All Relations between gh and insulin

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
F Pekonen, B D Weintrau. Thyrotropin binding to cultured lymphocytes and thyroid cells. Endocrinology. vol 103. issue 5. 1979-06-29. PMID:34508. pure hcg, human placental lactogen, human gh, and insulin cross-reacted to less than 1% with [125i]iodo-btsh binding to lymphocytes at ph 5.2, whereas a crude preparation of hcg and human fsh plus human lh showed a strong cross-reaction. 1979-06-29 2023-08-11 human
C R Kahn, I D Goldfine, D M Neville, P De Meyt. Alterations in insulin binding induced by changes in vivo in the levels of glucocorticoids and growth hormone. Endocrinology. vol 103. issue 4. 1979-05-26. PMID:217665. previous studies have shown that the sensitivity of tissues to insulin is diminished in states of glucocorticoid and gh excess and is increased when these hormones are deficient. 1979-05-26 2023-08-11 rat
C R Kahn, I D Goldfine, D M Neville, P De Meyt. Alterations in insulin binding induced by changes in vivo in the levels of glucocorticoids and growth hormone. Endocrinology. vol 103. issue 4. 1979-05-26. PMID:217665. to evaluate the role of the insulin receptor in these states, we have studied [125i]insulin binding to purified liver plasma membranes obtained from rats with a variety of perturbations of both glucocorticoids and gh. 1979-05-26 2023-08-11 rat
C R Kahn, I D Goldfine, D M Neville, P De Meyt. Alterations in insulin binding induced by changes in vivo in the levels of glucocorticoids and growth hormone. Endocrinology. vol 103. issue 4. 1979-05-26. PMID:217665. gh administration also produced mild insulin resistance and a decrease in receptor concentration. 1979-05-26 2023-08-11 rat
C R Kahn, I D Goldfine, D M Neville, P De Meyt. Alterations in insulin binding induced by changes in vivo in the levels of glucocorticoids and growth hormone. Endocrinology. vol 103. issue 4. 1979-05-26. PMID:217665. rats implanted with the mtt tumor (which secretes acth, gh, and prl) have the combined effects of excess glucocorticoids and gh and are very insulin resistant. 1979-05-26 2023-08-11 rat
C R Kahn, I D Goldfine, D M Neville, P De Meyt. Alterations in insulin binding induced by changes in vivo in the levels of glucocorticoids and growth hormone. Endocrinology. vol 103. issue 4. 1979-05-26. PMID:217665. further, adrenalectomy of the tumor-bearing rats resulted in an increase in insulin binding despite the persistence of the elevated levels of gh, acth, and prl. 1979-05-26 2023-08-11 rat
C R Kahn, I D Goldfine, D M Neville, P De Meyt. Alterations in insulin binding induced by changes in vivo in the levels of glucocorticoids and growth hormone. Endocrinology. vol 103. issue 4. 1979-05-26. PMID:217665. in contrast, the insulin resistance associated with gh excess is mediated at either a site on the receptor distal to the insulin-binding site (i.e. 1979-05-26 2023-08-11 rat
M Aärimaa, E Syvälahti, J Viikari, J Ovask. Insulin, growth hormone and catecholamines as regulators of energy metabolism in the course of surgery. Acta chirurgica Scandinavica. vol 144. issue 7-8. 1979-05-26. PMID:747060. trauma apparently causes no constant rise, whereas a rather regular elevation of serum gh levels follows the fall in bg and plasma ffa concentrations, in group i there was a decrease of insulin and gh secretion and the number of insulin and gh "peaks" in the postoperative period, possibly reflecting a weakening of central stimuli after major surgery. 1979-05-26 2023-08-11 Not clear
T M Plant, L C Krey, J Moossy, J T McCormack, D L Hess, E Knobi. The arcuate nucleus and the control of gonadotropin and prolactin secretion in the female rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta). Endocrinology. vol 102. issue 1. 1979-05-23. PMID:105866. these lesions resulted in the cessation of lh and fsh secretion and blocked the positive feedback action of estradiol on gonadotropin release but did not appear to influence grossly basal thyroid and adrenocortical function, or to abolish gh discharge in response to insulin hypoglycemia. 1979-05-23 2023-08-11 monkey
