All Relations between gh and insulin

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L L Bernardis, G S Tannenbau. Failure to demonstrate disruption of ultradian growth hormone rhythm and insulin secretion by dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus lesions that cause reduced body weight, linear growth and food intake. Experimental brain research. vol 66. issue 3. 1987-08-28. PMID:3301384. subsequent determination of plasma growth hormone (gh) and insulin (iri) levels every 15 min for 6-h periods from freely moving chronically cannulated rats showed no differences in pulsatile patterns and peaks of gh nor in plasma iri levels between dmnl rats and controls. 1987-08-28 2023-08-11 rat
G S Meneilly, D Elahi, K L Minaker, J W Row. Somatostatin does not alter insulin-mediated glucose disposal. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. vol 65. issue 2. 1987-08-25. PMID:2885337. basal plasma glucose, insulin, glucagon (irg), and gh concentrations, hepatic glucose production, and rd were similar on each occasion. 1987-08-25 2023-08-11 human
R W Gra. Evidence that somatomedins mediate the effect of hypophosphatemia to increase serum 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 levels in rats. Endocrinology. vol 121. issue 2. 1987-08-25. PMID:3297647. serum 1,25-(oh)2d3,sm-c, and phosphate levels were measured in rats fed diets containing adequate or very low levels of dietary phosphorus under circumstances known to affect sm levels, including hypophysectomy with and without gh replacement, normal protein vs. low protein diets, and streptozotocin-induced diabetes with and without insulin replacement. 1987-08-25 2023-08-11 rat
T D Etherton, C M Evock, R S Kensinge. Native and recombinant bovine growth hormone antagonize insulin action in cultured bovine adipose tissue. Endocrinology. vol 121. issue 2. 1987-08-25. PMID:3297651. the current study was undertaken to determine if pituitary bovine gh (pbgh) and recombinant bgh (rbgh) antagonized insulin action in bovine adipose tissue after acute (2-h) and chronic (48-h) exposure and whether this was an intrinsic property of bgh. 1987-08-25 2023-08-11 cattle
T C Williams, M Berelowitz, M A Berk, L A Frohma. Differential effects of insulin- and proinsulin-induced hypoglycemia on pituitary hormone and catecholamine secretion. Diabetes care. vol 10. issue 3. 1987-08-11. PMID:3109862. cortisol, growth hormone (gh), prolactin, epinephrine, and norepinephrine responses occurred more rapidly after insulin than after proinsulin. 1987-08-11 2023-08-11 human
T C Williams, M Berelowitz, M A Berk, L A Frohma. Differential effects of insulin- and proinsulin-induced hypoglycemia on pituitary hormone and catecholamine secretion. Diabetes care. vol 10. issue 3. 1987-08-11. PMID:3109862. peak and integrated cortisol, gh, and catecholamine responses to insulin and proinsulin were similar, but those of prolactin were reduced after proinsulin when compared with insulin by 42% (p less than .01) and 34% (p less than .05), respectively. 1987-08-11 2023-08-11 human
T C Williams, M Berelowitz, M A Berk, L A Frohma. Differential effects of insulin- and proinsulin-induced hypoglycemia on pituitary hormone and catecholamine secretion. Diabetes care. vol 10. issue 3. 1987-08-11. PMID:3109862. the intravenous injection of a dose of proinsulin (6 micrograms/kg), which did not produce hypoglycemia but was the molar equivalent of insulin used in the first protocol, failed to modify the gh or prolactin responses to a combined injection of gh-releasing hormone (1 microgram/kg) and thyrotropin-releasing hormone (500 micrograms). 1987-08-11 2023-08-11 human
I Swenne, D J Hill, A J Strain, R D Milne. Effects of human placental lactogen and growth hormone on the production of insulin and somatomedin C/insulin-like growth factor I by human fetal pancreas in tissue culture. The Journal of endocrinology. vol 113. issue 2. 1987-07-20. PMID:3295105. we have investigated the ability of glucose, human gh and human placental lactogen (hpl) to alter the content and release of somatomedin c/insulin-like growth factor i (sm-c/igf-i), and the biosynthesis, content and release of insulin from cultured human fetal pancreas. 1987-07-20 2023-08-11 human
I Swenne, D J Hill, A J Strain, R D Milne. Effects of human placental lactogen and growth hormone on the production of insulin and somatomedin C/insulin-like growth factor I by human fetal pancreas in tissue culture. The Journal of endocrinology. vol 113. issue 2. 1987-07-20. PMID:3295105. neither gh nor hpl altered insulin or sm-c/igf-i content or release in the presence of the lower glucose concentration. 1987-07-20 2023-08-11 human
