22. PMID:1528355. we addressed this issue by using the adult cerebellum of 'purkinje cell degeneration' (pcd) mutant mice, which lack virtually all purkinje cells after postnatal day (p) 45. 1992-10-22 2023-08-11 mouse
L C Triarhou, W C Low, B Ghett. Serotonin fiber innervation of cerebellar cell suspensions intraparenchymally grafted to the cerebellum of pcd mutant mice. Neurochemical research. vol 17. issue 5. 1992-10-22. PMID:1528355. purkinje cells constitute one of the cerebellar cell types being innervated by axons of raphé serotonin (5-ht) neurons. 1992-10-22 2023-08-11 mouse