All Relations between taste perception and brainstem

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
J Bures, O Buresova, S F Ivanov. Brain stem mechanisms of conditioned taste aversion learning in rats. Archives internationales de physiologie, de biochimie et de biophysique. vol 99. issue 5. 1992-01-13. PMID:1720686. brain stem mechanisms of conditioned taste aversion learning in rats. 1992-01-13 2023-08-11 rat
C B Halsell, M E Fran. Mapping study of the parabrachial taste-responsive area for the anterior tongue in the golden hamster. The Journal of comparative neurology. vol 306. issue 4. 1991-08-19. PMID:2071702. the locations of taste-responsive areas within the brainstem parabrachial nucleus (pbn), an obligatory taste relay in the golden hamster (mesocricetus auratus), were mapped in relation to cytoarchitectural boundaries. 1991-08-19 2023-08-11 rat
J D Silverman, L Kruge. Analysis of taste bud innervation based on glycoconjugate and peptide neuronal markers. The Journal of comparative neurology. vol 292. issue 4. 1990-05-21. PMID:2324313. the differing brainstem projection patterns of lectin-reactive vs. cgrp-ir central axons reflected their distinct ganglionic origins and the differential distributions of lectin reactivity and cgrp-ir among taste buds. 1990-05-21 2023-08-11 Not clear
M L Estes, C H Block, K L Barne. The canine nucleus tractus solitarii: light microscopic analysis of subnuclear divisions. Brain research bulletin. vol 23. issue 6. 1990-03-08. PMID:2611693. this region receives primary visceral and gustatory sensory afferent fibers and has widespread interconnections with brainstem structures, hypothalamus, and limbic forebrain. 1990-03-08 2023-08-11 rat
E T Roll. Information processing in the taste system of primates. The Journal of experimental biology. vol 146. 1990-02-06. PMID:2689559. analysis of the activity of single neurones in the gustatory pathways in primates (cynomolgus monkeys) shows that the tuning of neurones to the four prototypical stimuli 1.0 mol l-1 glucose, 1.0 mol l-1 nacl, 0.001 mol l-1 quinine-hcl and 0.01 mol l-1 hcl becomes sharper as information progresses through the taste system from the first central relay in the brainstem, the nucleus of the solitary tract, via the thalamus to the primary taste cortex in the frontal operculum and insula to reach a secondary cortical taste area in the caudolateral orbitofrontal cortex. 1990-02-06 2023-08-11 monkey
R Matsuo, T Yamamoto, K Yoshitaka, T Morimot. Neural substrates for reflex salivation induced by taste, mechanical, and thermal stimulation of the oral region in decerebrate rats. The Japanese journal of physiology. vol 39. issue 3. 1989-11-07. PMID:2796017. these results suggest that two distinct neural pathways exist which mediate reflex salivation in the lower brain stem of the rat, i.e., the taste pathway via the nts and the nociceptive pathway via the trigeminal sensory nuclei. 1989-11-07 2023-08-11 rat
P S Lasiter, D L Kachel. Postnatal development of protein P-38 ('synaptophysin') immunoreactivity in pontine and medullary gustatory zones of rat. Brain research. Developmental brain research. vol 48. issue 1. 1989-08-31. PMID:2502329. because we have previously demonstrated that dendritic growth in the rostral gustatory nst precedes dendritic growth in the pbn, these results confirm that maturation of both presynaptic and postsynaptic constituents of brainstem gustatory relays develop in a temporally sequential manner. 1989-08-31 2023-08-11 rat
P S Lasiter, D L Kachel. Postnatal development of protein P-38 ('synaptophysin') immunoreactivity in pontine and medullary gustatory zones of rat. Brain research. Developmental brain research. vol 48. issue 1. 1989-08-31. PMID:2502329. relationships between neurological development of brainstem gustatory relays and the ontogeny of taste-guided responses are discussed. 1989-08-31 2023-08-11 rat
T F Batten, M L Cambr. Calcitonin gene-related peptide-like immunoreactive fibres innervating the hypothalamic inferior lobes of teleost fishes. Neuroscience letters. vol 98. issue 1. 1989-05-26. PMID:2785253. a proportion of the fibres may ascend from gustatory brainstem areas, consistent with a role for the inferior lobes as relay centres for integration of feeding and aggressive behaviour. 1989-05-26 2023-08-11 Not clear
K Kotrschal, H Junge. Patterns of brain morphology in mid-European Cyprinidae (Pisces, Teleostei): a quantitative histological study. Journal fur Hirnforschung. vol 29. issue 3. 1988-10-20. PMID:3418119. seven primary sensory areas are leading in vr; highest in interspecific variability were the two special viscerosensory brainstem lobes for external (l. facialis) and internal (l. vagus) taste. 1988-10-20 2023-08-11 Not clear
