All Relations between planning and mr

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M C Olson, H V Posniak, C M Tempany, C M Dudia. MR imaging of the female pelvic region. Radiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc. vol 12. issue 3. 1992-07-23. PMID:1609137. in some cases, mr imaging is used to differentiate recurrent disease from posttreatment fibrosis, which aids in treatment planning. 1992-07-23 2023-08-11 Not clear
G Helweg, W Judmaier, W Buchberger, K Wicke, H Oberhauser, R Knapp, O Ennemoser, D Zur Nedde. Peyronie's disease: MR findings in 28 patients. AJR. American journal of roentgenology. vol 158. issue 6. 1992-06-23. PMID:1590119. this makes mr imaging the technique of choice for planning therapy and for evaluating the response to conservative treatment. 1992-06-23 2023-08-11 Not clear
A Köster, B Kimmig, M Müller-Schimpfle, G Brix, W Semmler, M Wannenmache. [MR tomography and MR angiography--a new method for the planning of the irradiation of large abdominal fields]. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Organ der Deutschen Rontgengesellschaft ... [et al]. vol 168. issue 4. 1992-06-03. PMID:1574772. [mr tomography and mr angiography--a new method for the planning of the irradiation of large abdominal fields]. 1992-06-03 2023-08-11 Not clear
H L Mast, J O Haller, M Solomo. Benign lesions of the mandibular and maxillary region in children: characterization by CT and MRI. Computerized medical imaging and graphics : the official journal of the Computerized Medical Imaging Society. vol 16. issue 1. 1992-05-07. PMID:1313327. therefore, ct and mr imaging should only be a guide to the planning and extent of surgical resection. 1992-05-07 2023-08-11 Not clear
F Gelbert, M C Riche, D Reizine, J P Guichard, E Assouline, J E Hodes, J J Merlan. MR imaging of head and neck vascular malformations. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI. vol 1. issue 5. 1992-04-02. PMID:1790383. mr imaging does not replace other studies but represents an important complementary study for the delineation and diagnosis of deep extensions of vascular malformations, allowing better planning of therapy. 1992-04-02 2023-08-11 Not clear
H H Ehricke, L R Schad, G Gademann, B Wowra, R Engenhart, W J Loren. Use of MR angiography for stereotactic planning. Journal of computer assisted tomography. vol 16. issue 1. 1992-02-11. PMID:1729304. use of mr angiography for stereotactic planning. 1992-02-11 2023-08-11 Not clear
R Candrina, R Gasparotti, G Galli, G Rukggeri, A Bollat. Comparison between computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging in the postoperative evaluation of acromegalic patients. Recenti progressi in medicina. vol 82. issue 10. 1992-01-31. PMID:1759033. mr may be the radiological procedure of choice for both surgical treatment planning and postoperative follow-up. 1992-01-31 2023-08-11 Not clear
J G Wio. Radiographic evaluation of the skull base. Ear, nose, & throat journal. vol 70. issue 9. 1992-01-15. PMID:1743106. imaging, employing computed tomography (ct) and magnetic resonance imaging (mr) allows for accurate tumor mapping and planning of appropriate therapeutic intervention. 1992-01-15 2023-08-11 Not clear
N Hosten, W Schörner, C Zwicker, A Lietz, S Serke, D Huhn, R Feli. [Lymphocytic infiltrations of the orbit in MRT and CT. Lymphoma, pseudolymphoma and inflammatory pseudotumor]. RoFo : Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Rontgenstrahlen und der Nuklearmedizin. vol 155. issue 5. 1992-01-02. PMID:1954365. imaging of topographic relations of lens, optic nerve and lesion on sagittal mr images was found helpful for radiation therapy planning. 1992-01-02 2023-08-11 Not clear
M L Kessler, S Pitluck, P Petti, J R Castr. Integration of multimodality imaging data for radiotherapy treatment planning. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics. vol 21. issue 6. 1991-12-23. PMID:1938575. these methods are used to incorporate unique diagnostic information provided by pet and mr imaging into ct-based treatment planning for radiotherapy of intracranial tumors and vascular malformations. 1991-12-23 2023-08-11 Not clear
