All Relations between cs and matrix compartment

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Zhihao Liu, Da Bao, Shangyin Jia, Jin Qiao, Dongliang Xiang, Huirong Li, Linna Tian, Bing Zhang, Xin Zhang, Hong Zhang, Jing Guo, Sen Zhan. The regulation of CuSNPs' interface for further enhancing mechanical and photothermal conversion properties of chitosan/@CuSNPs hybrid fibers. International journal of biological macromolecules. 2024-03-20. PMID:38508563. the interfaces of @cusnps (cus@xylan nps, cus@sa nps, and cus@peg nps) contain hydroxyl groups, facilitating the hydrogen bonds formation with the cs matrix. 2024-03-20 2024-03-23 Not clear
Kayee Chan, Anatoly Zinchenk. Functional upcycling of waste PET plastic to the hybrid magnetic microparticles adsorbent for cesium removal. Chemosphere. 2024-03-16. PMID:38492679. in this study, polyethylene terephthalate (pet) from waste plastic bottles was directly utilized to prepare a matrix of an adsorbent for cesium (cs 2024-03-16 2024-03-19 Not clear
M Ablikim, M N Achasov, P Adlarson, R Aliberti, A Amoroso, M R An, Q An, Y Bai, O Bakina, I Balossino, Y Ban, V Batozskaya, K Begzsuren, N Berger, M Berlowski, M Bertani, D Bettoni, F Bianchi, E Bianco, J Bloms, A Bortone, I Boyko, R A Briere, A Brueggemann, H Cai, X Cai, A Calcaterra, G F Cao, N Cao, S A Cetin, J F Chang, T T Chang, W L Chang, G R Che, G Chelkov, C Chen, Chao Chen, G Chen, H S Chen, M L Chen, S J Chen, S M Chen, T Chen, X R Chen, X T Chen, Y B Chen, Y Q Chen, Z J Chen, W S Cheng, S K Choi, X Chu, G Cibinetto, S C Coen, F Cossio, J J Cui, H L Dai, J P Dai, A Dbeyssi, R E de Boer, D Dedovich, Z Y Deng, A Denig, I Denysenko, M Destefanis, F De Mori, B Ding, X X Ding, Y Ding, Y Ding, J Dong, L Y Dong, M Y Dong, X Dong, S X Du, Z H Duan, P Egorov, Y L Fan, J Fang, S S Fang, W X Fang, Y Fang, R Farinelli, L Fava, F Feldbauer, G Felici, C Q Feng, J H Feng, K Fischer, M Fritsch, C Fritzsch, C D Fu, Y W Fu, H Gao, Y N Gao, Yang Gao, S Garbolino, I Garzia, P T Ge, Z W Ge, C Geng, E M Gersabeck, A Gilman, K Goetzen, L Gong, W X Gong, W Gradl, S Gramigna, M Greco, M H Gu, Y T Gu, C Y Guan, Z L Guan, A Q Guo, L B Guo, R P Guo, Y P Guo, A Guskov, X T Hou, W Y Han, X Q Hao, F A Harris, K K He, K L He, F H Heinsius, C H Heinz, Y K Heng, C Herold, T Holtmann, P C Hong, G Y Hou, Y R Hou, Z L Hou, H M Hu, J F Hu, T Hu, Y Hu, G S Huang, K X Huang, L Q Huang, X T Huang, Y P Huang, T Hussain, N Hüsken, W Imoehl, M Irshad, J Jackson, S Jaeger, S Janchiv, J H Jeong, Q Ji, Q P Ji, X B Ji, X L Ji, Y Y Ji, Z K Jia, P C Jiang, S S Jiang, T J Jiang, X S Jiang, Y Jiang, J B Jiao, Z Jiao, S Jin, Y Jin, M Q Jing, T Johansson, X Kui, S Kabana, N Kalantar-Nayestanaki, X L Kang, X S Kang, R Kappert, M Kavatsyuk, B C Ke, A Khoukaz, R Kiuchi, R Kliemt, L Koch, O B Kolcu, B Kopf, M Kuessner, A Kupsc, W Kühn, J J Lane, J S Lange, P Larin, A Lavania, L Lavezzi, T T Lei, Z H Lei, H Leithoff, M Lellmann, T Lenz, C Li, C Li, C H Li, Cheng Li, D M Li, F Li, G Li, H Li, H B Li, H J Li, H N Li, Hui Li, J R Li, J S Li, J W Li, Ke Li, L J Li, L K Li, Lei Li, M H Li, P R Li, S X Li, T Li, W D Li, W G Li, X H Li, X L Li, Xiaoyu Li, Y G Li, Z J Li, Z X Li, Z Y Li, C Liang, H Liang, H Liang, H Liang, Y F Liang, Y T