All Relations between gh and insulin

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K T Borer, R P Kelc. Increased serum growth hormone and somatic growth in exercising adult hamsters. The American journal of physiology. vol 234. issue 6. 1978-08-14. PMID:665764. serum gh concentrations were increased during exercise and after retirement; serum insulin concentrations were increased only after retirement during both dietary regimes. 1978-08-14 2023-08-11 Not clear
K T Borer, R P Kelc. Increased serum growth hormone and somatic growth in exercising adult hamsters. The American journal of physiology. vol 234. issue 6. 1978-08-14. PMID:665764. we conclude that 1) in adult hamsters voluntary exercise leads to increased secretion of gh even when ingested nutrients are insufficient to support increased growth, and 2) increased secretion of insulin is not related directly to exercise. 1978-08-14 2023-08-11 Not clear
K R Schneider, G Müller, W Wiegelmann, H G Solbach, H L Krüskempe. [Comparative studies of growth hormone secretion in acromegaly after isolated and combined application of insulin hypoglycemia, LH-RH- and TRH tests (author's transl)]. Klinische Wochenschrift. vol 56. issue 9. 1978-07-24. PMID:349258. growth hormone (gh) release was measured in 17 patients with active acromegaly following the administration of insulin, lh-rh and trh given intravenously either combined or each separately. 1978-07-24 2023-08-11 Not clear
K R Schneider, G Müller, W Wiegelmann, H G Solbach, H L Krüskempe. [Comparative studies of growth hormone secretion in acromegaly after isolated and combined application of insulin hypoglycemia, LH-RH- and TRH tests (author's transl)]. Klinische Wochenschrift. vol 56. issue 9. 1978-07-24. PMID:349258. the simultaneous application of insulin and the hypothalamic releasing hormones resulted in a striking increase of plasma gh in 15 out of 17 patients. 1978-07-24 2023-08-11 Not clear
G Schwanitz, H U Tietze, R A Pfeiffer, K P Grosse, H Becker, H Egge. Duplication deficiency of an X-chromosome with and without 45,X mosaicism in three girls. Cytogenetic, clinical, and hormonal findings. Acta geneticae medicae et gemellologiae. vol 26. issue 3-4. 1978-07-24. PMID:613693. gh and cortisol secretion during an insulin tolerance test were normal. 1978-07-24 2023-08-11 Not clear
I Klimes, M Vigas, J Jurcovicová, D Repceková, P Kolesá. Effect of glucose on the glucagon response to L-dopa in normal and diabetic subjects. Diabetes. vol 27. issue 4. 1978-06-17. PMID:640244. glucose on the plasma level of pancreatic glucagon, plasma immunoreactive insulin (iri), and plasma growth hormone (gh) was assessed in eight normal and 10 insulin-treated diabetic subjects. 1978-06-17 2023-08-11 human
W P Dickinson, D H Berry, L Dickinson, M Irvin, H Schedewie, R H Fiser, M J Elder. Differential effects of cranial radiation on growth hormone response to arginine and insulin infusion. The Journal of pediatrics. vol 92. issue 5. 1978-06-17. PMID:641622. patients who received intensive cranial radiation (greater than 2,400 rads) had no response to either arginine or insulin; those who received moderate cranial radiation (greater than or equal to 2,400 rads) had gh response to arginine but not to insulin; patients receiving no cranial radiation responded to both arginine and insulin. 1978-06-17 2023-08-11 Not clear
S Harvey, C G Scanes, A Chadwick, N J Bolto. Influence of fasting, glucose and insulin on the levels of growth hormone and prolactin in the plasma of the domestic fowl (Gallus domesticus). The Journal of endocrinology. vol 76. issue 3. 1978-05-24. PMID:632722. administration of insulin significantly depressed the level of gh in the plasma of normal or fasted birds and also in chickens which had received simultaneous injections of glucose or 2-deoxy-d-glucose. 1978-05-24 2023-08-11 Not clear
P Fossati, J Lefèbvre, M Asfour, F Granier, J C Foulinnie, M L'Hermite, J Golstei. [The sella turcica and pituitary function in congenital hypothyroidism due to thyroid ectopia or hypogenesis (author's transl)]. La Nouvelle presse medicale. vol 6. issue 45. 1978-05-17. PMID:416419. stimulation of gh by argininehydrochloride, insulin hypoglycaemia and l-dopa gave variable responses. 1978-05-17 2023-08-11 Not clear
J S Tindal, G S Knaggs, I C Hart, L A Blak. Release of growth hormone in lactating and non-lactating goats in relation to behaviour, stages of sleep, electroencephalograms, environmental stimuli and levels of prolactin, insulin, glucose and free fatty acids in the circulation. The Journal of endocrinology. vol 76. issue 2. 1978-04-26. PMID:564386. apart from the release of growth hormone (gh) associated with morning milking in two of the goats, there was no consistent relationship between the apparently spontaneous, episodic release of gh and behvaiour, stages of sleep, cortical eeg, air temperature, time of day or night, obvious environmental stimuli which arose from the normal husbandry routine, or the levels of porlactin, insulin, glucose or free fatty acids in the blood. 1978-04-26 2023-08-11 Not clear