S M Amir, R C Sullivan, S H Ingba. Binding of bovine thyrotropin to receptors in rat testis and its interaction with gonadotropins. Endocrinology. vol 103. issue 1. 1979-05-23. PMID:217636. human fsh inhibited [125i]btsh binding only slightly at the highest concentration tested, while glucagon, insulin, prl, and gh were inactive. 1979-05-23 2023-08-11 human
G S Tannenbaum, J Epelbaum, E Colle, P Brazeau, J B Marti. Antiserum to somatostatin reverses starvation-induced inhibition of growth hormone but not insulin secretion. Endocrinology. vol 102. issue 6. 1979-05-23. PMID:744057. the role of srif in starvation-induced inhibition of gh and insulin secretion was assessed by passive immunization with anti-srif serum. 1979-05-23 2023-08-11 rat
G S Tannenbaum, J Epelbaum, E Colle, P Brazeau, J B Marti. Antiserum to somatostatin reverses starvation-induced inhibition of growth hormone but not insulin secretion. Endocrinology. vol 102. issue 6. 1979-05-23. PMID:744057. six-hour secretory profiles obtained from chronically cannulated male rats deprived of food for 72 h showed marked suppression of gh secretory bursts and significant depression of plasma insulin levels. 1979-05-23 2023-08-11 rat
G S Tannenbaum, J Epelbaum, E Colle, P Brazeau, J B Marti. Antiserum to somatostatin reverses starvation-induced inhibition of growth hormone but not insulin secretion. Endocrinology. vol 102. issue 6. 1979-05-23. PMID:744057. in contrast to the effects on gh, plasma insulin levels in starved rats administered srif as remained low. 1979-05-23 2023-08-11 rat
G S Tannenbaum, J Epelbaum, E Colle, P Brazeau, J B Marti. Antiserum to somatostatin reverses starvation-induced inhibition of growth hormone but not insulin secretion. Endocrinology. vol 102. issue 6. 1979-05-23. PMID:744057. these findings suggest that circulating srif is a physiological regulator of starvation-induced gh suppression but is not involved in mediating the inhibition of insulin. 1979-05-23 2023-08-11 rat
E L Lien, V M Garsk. Prolonged suppression of insulin release by a somatostatin analog. Endocrinology. vol 103. issue 1. 1979-05-23. PMID:744088. a somatostatin analog, [d-ala5, d-trp8]-somatostatin, has been found to selectively inhibit insulin and gh release in rats. 1979-05-23 2023-08-11 rat
R S Scott, E A Espiner, R A Donald, J H Livese. Hormonal responses during treatment of acute diabetic ketoacidosis with constant insulin infusions. Clinical endocrinology. vol 9. issue 5. 1979-02-23. PMID:102471. changes in glucagon, growth hormone (gh), cortisol, renin and aldosterone accompanying the metabolic disturbances and dehydration of severe diabetic ketoacidosis were studied over a 24 h period in eight patients treated with a constant intravenous insulin infusion. 1979-02-23 2023-08-11 Not clear
R S Scott, E A Espiner, R A Donald, J H Livese. Hormonal responses during treatment of acute diabetic ketoacidosis with constant insulin infusions. Clinical endocrinology. vol 9. issue 5. 1979-02-23. PMID:102471. in six of eight patients studied increments in plasma gh above admission levels were observed during insulin treatment. 1979-02-23 2023-08-11 Not clear
R S Scott, E A Espiner, R A Donald, J H Livese. Hormonal responses during treatment of acute diabetic ketoacidosis with constant insulin infusions. Clinical endocrinology. vol 9. issue 5. 1979-02-23. PMID:102471. the urinary excretion rates of the small molecular weight proteins gh and insulin, were considerably elevated over the treatment and convalescent periods. 1979-02-23 2023-08-11 Not clear
R Demura, H Yamaguchi, H Demura, K Shizum. Effect of CB-154 therapy on the glucose tolerance, IRI and GH response to glucose administration in acromegaly. Endocrinologia japonica. vol 25. issue 4. 1979-01-26. PMID:710371. this observation suggest that variable abnormalities in insulin secretion induced by the excess of gh improve with a decrease in plasma gh levels. 1979-01-26 2023-08-11 Not clear
W Andler, H Stolecke, H Siran. Endocrine dysfunction in the diencephalic syndrome of emaciation in infancy. Helvetica paediatrica acta. vol 33. issue 4-5. 1979-01-26. PMID:711500. after completion of irradiation basal gh-levels had been normalized, and gh responses to insulin induced hypoglycemia (iih) and propranolol-glucagon (pg) were adequate. 1979-01-26 2023-08-11 Not clear