All Relations between cs and matrix compartment

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Mohammad Saeid Rostami, Mohammad Mehdi Khodae. Preparation and characterization of CS/PAT/ MWCNT@MgAl-LDHs nanocomposite for Cd Journal of environmental health science & engineering. vol 22. issue 1. 2024-06-19. PMID:38887760. preparation and characterization of cs/pat/ mwcnt@mgal-ldhs nanocomposite for cd the present study evaluated the performance of multiwalled carbon nanotube (mwcnt)@mgal-layered double hydroxide (ldh) nanoparticles loaded on poly-2 aminothiazole (pat)/chitosan (cs) matrix (cpml) to remove cd 2024-06-19 2024-06-21 Not clear
Fahimeh Farshi Azhar, Maryam Ahmadi, Leila Khoshmara. Chitosan-graphene quantum dot-based molecular imprinted polymer for oxaliplatin release. Journal of biomaterials science. Polymer edition. 2024-06-17. PMID:38885181. in this study, a biocompatible mip drug adsorption and delivery system with high loading capacity and controlled release, was prepared based on chitosan (cs) and graphene quantum dots (gqds) as the matrix, and the anticancer drug oxaliplatin (oxal) as the template. 2024-06-17 2024-06-21 Not clear
Jean Le Pennec, Olga Makshakova, Paola Nevola, Farah Fouladkar, Evelyne Gout, Paul Machillot, Mélanie Friedel-Arboleas, Catherine Picart, Serge Perez, Andrea Vortkamp, Romain R Vivès, Elisa Migliorin. Glycosaminoglycans exhibit distinct interactions and signaling with BMP2 according to their nature and localization. Carbohydrate polymers. vol 341. 2024-06-14. PMID:38876708. using well-characterized biomaterials mimicking the extracellular matrix, our research reveals that hs promotes bmp2 signaling in the extracellular space, contrary to chondroitin sulfate (cs), which enhances bmp2 bioactivity at the cell surface. 2024-06-14 2024-06-17 Not clear
Sho Hosokawa, Yoshiaki Norimatsu, Akiko Shinagawa, Tetsuji Kurokawa, Yoshio Yoshida, Takeshi Nishikawa, Hisae Suzuki, Satoshi Irino, Tadao K Kobayash. Assessment of the localization of chondroitin sulfate in various types of endometrial carcinoma. PloS one. vol 19. issue 5. 2024-05-28. PMID:38805498. this study aimed to assess the localization of chondroitin sulfate (cs), a primary extracellular matrix component, in the stromal region of endometrial carcinoma (ec). 2024-05-28 2024-06-03 Not clear
Nathan Gonsalves, Min Kyong Sun, Pradeep Chopra, Charles-Francois Latchoumane, Simar Bajwa, Ruiping Tang, Bianca Patel, Gert-Jan Boons, Lohitash Karumbaia. Neuritogenic glycosaminoglycan hydrogels promote functional recovery after severe traumatic brain injury. Journal of neural engineering. 2024-05-28. PMID:38806019. brain extracellular matrix (ecm) associated chondroitin sulfate (cs) glycosaminoglycans promote neural stem cell (nsc) maintenance, and cs hydrogel implants have demonstrated the ability to enhance neuroprotection, in preclinical stbi studies. 2024-05-28 2024-06-03 human
Harm Jan van der Horn, Erik B Erhardt, Andrew B Dodd, Upasana Nathaniel, Tracey V Wick, Jessica R McQuaid, Sephira G Ryman, Andrei A Vakhtin, Timothy B Meier, Andrew R Maye. A cautionary tale on the effects of different covariance structures in linear mixed effects modeling of fMRI data. Human brain mapping. vol 45. issue 7. 2024-05-10. PMID:38726907. voxel-wise results dramatically varied both within the cognitive control network (un>cs for congruency effect) and broader brain regions (cs>un for group:visit) depending on the variance-covariance matrix that was selected. 2024-05-10 2024-05-27 human
