All Relations between vibrotactile and somatosensory

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Kelley Knapp-Kline, Christopher Ring, David Emmerich, Jasper Brene. The effects of vibrotactile masking on heartbeat detection: Evidence that somatosensory mechanoreceptors transduce heartbeat sensations. Psychophysiology. vol 58. issue 6. 2021-09-16. PMID:33772799. the effects of vibrotactile masking on heartbeat detection: evidence that somatosensory mechanoreceptors transduce heartbeat sensations. 2021-09-16 2023-08-13 Not clear
C S Barz, P M Garderes, D A Ganea, S Reischauer, D Feldmeyer, F Hais. Functional and Structural Properties of Highly Responsive Somatosensory Neurons in Mouse Barrel Cortex. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). vol 31. issue 10. 2021-09-15. PMID:33963394. we used two-photon calcium imaging to identify a subset of neurons in layer l2/3 (l2/3) of mouse primary somatosensory cortex that are highly active following principal whisker vibrotactile stimulation. 2021-09-15 2023-08-13 mouse
Zongpeng Sun, Artur Schneider, Mansour Alyahyay, Golan Karvat, Ilka Dieste. Effects of Optogenetic Stimulation of Primary Somatosensory Cortex and Its Projections to Striatum on Vibrotactile Perception in Freely Moving Rats. eNeuro. vol 8. issue 2. 2021-06-18. PMID:33593733. effects of optogenetic stimulation of primary somatosensory cortex and its projections to striatum on vibrotactile perception in freely moving rats. 2021-06-18 2023-08-13 rat
Zongpeng Sun, Artur Schneider, Mansour Alyahyay, Golan Karvat, Ilka Dieste. Effects of Optogenetic Stimulation of Primary Somatosensory Cortex and Its Projections to Striatum on Vibrotactile Perception in Freely Moving Rats. eNeuro. vol 8. issue 2. 2021-06-18. PMID:33593733. by bidirectionally manipulating the activity of neurons in primary somatosensory cortex (s1), we demonstrated that optical activation as well as inhibition of s1 reduced the detection rate for vibrotactile stimuli. 2021-06-18 2023-08-13 rat
Aayushi Khajuria, Deepak Josh. Effects of vibrotactile feedback on postural sway in trans-femoral amputees: A wavelet analysis. Journal of biomechanics. vol 115. 2021-05-27. PMID:33248704. we also found significant increase in energy (p = 0.003) during forward weight shifting with vibrotactile feedback in the sound limb of amputees in comparison to no feedback session at frequency/time-scales corresponding to somatosensory acuity (j = 6-8, freq. = 0.3-1.5 hz) using haar wavelet. 2021-05-27 2023-08-13 human
Aayushi Khajuria, Deepak Josh. Effects of vibrotactile feedback on postural sway in trans-femoral amputees: A wavelet analysis. Journal of biomechanics. vol 115. 2021-05-27. PMID:33248704. these findings reflect the higher contribution of somatosensory receptors in amputees with vibrotactile feedback and may provide a better understanding of the mechanisms associated with standing balance in terms of time-frequency analysis. 2021-05-27 2023-08-13 human
Kaitlin Cassady, Marit F L Ruitenberg, Patricia A Reuter-Lorenz, Mark Tommerdahl, Rachael D Seidle. Neural Dedifferentiation across the Lifespan in the Motor and Somatosensory Systems. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). vol 30. issue 6. 2021-05-19. PMID:32043110. despite one finding indicative of compensatory mechanisms with older age, we generally observed that 1) older age was associated with greater activity and stronger positive connectivity within sensorimotor and loc regions during both visuomotor and vibrotactile tasks; 2) increased activation and stronger positive connectivity were associated with worse performance; and 3) age differences in connectivity in the motor system correlated with those in the somatosensory system. 2021-05-19 2023-08-13 human
Román Rossi-Pool, Antonio Zainos, Manuel Alvarez, Sergio Parra, Jerónimo Zizumbo, Ranulfo Rom. Invariant timescale hierarchy across the cortical somatosensory network. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. vol 118. issue 3. 2021-05-12. PMID:33431695. studying the cortical somatosensory network while monkeys discriminated between two vibrotactile stimulus patterns, we found that a hierarchical order could be established across cortical areas based on their intrinsic timescales. 2021-05-12 2023-08-13 monkey
Maximilian Davide Broda, Katja Fiehler, Dimitris Voudouri. The influence of afferent input on somatosensory suppression during grasping. Scientific reports. vol 10. issue 1. 2021-03-30. PMID:33122705. we probed somatosensory processing at the moment of the grasp by presenting a vibrotactile stimulus either on the thumb or index finger and asked participants to report if they felt this stimulus. 2021-03-30 2023-08-13 human
Yoo Rim Kim, Chang-Eop Kim, Heera Yoon, Sun Kwang Kim, Sang Jeong Ki. Multiplexed Processing of Vibrotactile Information in the Mouse Primary Somatosensory Cortex. Experimental neurobiology. vol 29. issue 6. 2021-01-15. PMID:33372168. multiplexed processing of vibrotactile information in the mouse primary somatosensory cortex. 2021-01-15 2023-08-13 mouse
