All Relations between vibrotactile and somatosensory

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Nicolaas A J Puts, Richard A E Edden, Ericka L Wodka, Stewart H Mostofsky, Mark Tommerdah. A vibrotactile behavioral battery for investigating somatosensory processing in children and adults. Journal of neuroscience methods. vol 218. issue 1. 2014-03-10. PMID:23660524. a vibrotactile behavioral battery for investigating somatosensory processing in children and adults. 2014-03-10 2023-08-12 Not clear
Nicolaas A J Puts, Richard A E Edden, Ericka L Wodka, Stewart H Mostofsky, Mark Tommerdah. A vibrotactile behavioral battery for investigating somatosensory processing in children and adults. Journal of neuroscience methods. vol 218. issue 1. 2014-03-10. PMID:23660524. the cortical dynamics of somatosensory processing can be investigated using vibrotactile psychophysics. 2014-03-10 2023-08-12 Not clear
Nicolaas A J Puts, Richard A E Edden, Ericka L Wodka, Stewart H Mostofsky, Mark Tommerdah. A vibrotactile behavioral battery for investigating somatosensory processing in children and adults. Journal of neuroscience methods. vol 218. issue 1. 2014-03-10. PMID:23660524. it has been suggested that different vibrotactile paradigms target different cortical mechanisms, and a number of recent studies have established links between somatosensory cortical function and measurable aspects of behavior. 2014-03-10 2023-08-12 Not clear
Luigi Tamè, Andrew Moles, Nicholas P Holme. Within, but not between hands interactions in vibrotactile detection thresholds reflect somatosensory receptive field organization. Frontiers in psychology. vol 5. 2014-03-04. PMID:24592252. within, but not between hands interactions in vibrotactile detection thresholds reflect somatosensory receptive field organization. 2014-03-04 2023-08-12 Not clear
Yuriria Vázquez, Emilio Salinas, Ranulfo Rom. Transformation of the neural code for tactile detection from thalamus to cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. vol 110. issue 28. 2013-10-18. PMID:23798408. neurons in the ventral posterior lateral (vpl) nucleus of the somatosensory thalamus and in primary somatosensory cortex (s1) respond to vibrotactile stimulation with relatively slow modulations (∼100 ms) of their firing rate. 2013-10-18 2023-08-12 monkey
Christian Kalberlah, Arno Villringer, Burkhard Plege. Dynamic causal modeling suggests serial processing of tactile vibratory stimuli in the human somatosensory cortex--an fMRI study. NeuroImage. vol 74. 2013-09-13. PMID:23435215. during brain imaging, 14 participants performed a somatosensory discrimination task on vibrotactile stimuli. 2013-09-13 2023-08-12 human
Yoon Gi Chung, Junsuk Kim, Sang Woo Han, Hyung-Sik Kim, Mi Hyun Choi, Soon-Cheol Chung, Jang-Yeon Park, Sung-Phil Ki. Frequency-dependent patterns of somatosensory cortical responses to vibrotactile stimulation in humans: a fMRI study. Brain research. vol 1504. 2013-08-26. PMID:23399687. frequency-dependent patterns of somatosensory cortical responses to vibrotactile stimulation in humans: a fmri study. 2013-08-26 2023-08-12 human
Yoon Gi Chung, Junsuk Kim, Sang Woo Han, Hyung-Sik Kim, Mi Hyun Choi, Soon-Cheol Chung, Jang-Yeon Park, Sung-Phil Ki. Frequency-dependent patterns of somatosensory cortical responses to vibrotactile stimulation in humans: a fMRI study. Brain research. vol 1504. 2013-08-26. PMID:23399687. however, it remains largely unknown how somatosensory cortical activity changes as a function of vibrotactile frequency. 2013-08-26 2023-08-12 human
Yoon Gi Chung, Junsuk Kim, Sang Woo Han, Hyung-Sik Kim, Mi Hyun Choi, Soon-Cheol Chung, Jang-Yeon Park, Sung-Phil Ki. Frequency-dependent patterns of somatosensory cortical responses to vibrotactile stimulation in humans: a fMRI study. Brain research. vol 1504. 2013-08-26. PMID:23399687. this functional magnetic resonance imaging (fmri) study investigated frequency dependency of somatosensory cortical activity in humans by applying vibrotactile stimulation with various frequencies (20-200hz) to the index finger. 2013-08-26 2023-08-12 human
Yoon Gi Chung, Junsuk Kim, Sang Woo Han, Hyung-Sik Kim, Mi Hyun Choi, Soon-Cheol Chung, Jang-Yeon Park, Sung-Phil Ki. Frequency-dependent patterns of somatosensory cortical responses to vibrotactile stimulation in humans: a fMRI study. Brain research. vol 1504. 2013-08-26. PMID:23399687. our results suggest that the ls (s2) may play an important role in processing vibrotactile frequency information and that the somatosensory cortex may include spatially localized neural assemblies specialized to higher or lower vibrotactile frequency. 2013-08-26 2023-08-12 human
