All Relations between planning and mr

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Nikolaos Mouchtouris, Nohra Chalouhi, Ameet Chitale, Robert M Starke, Stavropoula I Tjoumakaris, Robert H Rosenwasser, Pascal M Jabbou. Management of cerebral cavernous malformations: from diagnosis to treatment. TheScientificWorldJournal. vol 2015. 2016-04-08. PMID:25629087. as they are angiographically occult, their diagnosis relies on various mr imaging techniques, which detect different characteristics of the lesions as well as aiding in planning the surgical treatment. 2016-04-08 2023-08-13 Not clear
Joakim H Jonsson, Mohammad M Akhtari, Magnus G Karlsson, Adam Johansson, Thomas Asklund, Tufve Nyhol. Accuracy of inverse treatment planning on substitute CT images derived from MR data for brain lesions. Radiation oncology (London, England). vol 10. 2016-04-05. PMID:25575414. accuracy of inverse treatment planning on substitute ct images derived from mr data for brain lesions. 2016-04-05 2023-08-13 Not clear
Jidi Sun, Jason A Dowling, Peter Pichler, Joel Parker, Jarad Martin, Peter Stanwell, Jameen Arm, Fred Menk, Peter B Gree. Investigation on the performance of dedicated radiotherapy positioning devices for MR scanning for prostate planning. Journal of applied clinical medical physics. vol 16. issue 2. 2016-04-05. PMID:26103166. investigation on the performance of dedicated radiotherapy positioning devices for mr scanning for prostate planning. 2016-04-05 2023-08-13 human
Jidi Sun, Jason A Dowling, Peter Pichler, Joel Parker, Jarad Martin, Peter Stanwell, Jameen Arm, Fred Menk, Peter B Gree. Investigation on the performance of dedicated radiotherapy positioning devices for MR scanning for prostate planning. Journal of applied clinical medical physics. vol 16. issue 2. 2016-04-05. PMID:26103166. a dedicated mr simulation setup for prostate radiotherapy is essential to ensure the agreement between planning anatomy and treatment anatomy. 2016-04-05 2023-08-13 human
Valerio Fortunati, René F Verhaart, Wiro J Niessen, Jifke F Veenland, Margarethus M Paulides, Theo van Walsu. Automatic tissue segmentation of head and neck MR images for hyperthermia treatment planning. Physics in medicine and biology. vol 60. issue 16. 2016-03-23. PMID:26267068. automatic tissue segmentation of head and neck mr images for hyperthermia treatment planning. 2016-03-23 2023-08-13 Not clear
K Nicolay, R M Dijkhuizen, A van der Toorn, T Reese, D Brandsma, M de Boer, H J Muller, G van Vliet, K S Tamminga, J W Berkelbach van der Sprenkel, H B Verheul, C A Tulleken, M van Lookeren Campagne, B M Spruij. Dynamic magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopie of experimental brain injury. Acta neuropsychiatrica. vol 8. issue 4. 2016-03-12. PMID:26964654. mr methods which have proven valuable in animal studies, can be readily translated to the clinical situation where mr-based diagnosis and treatment planning play a rapidly increasing role. 2016-03-12 2023-08-13 Not clear
Rei Kono, Hiroshi Terasaki, Naotaka Murakami, Maki Tanaka, Jinryou Takeda, Toshi Ab. Hydrocele of the canal of Nuck: a case report with magnetic resonance hydrography findings. Surgical case reports. vol 1. 2016-03-05. PMID:26413462. these mr findings proved to be incredibly useful for surgical planning. 2016-03-05 2023-08-13 Not clear
Jason A Dowling, Jidi Sun, Peter Pichler, David Rivest-Hénault, Soumya Ghose, Haylea Richardson, Chris Wratten, Jarad Martin, Jameen Arm, Leah Best, Shekhar S Chandra, Jurgen Fripp, Frederick W Menk, Peter B Gree. Automatic Substitute Computed Tomography Generation and Contouring for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)-Alone External Beam Radiation Therapy From Standard MRI Sequences. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics. vol 93. issue 5. 2016-02-26. PMID:26581150. to validate automatic substitute computed tomography ct (sct) scans generated from standard t2-weighted (t2w) magnetic resonance (mr) pelvic scans for mr-sim prostate treatment planning. 2016-02-26 2023-08-13 Not clear
Diogo Goulart Corrêa, Nicolle Zimmermann, Thomas M Doring, Nina Ventura Wilner, Sarah C B Leite, Rafael Ferracini Cabral, Rochele Paz Fonseca, Paulo R V Bahia, Emerson Leandro Gasparett. Diffusion tensor MR imaging of white matter integrity in HIV-positive patients with planning deficit. Neuroradiology. vol 57. issue 5. 2016-02-18. PMID:25604843. diffusion tensor mr imaging of white matter integrity in hiv-positive patients with planning deficit. 2016-02-18 2023-08-13 human
Ashley Barret. Preoperative Breast MR Imaging: Its Role in Surgical Planning. Radiologic technology. vol 86. issue 5. 2016-02-16. PMID:25995402. preoperative breast mr imaging: its role in surgical planning. 2016-02-16 2023-08-13 Not clear
