All Relations between reward and dopaminergic

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
Birgit Lernbass, Georg Grön, Nadine D Wolf, Birgit Able. Cigarette smoking modulates medication-associated deficits in a monetary reward task in patients with schizophrenia. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience. vol 263. issue 6. 2014-03-21. PMID:23010839. imaging studies of reward processing have demonstrated a mesolimbic-mesocortical dopaminergic dysfunction in schizophrenia. 2014-03-21 2023-08-12 human
Birgit Lernbass, Georg Grön, Nadine D Wolf, Birgit Able. Cigarette smoking modulates medication-associated deficits in a monetary reward task in patients with schizophrenia. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience. vol 263. issue 6. 2014-03-21. PMID:23010839. such studies on reward processing in patients and also in healthy controls showed that differential activations of dopaminergic brain areas are associated with adaptive changes in response speed related to different reward values. 2014-03-21 2023-08-12 human
Birgit Lernbass, Georg Grön, Nadine D Wolf, Birgit Able. Cigarette smoking modulates medication-associated deficits in a monetary reward task in patients with schizophrenia. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience. vol 263. issue 6. 2014-03-21. PMID:23010839. our study demonstrates that reaction time measures in a monetary reward task might constitute a feasible behavioural proxy for dopaminergic dysfunction and its different dimensions regarding psychopathology but also medication in patients with schizophrenia. 2014-03-21 2023-08-12 human
Magda C Teles, S Josefin Dahlbom, Svante Winberg, Rui F Oliveir. Social modulation of brain monoamine levels in zebrafish. Behavioural brain research. vol 253. 2014-03-18. PMID:23850359. dopaminergic activity it was also significantly higher in the telencephalon of winners which may be representative of social reward. 2014-03-18 2023-08-12 zebrafish
Rumana Chowdhury, Christian Lambert, Raymond J Dolan, Emrah Düze. Parcellation of the human substantia nigra based on anatomical connectivity to the striatum. NeuroImage. vol 81. 2014-03-17. PMID:23684858. this may have an impact on reward processing which relies on dopaminergic regions and circuits. 2014-03-17 2023-08-12 human
Catharina C Probst, Thilo van Eimere. The functional anatomy of impulse control disorders. Current neurology and neuroscience reports. vol 13. issue 10. 2014-03-14. PMID:23963609. changes associated with addictions are mainly seen in the dopaminergic system of a mesocorticolimbic circuit, the so-called reward system. 2014-03-14 2023-08-12 Not clear
Christoph Fehr, Daniel Sommerlad, Thomas Sander, Ion Anghelescu, Norbert Dahmen, Armin Szegedi, Christiana Mueller, Peter Zill, Michael Soyka, Ulrich W Preus. Association of VMAT2 gene polymorphisms with alcohol dependence. Journal of neural transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996). vol 120. issue 8. 2014-03-10. PMID:23504072. while abnormalities in the dopaminergic mesolimbic reward system are considered important mediators of alcoholism, studies analyzing variants of dopamine receptors showed conflicting results. 2014-03-10 2023-08-12 Not clear
Luke Clark, Eve H Limbrick-Oldfiel. Disordered gambling: a behavioral addiction. Current opinion in neurobiology. vol 23. issue 4. 2014-02-27. PMID:23375671. we describe positron emission tomography (pet) studies characterizing dopaminergic transmission, and functional imaging studies of reward processing and gambling-related cognitive distortions. 2014-02-27 2023-08-12 Not clear
A Ross Otto, Candace M Raio, Alice Chiang, Elizabeth A Phelps, Nathaniel D Da. Working-memory capacity protects model-based learning from stress. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. vol 110. issue 52. 2014-02-27. PMID:24324166. popular neurocomputational accounts of reward processing emphasize the involvement of the dopaminergic system in model-free learning and prefrontal, central executive-dependent control systems in model-based choice. 2014-02-27 2023-08-12 Not clear
Miguel Garzón, Virginia M Picke. Somatodendritic targeting of M5 muscarinic receptor in the rat ventral tegmental area: implications for mesolimbic dopamine transmission. The Journal of comparative neurology. vol 521. issue 13. 2014-02-21. PMID:23504804. muscarinic modulation of mesolimbic dopaminergic neurons in the ventral tegmental area (vta) plays an important role in reward, potentially mediated through the m5 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (m5r). 2014-02-21 2023-08-12 rat
Harriët Schellekens, Timothy G Dinan, John F Crya. Taking two to tango: a role for ghrelin receptor heterodimerization in stress and reward. Frontiers in neuroscience. vol 7. 2014-02-20. PMID:24009547. the ghrelin signaling system has recently been suggested to play a key role at the interface of homeostatic control of appetite and the hedonic aspects of food intake, as a critical role for ghrelin in dopaminergic mesolimbic circuits involved in reward signaling has emerged. 2014-02-20 2023-08-12 Not clear