J R Robinson, I A Awad, J R Littl. Natural history of the cavernous angioma. Journal of neurosurgery. vol 75. issue 5. 1991-11-20. PMID:1919692. this information assists in rational therapeutic planning and prognosis in patients with mr images showing lesions suggestive of cavernous angioma. 1991-11-20 2023-08-11 Not clear
M Bauer, R Schulz-Wendtland, E van t' Hooft, F Richar. [The new development of an afterloading applicator for the primary treatment of endometrial carcinoma. The first clinical empirical report]. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Organ der Deutschen Rontgengesellschaft ... [et al]. vol 167. issue 9. 1991-10-30. PMID:1925938. radiation planning is done on the basis of orthogonal localisation x rays or mr. 1991-10-30 2023-08-11 Not clear
S Sironi, A Zanello, M G Rodighiero, A Vanzulli, G L Taccagni, C Belloni, A Del Maschi. [Invasive carcinoma of the cervix uteri (Stage IB-IIB). Comparison of CT and MR for the assessment of the parametrium]. La Radiologia medica. vol 81. issue 5. 1991-07-29. PMID:2057595. therefore, mr imaging appears to be superior to ct in assessing the parametrial status of patients with invasive cervical carcinoma; the method yields valuable information for treatment planning. 1991-07-29 2023-08-11 Not clear
M K Edward. Imaging of metabolic diseases of the brain. Current opinion in radiology. vol 3. issue 1. 1991-06-13. PMID:2025503. mr imaging is also of value in monitoring these diseases and in planning therapy for those few conditions for which intervention is possible. 1991-06-13 2023-08-11 Not clear
L Dalla Palma, R S Pozzi-Mucelli, M Bazzocchi, R Pozzi-Mucelli, P Ferrar. [Comparative evaluation of echography, computerized tomography and magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhotic patients]. La Radiologia medica. vol 81. issue 1-2. 1991-04-24. PMID:1848720. the authors conclude that, at present, mr imaging cannot replace us and ct; the latter, if combined with arteriography, using either hydrosoluble or liposoluble contrast agents, gives the best results in the detection of small hepatocellular carcinomas, and especially of daughter nodules which are important factors for planning appropriate therapy. 1991-04-24 2023-08-11 Not clear
V Spina, R Romagnoli, M Manfrini, E Cerofolini, R Capanna, L Gaiani, P Calandra Buonaura, P Picci, M Campanacc. [Magnetic resonance for the study of osteosarcoma]. La Radiologia medica. vol 81. issue 1-2. 1991-04-24. PMID:2006331. mr imaging is the method of choice in loco-regional staging for, in our series, it allowed a rational and adequate surgical planning. 1991-04-24 2023-08-11 Not clear
A Yang, J L Mostwin, N B Rosenshein, E A Zerhoun. Pelvic floor descent in women: dynamic evaluation with fast MR imaging and cinematic display. Radiology. vol 179. issue 1. 1991-04-23. PMID:2006286. quantification of the pelvic descent process with use of fast mr imaging may be of value in surgical planning and postsurgical follow-up. 1991-04-23 2023-08-11 human
P Antognoni, A Bossi, M Molteni, A Richetti, M Tordiglion. [Radiotherapy of rhinopharyngeal carcinoma: analysis of the caseload of Varese (1979-1986)]. La Radiologia medica. vol 80. issue 5. 1991-02-14. PMID:2267390. the analysis of loco-regional recurrences and persistent disease, after radiotherapy, strongly suggests the need for an improvement in loco-regional control rates, by means of a more accurate treatment planning (with ct and mr) and more attention to isoeffect parameters (cre). 1991-02-14 2023-08-11 Not clear
R Rienmüller, R Tilin. MR and CT for detection of cardiac tumors. The Thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon. vol 38 Suppl 2. 1990-12-12. PMID:2237897. the ability to deliver a complete cross-section of all cardial, mediastinal, pulmonal and thoracic structures--in contrast to angiocardiography--and without any anatomic restrictions in contrast to echocardiography--is another advantage of ct and mr. because of the fullness of information ct and mr supply these procedures are especially used for the detailed planning of operative procedures. 1990-12-12 2023-08-11 Not clear
L H Wetzel, E Levin. Soft-tissue tumors of the foot: value of MR imaging for specific diagnosis. AJR. American journal of roentgenology. vol 155. issue 5. 1990-11-19. PMID:2120930. mr imaging of the foot is accurate in showing the extent of soft-tissue tumors, which is helpful for surgical planning. 1990-11-19 2023-08-11 Not clear