K C Berridg. Brainstem systems mediate the enhancement of palatability by chlordiazepoxide. Brain research. vol 447. issue 2. 1988-08-12. PMID:3390698. however, benzodiazepine receptors do exist in the caudal brainstem (albeit in lesser density), and the isolated decerebrate brainstem has been demonstrated to possess considerable taste processing and response capacity. 1988-08-12 2023-08-11 rat
M F Wulliman. The tertiary gustatory center in sunfishes is not nucleus glomerulosus. Neuroscience letters. vol 86. issue 1. 1988-06-02. PMID:3362429. injection of horseradish peroxidase into the secondary gustatory nucleus of the green sunfish, lepomis cyanellus, resulted in retrogradely filled neurons bilaterally in the viscerosensory column of the brainstem and in anterograde transport revealing ipsilateral terminal fields in the preglomerular tertiary gustatory nucleus, the nucleus of the torus lateralis and the central and periventricular nucleus of the inferior lobe. 1988-06-02 2023-08-11 Not clear
H Sankaran, A Wong, S J Khan, H V Peeke, E Raghupath. Bioassayable cholecystokinin in the brain of the goldfish, Carassius auratus. Neuropeptides. vol 9. issue 2. 1987-05-27. PMID:3574607. among the various regions tested, the brain stem, telencephalon and spinal cord possess the highest levels of bioassayable cck followed in decreasing order by gustatory lobes, optic tectum and duodenum. 1987-05-27 2023-08-11 rat
R Grant, M M Ferguson, R Strang, J W Turner, I Bon. Evoked taste thresholds in a normal population and the application of electrogustometry to trigeminal nerve disease. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry. vol 50. issue 1. 1987-04-23. PMID:3819752. many patients with trigeminal nerve disorders had abnormal electrogustometric detection thresholds suggesting that there is possibly an accessory taste pathway through the trigeminal nerve, although in some individuals the site of lesion may be in the brain stem. 1987-04-23 2023-08-11 human
J G Wolters, H J ten Donkelaar, A A Verhofsta. Distribution of some peptides (substance P, [Leu]enkephalin, [Met]enkephalin) in the brain stem and spinal cord of a lizard, Varanus exanthematicus. Neuroscience. vol 18. issue 4. 1986-11-14. PMID:2429232. a rather widespread distribution of substance p-like immunoreactivity was found in the brain stem and spinal cord, mainly concentrated in striatotegmental projections related to visceral and/or taste information (nucleus of the solitary tract, parabrachial region), in the descending nucleus of the trigeminal nerve and in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord (areas i and ii). 1986-11-14 2023-08-11 Not clear
Z Y Jiang, A Niijim. Effects of taste stimuli on the efferent activity of the gastric vagus nerve in rats. Neuroscience letters. vol 69. issue 1. 1986-10-20. PMID:3748465. the results indicate the existence of a pathway from the taste receptors to the gastric vagus nerve via the brainstem. 1986-10-20 2023-08-11 rat
C J Willett, D G Gwyn, J G Rutherford, R A Lesli. Cortical projections to the nucleus of the tractus solitarius: an HRP study in the cat. Brain research bulletin. vol 16. issue 4. 1986-08-04. PMID:2424573. the projection to the nucleus tractus solitarius could allow for cortical modulation of gustatory and visceral information which is conveyed to the brainstem via the facial, glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves. 1986-08-04 2023-08-11 cat
T Hanamori, D V Smit. Central projections of the hamster superior laryngeal nerve. Brain research bulletin. vol 16. issue 2. 1986-05-27. PMID:3697793. because of an increasing interest in the physiology of the gustatory system of hamsters, the brainstem projections of the sln were investigated in this species. 1986-05-27 2023-08-11 Not clear
T Yamamot. Taste responses of cortical neurons. Progress in neurobiology. vol 23. issue 4. 1985-06-20. PMID:6398454. taste-elicited reflex activities are based on a hedonic (acceptable or rejective) aspect of taste, and are basically determined in the brain stem without activation of cortical neurons. 1985-06-20 2023-08-12 human
Y Morita, T E Finge. Reflex connections of the facial and vagal gustatory systems in the brainstem of the bullhead catfish, Ictalurus nebulosus. The Journal of comparative neurology. vol 231. issue 4. 1985-03-21. PMID:3968255. reflex connections of the facial and vagal gustatory systems in the brainstem of the bullhead catfish, ictalurus nebulosus. 1985-03-21 2023-08-11 Not clear