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B R Griffin, J M Eskridge, N T Glover, M S Berger, K J Russell, W P Shuma. Improved radiotherapy treatment planning for spinal cord tumors using gadolinium enhanced MR imaging. Medical dosimetry : official journal of the American Association of Medical Dosimetrists. vol 14. issue 1. 1989-08-25. PMID:2742748. |
this report describes the impact of contrast-enhanced mr on the treatment planning process for four patients with primary spinal cord tumors and discusses the significance of this technique for patients with these neoplasms. |
1989-08-25 |
2023-08-11 |
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N Martin, O Sterkers, D Mompoint, N Julien, H Nahu. Cholesterol granulomas of the middle ear cavities: MR imaging. Radiology. vol 172. issue 2. 1989-08-17. PMID:2748835. |
correlations between ct, mr, and microscopic findings show that mr imaging is far superior to ct in tumoral characterization, which is crucial for planning surgical approaches. |
1989-08-17 |
2023-08-11 |
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S M Smith, S K Patel, D A Turner, T A Matalo. Magnetic resonance imaging of adrenal cortical carcinoma. Urologic radiology. vol 11. issue 1. 1989-07-25. PMID:2734968. |
even though there were no consistent mr findings to diagnose adrenal cortical carcinomas accurately, superior blood vessel identification and multiplanar capabilities may make mr the imaging modality of choice in evaluating the extent of disease and in planning surgical excision. |
1989-07-25 |
2023-08-11 |
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S Takashima, J Ikezoe, S Morimoto, K Harada, T Kozuka, F Matsuzuk. MR imaging of primary thyroid lymphoma. Journal of computer assisted tomography. vol 13. issue 3. 1989-06-28. PMID:2723189. |
direct coronal images of mr were useful in planning the radiation port. |
1989-06-28 |
2023-08-11 |
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M L Brooks, A M Wang, P M Black, N Haika. Subdural mass lesion secondary to sarcoid granuloma MR and CT findings and differential diagnosis. Computerized medical imaging and graphics : the official journal of the Computerized Medical Imaging Society. vol 13. issue 2. 1989-05-18. PMID:2702604. |
mr was most useful in anatomically evaluating the lesion and planning neurosurgical intervention but both ct and mr alone, in this case, did not definitely obviate the other differential diagnosis including meningioma en-plaque, lymphoma, or metastasis. |
1989-05-18 |
2023-08-11 |
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C Lütten, H Lorenz, W Thoma. [Refixation in osteochondrosis dissecans with resorbable material using magnetic resonance tomography in follow-up monitoring]. Sportverletzung Sportschaden : Organ der Gesellschaft fur Orthopadisch-Traumatologische Sportmedizin. vol 2. issue 2. 1989-05-15. PMID:3149427. |
mr information is an excellent addition to the conventional radiograms for preoperative planning as well as for postoperative decision when to allow daily and sports activities. |
1989-05-15 |
2023-08-11 |
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D Tampieri, D Melanson, R Ethie. MR imaging of epidermoid cysts. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology. vol 10. issue 2. 1989-04-24. PMID:2494855. |
we conclude that mr is superior to ct in the evaluation of epidermoid cysts and is particularly useful in surgical planning. |
1989-04-24 |
2023-08-11 |
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J T Lund, R L Ehman, P R Julsrud, L J Sinak, A J Taji. Cardiac masses: assessment by MR imaging. AJR. American journal of roentgenology. vol 152. issue 3. 1989-03-16. PMID:2783798. |
mr imaging provided diagnostic information that affected clinical management or surgical planning in 53 patients (87%), including 11 (18%) in whom cardiac mass was excluded by mr. |
1989-03-16 |
2023-08-11 |
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Y Y Lee, P Van Tasse. Intracranial oligodendrogliomas: imaging findings in 35 untreated cases. AJR. American journal of roentgenology. vol 152. issue 2. 1989-02-16. PMID:2783515. |
mr, although less sensitive in detecting tumor calcification, is superior to ct in defining the tumor extent, which is beneficial for surgical and postsurgical radiotherapy planning. |
1989-02-16 |
2023-08-11 |
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M J Siegel, H S Glazer, T E St Amour, D D Rosentha. Lymphangiomas in children: MR imaging. Radiology. vol 170. issue 2. 1989-02-15. PMID:2911671. |
the information obtained with mr imaging can help in providing a preoperative diagnosis, in planning surgical resection, and in defining recurrence. |
1989-02-15 |
2023-08-11 |
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B Beomonte Zobel, A Testa, S Tella, C Masciocchi, M Gallucci, A Ciccozzi, T Ventura, R Passariell. [Magnetic resonance of the breast. Clinical experience with a dedicated coil]. La Radiologia medica. vol 76. issue 3. 1988-11-22. PMID:2845488. |