Liang, G R Liao, L Z Liao, J Libby, A Limphirat, D X Lin, T Lin, B J Liu, B X Liu, C Liu, C X Liu, D Liu, F H Liu, Fang Liu, Feng Liu, G M Liu, H Liu, H B Liu, H M Liu, Huanhuan Liu, Huihui Liu, J B Liu, J L Liu, J Y Liu, K Liu, K Y Liu, Ke Liu, L Liu, L C Liu, Lu Liu, M H Liu, P L Liu, Q Liu, S B Liu, T Liu, W K Liu, W M Liu, X Liu, Y Liu, Y B Liu, Z A Liu, Z Q Liu, X C Lou, F X Lu, H J Lu, J G Lu, X L Lu, Y Lu, Y P Lu, Z H Lu, C L Luo, M X Luo, T Luo, X L Luo, X R Lyu, Y F Lyu, F C Ma, H L Ma, J L Ma, L L Ma, M M Ma, Q M Ma, R Q Ma, R T Ma, X Y Ma, Y Ma, F E Maas, M Maggiora, S Maldaner, S Malde, A Mangoni, Y J Mao, Z P Mao, S Marcello, Z X Meng, J G Messchendorp, G Mezzadri, H Miao, T J Min, R E Mitchell, X H Mo, N Yu Muchnoi, Y Nefedov, F Nerling, I B Nikolaev, Z Ning, S Nisar, Y Niu, S L Olsen, Q Ouyang, S Pacetti, X Pan, Y Pan, A Pathak, Y P Pei, M Pelizaeus, H P Peng, K Peters, J L Ping, R G Ping, S Plura, S Pogodin, V Prasad, F Z Qi, H Qi, H R Qi, M Qi, T Y Qi, S Qian, W B Qian, C F Qiao, J J Qin, L Q Qin, X P Qin, X S Qin, Z H Qin, J F Qiu, S Q Qu, C F Redmer, K J Ren, A Rivetti, V Rodin, M Rolo, G Rong, Ch Rosner, S N Ruan, N Salone, A Sarantsev, Y Schelhaas, K Schoenning, M Scodeggio, K Y Shan, W Shan, X Y Shan, J F Shangguan, L G Shao, M Shao, C P Shen, H F Shen, W H Shen, X Y Shen, B A Shi, H C Shi, J L Shi, J Y Shi, Q Q Shi, R S Shi, X Shi, J J Song, T Z Song, W M Song, Y J Song, Y X Song, S Sosio, S Spataro, F Stieler, Y J Su, G B Sun, G X Sun, H Sun, H K Sun, J F Sun, K Sun, L Sun, S S Sun, T Sun, W Y Sun, Y Sun, Y J Sun, Y Z Sun, Z T Sun, Y X Tan, C J Tang, G Y Tang, J Tang, Y A Tang, L Y Tao, Q T Tao, M Tat, J X Teng, V Thoren, W H Tian, W H Tian, Y Tian, Z F Tian, I Uman, B Wang, B L Wang, Bo Wang, C W Wang, D Y Wang, F Wang, H J Wang, H P Wang, K Wang, L L Wang, M Wang, Meng Wang, S Wang, S Wang, T Wang, T J Wang, W Wang, W Wang, W H Wang, W P Wang, X Wang, X F Wang, X J Wang, X L Wang, Y Wang, Y D Wang, Y F Wang, Y H Wang, Y N Wang, Y Q Wang, Yaqian Wang, Yi Wang, Z Wang, Z L Wang, Z Y Wang, Ziyi Wang, D Wei, D H Wei, F Weidner, S P Wen, C W Wenzel, U Wiedner, G Wilkinson, M Wolke, L Wollenberg, C Wu, J F Wu, L H Wu, L J Wu, X Wu, X H Wu, Y Wu, Y J Wu, Z Wu, L Xia, X M Xian, T Xiang, D Xiao, G Y Xiao, H Xiao, S Y Xiao, Y L Xiao, Z J Xiao, C Xie, X H Xie, Y Xie, Y G Xie, Y H Xie, Z P Xie, T Y Xing, C F Xu, C J Xu, G F Xu, H Y Xu, Q J Xu, W L Xu, X P Xu, Y C Xu, Z P Xu, F Yan, L Yan, W B Yan, W C Yan, X Q Yan, H J Yang, H L Yang, H X Yang, Tao Yang, Y Yang, Y F Yang, Y X Yang, Yifan Yang, Z W Yang, M Ye, M H Ye, J H Yin, Z Y You, B X Yu, C X Yu, G Yu, T Yu, X D Yu, C Z Yuan, L Yuan, S C Yuan, X Q Yuan, Y Yuan, Z Y Yuan, C X Yue, A A Zafar, F R Zeng, X Zeng, Y Zeng, Y J Zeng, X Y Zhai, Y H Zhan, A Q Zhang, B L Zhang, B X Zhang, D H Zhang, G Y Zhang, H Zhang, H H Zhang, H H Zhang, H Q Zhang, H Y Zhang, J J Zhang, J L Zhang, J Q Zhang, J W Zhang, J X Zhang, J Y Zhang, J Z Zhang, Jiawei Zhang, L M Zhang, L Q Zhang, Lei Zhang, P Zhang, Q Y Zhang, Shuihan Zhang, Shulei Zhang, X D Zhang, X M Zhang, X Y Zhang, X Y Zhang, Y Zhang, Y T Zhang, Y H Zhang, Yan Zhang, Yao Zhang, Z H Zhang, Z L Zhang, Z Y Zhang, Z Y Zhang, G Zhao, J Zhao, J Y Zhao, J Z Zhao, Lei Zhao, Ling Zhao, M