S Q Maddy, G D Chisholm, R A Hawkins, F K Habi. Localization of epidermal growth factor receptors in the human prostate by biochemical and immunocytochemical methods. The Journal of endocrinology. vol 113. issue 1. 1987-07-13. PMID:2438365. competition studies demonstrated the specificity of the receptor assay since the binding of labelled egf was abolished with excess unlabelled egf but not with excess unlabelled human gh, human insulin, venom nerve growth factor, human fsh, human lh and human prolactin. 1987-07-13 2023-08-11 human
P Lönnroth, K Assmundsson, S Edén, G Enberg, I Gause, K Hall, U Smit. Regulation of insulin-like growth factor II receptors by growth hormone and insulin in rat adipocytes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. vol 84. issue 11. 1987-07-08. PMID:2954159. after the cells were incubated with insulin and/or gh, the recycling of igf-ii receptors was metabolically inhibited by treating the cells with kcn. 1987-07-08 2023-08-11 rat
P Lönnroth, K Assmundsson, S Edén, G Enberg, I Gause, K Hall, U Smit. Regulation of insulin-like growth factor II receptors by growth hormone and insulin in rat adipocytes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. vol 84. issue 11. 1987-07-08. PMID:2954159. gh also appears to play a regulating role for maintaining the cellular number of igf-ii receptors and, in addition, modulates the stimulatory effect of insulin on igf-ii binding. 1987-07-08 2023-08-11 rat
R Horikawa, K Takano, N Hizuka, K Asakawa, T Shibasaki, A Masuda, K Shizum. Effect of a single administration of somatostatin analogue (SMS 201-995) on GH, TSH and insulin secretion in patients with acromegaly. Endocrinologia japonica. vol 33. issue 6. 1987-06-26. PMID:2884093. effect of a single administration of somatostatin analogue (sms 201-995) on gh, tsh and insulin secretion in patients with acromegaly. 1987-06-26 2023-08-11 Not clear
M Giusti, A Lomeo, M Monachesi, G Mazzocchi, R Attanasio, P Sessarego, D Mignone, P Del Monte, G Giordan. The GH-releasing hormone (GHRH) test in acromegaly before and after adenomectomy. Journal of endocrinological investigation. vol 10. issue 2. 1987-06-26. PMID:3108356. gh secretion has been evaluated in all patients by means of trh, bromocriptine and insulin hypoglycemia tests, too. 1987-06-26 2023-08-11 human
M Giusti, A Lomeo, M Monachesi, G Mazzocchi, R Attanasio, P Sessarego, D Mignone, P Del Monte, G Giordan. The GH-releasing hormone (GHRH) test in acromegaly before and after adenomectomy. Journal of endocrinological investigation. vol 10. issue 2. 1987-06-26. PMID:3108356. a positive correlation was observed between gh increase after ghrh and insulin hypoglycemia (p less than 0.01). 1987-06-26 2023-08-11 human
R D Milner, D J Hil. Interaction between endocrine and paracrine peptides in prenatal growth control. European journal of pediatrics. vol 146. issue 2. 1987-06-12. PMID:3552691. pituitary hormones play little part in stimulating growth of the lean body mass or skeleton although growth hormone (gh) may be involved, in some as yet ill defined way in the ontogeny of the fetal pancreatic islet and insulin secretion. 1987-06-12 2023-08-11 Not clear
D W Crabb, J Roepk. Loss of growth hormone-dependent characteristics of rat hepatocytes in culture. In vitro cellular & developmental biology : journal of the Tissue Culture Association. vol 23. issue 4. 1987-06-11. PMID:3571101. insulin, dexamethasone, thyroid hormone plus gh or prolactin, or the combination of all five hormones also failed to prevent the loss of estrogen receptors. 1987-06-11 2023-08-11 human
R Rosskamp, R Mallmann, N Liappis, S Soetadji. Circulating serum phenylalanine concentrations and the effect of arginine infusion on plasma levels of growth hormone and insulin in treated phenylketonuric children. Acta endocrinologica. vol 114. issue 4. 1987-06-10. PMID:3554869. they were investigated for their growth hormone (gh) and insulin response to arginine infusion: group i (n = 5) had phe levels below (22 +/- 4 mg/l), group ii (n = 3) within (61 +/- 6 mg/l), and group iii (n = 3) above therapeutic limits (156 +/- 3 mg/l). 1987-06-10 2023-08-11 Not clear
R E Isaacs, D G Gardner, J D Baxte. Insulin regulation of rat growth hormone gene expression. Endocrinology. vol 120. issue 5. 1987-06-01. PMID:3552628. insulin has been shown previously to inhibit basal and glucocorticoid- or t3-stimulated rat gh (rgh) synthesis, secretion, and mrna levels in cultured rat pituitary tumor cells (gh3 cells) or pituitaries. 1987-06-01 2023-08-11 rat
R J Walsh, F J Slaby, B I Posne. A receptor-mediated mechanism for the transport of prolactin from blood to cerebrospinal fluid. Endocrinology. vol 120. issue 5. 1987-06-01. PMID:3569115. rats were given external jugular vein injections of [125-i]iodo-prl in the presence or absence of an excess of unlabeled ovine prl (oprl), human gh, bovine gh, or porcine insulin. 1987-06-01 2023-08-11 human