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P C Wynn, M C Stuart, A L Wallace, A C Kirby, E F Anniso. Influence of nutritional status on growth hormone-dependent circulating somatomedin-C activity in mature sheep. The Journal of endocrinology. vol 130. issue 2. 1991-11-01. PMID:1919401. |
plasma concentrations of somatomedin-c activity and insulin were significantly stimulated to a maximum level by the third gh injection and remained at this level for 7 days. |
1991-11-01 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
P C Wynn, M C Stuart, A L Wallace, A C Kirby, E F Anniso. Influence of nutritional status on growth hormone-dependent circulating somatomedin-C activity in mature sheep. The Journal of endocrinology. vol 130. issue 2. 1991-11-01. PMID:1919401. |
in the hp group the response of plasma insulin and somatomedin-c activity to gh injection was greater than in the lp group. |
1991-11-01 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
D J Langhout, L J Spicer, R D Geiser. Development of a culture system for bovine granulosa cells: effects of growth hormone, estradiol, and gonadotropins on cell proliferation, steroidogenesis, and protein synthesis. Journal of animal science. vol 69. issue 8. 1991-10-24. PMID:1894569. |
the objectives of the present studies were 1) to develop a culture system that has the positive effect of serum on granulosa cell attachment and allows subsequent expression of hormonal effects in serum-free medium and 2) to determine the effect of insulin, epidermal growth factor (egf), estradiol (e2), and growth hormone (gh) on growth, steroidogenesis, and(or) protein synthesis of bovine granulosa cells. |
1991-10-24 |
2023-08-11 |
cattle |
D J Langhout, L J Spicer, R D Geiser. Development of a culture system for bovine granulosa cells: effects of growth hormone, estradiol, and gonadotropins on cell proliferation, steroidogenesis, and protein synthesis. Journal of animal science. vol 69. issue 8. 1991-10-24. PMID:1894569. |
however, when included with insulin, 30, 100, and 300 ng/ml of gh increased (p less than .05) granulosa cell numbers on d 4 of culture. |
1991-10-24 |
2023-08-11 |
cattle |
D J Langhout, L J Spicer, R D Geiser. Development of a culture system for bovine granulosa cells: effects of growth hormone, estradiol, and gonadotropins on cell proliferation, steroidogenesis, and protein synthesis. Journal of animal science. vol 69. issue 8. 1991-10-24. PMID:1894569. |
insulin alone increased (p less than .05) progesterone production (ng.10(5) cells-1.24 h-1) by severalfold on d 4, but egf, fsh, lh, or gh alone had no effect and e2 inhibited progesterone production. |
1991-10-24 |
2023-08-11 |
cattle |
D J Langhout, L J Spicer, R D Geiser. Development of a culture system for bovine granulosa cells: effects of growth hormone, estradiol, and gonadotropins on cell proliferation, steroidogenesis, and protein synthesis. Journal of animal science. vol 69. issue 8. 1991-10-24. PMID:1894569. |
in the presence of insulin, fsh and gh (100 ng/ml) increased (p less than .05) progesterone production on d 4 of culture, whereas egf (10 ng/ml) elicited a decrease (p less than .05) in production. |
1991-10-24 |
2023-08-11 |
cattle |
A Møldrup, G Allevato, T Dyrberg, J H Nielsen, N Billestru. Growth hormone action in rat insulinoma cells expressing truncated growth hormone receptors. The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 266. issue 26. 1991-10-21. PMID:1894631. |
transfection of the insulin-producing rat islet tumor cell line rin-5ah with a full length cdna of the rat hepatic growth hormone (gh) receptor (gh-r1-638) augments the gh-responsive insulin synthesis in these cells. |
1991-10-21 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
A Møldrup, G Allevato, T Dyrberg, J H Nielsen, N Billestru. Growth hormone action in rat insulinoma cells expressing truncated growth hormone receptors. The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 266. issue 26. 1991-10-21. PMID:1894631. |
in contrast to cells transfected with gh-r1-638, none of the cell lines expressing truncated gh receptors exhibited any increase of the gh-stimulated insulin production. |
1991-10-21 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
A Møldrup, G Allevato, T Dyrberg, J H Nielsen, N Billestru. Growth hormone action in rat insulinoma cells expressing truncated growth hormone receptors. The Journal of biological chemistry. vol 266. issue 26. 1991-10-21. PMID:1894631. |
we conclude that domains within the cooh-terminal half of the cytoplasmic part of the gh receptor are required for transduction of the signal for gh-stimulated insulin synthesis, whereas cytoplasmic domains proximal to the transmembrane region are involved in receptor-mediated gh internalization. |
1991-10-21 |
2023-08-11 |
rat |
R A James, N Møller, S Chatterjee, M White, P Kendall-Taylo. Carbohydrate tolerance and serum lipids in acromegaly before and during treatment with high dose octreotide. Diabetic medicine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association. vol 8. issue 6. 1991-10-17. PMID:1832350. |
patients were assessed with respect to growth hormone (gh) profile, igf1, hba1, fasting lipids, and the gh, glucose, and insulin response to a standard 75 g oral glucose tolerance test (ogtt) before and during therapy. |
1991-10-17 |
2023-08-11 |
Not clear |
H J Quabbe, C Bumke-Vogt, J R Iglesias-Rozas, S Freitag, N Breitinge. Hypothalamic modulation of growth hormone secretion in the rhesus monkey: evidence from intracerebroventricular infusions of glucose, free fatty acid, and ketone bodies. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. vol 73. issue 4. 1991-10-17. PMID:1890151. |