G Zhao, S J Zhao, Y B Zhao, Y X Zhao, Z G Zhao, A Zhemchugov, B Zheng, J P Zheng, W J Zheng, Y H Zheng, B Zhong, X Zhong, H Zhou, L P Zhou, X Zhou, X K Zhou, X R Zhou, X Y Zhou, Y Z Zhou, J Zhu, K Zhu, K J Zhu, L Zhu, L X Zhu, S H Zhu, S Q Zhu, T J Zhu, W J Zhu, Y C Zhu, Z A Zhu, J H Zou, J Z. Observation of D_{s}^{+}→η^{'}μ^{+}ν_{μ}, Precision Test of Lepton Flavor Universality with D_{s}^{+}→η^{(')}l^{+}ν_{l}, and First Measurements of D_{s}^{+}→η^{(')}μ^{+}ν_{μ} Decay Dynamics. Physical review letters. vol 132. issue 9. 2024-03-15. PMID:38489649. the products of the hadronic form factors f_{+,0}^{η^{(')}}(0) and the c→s cabibbo-kobayashi-maskawa matrix element |v_{cs}| are determined. 2024-03-15 2024-03-18 Not clear
Annan Ahmed Elkassaby, Mohamed M Kandil, Ghada Atef Alia. The effect of repair protocols and chewing simulation on the microtensile bond strength of two resin matrix ceramics to composite resin. BMC oral health. vol 24. issue 1. 2024-02-02. PMID:38308281. to assess the micro tensile bond strength (µtbs) of two resin matrix ceramic (rmc) blocks bonded to composite resin by using different repair protocols with and without chewing simulation (cs). 2024-02-02 2024-02-05 Not clear
Amina T Mneimneh, Mohammed M Mehann. Chondroitin Sulphate: An emerging therapeutic multidimensional proteoglycan in colon cancer. International journal of biological macromolecules. vol 254. issue Pt 1. 2024-01-30. PMID:38287564. besides these therapeutic functions, cs thrived to play a major role in nanocarriers as a matrix material, coat, and targeting ligand. 2024-01-30 2024-02-01 Not clear
Amina T Mneimneh, Mohammed M Mehann. Chondroitin Sulphate: An emerging therapeutic multidimensional proteoglycan in colon cancer. International journal of biological macromolecules. vol 254. issue Pt 1. 2024-01-30. PMID:38287564. this review focuses on the role of cs in nanocarriers as a matrix material or as a targeting moiety for colon cancer therapy, relating the present applications to future perspectives. 2024-01-30 2024-02-01 Not clear
Ying Chen, Yunyue Ye, Zhu Zhu, Bo Xu, Linghan Meng, Tao Yang, Liang Zhang, Jianya Qian, Fengsong Li. Preparation and characterization of peach gum/chitosan polyelectrolyte composite films with dual cross-linking networks for antibacterial packaging. International journal of biological macromolecules. 2024-01-26. PMID:38278387. to overcome these limitations, we created a dual cross-linked network by introducing chitosan (cs) and glycerol to the pg matrix. 2024-01-26 2024-01-29 Not clear
Ying Chen, Yunyue Ye, Zhu Zhu, Bo Xu, Linghan Meng, Tao Yang, Liang Zhang, Jianya Qian, Fengsong Li. Preparation and characterization of peach gum/chitosan polyelectrolyte composite films with dual cross-linking networks for antibacterial packaging. International journal of biological macromolecules. 2024-01-26. PMID:38278387. our research discovered that incorporating cs into the pg matrix significantly improved its young's modulus, from 277.62 to 925.89 mpa, and its tensile strength from 5.96 to 39.94 mpa. 2024-01-26 2024-01-29 Not clear
