All Relations between gh and insulin

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A Lucas, S R Bloom, A Aynsley-Gree. Metabolic and endocrine events at the time of the first feed of human milk in preterm and term infants. Archives of disease in childhood. vol 53. issue 9. 1979-01-24. PMID:718242. the first feed of breast milk given to a group of 12 term infants was previously shown to increase the levels of blood glucose and plasma insulin, growth hormone (gh), gastrin, and enteroglucagon. 1979-01-24 2023-08-11 human
A Lucas, S R Bloom, A Aynsley-Gree. Metabolic and endocrine events at the time of the first feed of human milk in preterm and term infants. Archives of disease in childhood. vol 53. issue 9. 1979-01-24. PMID:718242. no change occurred in the concentrations of blood glucose, lactate, pyruvate, or ketone bodies, or in plasma insulin, gh, pancreatic glucagon, or enteroglucagon in either the 'bolus fed' or the 'infusion fed' group of preterm infants. 1979-01-24 2023-08-11 human
E Syvälahti, R Lammintausta, E Iisalo, J Kant. Cardioselective (metoprolol) and non-selective (propranolol) beta-blockade and glucose homeostasis. Annals of clinical research. vol 9. issue 5. 1978-10-27. PMID:616215. the effects of two beta-adrenergic receptor blocking drugs, the non-selective propranolol and the cardioselective metoprolol, on the concentrations of blood glucose, serum insulin (iri) and growth hormone (gh) were studied in 8 healthy male volunteers both at rest and on exercise. 1978-10-27 2023-08-11 human
O P Ganda, C T Sawin, F Iber, J A Glennon, M L Mitchel. Transient suppression of growth hormone secretion after chronic ethanol intake. Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research. vol 2. issue 3. 1978-10-18. PMID:356654. the low gh response was not due to a difference in the levels of glucose or insulin. 1978-10-18 2023-08-11 Not clear
E Cacciari, G Coccagna, A Cicognani, P Pirazzoli, R Gallassi, P Farneti, F Bernardi, F Zappulla, G Gobbi, P Verucch. Growth hormone release during sleep in growth-retarded children with normal response to pharmacological tests. Archives of disease in childhood. vol 53. issue 6. 1978-10-18. PMID:686775. the data (a) show that it is essential to monitor gh throughout the night to ascertain with certainty the presence or absence of physiological secretory peaks of gh; (b) emphasise the rare disagreement between pharmacological and physiological tests; (c) suggest the use of this physiological test for gh secretion in those cases where the insulin test may be hazardous. 1978-10-18 2023-08-11 Not clear
K E Mühlendahl, B Weber, R Müller-Hess, S Korth-Schütz, H Helg. Glucocorticosteroids and growth hormone secretion under physiological conditions and in states of steroid excess. European journal of pediatrics. vol 128. issue 2. 1978-09-25. PMID:668720. cortisol and growth hormone (gh) secretion (spontaneous variations at night and the release induced by insulin hypoglycaemia) were investigated in 69 children and adolescents. 1978-09-25 2023-08-11 Not clear
A Masala, G Delitala, S Alagna, L Devilla, P P Rovasio, G Lott. Effect of dopaminergic blockade on the secretion of growth hormone and prolactin in man. Metabolism: clinical and experimental. vol 27. issue 8. 1978-09-25. PMID:672613. serum growth hormone (gh) response to insulin and glucagon administration was studied in 12 male and 12 female volunteers under control conditions, and under treatment with pimozide and metoclopramide. 1978-09-25 2023-08-11 human
A Masala, G Delitala, S Alagna, L Devilla, P P Rovasio, G Lott. Effect of dopaminergic blockade on the secretion of growth hormone and prolactin in man. Metabolism: clinical and experimental. vol 27. issue 8. 1978-09-25. PMID:672613. pimozide and metoclopramide administration had no effect on the gh response to insulin and glucagon. 1978-09-25 2023-08-11 human
A Masala, G Delitala, S Alagna, L Devilla, P P Rovasio, G Lott. Effect of dopaminergic blockade on the secretion of growth hormone and prolactin in man. Metabolism: clinical and experimental. vol 27. issue 8. 1978-09-25. PMID:672613. dopaminergic blockade is unable to affect gh secretion in response to insulin and glucagon administration in man. 1978-09-25 2023-08-11 human
W B Mendelson, N Sitaram, R J Wyatt, J C Gillin, L S Jacob. Methoscopolamine inhibition of sleep-related growth hormone secretion. Evidence for a cholinergic secretory mechanism. The Journal of clinical investigation. vol 61. issue 6. 1978-08-28. PMID:659621. in contrast to the abolition of sleep-related gh secretion, administration of methscopolamine had only a marginal effect on the gh response to insulin hypoglycemia. 1978-08-28 2023-08-11 human
