All Relations between ci and cannabis

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Ethan Moitra, Paul P Christopher, Bradley J Anderson, Michael D Stei. Coping-motivated marijuana use correlates with DSM-5 cannabis use disorder and psychological distress among emerging adults. Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors. vol 29. issue 3. 2016-05-25. PMID:25915689. after adjusting for other variables in the regression model, using mj to cope was positively associated with having dsm-5 cannabis use disorder (or = 1.85, 95% ci [1.31, 2.62], p < .01), mj problem severity (b = .41, 95% ci [.24, .57], p < .01), depression (b = .36, 95% ci [.23, .49], p < .01), and perceived stress (b = .37, 95% ci [.22, .51], p < .01). 2016-05-25 2023-08-13 human
K S Kylie Lee, Krisakorn Sukavatvibul, Katherine M Conigrav. Cannabis use and violence in three remote Aboriginal Australian communities: Analysis of clinic presentations. Transcultural psychiatry. vol 52. issue 6. 2016-05-24. PMID:26045571. individuals who reported any current cannabis use were nearly 4 times more likely than nonusers to present at least once for violent trauma after adjusting for current alcohol use, age, and sex (or = 3.8, 95% ci [1.5, 9.8]). 2016-05-24 2023-08-13 Not clear
Tina Djernis Gundersen, Niels Jørgensen, Anna-Maria Andersson, Anne Kirstine Bang, Loa Nordkap, Niels E Skakkebæk, Lærke Priskorn, Anders Juul, Tina Kold Jense. Association Between Use of Marijuana and Male Reproductive Hormones and Semen Quality: A Study Among 1,215 Healthy Young Men. American journal of epidemiology. vol 182. issue 6. 2015-12-01. PMID:26283092. regular marijuana smoking more than once per week was associated with a 28% (95% confidence interval (ci): -48, -1) lower sperm concentration and a 29% (95% ci: -46, -1) lower total sperm count after adjustment for confounders. 2015-12-01 2023-08-13 human
Tina Djernis Gundersen, Niels Jørgensen, Anna-Maria Andersson, Anne Kirstine Bang, Loa Nordkap, Niels E Skakkebæk, Lærke Priskorn, Anders Juul, Tina Kold Jense. Association Between Use of Marijuana and Male Reproductive Hormones and Semen Quality: A Study Among 1,215 Healthy Young Men. American journal of epidemiology. vol 182. issue 6. 2015-12-01. PMID:26283092. the combined use of marijuana more than once per week and other recreational drugs reduced the sperm concentration by 52% (95% ci: -68, -27) and total sperm count by 55% (95% ci: -71, -31). 2015-12-01 2023-08-13 human
Nickolas Zaller, Ariel Topletz, Susan Frater, Gail Yates, Michelle Lall. Profiles of medicinal cannabis patients attending compassion centers in rhode island. Journal of psychoactive drugs. vol 47. issue 1. 2015-10-02. PMID:25715068. participants were more likely to have bpi pain interference scores of > 5 if they were older (or: 1.36, 95% ci: 1.04-1.78) or reported using cannabis as a substitute for prescription medications (or: 2.47, 95% ci: 1.23-4.95), and were less likely to have interference scores of >5 if they had higher income levels (or: 0.53, 95% ci: 0.40-0.70) or reported having ever received treatment for an alcohol use disorder. 2015-10-02 2023-08-13 human
Helen Poulsen, Rosemary Moar, Ruth Piri. The culpability of drivers killed in New Zealand road crashes and their use of alcohol and other drugs. Accident; analysis and prevention. vol 67. 2015-09-30. PMID:24636874. driver culpability exhibited the expected positive association with alcohol use (or 13.7, 95% ci 4.3-44) and with combined alcohol and cannabis use (or 6.9, 95% ci 3.0-16). 2015-09-30 2023-08-12 Not clear
Helen Poulsen, Rosemary Moar, Ruth Piri. The culpability of drivers killed in New Zealand road crashes and their use of alcohol and other drugs. Accident; analysis and prevention. vol 67. 2015-09-30. PMID:24636874. there was only a weak positive association between cannabis use (with no other drug) and culpability (or 1.3, ci 95% 0.8-2.3). 2015-09-30 2023-08-12 Not clear
