All Relations between ci and cannabis

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Russell C Callaghan, Jodi M Gatley, Scott Veldhuizen, Shaul Lev-Ran, Robert Mann, Mark Asbridg. Alcohol- or drug-use disorders and motor vehicle accident mortality: a retrospective cohort study. Accident; analysis and prevention. vol 53. 2013-08-27. PMID:23434842. standardized mva mortality ratios were elevated across all drug cohorts: alcohol (4.5, 95% ci, 4.1-4.9), cocaine (3.8, 95% ci, 2.3-5.3), opioids (2.8, 95% ci, 2.1-3.5), methamphetamine (2.6, 95% ci, 2-3.1), cannabis (2.3, 95% ci, 1.5-3.2) and polydrug (2.6, 95% ci, 2.4-2.9). 2013-08-27 2023-08-12 Not clear
Nicholas Myles, Hannah Newall, Olav Nielssen, Matthew Larg. The association between cannabis use and earlier age at onset of schizophrenia and other psychoses: meta-analysis of possible confounding factors. Current pharmaceutical design. vol 18. issue 32. 2013-03-25. PMID:22716150. meta-analysis showed that the age at onset of psychosis for cannabis users was 32 months earlier than for cannabis non-users (smd=- 0.399, 95%ci -0.493 - -0.306, z=-8.34, p < 0.001), and was two weeks later in tobacco smokers compared with non-smokers (smd=0.002, 95%ci -0.094 - 0.097, z=0.03, p=0.974). 2013-03-25 2023-08-12 Not clear
M B Forrester, K Kleinschmidt, E Schwarz, A Youn. Synthetic cannabinoid and marijuana exposures reported to poison centers. Human & experimental toxicology. vol 31. issue 10. 2013-01-29. PMID:22859662. the distribution of exposures to the two agents with respect to various demographic and clinical factors were compared by calculating the rate ratio (rr) of the synthetic cannabinoid and marijuana percentages for each subgroup and 95% confidence interval (ci). 2013-01-29 2023-08-12 Not clear
M B Forrester, K Kleinschmidt, E Schwarz, A Youn. Synthetic cannabinoid and marijuana exposures reported to poison centers. Human & experimental toxicology. vol 31. issue 10. 2013-01-29. PMID:22859662. the proportion of synthetic cannabinoid and marijuana exposures, respectively, were 87.3% and 46.5% via inhalation (rr 1.88, 95% ci 1.38-2.61), 74.9% and 65.7% in male (rr 1.14, 95% ci 0.87-1.51), 40.2% and 56.6% age ≤ 19 years (rr 0.71, 95% ci 0.52-0.98), 79.2% and 58.6% occurring at a residence (rr 1.35, 95% ci 1.02-1.82), 8.4% and 16.2% managed on-site (rr 0.52. 2013-01-29 2023-08-12 Not clear
Matthew M Large, Glen Smith, Grant Sara, Michael B Paton, Karina Karolina Kedzior, Olav B Nielsse. Meta-analysis of self-reported substance use compared with laboratory substance assay in general adult mental health settings. International journal of methods in psychiatric research. vol 21. issue 2. 2012-11-07. PMID:22367926. very strong associations were found between self-reported use and positive tests for cannabis [n = 11 studies, odds ratio (or) = 22.3; 95% confidence interval (ci) = 10.1-49.1], amphetamines (n = 8, or = 26.6; 95% ci = 7.9-88.9), cocaine (n = 8, or = 39.7; 95% ci = 16.2-97.2) and opiates (n = 7, or = 83.5; 95% ci = 26.7-260.7). 2012-11-07 2023-08-12 Not clear
E Fuller Torrey, John J Bartko, Robert H Yolke. Toxoplasma gondii and other risk factors for schizophrenia: an update. Schizophrenia bulletin. vol 38. issue 3. 2012-08-30. PMID:22446566. intermediate risk factors, in addition to infection with t. gondii, include being an immigrant from and to selected countries (rr 2.7; 95% ci 2.3-3.2), being born in (rr 2.24; 95% ci 1.92-2.61) or raised in (rr 2.75; 95% ci 2.31-3.28) an urban area, cannabis use (or 2.10-2.93; 95% ci 1.08-6.13), having minor physical anomalies (or 2.23; 95% ci 1.42-3.58), or having a father 55 or older (or 2.21-5.92; 95% ci 1.46-17.02). 2012-08-30 2023-08-12 Not clear
Antonio Belda, Victoriano Peiró, Eduardo Sev. The Relationship between Plants Used to Sustain Finches (Fringillidae) and Uses for Human Medicine in Southeast Spain. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM. vol 2012. 2012-08-23. PMID:22611428. cannabis sativa has the greatest cultural importance index (ci = 1.158), and phalaris canariensis (annual canary grass or alpist) was the most common species used to attract fringillidae and was used by all informants (n = 158). 2012-08-23 2023-08-12 human