Xiaohong Liu, Han Wang, Jingyang Ga. scIALM: A method for sparse scRNA-seq expression matrix imputation using the Inexact Augmented Lagrange Multiplier with low error. Computational and structural biotechnology journal. vol 23. 2024-01-26. PMID:38274995. we perform experimental analysis on four datasets, calling the expression matrix after quality control (qc) as the original matrix, and comparing the performance of scialm with six other methods using mean squared error (mse), mean absolute error (mae), pearson correlation coefficient (pcc), and cosine similarity (cs). 2024-01-26 2024-01-28 Not clear
Xiaohong Liu, Han Wang, Jingyang Ga. scIALM: A method for sparse scRNA-seq expression matrix imputation using the Inexact Augmented Lagrange Multiplier with low error. Computational and structural biotechnology journal. vol 23. 2024-01-26. PMID:38274995. our results demonstrate that scialm accurately recovers the original data of the matrix with an error of 10e-4, and the mean value of the four metrics reaches 4.5072 (mse), 0.765 (mae), 0.8701 (pcc), 0.8896 (cs). 2024-01-26 2024-01-28 Not clear
Hojin Park, Somin Oh, Young Sam Kim, Clifford L Spiro, Joon Pio Hong, Jong Woo Cho. Effects of an Ultra-Polished Scalpel on Incisional Wounds in a Diabetic Model. The Journal of craniofacial surgery. 2024-01-25. PMID:38270441. the ups group had less inflammation on day 3, less transforming growth factor synthesis on days 3 and 7, lower levels of matrix metalloproteinases, and less collagen synthesis on day 7 than did the cs group. 2024-01-25 2024-01-27 rat
Kun Wang, Wei Li, Linhuanyi Wu, Yongshi Li, Hui L. Preparation and characterization of chitosan/dialdehyde carboxymethyl cellulose composite film loaded with cinnamaldehyde@zein nanoparticles for active food packaging. International journal of biological macromolecules. 2024-01-24. PMID:38266856. in this study, zein-loaded cinnamaldehyde (cin@zn) nanoparticles were incorporated into chitosan (cs)/dialdehyde carboxymethyl cellulose (dcmc) matrix to fabricate the active food packaging materials possessing outstanding antioxidant and antibacterial properties. 2024-01-24 2024-01-27 Not clear
Muhammad Zeshan, Nyla Amjed, Humna Ashraf, Ariba Farooq, Nadia Akram, Khalid Mahmood Zi. A review on the application of chitosan-based polymers in liver tissue engineering. International journal of biological macromolecules. 2024-01-19. PMID:38242400. the incorporation of cs within the polymer matrix results in increased mechanical strength and also imparts biological behavior to the designed pu formulations. 2024-01-19 2024-01-22 Not clear
Tu Minh Tran Vo, Pranut Potiyaraj, Patricia Del Val, Takaomi Kobayash. Ultrasound-Triggered Amoxicillin Release from Chitosan/Ethylene Glycol Diglycidyl Ether/Amoxicillin Hydrogels Having a Covalently Bonded Network. ACS omega. vol 9. issue 1. 2024-01-15. PMID:38222581. different cs concentrations of 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3 wt % were gelled with egde and amox was entrapped in the hydrogel carrier; the accelerated release was observed as triggered by 43 khz us exposure at different us output powers ranging from 0 to 35 w. among these cs hydrogel systems, the degree of accelerated amox release depended on the cs concentration for the hydrogelation and the matrix with 2 wt % cs exhibited efficient amox release at 35 w us power with around 19 μg/ml. 2024-01-15 2024-01-17 Not clear