Misael Vargas-López, Carlos A Quiroz-Vicente, Nury Pérez-Hernández, Fernando Gómez-Chávez, Angel E Bañuelos-Hernández, Elizabeth Pérez-Hernánde. The ketone body β-Hydroxybutyrate as a fuel source of chondrosarcoma cells. Heliyon. vol 10. issue 9. 2024-05-02. PMID:38694129. the conventional subtype of cs typically develops within a dense cartilaginous matrix, creating an environment deficient in oxygen and nutrients, necessitating metabolic adaptation to ensure proliferation under stress conditions. 2024-05-02 2024-05-04 Not clear
Sorina Nicoleta Voicu, Cecilia Virginia Gheran, Cornel Balta, Anca Hermenean, Maité Callewaert, Françoise Chuburu, Anca Dinischiot. In Vivo Evaluation of Innovative Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agents Designed for Bioimaging Applications. Polymers. vol 16. issue 8. 2024-04-27. PMID:38674983. the nanohydrogels were obtained by encapsulating contrast agents (gddota) in a biocompatible polymer matrix composed of chitosan (cs) and hyaluronic acid (ha) through the ionic gelation process. 2024-04-27 2024-04-29 mouse
Mingjia Feng, Yan Li, Yanfang Sun, Tianqi Liu, Khaydar Ergashovich Yunusov, Guohua Jian. Integration of metformin-loaded MIL-100(Fe) into hydrogel microneedles for prolonged regulation of blood glucose levels. Biomedical physics & engineering express. 2024-04-26. PMID:38670077. in this work, the hydrogel-forming mns were firstly fabricated using pva and chitosan (cs) as matrix. 2024-04-26 2024-04-29 rat
Ke Wang, Yihe Xu, Xiaoyu Xie, Haibo M. Theoretical investigation of distal charge separation in a perylenediimide trimer. The Journal of chemical physics. vol 160. issue 16. 2024-04-22. PMID:38647303. an exciton-phonon (ex-ph) model based on our recently developed block interaction product basis framework is introduced to simulate the distal charge separation (cs) process in aggregated perylenediimide (pdi) trimer incorporating the quantum dynamic method, i.e., the time-dependent density matrix renormalization group. 2024-04-22 2024-04-26 Not clear
M Ablikim, M N Achasov, P Adlarson, R Aliberti, A Amoroso, M R An, Q An, Y Bai, O Bakina, I Balossino, Y Ban, V Batozskaya, K Begzsuren, N Berger, M Berlowski, M Bertani, D Bettoni, F Bianchi, E Bianco, J Bloms, A Bortone, I Boyko, R A Briere, A Brueggemann, H Cai, X Cai, A Calcaterra, G F Cao, N Cao, S A Cetin, J F Chang, T T Chang, W L Chang, G R Che, G Chelkov, C Chen, Chao Chen, G Chen, H S Chen, M L Chen, S J Chen, S M Chen, T Chen, X R Chen, X T Chen, Y B Chen, Y Q Chen, Z J Chen, W S Cheng, S K Choi, X Chu, G Cibinetto, S C Coen, F Cossio, J J Cui, H L Dai, J P Dai, A Dbeyssi, R E de Boer, D Dedovich, Z Y Deng, A Denig, I Denysenko, M Destefanis, F De Mori, B Ding, X X Ding, Y Ding, Y Ding, J Dong, L Y Dong, M Y Dong, X Dong, S X Du, Z H Duan, P Egorov, Y L Fan, J Fang, S S Fang, W X Fang, Y Fang, R Farinelli, L Fava, F Feldbauer, G Felici, C Q Feng, J H Feng, K Fischer, M Fritsch, C Fritzsch, C D Fu, J L Fu, Y W Fu, H Gao, Y N Gao, Yang Gao, S Garbolino, I Garzia, P T Ge, Z W Ge, C Geng, E M Gersabeck, A Gilman, K Goetzen, L Gong, W X Gong, W Gradl, S Gramigna, M Greco, M H Gu, Y T Gu, C Y Guan, Z L Guan, A Q Guo, L B Guo, R P Guo, Y P Guo, A Guskov, X T Hou, T T Han, W Y Han, X Q Hao, F A