All Relations between dopaminergic and dopamine

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I Sziráki, V Kardos, M Patthy, M Pátfalusi, G Buda. Methamphetamine protects against MPTP neurotoxicity in C57BL mice. European journal of pharmacology. vol 251. issue 2-3. 1994-05-12. PMID:8149986. a 30-min post-treatment with methamphetamine or amphetamine also prevents the mptp-induced dopamine depletion, suggesting that their protective effect is related to the blockade of mpp+ uptake into dopaminergic neurons. 1994-05-12 2023-08-12 mouse
S I Deutsch, R B Rosse, B L Schwartz, M Banay-Schwartz, M F McCarthy, S K Johr. L-tyrosine pharmacotherapy of schizophrenia: preliminary data. Clinical neuropharmacology. vol 17. issue 1. 1994-05-10. PMID:8149360. the objective of this inpatient study was to increase dopaminergic neural transmission along mesocortical projections in patients by increasing the precursor availability of l-tyrosine for dopamine biosynthesis. 1994-05-10 2023-08-12 Not clear
J Meek, H W Jooste. Tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive cell groups in the brain of the teleost fish Gnathonemus petersii. Journal of chemical neuroanatomy. vol 6. issue 6. 1994-05-05. PMID:7908204. tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive neurons were observed not only in clearly dopaminergic regions (the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the magnocellular hypothalamic nucleus and the area postrema) and noradrenergic cell groups (the locus coeruleus and inferior reticular cell group), but also in regions that do not, or only fragmentarily, display dopamine or noradrenaline immunoreactivity, including the ventral and intermediate telencephalon, the anterior and posterior preoptic cell group, the ventromedial thalamus, the pretectal region and the nucleus of the solitary tract, suggesting that they either represent depleted dopaminergic cell groups or l-dihydroxy phenylalanine-producing nuclei. 1994-05-05 2023-08-12 Not clear
M A Hynes, K Poulsen, M Armanini, L Berkemeier, H Phillips, A Rosentha. Neurotrophin-4/5 is a survival factor for embryonic midbrain dopaminergic neurons in enriched cultures. Journal of neuroscience research. vol 37. issue 1. 1994-05-04. PMID:7908342. a common pathology in parkinson's patients is degeneration of substantia nigra dopaminergic neurons that innervate the striatum and a corresponding decrease in striatal dopamine content. 1994-05-04 2023-08-12 rat
L J Freedman, M D Cassel. Distribution of dopaminergic fibers in the central division of the extended amygdala of the rat. Brain research. vol 633. issue 1-2. 1994-04-25. PMID:7511034. the distribution of dopaminergic fibers in the principal components of the central extended amygdala (central amygdaloid nucleus (ce), substantia innominata, and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (bnst)), was studied using immunocytochemistry against tyrosine hydroxylase, dopamine beta-hydroxylase and dopamine. 1994-04-25 2023-08-12 rat
G Defazio, R Dal Toso, D Benvegnù, M C Minozzi, A R Cananzi, A Leo. Parkinsonian serum carries complement-dependent toxicity for rat mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons in culture. Brain research. vol 633. issue 1-2. 1994-04-25. PMID:7907931. high affinity dopamine (da) and gaba uptakes were assessed as specific, functional markers of dopaminergic and gabaergic cell viability, respectively. 1994-04-25 2023-08-12 rat
P A Jose, G M Eisner, R A Felde. Dopaminergic defect in hypertension. Pediatric nephrology (Berlin, Germany). vol 7. issue 6. 1994-04-21. PMID:8130121. because some forms of hypertension are sodium dependent or aggravated by sodium loading and because dopamine is important in aiding the organism to eliminate "excess" sodium, an abnormality in the renal dopaminergic system may be responsible for the sodium retention in hypertension. 1994-04-21 2023-08-12 human
C J Schmidt, C K Sullivan, G M Fadaye. Blockade of striatal 5-hydroxytryptamine2 receptors reduces the increase in extracellular concentrations of dopamine produced by the amphetamine analogue 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine. Journal of neurochemistry. vol 62. issue 4. 1994-04-20. PMID:7907650. in contrast, infusion of mdl 100,907 into the mid-brain region near the dopaminergic cell bodies was without effect on the mdma-induced elevation of extracellular dopamine in the ipsilateral striatum. 1994-04-20 2023-08-12 rat
G M Seigel, F Junn, D M Gas. Neurotrophic effects of amnion explants co-cultured with rat mesencephalon. Brain research. Developmental brain research. vol 77. issue 1. 1994-04-19. PMID:7907534. tyrosine hydroxylase immunocytochemistry, western immunoblot and [3h]dopamine uptake studies revealed significant neurotrophic effects on e14m dopaminergic neurons over 14 days in culture. 1994-04-19 2023-08-12 rat
K Akiyama, K Yabe, D Suto. Quantitative immunohistochemical distributions of tyrosine hydroxylase and calmodulin in the brains of spontaneously hypertensive rats. The Kitasato archives of experimental medicine. vol 65. issue 4. 1994-04-07. PMID:1364239. combining this finding and our previous reports, we also suggest that the lower dopamine levels seen in the neostriatum and nucleus accumbens regions of shr may result from the decrease in tyrosine hydroxylase and/or calmodulin levels in these regions in addition to the abnormality of calcium metabolism, and low levels of dopamine may produce an increase in blood pressure through functions of cerebral dopaminergic neurons and peripheral sympathetic nerves. 1994-04-07 2023-08-11 rat