Daniela Bobakova, Andrea Madarasova Geckova, Sijmen A Reijneveld, Jitse P van Dij. Subculture affiliation is associated with substance use of adolescents. European addiction research. vol 18. issue 2. 2012-06-13. PMID:22286898. subculture affiliation was significantly associated with substance use (or/95% ci: smoking 3.13/2.30-4.24; drinking 2.58/1.95-3.41; drunkenness 2.02/1.54-2.66; cannabis use 2.42/1.46-4.00). 2012-06-13 2023-08-12 Not clear
Mikkel Arendt, Povl Munk-Jørgensen, Leo Sher, Signe O W Jense. Mortality among individuals with cannabis, cocaine, amphetamine, MDMA, and opioid use disorders: a nationwide follow-up study of Danish substance users in treatment. Drug and alcohol dependence. vol 114. issue 2-3. 2012-02-13. PMID:20971585. smrs for primary users of specific substances were: cannabis: 4.9 (95% confidence interval (ci): 4.2-5.8), cocaine: 6.4 (ci: 3.9-10.0), amphetamine: 6.0 (ci: 4.2-8.3), heroin: 9.1 (ci: 8.5-9.8), and other opioids 7.7 (ci: 6.6-8.9). 2012-02-13 2023-08-12 Not clear
Judith S Brook, Jung Y Lee, Stephen J Finch, Jonathan Koppel, David W Broo. Psychosocial factors related to cannabis use disorders. Substance abuse. vol 32. issue 4. 2012-02-13. PMID:22014255. increased psychological symptoms (odds ratio [or] = 1.21; 95% confidence interval [ci], 1.05-1.39; p < .01), problems resulting from cannabis use (or = 2.69; 95% ci, 1.33-5.46; p < .01), frequent arguments with one's partner (or = 1.84; 95% ci, 1.09-3.10; p < .05), high levels of deviance (or = 1.81; 95% ci, 1.21-2.71; p < .01), and frequent acts of violence directed toward the participant (or = 1.19; 95% ci, 1.01-1.42; p < .05) were all associated with an increased risk for cuds. 2012-02-13 2023-08-12 human
Elise Roy, Marie Robert, Eric Vaillancourt, Jean-François Boivin, Jill Vandermeerschen, Isabelle Marti. Residential trajectory and HIV high-risk behaviors among Montréal street youth--a reciprocal relationship. Journal of urban health : bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine. vol 88. issue 4. 2012-01-03. PMID:21494896. residential stability was significantly associated with the following: sex exchange (adjusted odd ratio [aor], 0.25; 95% confidence interval [ci], 0.14-0.37), drug injection (aor, 0.55; ci, 0.33-0.76), daily alcohol consumption (aor, 0.58; ci, 0.42-0.74), polydrug consumption (aor, 0.61; ci, 0.50-0.73), polydrug consumption excluding marijuana (aor, 0.55; ci, 0.45-0.65), and multiple sex partners (≥3 partners; aor, 0.57; ci, 0.40-0.74). 2012-01-03 2023-08-12 Not clear
D I Abrams, P Couey, S B Shade, M E Kelly, N L Benowit. Cannabinoid-opioid interaction in chronic pain. Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics. vol 90. issue 6. 2011-12-29. PMID:22048225. pain was significantly decreased (average 27%, 95% confidence interval (ci) 9, 46) after the addition of vaporized cannabis. 2011-12-29 2023-08-12 human
John C Churchwell, Melissa Lopez-Larson, Deborah A Yurgelun-Tod. Altered frontal cortical volume and decision making in adolescent cannabis users. Frontiers in psychology. vol 1. 2011-11-10. PMID:21833280. our results indicate that cannabis abusing adolescents have decreased right mopfc volume compared to controls, p = 0.01, d = 0.92, ci(0.95) = 0.21, 1.59. 2011-11-10 2023-08-12 human
John C Churchwell, Melissa Lopez-Larson, Deborah A Yurgelun-Tod. Altered frontal cortical volume and decision making in adolescent cannabis users. Frontiers in psychology. vol 1. 2011-11-10. PMID:21833280. cannabis abusing adolescents also show decreased future orientation, as indexed by the bis non-planning subscale, when compared to controls, p = 0.01, d = 0.89, ci(0.95) = 0.23, 1.55. 2011-11-10 2023-08-12 human