to evaluate the hypothalamus as a possible site of metabolic modulation of gh secretion, we studied the gh response to insulin hypoglycemia (ihg) and nicotinic acid (na)-induced ffa depression in the absence and presence of third ventricular (ivt) infusions of glucose, oleic acid (ol-ac), or beta-hydroxybutyrate (beta ohb). |
1991-10-17 |
2023-08-11 |
monkey |
D L Rankins, G S Smith, D M Hallfor. Serum constituents and metabolic hormones in sheep and cattle fed Kochia scoparia hay. Journal of animal science. vol 69. issue 7. 1991-10-09. PMID:1885403. |
eight steers (240 +/- 2 kg bw) that were pair-fed kochia or alfalfa hay for 21 d had similar levels of serum insulin (ins) or somatotropin (gh), but kochia lowered prolactin (prl) (6.0 vs 118 ng/ml; p = .14). |
1991-10-09 |
2023-08-11 |
cattle |
J M Holly, A M Cotterill, R C Jemmott, D Shears, S al-Othman, T Chard, J A Was. Inter-relations between growth hormone, insulin, insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), IGF-binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1) and sex hormone-binding globulin in acromegaly. Clinical endocrinology. vol 34. issue 4. 1991-10-03. PMID:1715247. |
we have examined the inter-relations between gh, prolactin, insulin, igf-i and one of the binding proteins, igfbp-1, in 62 patients with acromegaly of varying activity. |
1991-10-03 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
J M Holly, A M Cotterill, R C Jemmott, D Shears, S al-Othman, T Chard, J A Was. Inter-relations between growth hormone, insulin, insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), IGF-binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1) and sex hormone-binding globulin in acromegaly. Clinical endocrinology. vol 34. issue 4. 1991-10-03. PMID:1715247. |
serum igf-i levels were closely related to the logarithm of mean gh levels (r = 0.76; n = 62; p less than 0.001) but multiple regression analysis suggested that, after accounting for the variation due to gh, insulin accounted for some of the additional variation of igf-i. |
1991-10-03 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
J M Holly, A M Cotterill, R C Jemmott, D Shears, S al-Othman, T Chard, J A Was. Inter-relations between growth hormone, insulin, insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), IGF-binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1) and sex hormone-binding globulin in acromegaly. Clinical endocrinology. vol 34. issue 4. 1991-10-03. PMID:1715247. |
fasting insulin levels were high and unrelated to mean gh levels but correlated with those of igf-i (r = 0.542; n = 57; p less than 0.001). |
1991-10-03 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
J M Holly, A M Cotterill, R C Jemmott, D Shears, S al-Othman, T Chard, J A Was. Inter-relations between growth hormone, insulin, insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), IGF-binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1) and sex hormone-binding globulin in acromegaly. Clinical endocrinology. vol 34. issue 4. 1991-10-03. PMID:1715247. |
even in subjects whose acromegaly was well controlled or cured, as indicated by gh levels of less than 1 mu/l or igf-i levels of less than 2 u/ml, fasting insulin levels remained significantly elevated in some individuals. |
1991-10-03 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
J M Holly, A M Cotterill, R C Jemmott, D Shears, S al-Othman, T Chard, J A Was. Inter-relations between growth hormone, insulin, insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), IGF-binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1) and sex hormone-binding globulin in acromegaly. Clinical endocrinology. vol 34. issue 4. 1991-10-03. PMID:1715247. |
fasting igfbp-1 levels were low and unrelated to mean gh but were inversely related to fasting insulin levels (r = -0.593; n = 57; p less than 0.001). |
1991-10-03 |
2023-08-11 |
human |
R Vasilatos-Younken, B J Andersen, R W Rosebrough, J P McMurtry, W L Baco. Identification of circulating growth hormone-binding proteins in domestic poultry: an initial characterization. The Journal of endocrinology. vol 130. issue 1. 1991-10-03. PMID:1880473. |
the mr-69,500 major protein contained n-linked carbohydrate, as determined by a reduction in molecular size by treatment with peptide n-glycosidase f. binding of 125i-labelled gh was partially inhibited by co-incubation with 50 micrograms unlabelled pituitary-derived cgh/ml and excess unlabelled porcine gh as well as ovine prolactin, but not by bovine insulin. |
1991-10-03 |
2023-08-11 |
mouse |
J C MacRae, L A Bruce, F D Hovell, I C Hart, J Inkster, A Walker, T Atkinso. Influence of protein nutrition on the response of growing lambs to exogenous bovine growth hormone. The Journal of endocrinology. vol 130. issue 1. 1991-10-03. PMID:1880478. |
nitrogen balances were determined daily throughout both experiments and blood samples, from indwelling catheters, were assayed for gh, insulin-like growth factor-i (igf-i), insulin and glucose. |
1991-10-03 |
2023-08-11 |
cattle |
S D McCormick, T Sakamoto, S Hasegawa, T Hiran. Osmoregulatory actions of insulin-like growth factor-I in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). The Journal of endocrinology. vol 130. issue 1. 1991-10-03. PMID:1880479. |
the ability of insulin-like growth factor-i (igf-i), insulin and gh to promote hypoosmoregulatory ability was examined in juvenile rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss). |
1991-10-03 |
2023-08-11 |
cattle |