Harris, K K He, K L He, F H Heinsius, C H Heinz, Y K Heng, C Herold, T Holtmann, P C Hong, G Y Hou, Y R Hou, Z L Hou, H M Hu, J F Hu, T Hu, Y Hu, G S Huang, K X Huang, L Q Huang, X T Huang, Y P Huang, T Hussain, N Hüsken, W Imoehl, M Irshad, J Jackson, S Jaeger, S Janchiv, J H Jeong, Q Ji, Q P Ji, X B Ji, X L Ji, Y Y Ji, Z K Jia, P C Jiang, S S Jiang, T J Jiang, X S Jiang, Y Jiang, J B Jiao, Z Jiao, S Jin, Y Jin, M Q Jing, T Johansson, X Kui, S Kabana, N Kalantar-Nayestanaki, X L Kang, X S Kang, R Kappert, M Kavatsyuk, B C Ke, A Khoukaz, R Kiuchi, R Kliemt, L Koch, O B Kolcu, B Kopf, M K Kuessner, A Kupsc, W Kühn, J J Lane, J S Lange, P Larin, A Lavania, L Lavezzi, T T Lei, Z H Lei, H Leithoff, M Lellmann, T Lenz, C Li, C Li, C H Li, Cheng Li, D M Li, F Li, G Li, H Li, H B Li, H J Li, H N Li, Hui Li, J R Li, J S Li, J W Li, Ke Li, L J Li, L K Li, Lei Li, M H Li, P R Li, S X Li, T Li, W D Li, W G Li, X H Li, X L Li, Xiaoyu Li, Y G Li, Z J Li, Z X Li, Z Y Li, C Liang, H Liang, H Liang, H Liang, Y F Liang, Y T Liang, G R Liao, L Z Liao, J Libby, A Limphirat, D X Lin, T Lin, B J Liu, B X Liu, C Liu, C X Liu, D Liu, F H Liu, Fang Liu, Feng Liu, G M Liu, H Liu, H B Liu, H M Liu, Huanhuan Liu, Huihui Liu, J B Liu, J L Liu, J Y Liu, K Liu, K Y Liu, Ke Liu, L Liu, L C Liu, Lu Liu, M H Liu, P L Liu, Q Liu, S B Liu, T Liu, W K Liu, W M Liu, X Liu, Y Liu, Y B Liu, Z A Liu, Z Q Liu, X C Lou, F X Lu, H J Lu, J G Lu, X L Lu, Y Lu, Y P Lu, Z H Lu, C L Luo, M X Luo, T Luo, X L Luo, X R Lyu, Y F Lyu, F C Ma, H L Ma, J L Ma, L L Ma, M M Ma, Q M Ma, R Q Ma, R T Ma, X Y Ma, Y Ma, Y M Ma, F E Maas, M Maggiora, S Maldaner, S Malde, A Mangoni, Y J Mao, Z P Mao, S Marcello, Z X Meng, J G Messchendorp, G Mezzadri, H Miao, T J Min, R E Mitchell, X H Mo, N Yu Muchnoi, Y Nefedov, F Nerling, I B Nikolaev, Z Ning, S Nisar, Y Niu, S L Olsen, Q Ouyang, S Pacetti, X Pan, Y Pan, A Pathak, P Patteri, Y P Pei, M Pelizaeus, H P Peng, K Peters, J L Ping, R G Ping, S Plura, S Pogodin, V Prasad, F Z Qi, H Qi, H R Qi, M Qi, T Y Qi, S Qian, W B Qian, C F Qiao, J J Qin, L Q Qin, X P Qin, X S Qin, Z H Qin, J F Qiu, S Q Qu, C F Redmer, K J Ren, A Rivetti, V Rodin, M Rolo, G Rong, Ch Rosner, S N Ruan, N Salone, A Sarantsev, Y Schelhaas, K Schoenning, M Scodeggio, K Y Shan, W Shan, X Y Shan, J F Shangguan, L G Shao, M Shao, C P Shen, H F Shen, W H Shen, X Y Shen, B A Shi, H C Shi, J L Shi, J Y Shi, Q Q Shi, R S Shi, X Shi, J J Song, T Z Song, W M Song, Y J Song, Y X Song, S Sosio, S Spataro, F Stieler, Y J Su, G B Sun, G X Sun, H Sun, H K Sun, J F Sun, K Sun, L Sun, S S Sun, T Sun, W Y Sun, Y Sun, Y J Sun, Y Z Sun, Z T Sun, Y X Tan, C J Tang, G Y Tang, J Tang, Y A Tang, L Y Tao, Q T Tao, M Tat, J X Teng, V Thoren, W H Tian, W H Tian, Y Tian, Z F Tian, I Uman, B Wang, B L Wang, Bo Wang, C W Wang, D Y Wang, F Wang, H J Wang, H P Wang, K Wang, L L Wang, M Wang, Meng Wang, S Wang, S Wang, T Wang, T J Wang, W Wang, W Wang, W H Wang, W P Wang, X Wang, X F Wang, X J Wang, X L Wang, Y Wang, Y D Wang, Y F Wang, Y H Wang, Y N Wang, Y Q Wang, Yaqian Wang, Yi Wang, Z Wang, Z L Wang, Z Y Wang, Ziyi Wang, D Wei, D H Wei, F Weidner, S P Wen, C W Wenzel, U W Wiedner, G Wilkinson, M Wolke, L Wollenberg, C Wu, J F Wu, L H Wu, L J Wu, X Wu, X H Wu, Y Wu, Y J Wu, Z Wu, L Xia, X M Xian, T Xiang, D Xiao, G Y Xiao, H Xiao, S Y Xiao, Y L Xiao, Z J Xiao, C Xie, X H Xie, Y Xie, Y G Xie, Y H Xie, Z P