J S Schneider, L DiStefan. LIGA 20 increases striatal dopamine levels in aged MPTP-treated mice refractory to GM1 ganglioside treatment. Neuroreport. vol 5. issue 2. 1994-03-31. PMID:8110995. administration of the dopaminergic neurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (mptp) to aged (12 months) c57 black mice results in a striatal dopamine depletion that can be partially reversed only by long-term (i.e. 1994-03-31 2023-08-12 mouse
K A Freeman, R J Tallarid. A quantitative study of dopamine control in the rat striatum. The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics. vol 268. issue 2. 1994-03-28. PMID:7906733. the control of dopamine release by negative feedback via dopaminergic autoreceptors has been well established. 1994-03-28 2023-08-12 rat
K A Freeman, R J Tallarid. A quantitative study of dopamine control in the rat striatum. The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics. vol 268. issue 2. 1994-03-28. PMID:7906733. the data obtained from the microdialysis experiments were used to construct dopamine's control curve, a new quantitative concept that describes the feedback control of the dopaminergic system. 1994-03-28 2023-08-12 rat
M J Eaton, K J Lookingland, K E Moor. Effects of the selective dopaminergic D2 agonist quinelorane on the activity of dopaminergic and noradrenergic neurons projecting to the diencephalon of the rat. The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics. vol 268. issue 2. 1994-03-28. PMID:7906734. the purpose of the present study was to characterize dopaminergic d2 receptor-mediated regulation of catecholaminergic neurons in the diencephalon by examining the acute effects of the potent and selective d2 agonist quinelorane (ly163502; trans-(-)-5,5a,6,7,8,9,9a,10-octahydro-6-propylpyrimido [4,5-g] quinolin-2-amine dihydrochloride dihydrate) on concentrations of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, dopamine, 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylethyleneglycol and norepinephrine in the dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus and horizontal limb of the diagonal band of broca of intact and norepinephrine-depleted male rats. 1994-03-28 2023-08-12 rat
N Bäck, S Soinil. Regulation of secretory granule formation in chronically hypersecretory melanotrophs in the rat pituitary. Cell and tissue research. vol 275. issue 2. 1994-03-28. PMID:8111840. hypersecretion was induced by treatment with the dopamine antagonist haloperidol (1.5 mg/kg daily for 7 days), which releases the normal neural dopaminergic inhibition of secretion from the melanotroph. 1994-03-28 2023-08-12 rat
D J Doudet, R J Wyatt, E Cannon-Spoor, R Suddath, C A McLellan, R M Cohe. 6-[18F]fluoro-L-dopa and cerebral blood flow in unilaterally MPTP-treated monkeys. Journal of neural transplantation & plasticity. vol 4. issue 1. 1994-03-25. PMID:7509198. this mptp-induced model of striatal dopamine deficiency in primates presents similarities with idiopathic parkinson's disease and may be used to evaluate the effects of dopaminergic lesions and transplants on brain function. 1994-03-25 2023-08-12 monkey
M Navarro, F Rodríguez de Fonseca, M L Hernández, J A Ramos, J J Fernández-Rui. Motor behavior and nigrostriatal dopaminergic activity in adult rats perinatally exposed to cannabinoids. Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior. vol 47. issue 1. 1994-03-25. PMID:7906890. in the second experiment, we evaluated neurochemical indices--dopamine (da) and l-3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (dopac) contents, tyrosine hydroxylase (th) activity, and number and affinity of d1 and d2 dopaminergic receptors in the striatum--and behavioral parameters--spontaneous locomotor activity and spontaneous and induced stereotypic behavior--both indicating nigrostriatal dopaminergic activity, in adult female and male rats perinatally exposed to hashish extract. 1994-03-25 2023-08-12 rat
L V Devoĭno, G V Idova, M A Cheĭd. [The normalization of the immune response in old stressed mice by apomorphine]. Biulleten' eksperimental'noi biologii i meditsiny. vol 116. issue 11. 1994-03-24. PMID:8312553. activation of the dopaminergic system by the agonist of dopamine postsynaptic receptors apomorphine resulted in normalization of an immune response in old mice. 1994-03-24 2023-08-12 mouse
F L Van Muiswinkel, B Drukarch, H W Steinbusch, J C Stoo. Dopamine D-2 autoreceptors regulating the release of dopamine from cultured rat fetal dopaminergic neurons do not desensitize upon sustained activation: implications for the combined pharmaco- and grafting therapy in parkinsonian patients. Experimental neurology. vol 125. issue 2. 1994-03-23. PMID:7906226. dopamine d-2 autoreceptors regulating the release of dopamine from cultured rat fetal dopaminergic neurons do not desensitize upon sustained activation: implications for the combined pharmaco- and grafting therapy in parkinsonian patients. 1994-03-23 2023-08-12 rat
F L Van Muiswinkel, B Drukarch, H W Steinbusch, J C Stoo. Dopamine D-2 autoreceptors regulating the release of dopamine from cultured rat fetal dopaminergic neurons do not desensitize upon sustained activation: implications for the combined pharmaco- and grafting therapy in parkinsonian patients. Experimental neurology. vol 125. issue 2. 1994-03-23. PMID:7906226. cultured rat fetal mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons exhibit specific high-affinity uptake for [3h]dopamine (da) and express da d-2 autoreceptors, functionally coupled to the inhibition of depolarization evoked [3h]da release. 1994-03-23 2023-08-12 rat