Gregory Slawson, M-J Milloy, Lynda Balneaves, Annick Simo, Silvia Guillemi, Robert Hogg, Julio Montaner, Evan Wood, Thomas Ker. High-intensity cannabis use and adherence to antiretroviral therapy among people who use illicit drugs in a Canadian setting. AIDS and behavior. vol 19. issue 1. 2015-09-24. PMID:25012624. in bivariate and multivariate analyses we did not observe an association between using cannabis at least daily and optimal adherence to prescribed haart (adjusted odds ratio = 1.12, 95 % confidence interval [95 % ci]: 0.76-1.64, p value = 0.555.) 2015-09-24 2023-08-13 human
Maria Melchior, Aude Chollet, Gulizar Elidemir, Cédric Galéra, Nadia Younè. Unemployment and substance use in young adults: does educational attainment modify the association? European addiction research. vol 21. issue 3. 2015-09-23. PMID:25472491. compared to participants who were always employed, those who were unemployed and had no higher education were more likely to smoke tobacco (or: 2.76, 95% ci: 1.86-4.10), to be nicotine dependent (or: 5.70, 95% ci: 3.03-10.73), to use cannabis (or: 2.27, 95% ci: 1.42-3.64), and to abuse cannabis (or: 3.38, 95% ci: 1.63-7.04). 2015-09-23 2023-08-13 human
W A van Gastel, J H MacCabe, C D Schubart, E van Otterdijk, R S Kahn, M P M Bok. Cannabis use is a better indicator of poor mental health in women than in men: a cross-sectional study in young adults from the general population. Community mental health journal. vol 50. issue 7. 2015-06-22. PMID:24728845. monthly cannabis use was associated with a higher total score on the scl-90, both in a crude (or 1.94, 95% ci 1.57-2.38) and fully adjusted model (or 1.48, 95% ci 1.07-2.03). 2015-06-22 2023-08-13 human
Timothy J England, William H Hind, Nadiah A Rasid, Saoirse E O'Sulliva. Cannabinoids in experimental stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. vol 35. issue 3. 2015-04-20. PMID:25492113. cannabinoids reduced infarct volume in transient (smd -1.41 (95% ci -1.71), -1.11) p<0.00001) and permanent (-1.67 (-2.08, -1.27), p<0.00001) ischemia and in all subclasses: endocannabinoids (-1.72 (-2.62, -0.82), p=0.0002), cb1/cb2 ligands (-1.75 (-2.19, -1.31), p<0.00001), cb2 ligands (-1.65 (-2.09, -1.22), p<0.00001), cannabidiol (-1.20 (-1.63, -0.77), p<0.00001), Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (-1.43 (-2.01, -0.86), p<0.00001), and hu-211 (-2.90 (-4.24, -1.56), p<0.0001). 2015-04-20 2023-08-13 Not clear
M M McConnell, J Memetovic, C G Richardso. Coping style and substance use intention and behavior patterns in a cohort of BC adolescents. Addictive behaviors. vol 39. issue 10. 2015-04-10. PMID:24922529. engagement coping was also protective against the intention to use tobacco (aor=0.97 (95% ci: 0.96-0.99), p<0.001) or marijuana (aor=0.98 (95% ci: 0.96-0.99), p<0.01). 2015-04-10 2023-08-13 Not clear
Li Rita Zhang, Hal Morgenstern, Sander Greenland, Shen-Chih Chang, Philip Lazarus, M Dawn Teare, Penella J Woll, Irene Orlow, Brian Cox, Yonathan Brhane, Geoffrey Liu, Rayjean J Hun. Cannabis smoking and lung cancer risk: Pooled analysis in the International Lung Cancer Consortium. International journal of cancer. vol 136. issue 4. 2015-02-14. PMID:24947688. compared to nonhabitual or never users, the summary or was 0.88 (95%ci: 0.63-1.24) for individuals who smoked 1 or more joint-equivalents of cannabis per day and 0.94 (95%ci: 0.67-1.32) for those consumed at least 10 joint-years. 2015-02-14 2023-08-13 Not clear
Roman Pabayo, Beth E Molnar, Ichiro Kawach. Witnessing a violent death and smoking, alcohol consumption, and marijuana use among adolescents. Journal of urban health : bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine. vol 91. issue 2. 2014-12-14. PMID:24085554. analyses indicated that girls who witnessed a violent death were more likely to use marijuana (relative risk (rr) = 1.09, 95% confidence interval (ci) = 1.02, 1.17), and tended towards a higher likelihood to smoke (rr = 1.06, 95% ci = 1.00, 1.13) and consume alcohol (rr = 1.07, 95% ci = 0.97, 1.18). 2014-12-14 2023-08-12 Not clear