W B Mendelson, N Sitaram, R J Wyatt, J C Gillin, L S Jacob. Methoscopolamine inhibition of sleep-related growth hormone secretion. Evidence for a cholinergic secretory mechanism. The Journal of clinical investigation. vol 61. issue 6. 1978-08-28. PMID:659621. the contrast between the complete suppression of sleep-related gh release and the relatively small inhibitory effect on itt-induced gh secretion suggests that the neurotransmitter mechanisms, and presumably the pathways, which subserve sleep-related gh secretion in man may be different from those which mediate the gh response to pharmacologic stimuli such as insulin. 1978-08-28 2023-08-11 human
T Hossdorf, H Wagner, W Oberwittler, W H Haus. [Correlations between age, risk factors for arteriosclerosis and endocrine functions (author's transl)]. Aktuelle Gerontologie. vol 8. issue 6. 1978-08-14. PMID:27109. in 377 males and 528 female factory workers basal serum levels of glucose, neutralfat, cholesterol, na, k, ca and lh, fsh, tsh, prolactin, gh, insulin, total corticoids and testosteron were determined. 1978-08-14 2023-08-11 Not clear
T Hossdorf, H Wagner, W Oberwittler, W H Haus. [Correlations between age, risk factors for arteriosclerosis and endocrine functions (author's transl)]. Aktuelle Gerontologie. vol 8. issue 6. 1978-08-14. PMID:27109. in women insulin and gh do not have the same importance as in men. 1978-08-14 2023-08-11 Not clear
K T Borer, R P Kelc. Increased serum growth hormone and somatic growth in exercising adult hamsters. The American journal of physiology. vol 234. issue 6. 1978-08-14. PMID:665764. we examined the effects of exercise on serum concentrations of growth hormone (gh) and insulin during ad libitum or restricted intake of food. 1978-08-14 2023-08-11 Not clear
K T Borer, R P Kelc. Increased serum growth hormone and somatic growth in exercising adult hamsters. The American journal of physiology. vol 234. issue 6. 1978-08-14. PMID:665764. serum insulin and gh concentrations were measured by radioimmunoassays in exercising, retired, or sedentary hamsters during ad libitum or restricted intake of food. 1978-08-14 2023-08-11 Not clear
K T Borer, R P Kelc. Increased serum growth hormone and somatic growth in exercising adult hamsters. The American journal of physiology. vol 234. issue 6. 1978-08-14. PMID:665764. serum gh concentrations were increased during exercise and after retirement; serum insulin concentrations were increased only after retirement during both dietary regimes. 1978-08-14 2023-08-11 Not clear
K T Borer, R P Kelc. Increased serum growth hormone and somatic growth in exercising adult hamsters. The American journal of physiology. vol 234. issue 6. 1978-08-14. PMID:665764. we conclude that 1) in adult hamsters voluntary exercise leads to increased secretion of gh even when ingested nutrients are insufficient to support increased growth, and 2) increased secretion of insulin is not related directly to exercise. 1978-08-14 2023-08-11 Not clear
K R Schneider, G Müller, W Wiegelmann, H G Solbach, H L Krüskempe. [Comparative studies of growth hormone secretion in acromegaly after isolated and combined application of insulin hypoglycemia, LH-RH- and TRH tests (author's transl)]. Klinische Wochenschrift. vol 56. issue 9. 1978-07-24. PMID:349258. growth hormone (gh) release was measured in 17 patients with active acromegaly following the administration of insulin, lh-rh and trh given intravenously either combined or each separately. 1978-07-24 2023-08-11 Not clear
K R Schneider, G Müller, W Wiegelmann, H G Solbach, H L Krüskempe. [Comparative studies of growth hormone secretion in acromegaly after isolated and combined application of insulin hypoglycemia, LH-RH- and TRH tests (author's transl)]. Klinische Wochenschrift. vol 56. issue 9. 1978-07-24. PMID:349258. the simultaneous application of insulin and the hypothalamic releasing hormones resulted in a striking increase of plasma gh in 15 out of 17 patients. 1978-07-24 2023-08-11 Not clear
G Schwanitz, H U Tietze, R A Pfeiffer, K P Grosse, H Becker, H Egge. Duplication deficiency of an X-chromosome with and without 45,X mosaicism in three girls. Cytogenetic, clinical, and hormonal findings. Acta geneticae medicae et gemellologiae. vol 26. issue 3-4. 1978-07-24. PMID:613693. gh and cortisol secretion during an insulin tolerance test were normal. 1978-07-24 2023-08-11 Not clear