Ashley Barret. Preoperative Breast MR Imaging: Its Role in Surgical Planning. Radiologic technology. vol 86. issue 5. 2016-02-16. PMID:25995402. to explore the role and usefulness of preoperative breast magnetic resonance (mr) imaging in surgical planning and to determine whether routine use of preoperative breast mr imaging benefits patients. 2016-02-16 2023-08-13 Not clear
E Turgut Tali, A Yusuf Oner, A Murat Ko. Pyogenic spinal infections. Neuroimaging clinics of North America. vol 25. issue 2. 2016-02-10. PMID:25952173. radiological evaluations play an important role, with contrast-enhanced mr imaging the modality of choice in diagnosis, evaluation, treatment planning, interventional treatment, and treatment monitoring of spinal infections. 2016-02-10 2023-08-13 Not clear
E Kaza, R Symonds-Tayler, D J Collins, F McDonald, H A McNair, E Scurr, D-M Koh, M O Leac. First MRI application of an active breathing coordinator. Physics in medicine and biology. vol 60. issue 4. 2016-01-18. PMID:25633183. this demonstrates the value of abc, since application of t1, t2 and diffusion weighted mr sequences provides a wider range of contrast mechanisms and additional diagnostic information compared to ct, thus improving radiotherapy treatment planning and assessment. 2016-01-18 2023-08-13 human
James R Fink, Mark Muzi, Melinda Peck, Kenneth A Kroh. Multimodality Brain Tumor Imaging: MR Imaging, PET, and PET/MR Imaging. Journal of nuclear medicine : official publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine. vol 56. issue 10. 2016-01-04. PMID:26294301. pretherapy planning and posttreatment response assessments rely heavily on gadolinium-enhanced mr imaging. 2016-01-04 2023-08-13 Not clear
Christopher Lim, Shawn C Malone, Leonard Avruch, Rodney H Breau, Trevor A Flood, Megan Lim, Christopher Morash, Jeff S Quon, Cynthia Walsh, Nicola Schied. Pictorial review. Magnetic resonance for radiotherapy management and treatment planning in prostatic carcinoma. The British journal of radiology. vol 88. issue 1054. 2015-12-29. PMID:26279086. radiologists require a familiarity with the different rt methods used to treat pca, as well as an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of the various mr pulse sequences available for rt planning in order to provide an optimal multidisciplinary rt treatment approach to pca. 2015-12-29 2023-08-13 Not clear
Defeng Wang, Diya Ma, Matthew Lun Wong, Yì Xiáng J Wán. Recent advances in surgical planning & navigation for tumor biopsy and resection. Quantitative imaging in medicine and surgery. vol 5. issue 5. 2015-12-18. PMID:26682133. multimodality image-guided surgery platforms brought great benefits in surgical planning and operation accuracy via registration of various data sets with information on morphology [x-ray, magnetic resonance (mr), computed tomography (ct)], function connectivity [functional magnetic resonance imaging (fmri), diffusion tensor imaging (dti), rest-status fmri], or molecular activity [positron emission tomography (pet)]. 2015-12-18 2023-08-13 Not clear
Anne Sofie Korsager, Valerio Fortunati, Fedde van der Lijn, Jesper Carl, Wiro Niessen, Lasse Riis Østergaard, Theo van Walsu. The use of atlas registration and graph cuts for prostate segmentation in magnetic resonance images. Medical physics. vol 42. issue 4. 2015-12-15. PMID:25832052. an automatic method for 3d prostate segmentation in magnetic resonance (mr) images is presented for planning image-guided radiotherapy treatment of prostate cancer. 2015-12-15 2023-08-13 Not clear
Kun Cheng, Dean Montgomery, Yang Feng, Robin Steel, Hanqing Liao, Duncan B McLaren, Sara C Erridge, Stephen McLaughlin, William H Nailo. Identifying radiotherapy target volumes in brain cancer by image analysis. Healthcare technology letters. vol 2. issue 5. 2015-11-26. PMID:26609418. to establish the optimal radiotherapy fields for treating brain cancer patients, the tumour volume is often outlined on magnetic resonance (mr) images, where the tumour is clearly visible, and mapped onto computerised tomography images used for radiotherapy planning. 2015-11-26 2023-08-13 Not clear
Jie C Nguyen, Arthur A De Smet, Ben K Graf, Humberto G Rosa. MR imaging-based diagnosis and classification of meniscal tears. Radiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc. vol 34. issue 4. 2015-11-24. PMID:25019436. magnetic resonance (mr) imaging is currently the modality of choice for detecting meniscal injuries and planning subsequent treatment. 2015-11-24 2023-08-13 Not clear
Patricia Noël, Mireille Dubé, Marie Plante, Guillaume St-Lauren. Early cervical carcinoma and fertility-sparing treatment options: MR imaging as a tool in patient selection and a follow-up modality. Radiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc. vol 34. issue 4. 2015-11-24. PMID:25019444. the mr imaging report must provide the following pieces of information for adequate surgical planning: tridimensional diameters of the lesion, uterine and cervical lengths, the degree of stromal invasion, distance from the internal os, and the presence of extracervical or nodal involvement. 2015-11-24 2023-08-13 Not clear