Xie, T Y Xing, C F Xu, C J Xu, G F Xu, H Y Xu, Q J Xu, Q N Xu, W Xu, W L Xu, X P Xu, Y C Xu, Z P Xu, Z S Xu, F Yan, L Yan, W B Yan, W C Yan, X Q Yan, H J Yang, H L Yang, H X Yang, Tao Yang, Y Yang, Y F Yang, Y X Yang, Yifan Yang, Z W Yang, M Ye, M H Ye, J H Yin, Z Y You, B X Yu, C X Yu, G Yu, J S Yu, T Yu, X D Yu, C Z Yuan, L Yuan, S C Yuan, X Q Yuan, Y Yuan, Z Y Yuan, C X Yue, A A Zafar, F R Zeng, X Zeng, Y Zeng, Y J Zeng, X Y Zhai, Y H Zhan, A Q Zhang, B L Zhang, B X Zhang, D H Zhang, G Y Zhang, H Zhang, H H Zhang, H H Zhang, H Q Zhang, H Y Zhang, J J Zhang, J L Zhang, J Q Zhang, J W Zhang, J X Zhang, J Y Zhang, J Z Zhang, Jianyu Zhang, Jiawei Zhang, L M Zhang, L Q Zhang, Lei Zhang, P Zhang, Q Y Zhang, Shuihan Zhang, Shulei Zhang, X D Zhang, X M Zhang, X Y Zhang, X Y Zhang, Y Zhang, Y Zhang, Y T Zhang, Y H Zhang, Yan Zhang, Yao Zhang, Z H Zhang, Z L Zhang, Z Y Zhang, Z Y Zhang, G Zhao, J Zhao, J Y Zhao, J Z Zhao, Lei Zhao, Ling Zhao, M G Zhao, S J Zhao, Y B Zhao, Y X Zhao, Z G Zhao, A Zhemchugov, B Zheng, J P Zheng, W J Zheng, Y H Zheng, B Zhong, X Zhong, H Zhou, L P Zhou, X Zhou, X K Zhou, X R Zhou, X Y Zhou, Y Z Zhou, J Zhu, K Zhu, K J Zhu, L Zhu, L X Zhu, S H Zhu, S Q Zhu, T J Zhu, W J Zhu, Y C Zhu, Z A Zhu, J H Zou, J Z. Study of the f_{0}(980) and f_{0}(500) Scalar Mesons through the Decay D_{s}^{+}→π^{+}π^{-}e^{+}ν_{e}. Physical review letters. vol 132. issue 14. 2024-04-19. PMID:38640399. the dynamics of the d_{s}^{+}→f_{0}(980)e^{+}ν_{e} decay are studied with the simple pole parametrization of the hadronic form factor and the flatté formula describing the f_{0}(980) in the differential decay rate, and the product of the form factor f_{+}^{f_{0}}(0) and the c→s cabibbo-kobayashi-maskawa matrix element |v_{cs}| is determined for the first time to be f_{+}^{f_{0}}(0)|v_{cs}|=0.504±0.017_{stat}±0.035_{syst}. 2024-04-19 2024-04-22 Not clear
Xianyu Lan, Hang Yang, Yuzhu Xiong, Guanyue Zeng, Fuping Don. Polyvinyl alcohol/chitosan quaternary ammonium salt composite hydrogel with directional macroporous structure for photothermal synergistic antibacterial and wound healing promotion. International journal of biological macromolecules. 2024-04-16. PMID:38626838. using polyvinyl alcohol (pva) and chitosan quaternary ammonium salt (cs) as matrix materials, along with polyethylene glycol (peg) as a pore-forming agent, and rgo-pda@zif-8 as an antimicrobial nano-filler, we successfully prepared rgo-pda@zif-8/pva/cs composite hydrogels with a directional macroporous structure using bidirectional freezing method and phase separation technique. 2024-04-16 2024-04-19 Not clear
Baneeprajnya Nayak, Prachi Jain, Lokesh Kumar, Atul Anand Mishra, Kirtiraj K Gaikwa. UV blocking edible films based on corn starch/moringa gum incorporated with pine cone extract for sustainable food packaging. International journal of biological macromolecules. 2024-04-13. PMID:38614168. corn starch (cs) is a good alternative to synthetic polymers due to its sustainability; nevertheless, because of its weak tensile strength, the matrix requires another polymer. 2024-04-13 2024-04-16 Not clear
Samuel Solomon, Rachel Hall, Jibao He, Vijay John, Noshir Pesik. Enhancing the Tribological Properties of Low-Density Polyethylene Using Hard Carbon Microfillers. Materials (Basel, Switzerland). vol 17. issue 7. 2024-04-13. PMID:38612054. analysis using scanning electron microscopy and raman spectroscopy confirmed cs presence in the ldpe matrix, with x-ray diffraction showing no microstructural changes post-blending. 2024-04-13 2024-04-15 Not clear