Cathy J Reback, Jesse B Fletche. Reductions in HIV prevalence rates among substance-using men who have sex with men in Los Angeles County, 2008-2011. AIDS education and prevention : official publication of the International Society for AIDS Education. vol 26. issue 5. 2014-12-09. PMID:25299809. when controlling for these cofactors, robust log-poisson analysis revealed that each additional day of methamphetamine (rrr = 1.03; 95% ci [1.02, 1.03]) and/or marijuana (rrr = 1.01; 95% ci [1.01, 1.02]) use in the previous 30 days, injection drug use at any point in their lifetime (rrr = 2.01; 95% ci [1.70, 2.37]), and/or unprotected anal intercourse with another male in the previous 30 days (rrr = 1.48; 95% ci [1.29, 1.71]) were associated with hiv-positive status. 2014-12-09 2023-08-13 human
Marlize Lückhoff, Liezl Koen, Esme Jordaan, Daniel Niehau. Attempted suicide in a Xhosa schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder population. Suicide & life-threatening behavior. vol 44. issue 2. 2014-12-08. PMID:24286498. the presence of lifetime bizarre behavior (or 1.5; 95% ci 1.12-1.87) or cannabis use or abuse (or 1.2; 95% ci 10.01-1.47) was a significant predictor of suicide attempts, while a higher global alogia score (or 0.84; 95% ci 0.74-0.96) was a protective factor. 2014-12-08 2023-08-12 human
Nicholas C Heck, Nicholas A Livingston, Annesa Flentje, Kathryn Oost, Brandon T Stewart, Bryan N Cochra. Reducing risk for illicit drug use and prescription drug misuse: High school gay-straight alliances and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth. Addictive behaviors. vol 39. issue 4. 2014-10-20. PMID:24531638. after controlling for demographic variables and risk factors associated with illicit drug use, the results of 12 logistic regression analyses revealed that lgbt youth attending a high school without a gsa evidenced increased risk for using cocaine (adjusted odds ratio [adjor]=3.11; 95% confidence interval [95% ci]=1.23-7.86), hallucinogens (adjor=2.59; 95% ci=1.18-5.70), and marijuana (adjor=2.22; 95% ci=1.37-3.59) relative to peers attending a high school with a gsa. 2014-10-20 2023-08-12 Not clear
Guohua Li, Joanne E Brady, Qixuan Che. Drug use and fatal motor vehicle crashes: a case-control study. Accident; analysis and prevention. vol 60. 2014-07-07. PMID:24076302. the estimated odds ratios of fatal crash involvement associated with specific drug categories were 1.83 [95% confidence interval (ci): 1.39, 2.39] for marijuana, 3.03 (95% ci: 2.00, 4.48) for narcotics, 3.57 (95% ci: 2.63, 4.76) for stimulants, and 4.83 (95% ci: 3.18, 7.21) for depressants. 2014-07-07 2023-08-12 human
J-B Pingault, S M Côté, C Galéra, C Genolini, B Falissard, F Vitaro, R E Trembla. Childhood trajectories of inattention, hyperactivity and oppositional behaviors and prediction of substance abuse/dependence: a 15-year longitudinal population-based study. Molecular psychiatry. vol 18. issue 7. 2014-05-02. PMID:22733124. only opposition contributed to the prediction of cannabis dependence (or: 2.33; 95% ci: 1.40-3.87) and cocaine dependence (or: 2.97; 95% ci: 1.06-8.57). 2014-05-02 2023-08-12 human
Ali Amad, Dewi Guardia, Julia Salleron, Pierre Thomas, Jean-Luc Roelandt, Guillaume Vaiv. Increased prevalence of psychotic disorders among third-generation migrants: results from the French Mental Health in General Population survey. Schizophrenia research. vol 147. issue 1. 2013-12-09. PMID:23570896. based on the mental health in general population survey (n=37063), we report for the first time the increased prevalence of psychotic disorders in migrants in france, which persists into the second generation for a single psychotic episode (spe) (or=1.43, 95% ci [1.02-2.03], p<0.03) and into the third generation for recurrent psychotic disorder (rpd) (or=1.78, 95% ci [1.45-2.18], p<0.0001) after adjustment for age, sex, level of education and cannabis use. 2013-12-09 2023-08-12 Not clear