Conrad Wall, Diane Wrisley, Lars Oddsso. Vibrotactile feedback of mediolateral trunk tilt or foot pressure increases locomotor performance in healthy older adults--a pilot study. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference. vol 2012. 2013-07-23. PMID:23367331. sensory substitution devices can provide body orientation and somatosensory information through vibrotactile feedback. 2013-07-23 2023-08-12 human
Christopher I Moore, Emilie Crosier, Douglas N Greve, Robert Savoy, Michael M Merzenich, Anders M Dal. Neocortical correlates of vibrotactile detection in humans. Journal of cognitive neuroscience. vol 25. issue 1. 2013-05-16. PMID:23198890. suprathreshold vibrotactile stimulation activated several areas, including primary (si) and second somatosensory cortices (sii/pv). 2013-05-16 2023-08-12 human
Luigi Tamè, Christoph Braun, Angelika Lingnau, Jens Schwarzbach, Gianpaolo Demarchi, Yiwen Li Hegner, Alessandro Farnè, Francesco Pavan. The contribution of primary and secondary somatosensory cortices to the representation of body parts and body sides: an fMRI adaptation study. Journal of cognitive neuroscience. vol 24. issue 12. 2013-04-11. PMID:22849401. we studied adaptation of the fmri bold response in the somatosensory cortex by delivering pairs of vibrotactile stimuli to the finger tips of the index and middle fingers. 2013-04-11 2023-08-12 Not clear
E Colon, V Legrain, A Mourau. Steady-state evoked potentials to study the processing of tactile and nociceptive somatosensory input in the human brain. Neurophysiologie clinique = Clinical neurophysiology. vol 42. issue 5. 2013-03-21. PMID:23040702. here, (1) we review available methods to achieve the rapid periodic stimulation of somatosensory afferents required to elicit ss-ep, (2) review previous studies that have characterized vibrotactile and nociceptive ss-ep, (3) discuss the nature of the recorded signals and their relationship with transient event-related potentials and (4) outline future perspectives and potential clinical applications of this technique. 2013-03-21 2023-08-12 human
V de Lafuente, R Rom. Dopaminergic activity coincides with stimulus detection by the frontal lobe. Neuroscience. vol 218. 2012-11-16. PMID:22626641. here we show that da responses to a vibrotactile stimulus lag significantly behind those of the primary somatosensory cortex, but they arise with a latency that closely matches the onset of premotor neurons known to encode perceptual decisions. 2012-11-16 2023-08-12 Not clear
Adrián Ponce-Alvarez, Verónica Nácher, Rogelio Luna, Alexa Riehle, Ranulfo Rom. Dynamics of cortical neuronal ensembles transit from decision making to storage for later report. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 32. issue 35. 2012-11-05. PMID:22933781. we addressed this problem by studying the activity of simultaneously recorded neurons from different somatosensory and frontal lobe cortices of monkeys performing a vibrotactile discrimination task. 2012-11-05 2023-08-12 monkey
Michael Marxen, Ryan J Cassidy, Tara L Dawson, Bernhard Ross, Simon J Graha. Transient and sustained components of the sensorimotor BOLD response in fMRI. Magnetic resonance imaging. vol 30. issue 6. 2012-10-03. PMID:22495237. here we investigate the performance of different neural input functions and latency-optimized hrfs for modeling bold signals in response to vibrotactile somatosensory stimuli of variable durations (0.5, 1, 4, 7 s) in 14 young, healthy adults who were required to make button press responses at each stimulus cessation. 2012-10-03 2023-08-12 Not clear
Erin M Parsons, Christian Redd, Minu S Gandhi, Robert P Tuckett, Stacy J Morris Bamber. Liquid cooling system for the vibro-tactile threshold device. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference. vol 2011. 2012-08-08. PMID:22255903. vibrotactile threshold testing has been used to investigate activation of human somatosensory pathways. 2012-08-08 2023-08-12 human
Nazim Gizem Forta, Michael J Griffin, Miyuki Moriok. Vibrotactile difference thresholds: effects of vibration frequency, vibration magnitude, contact area, and body location. Somatosensory & motor research. vol 29. issue 1. 2012-08-08. PMID:22416802. it has not been established whether the smallest perceptible change in the intensity of vibrotactile stimuli depends on the somatosensory channel mediating the sensation. 2012-08-08 2023-08-12 human
Saskia Haegens, Verónica Nácher, Rogelio Luna, Ranulfo Romo, Ole Jense. α-Oscillations in the monkey sensorimotor network influence discrimination performance by rhythmical inhibition of neuronal spiking. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. vol 108. issue 48. 2012-01-23. PMID:22084106. here, we simultaneously recorded local field potentials and spikes from somatosensory, premotor, and motor regions while a trained monkey performed a vibrotactile discrimination task. 2012-01-23 2023-08-12 monkey