Mark Mikkelsen, Jason He, Mark Tommerdahl, Richard A E Edden, Stewart H Mostofsky, Nicolaas A J Put. Reproducibility of flutter-range vibrotactile detection and discrimination thresholds. Scientific reports. vol 10. issue 1. 2020-11-30. PMID:32300187. somatosensory processing can be probed empirically through vibrotactile psychophysical experiments. 2020-11-30 2023-08-13 human
Garrett Cardon, Anu Sharm. Somatosensory Cross-Modal Reorganization in Adults With Age-Related, Early-Stage Hearing Loss. Frontiers in human neuroscience. vol 12. 2020-10-01. PMID:29773983. thus, we investigated cross-modal reorganization between the auditory and somatosensory modalities in older adults with normal hearing (nh) and mild-moderate arhl in response to vibrotactile stimulation using high density electroencephalography (eeg). 2020-10-01 2023-08-13 Not clear
Xinjian Jiang, Yueqian Wang, Xiaojin Li, Liping Wang, Yong-Di Zhou, Huimin Wan. A Simple and Compact MR-Compatible Electromagnetic Vibrotactile Stimulator. Frontiers in neuroscience. vol 13. 2020-09-28. PMID:32009884. therefore, the new designed electromagnetic vibrotactile stimulator is capable of generating various frequencies of tactile stimuli and represents a powerful and useful tool for studying somatosensory functions with functional mri. 2020-09-28 2023-08-13 Not clear
Limin Sun, Yoshio Okad. Vibrotactile piezoelectric stimulation system with precise and versatile timing control for somatosensory research. Journal of neuroscience methods. vol 317. 2020-08-12. PMID:30738105. vibrotactile piezoelectric stimulation system with precise and versatile timing control for somatosensory research. 2020-08-12 2023-08-13 Not clear
Rodika Sokoliuk, Stephen D Mayhew, Kevin M Aquino, Ross Wilson, Matthew J Brookes, Susan T Francis, Simon Hanslmayr, Karen J Mullinge. Two Spatially Distinct Posterior Alpha Sources Fulfill Different Functional Roles in Attention. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 39. issue 36. 2020-06-29. PMID:31341028. in experiment 1, participants divided their attention between visual and somatosensory modality to determine the temporal/spatial frequency of a target stimulus (vibrotactile stimulus/gabor grating). 2020-06-29 2023-08-13 human
Yuan-Hao Wu, Lisa A Velenosi, Pia Schröder, Simon Ludwig, Felix Blankenbur. Decoding vibrotactile choice independent of stimulus order and saccade selection during sequential comparisons. Human brain mapping. vol 40. issue 6. 2020-04-08. PMID:30565343. decision-making in the somatosensory domain has been intensively studied using vibrotactile frequency discrimination tasks. 2020-04-08 2023-08-13 human
Patrick S Malone, Silvio P Eberhardt, Klaus Wimmer, Courtney Sprouse, Richard Klein, Katharina Glomb, Clara A Scholl, Levan Bokeria, Philip Cho, Gustavo Deco, Xiong Jiang, Lynne E Bernstein, Maximilian Riesenhube. Neural mechanisms of vibrotactile categorization. Human brain mapping. vol 40. issue 10. 2020-03-30. PMID:30920706. in order to test the hypothesis that the two-stage model applies to the somatosensory system, 14 human participants were trained to categorize vibrotactile stimuli presented to their right forearm. 2020-03-30 2023-08-13 human
George C O'Neill, Roger H Watkins, Rochelle Ackerley, Eleanor L Barratt, Ayan Sengupta, Michael Asghar, Rosa Maria Sanchez Panchuelo, Matthew J Brookes, Paul M Glover, Johan Wessberg, Susan T Franci. Imaging human cortical responses to intraneural microstimulation using magnetoencephalography. NeuroImage. vol 189. 2020-01-23. PMID:30639839. we found that by assessing the modulation of the beta (13-30 hz) rhythm during single-unit inms, significant changes in oscillatory amplitude occur in the contralateral primary somatosensory cortex within and across a group of fast adapting type i mechanoreceptive afferents, which corresponded well to the induced response from matched vibrotactile stimulation. 2020-01-23 2023-08-13 human
Gerome A Manson, Luc Tremblay, Nicolas Lebar, John de Grosbois, Laurence Mouchnino, Jean Bloui. Auditory cues for somatosensory targets invoke visuomotor transformations: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence. PloS one. vol 14. issue 5. 2020-01-09. PMID:31048853. in the first experiment, participants reached to somatosensory targets prompted by either an auditory or a vibrotactile cue. 2020-01-09 2023-08-13 human
Alexander von Lautz, Jan Herding, Felix Blankenbur. Neuronal signatures of a random-dot motion comparison task. NeuroImage. vol 193. 2019-12-20. PMID:30849531. the study of perceptual decision making has made significant progress owing to major contributions from two experimental paradigms: the sequential vibrotactile frequency comparison task for the somatosensory domain requiring working memory, and the random-dot motion task in the visual domain requiring evidence accumulation over time. 2019-12-20 2023-08-13 human