in spite of an improved spatial resolution and of a very good natural contrast between different tissues, mr imaging does not allow a satisfactory characterization of the lesions; its use is thus limited to the staging of cancers which need a better therapeutic planning. |
1988-11-22 |
2023-08-11 |
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W L Olsen, R B Jeffrey, C D Sooy, M A Lynch, W P Dillo. Lesions of the head and neck in patients with AIDS: CT and MR findings. AJR. American journal of roentgenology. vol 151. issue 4. 1988-10-18. PMID:3262281. |
the ct and mr assessment can guide biopsy and assist in planning therapy. |
1988-10-18 |
2023-08-11 |
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N Tamaki, K Shirataki, N Kojima, Y Shouse, S Matsumot. Tethered cord syndrome of delayed onset following repair of myelomeningocele. Journal of neurosurgery. vol 69. issue 3. 1988-09-22. PMID:3404237. |
a clear understanding of the tethering process and preoperative evaluation of potential sites of tethering, based on the mr findings, are very important for planning surgery. |
1988-09-22 |
2023-08-11 |
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R Dixon-Muelle. Innovations in reproductive health care: menstrual regulation policies and programs in Bangladesh. Studies in family planning. vol 19. issue 3. 1988-09-21. PMID:3406963. |
although abortion is legally restricted in bangladesh, early menstrual regulation (mr) as a means of reducing female morbidity and mortality associated with indigenous abortion has been part of the government's health and family planning efforts since 1975. |
1988-09-21 |
2023-08-11 |
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R Dixon-Muelle. Innovations in reproductive health care: menstrual regulation policies and programs in Bangladesh. Studies in family planning. vol 19. issue 3. 1988-09-21. PMID:3406963. |
approximately 3,000 doctors and 2,600 female family planning workers (family welfare visitors) have been trained in techniques of mr in a program intended ultimately to serve rural populations in all areas of the country. |
1988-09-21 |
2023-08-11 |
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R F Oot, G E Melville, P F New, M Austin-Seymour, J Munzenrider, J Pile-Spellman, M Spagnoli, G M Shoukimas, K J Momose, R Carrol. The role of MR and CT in evaluating clival chordomas and chondrosarcomas. AJR. American journal of roentgenology. vol 151. issue 3. 1988-09-16. PMID:3261519. |
in cases in which bone-induced artifact obscured the interface between the neural axis and tumor in the ct image, or in which the tumor had suprasellar extension and was likely to compress the optic chiasm and tracts, mr was of great value in planning irradiation therapy. |
1988-09-16 |
2023-08-11 |
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W T Yuh, D C Wright, T J Barloon, D H Schultz, Y Sato, C A Cervante. MR imaging of primary tumors of trigeminal nerve and Meckel's cave. AJR. American journal of roentgenology. vol 151. issue 3. 1988-09-16. PMID:3261520. |
because of its multiplanar capability, exquisite anatomic detail, and characteristic tissue signal intensity, we conclude that mr is helpful in the differential diagnosis of primary tumors of the trigeminal nerve and meckel's cave and in the evaluation of tumor involvement for preoperative planning. |
1988-09-16 |
2023-08-11 |
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R Mohan, G Barest, L J Brewster, C S Chui, G J Kutcher, J S Laughlin, Z Fuk. A comprehensive three-dimensional radiation treatment planning system. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics. vol 15. issue 2. 1988-09-16. PMID:3403328. |
a comprehensive software system has been developed to allow 3-dimensional planning of radiation therapy treatments using the extensive anatomical information made available by imaging modalities such as ct and mr. |
1988-09-16 |
2023-08-11 |
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L M Toonkel, K Soila, D Gilbert, J Sheldo. MRI assisted treatment planning for radiation therapy of the head and neck. Magnetic resonance imaging. vol 6. issue 3. 1988-08-30. PMID:3398739. |
the lack of induced artifact from the immobilization cast, improved delineation of tumor extension from normal anatomy and the ability to image in arbitrary planes without changing patient positioning favor the use of mr over ct for radiation therapy planning in the head and neck, while ensuring reproducibility of the treatment plan at subsequent therapy sessions. |
1988-08-30 |
2023-08-11 |
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B J Kay, S M Kabi. A study of costs and behavioral outcomes of menstrual regulation services in Bangladesh. Social science & medicine (1982). vol 26. issue 6. 1988-06-02. PMID:3129794. |
the average cost per post mr contracepting client is $3.75; the average cost per returning client is $5.68, figures which appear to be well within the range of costs reported by family planning programs in developing countries. |
1988-06-02 |
2023-08-11 |
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