Tu Minh Tran Vo, Pranut Potiyaraj, Patricia Del Val, Takaomi Kobayash. Ultrasound-Triggered Amoxicillin Release from Chitosan/Ethylene Glycol Diglycidyl Ether/Amoxicillin Hydrogels Having a Covalently Bonded Network. ACS omega. vol 9. issue 1. 2024-01-15. PMID:38222581. the us effect on the viscoelasticity of the hydrogel matrix indicated that the matrix became somewhat softened by the us exposure to the dense hydrogels for 2.5 and 3% cs/egde, while the degree of softening was slightly marked in the cs/egde hydrogels prepared with 1.5 and 2% cs concentration. 2024-01-15 2024-01-17 Not clear
Maedeh Khatami, Yousef Moradi, Ramyar Rahimi Darehbagh, Donya Azizi, Arash Pooladi, Rojin Ramezani, Seyedeh Asrin Seyedoshohadae. The Effect of Biomaterials on Human Dental Pulp Stem Cell Neural Differentiation: A Scoping Review. Cell journal. vol 25. issue 12. 2024-01-09. PMID:38192251. a total of four studies employed polymeric scaffolds, four assessed chitosan scaffolds (cs), two utilised hydrogel scaffolds, one investigation utilised decellularised extracellular matrix (ecm), and six studies applied the floating sphere technique. 2024-01-09 2024-01-10 human
Yanan Liu, Jian Chen, Huan Li, Yanbo Wan. Nanocomplexes film composed of gallic acid loaded ovalbumin/chitosan nanoparticles and pectin with excellent antibacterial activity: Preparation, characterization and application in coating preservation of salmon fillets. International journal of biological macromolecules. 2023-12-24. PMID:38143052. in this study, gallic acid (ga)-loaded ovalbumin (ova)/chitosan (cs) nanoparticles with slow-release properties were prepared and embedded into the pectin matrix to refine the rapid release of ga in the pectin and elongate the shelf life of salmon fillets. 2023-12-24 2023-12-27 Not clear
Jinze Wang, Hao Li, Hai-Xia Shen, Wei Zhao, Qing Li, Cai-Feng Wang, Su Che. Rapid Synthesis of Robust Antibacterial and Biodegradable Hydrogels via Frontal Polymerization. Gels (Basel, Switzerland). vol 9. issue 12. 2023-12-22. PMID:38131906. chitosan (cs) is widely used in biomedical hydrogels due to their similarity to extracellular matrix. 2023-12-22 2023-12-24 human
Anbazhagan Sathiyaseelan, Xin Zhang, Jianxing Lin, Myeong-Hyeon Wan. In situ, synthesis of chitosan fabricated tellurium nanoparticles for improved antimicrobial and anticancer applications. International journal of biological macromolecules. 2023-12-16. PMID:38103674. the cs-te nps were spherical, polydisperse, and distributed within the cs matrix with an average size of 37.48 ± 14.56 nm, as confirmed by tem analysis. 2023-12-16 2023-12-21 human
Marcos Cortes-Medina, Andrew R Bushman, Peter E Beshay, Jonathan J Adorno, Miles M Menyhert, Riley M Hildebrand, Shashwat S Agarwal, Alex Avendano, Alicia K Friedman, Jonathan W Son. Chondroitin sulfate, dermatan sulfate, and hyaluronic acid differentially modify the biophysical properties of collagen-based hydrogels. Acta biomaterialia. 2023-12-15. PMID:38101556. strikingly, we show that cs, ds, and ha differentially regulate the matrix microarchitecture of hydrogels due to their alterations to the kinetics of collagen self-assembly. 2023-12-15 2023-12-18 Not clear