Manpreet Kaur, Jai Malik, Amarjit S Naur. Guggulsterone protects against cigarette smoke-induced COPD linked lung inflammation. Cell biochemistry and biophysics. 2024-04-12. PMID:38609738. analysis of mrna expression of matrix metalloproteinase (mmp)-9 and tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase (timp)-1 suggests that guggulsterone may restore the fine balance between matrix-degrading proteases and its inhibitor in lung tissue upon cs exposure, which may contribute in the development of emphysema at later stages. 2024-04-12 2024-04-15 mouse
Hyemin Yoo, Feng Gao, Gina Agostini-Walesch, Melisa Alabsy, John C Mitchell, Marcela R Carrilh. Use of marine occurrent extracts to enhance the stability of dentin extracellular matrix. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials. vol 154. 2024-04-06. PMID:38581962. chitosan (cs) and phloroglucinol (phg), two extracts abundantly found in marine life, were investigated for their ability to biomodify demineralized dentin by enhancing collagen crosslinks and improving dentin extracellular matrix (ecm) mechanical and biochemical stability. 2024-04-06 2024-04-10 human
Cristian Balducci, Martina Roso, Annj Zamuner, Lucia Falcigno, Gabriella D'Auria, Paola Brun, Monica Detti. Multilayer Electrospun Scaffolds of Opposite-Charged Chitosans. International journal of molecular sciences. vol 25. issue 6. 2024-03-28. PMID:38542232. four different electrospun matrices were prepared: cs, scs, a layer-by-layer matrix (lbl), and a matrix with both cs and scs simultaneously electrospun (hyb). 2024-03-28 2024-03-30 human
Cristian Balducci, Martina Roso, Annj Zamuner, Lucia Falcigno, Gabriella D'Auria, Paola Brun, Monica Detti. Multilayer Electrospun Scaffolds of Opposite-Charged Chitosans. International journal of molecular sciences. vol 25. issue 6. 2024-03-28. PMID:38542232. moreover, the antibacterial potential of cs was preserved in all the scs-containing matrices, and the pure scs matrix demonstrated a significant reduction in bacterial proliferation of both 2024-03-28 2024-03-30 human
Hugo Laffolley, Christophe Journeau, Bernd Grambo. Simulant molten core-concrete interaction experiments in view of understanding Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Cs-bearing particles generation mechanism. Scientific reports. vol 14. issue 1. 2024-03-20. PMID:38504092. extensive characterization of the csmps revealed an amorphous silica matrix, along with cs and other minor or trace elements such as fe and zn. 2024-03-20 2024-03-23 Not clear
Zhihao Liu, Da Bao, Shangyin Jia, Jin Qiao, Dongliang Xiang, Huirong Li, Linna Tian, Bing Zhang, Xin Zhang, Hong Zhang, Jing Guo, Sen Zhan. The regulation of CuSNPs' interface for further enhancing mechanical and photothermal conversion properties of chitosan/@CuSNPs hybrid fibers. International journal of biological macromolecules. 2024-03-20. PMID:38508563. however, achieving optimal dispersion and compatibility of cusnps within a cs matrix remains a challenge, this study aims to improve dispersion and compatibility by modifying the cusnps' interface, thereby enhancing mechanical and photothermal conversion properties of hybrid fibers. 2024-03-20 2024-03-23 Not clear