Julien Vitay, Fred H Hamke. Timing and expectation of reward: a neuro-computational model of the afferents to the ventral tegmental area. Frontiers in neurorobotics. vol 8. 2014-02-19. PMID:24550821. based on a plausible connectivity and realistic learning rules, this neuro-computational model reproduces several experimental observations, such as the progressive cancelation of dopaminergic bursts at reward delivery, the appearance of bursts at the onset of reward-predicting cues or the influence of reward magnitude on activity in the amygdala and ventral tegmental area. 2014-02-19 2023-08-12 Not clear
Ulrik Beierholm, Marc Guitart-Masip, Marcos Economides, Rumana Chowdhury, Emrah Düzel, Ray Dolan, Peter Daya. Dopamine modulates reward-related vigor. Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. vol 38. issue 8. 2014-02-13. PMID:23419875. crucially, this relationship was significantly stronger under l-dopa than under placebo, suggesting that the impact of average reward levels on action vigor is indeed subject to a dopaminergic influence. 2014-02-13 2023-08-12 human
Kanako Saji, Yumiko Ikeda, Woochan Kim, Yoshitoshi Shingai, Amane Tateno, Hidehiko Takahashi, Yoshiro Okubo, Haruhisa Fukayama, Hidenori Suzuk. Acute NK₁ receptor antagonist administration affects reward incentive anticipation processing in healthy volunteers. The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology. vol 16. issue 7. 2014-02-10. PMID:23406545. these results suggest that sp/nk₁ receptor system is involved in processing of positive incentive anticipation and plays a role in accentuating positive valence in association with the primary dopaminergic pathways in the reward circuit. 2014-02-10 2023-08-12 human
Mkael Symmonds, Nicholas D Wright, Elizabeth Fagan, Raymond J Dola. Assaying the effect of levodopa on the evaluation of risk in healthy humans. PloS one. vol 8. issue 7. 2014-02-07. PMID:23844168. one possible reason is that dopaminergic influences on decision making may be due to changing the response to reward feedback. 2014-02-07 2023-08-12 Not clear
Tom P Freeman, Celia J A Morgan, Brigitta Brandner, Basil Almahdi, H Valerie Curra. Dopaminergic involvement in effort-based but not impulsive reward processing in smokers. Drug and alcohol dependence. vol 130. issue 1-3. 2014-01-27. PMID:23182407. dopaminergic involvement in effort-based but not impulsive reward processing in smokers. 2014-01-27 2023-08-12 Not clear
Jochen Mutschler, Elvira Abbruzzese, Christoph von der Goltz, Christina Dinter, Arian Mobascher, Holger Thiele, Amalia Diaz-Lacava, Norbert Dahmen, Jürgen Gallinat, Tomislav Majic, Nadine Petrovsky, Norbert Thuerauf, Johannes Kornhuber, Gerhard Gründer, Lena Rademacher, Juergen Brinkmeyer, Thomas Wienker, Michael Wagner, Georg Winterer, Falk Kiefe. Lack of association of a functional catechol-O-methyltransferase gene polymorphism with risk of tobacco smoking: results from a multicenter case-control study. Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. vol 15. issue 7. 2014-01-27. PMID:23288874. the catechol-o-methyltransferase (comt) modulates dopaminergic neurotransmission in the prefrontal cortex as well as in the mesolimbic reward system. 2014-01-27 2023-08-12 Not clear
Anton Ilango, Jason Shumake, Wolfram Wetzel, Henning Scheich, Frank W Oh. Electrical stimulation of lateral habenula during learning: frequency-dependent effects on acquisition but not retrieval of a two-way active avoidance response. PloS one. vol 8. issue 6. 2014-01-21. PMID:23840355. the lateral habenula (lhb) is an epithalamic structure involved in signaling reward omission and aversive stimuli, and it inhibits dopaminergic neurons during motivated behavior. 2014-01-21 2023-08-12 Not clear
Masayuki Miyazaki, Yukihiro Noda, Akihiro Mouri, Kazuto Kobayashi, Masayoshi Mishina, Toshitaka Nabeshima, Kiyofumi Yamad. Role of convergent activation of glutamatergic and dopaminergic systems in the nucleus accumbens in the development of methamphetamine psychosis and dependence. The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology. vol 16. issue 6. 2014-01-15. PMID:23195702. the nucleus accumbens (nac), which controls psychomotor and reward behaviours, is an important interface between the limbic system and receives convergent projections from dopaminergic and glutamatergic terminals. 2014-01-15 2023-08-12 mouse
Alice M Stamatakis, Joshua H Jennings, Randall L Ung, Grace A Blair, Richard J Weinberg, Rachael L Neve, Frederick Boyce, Joanna Mattis, Charu Ramakrishnan, Karl Deisseroth, Garret D Stube. A unique population of ventral tegmental area neurons inhibits the lateral habenula to promote reward. Neuron. vol 80. issue 4. 2014-01-15. PMID:24267654. lateral habenula (lhb) neurons convey aversive and negative reward conditions through potent indirect inhibition of ventral tegmental area (vta) dopaminergic neurons. 2014-01-15 2023-08-12 Not clear