B Boscherini, G Finocchi, O Lostia, G Mancuso, P Montani, A M Pasquino, E Rezza, J Rocchio, F Taggi, D Zorrett. Insulin secretion in children with growth retardation. European journal of pediatrics. vol 127. issue 1. 1978-04-26. PMID:606556. this insulin deficit was most evident in patients with isolated, total gh deficiency and least evident in children with idiopathic short stature. 1978-04-26 2023-08-11 Not clear
J H Herbein, R J Martin, L C Griel, J F Kavanaug. Serum hormones in the perinatal pig and the effect of exogenous insulin on blood sugars. Growth. vol 41. issue 4. 1978-04-17. PMID:604183. growth hormone (gh), insulin, cortisol, triiodothyronine (t3) and thyroxine (t4) were determined in serum of fetal pigs at 90, 100, 110 and 114 days of gestation and of newborn pigs at 1 and 24 hours of age. 1978-04-17 2023-08-11 Not clear
K S Wilson, C E Gray, G P Lidgard, A C Parke. Recovery of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal function after intermittent high-dose prednisolone and cytotoxic chemotherapy. Postgraduate medical journal. vol 53. issue 626. 1978-04-17. PMID:604989. mean peak corticosteroid responses to insulin and tetracosactrin and peak gh responses were significantly greater than in the first tests. 1978-04-17 2023-08-11 Not clear
J Cos Welsh, A Espinosa de los Monteros, M de la Luz Ajuria, E Morillo Alma. [Dwarfism due to familial panhypopituitarism]. Boletin medico del Hospital Infantil de Mexico. vol 34. issue 6. 1978-02-18. PMID:337975. hypoglycemia induced by insulin and arginine infusion failed to increase gh levels, and the administration of the hypothalamic lh-fsh releasing hormone (lh-rh) did not elicit any response in the secretion of gonadotropins. 1978-02-18 2023-08-11 Not clear
T E West, P H Sönkse. Is the growth-hormone response to insulin due to hypoglycaemia, hyperinsulinaemia or a fall in plasma free fatty acids? Clinical endocrinology. vol 7. issue 4. 1978-01-27. PMID:923107. when controlled symptomatic hypoglycaemia was produced during the second hour of the insulin infusion a brisk rise in plasma gh concentration was observed in all the subjects studied. 1978-01-27 2023-08-11 human
T E West, P H Sönkse. Is the growth-hormone response to insulin due to hypoglycaemia, hyperinsulinaemia or a fall in plasma free fatty acids? Clinical endocrinology. vol 7. issue 4. 1978-01-27. PMID:923107. since it was possible that the falls in the concentration of plasma free fatty acids (ffa) occurring during infusion of insulin also acted as a stimulus to gh release the study was repeated in four subjects but normoglycaemia was maintained throughout the entire 2 h period of insulin infusion. 1978-01-27 2023-08-11 human
R A Steiner, P Illner, P Marques, D Williams, L Shen, L Edwards, C C Gal. Inhibition of dopamine-induced release of growth hormone by thyrotropin-releasing hormone. The American journal of physiology. vol 233. issue 5. 1977-12-29. PMID:411377. intravenously administered da (40 microgram/kg-min-1 for 20 min) raised serum gh and glucose and lowered serum insulin concentrations but caused no increase in blood pressure. 1977-12-29 2023-08-11 Not clear
U Larsson-Cohn, L Wallenti. Metabolic and hormonal effects of post-menopausal oestrogen replacement treatment. I. Glucose, insulin and human growth hormone levels during oral glucose tolerance tests. Acta endocrinologica. vol 86. issue 3. 1977-12-29. PMID:579023. glucose, insulin and growth hormone (gh) levels were measured during 3h oral glucose tolerance tests, performed in two groups of post-menopausal women. 1977-12-29 2023-08-11 human
N Faure, J H Dussault, A Nadeau, F Szots, H Guyda, F Labri. Effect of somatostatin on thyrotropin, prolactin, growth hormone and insulin responses to thyrotropin releasing hormone and arginine in healthy, hypothyroid and acromegalic subjects. Canadian Medical Association journal. vol 117. issue 5. 1977-11-25. PMID:409475. the effect of somatostatin on the thyrotropin (tsh), prolactin, growth hormone (gh) and insulin responses to the combined administration of thyrotropin releasing hormone (trh) and arginine was studied in six healthy subjects, three hypothyroid patients and three acromegalic patients. 1977-11-25 2023-08-11 human
A Montes, F Hervás, T Joli. Effects of thyroidectomy and thyroxine on plasma growth hormone and insulin levels in rats. Hormone research. vol 8. issue 3. 1977-11-25. PMID:903076. treatment of hypothyroid rats with 0.05 micron 1-t4 for 10 days induced growth and an increase in circulating gh levels, but had no effect on the low levels of plasma insulin of tx rats. 1977-11-25 2023-08-11 rat