Tim Lane, H Fisher Raymond, Sibongile Dladla, Joseph Rasethe, Helen Struthers, Willi McFarland, James McIntyr. High HIV prevalence among men who have sex with men in Soweto, South Africa: results from the Soweto Men's Study. AIDS and behavior. vol 15. issue 3. 2011-07-11. PMID:19662523. in multivariable analysis, hiv infection was associated with being older than 25 (adjusted odds ratio (aor) 3.8, 95% ci 3.2-4.6), gay self-identification (aor 2.3, 95% ci 1.8-3.0), monthly income less than zar500 (aor 1.4, 95% ci 1.2-1.7), purchasing alcohol or drugs in exchange for sex with another man (aor 3.9, 95% ci 3.2-4.7), reporting any urai (aor 4.4, 95% ci 3.5-5.7), reporting between six and nine partners in the prior 6 months (aor 5.7, 95% ci 4.0-8.2), circumcision, (aor 0.2, 95% ci 0.1-0.2), a regular female partner (aor 0.2, 95% ci 0.2-0.3), smoking marijuana in the last 6 months (aor 0.6, 95% ci 0.5-0.8), unprotected vaginal intercourse in the last 6 months (aor 0.5, 95% ci 0.4-0.6), and sti symptoms in the last year (aor 0.7, 95% ci 0.5-0.8). 2011-07-11 2023-08-12 Not clear
Javier Costas, Julio Sanjuán, Ramón Ramos-Ríos, Eduardo Paz, Santiago Agra, Amparo Tolosa, Mario Páramo, Julio Brenlla, Manuel Arroj. Interaction between COMT haplotypes and cannabis in schizophrenia: a case-only study in two samples from Spain. Schizophrenia research. vol 127. issue 1-3. 2011-07-01. PMID:21310591. schizophrenic subjects homozygous for the met allele at rs4680 doubled the probability of lifetime prevalence of cannabis use in comparison to val homozygous (mantel-haenszel or=2.07, 95% ci: 1.27-3.26, p=0.0031, in the combined sample). 2011-07-01 2023-08-12 human
Amy J Porath-Waller, Erin Beasley, Douglas J Beirnes. A meta-analytic review of school-based prevention for cannabis use. Health education & behavior : the official publication of the Society for Public Health Education. vol 37. issue 5. 2011-01-21. PMID:20522782. the results from the set of 15 studies indicated that these school-based programs had a positive impact on reducing students' cannabis use (d = 0.58, ci: 0.55, 0.62) compared to control conditions. 2011-01-21 2023-08-12 Not clear
Pearl P Nyi, Emily P Lai, Diana Y Lee, Shannon A Biglete, Gilsky I Torrecer, Ilene B Anderso. Influence of age on Salvia divinorum use: results of an Internet survey. Journal of psychoactive drugs. vol 42. issue 3. 2010-11-23. PMID:21053761. being an adult at first use was associated with higher odds of concurrent marijuana (or = 2.68, ci = 1.50-4.78, p = 0.0007) or tobacco use (or = 1.94, ci = 1.05-3.60, p = 0.03). 2010-11-23 2023-08-12 Not clear
Benedikt Fischer, Jürgen Rehm, Hyacinth Irving, Anca Ialomiteanu, Jean-Sebastien Fallu, Jayadeep Patr. Typologies of cannabis users and associated characteristics relevant for public health: a latent class analysis of data from a nationally representative Canadian adult survey. International journal of methods in psychiatric research. vol 19. issue 2. 2010-09-13. PMID:20506447. the class featuring earliest onset and highest frequency of use [22% of cannabis user sample or 2.2% (95% confidence interval (ci) = 1.8-2.7%) of the canadian adult population] was disproportionately linked to key harms, including other illicit drug use, health problems, cannabis use and driving, and cannabis use problems. 2010-09-13 2023-08-12 Not clear
Ronald J Peters, Angela Meshack, Charles Amos, Kathy Scott-Gurnell, Charles Savage, Kentya For. The association of drug use and post-traumatic stress reactions due to Hurricane Ike among Fifth Ward Houstonian youth. Journal of ethnicity in substance abuse. vol 9. issue 2. 2010-08-25. PMID:20509087. unadjusted logistic regression showed that they also experienced over twice the odds of reporting past 30 day use of alcohol (or = 2.57, 95% ci = .98, 6.8), marijuana (or = 4.31, 95% ci = 1.2, 15.3), codeine cough syrup (or = 5.22, 95% ci = 1.4, 19.5), and anti-energy drinks (or = 3.27, 95% ci = 1.0, 1.4). 2010-08-25 2023-08-12 Not clear