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Ke Colin Huang, Yue Cao, Umar Baharom, James M Balte. Phantom-based characterization of distortion on a magnetic resonance imaging simulator for radiation oncology. Physics in medicine and biology. vol 61. issue 2. 2016-08-24. PMID:26732744. |
one of the major issues potentially limiting treatment planning with solely mr images is the possibility of geometric distortion inherent in mr images. |
2016-08-24 |
2023-08-13 |
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Eva C Gombos, Jayender Jagadeesan, Danielle M Richman, Daniel F Kache. Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Guided Breast Interventions: Role in Biopsy Targeting and Lumpectomies. Magnetic resonance imaging clinics of North America. vol 23. issue 4. 2016-08-10. PMID:26499274. |
this article places special emphasis on biopsy and operative planning involving mr imaging and reviews use of breast mr imaging in monitoring response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. |
2016-08-10 |
2023-08-13 |
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Antonio L Damato, Akila N Viswanatha. Magnetic Resonance-Guided Gynecologic Brachytherapy. Magnetic resonance imaging clinics of North America. vol 23. issue 4. 2016-08-10. PMID:26499280. |
mr imaging provides tumor visibility and is ideal for image-guided insertions and treatment planning. |
2016-08-10 |
2023-08-13 |
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Benjamin Y Huang, Brent A Senior, Mauricio Castill. Current Trends in Sinonasal Imaging. Neuroimaging clinics of North America. vol 25. issue 4. 2016-08-08. PMID:26476377. |
multidetector computed tomography is the current workhorse for both diagnosis and preoperative planning in prospective ess patients, while mr imaging remains a complementary tool for evaluating suspected tumors or intracranial and orbital complications of rhinosinusitis. |
2016-08-08 |
2023-08-13 |
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Yang Feng, Daniel Welsh, Kim McDonald, Linda Carruthers, Kun Cheng, Dean Montgomery, Jessica Lawrence, David J Argyle, Stephen McLaughlin, Duncan B McLaren, William H Nailo. Identifying the dominant prostate cancer focal lesion using image analysis and planning of a simultaneous integrated stereotactic boost. Acta oncologica (Stockholm, Sweden). vol 54. issue 9. 2016-07-29. PMID:26397055. |
one of the main challenges in adopting focal boost or true focal therapy is in the accurate mapping of cancer foci defined on magnetic resonance (mr) images onto the computerised tomography (ct) images used for radiotherapy planning. |
2016-07-29 |
2023-08-13 |
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Jan Fritz, Brett Lurie, Hollis G Potte. MR Imaging of Knee Arthroplasty Implants. Radiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc. vol 35. issue 5. 2016-07-20. PMID:26295591. |
mr imaging with optimized conventional pulse sequences and advanced metal artifact reduction techniques can contribute important information for diagnosis, prognosis, risk stratification, and surgical planning. |
2016-07-20 |
2023-08-13 |
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Tobias Gilk, Emanuel Kana. Planning an MR suite: What can be done to enhance safety? Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI. vol 42. issue 3. 2016-07-19. PMID:25857481. |
planning an mr suite: what can be done to enhance safety? |
2016-07-19 |
2023-08-13 |
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Tobias Gilk, Emanuel Kana. Planning an MR suite: What can be done to enhance safety? Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI. vol 42. issue 3. 2016-07-19. PMID:25857481. |
through conscientious and thorough prospective site planning involving mr staff and radiologists in the design process for mr physical facilities, mr providers can have a positive impact on improving safety as well as efficiency for the benefit of their patients, for ancillary healthcare workers, and for themselves. |
2016-07-19 |
2023-08-13 |
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Zachary A Kohutek, Yoshiya Yamada, Timothy A Chan, Cameron W Brennan, Viviane Tabar, Philip H Gutin, T Jonathan Yang, Marc K Rosenblum, Åse Ballangrud, Robert J Young, Zhigang Zhang, Kathryn Bea. Long-term risk of radionecrosis and imaging changes after stereotactic radiosurgery for brain metastases. Journal of neuro-oncology. vol 125. issue 1. 2016-07-11. PMID:26307446. |
maximum tumor diameter on pre-treatment mr imaging can provide a reliable estimate of radionecrosis risk prior to treatment planning, with the greatest risk among tumors measuring >1 cm. |
2016-07-11 |
2023-08-13 |
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Ryan G Price, Mo Kadbi, Joshua Kim, James Balter, Indrin J Chetty, Carri K Glide-Hurs. Technical Note: Characterization and correction of gradient nonlinearity induced distortion on a 1.0 T open bore MR-SIM. Medical physics. vol 42. issue 10. 2016-07-07. PMID:26429270. |
we characterized 2d and 3d large field of view (fov), sequence-independent distortion at various positions in a 1.0 t high-field open mr simulator (mr-sim) to implement correction maps for mri treatment planning. |
2016-07-07 |
2023-08-13 |
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Tony Bui, Margaret F Bankhart, Gerald A Mandell, Paul S Dickman, Jae-O Ba. Thoraco-abdominal enteric duplication cyst in association with neurenteric cyst, axial skeletal anomalies, and malrotation. Radiology case reports. vol 8. issue 1. 2016-06-22. PMID:27330613. |
this case is presented to show the importance of cross-sectional imaging (mr and ct) for surgical planning. |
2016-06-22 |
2023-08-13 |
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Shaun Nordeck, Jennifer Flanagan, Lulu Tenorio, William Robertson, Avneesh Chhabr. 3-D Isotropic MR Imaging for Planning Bone Reconstruction in Patients With Femoroacetabular Impingement. Radiologic technology. vol 87. issue 1. 2016-06-13. PMID:26377265. |
3-d isotropic mr imaging for planning bone reconstruction in patients with femoroacetabular impingement. |
2016-06-13 |
2023-08-13 |
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E Mormina, M Longo, A Arrigo, C Alafaci, F Tomasello, A Calamuneri, S Marino, M Gaeta, S L Vinci, F Granat. MRI Tractography of Corticospinal Tract and Arcuate Fasciculus in High-Grade Gliomas Performed by Constrained Spherical Deconvolution: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology. vol 36. issue 10. 2016-05-27. PMID:26113071. |
mr imaging tractography is increasingly used to perform noninvasive presurgical planning for brain gliomas. |
2016-05-27 |
2023-08-13 |
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Inês A Santiago, António P Gomes, Richard J Heal. An ontogenetic approach to gynecologic malignancies. Insights into imaging. vol 7. issue 3. 2016-05-24. PMID:27084346. |
the high resolution contrast of mr, accurately delineating pelvic fascial compartments, makes it the best imaging modality for gynaecologic cancer surgery planning following these principles, but requires interpretation of imaging anatomy from a different perspective. |
2016-05-24 |
2023-08-13 |
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Nicola Schieda, Leonard Avruch, Wael M Shabana, Shawn Christopher Malon. Multi-echo gradient recalled echo imaging of the pelvis for improved depiction of brachytherapy seeds and fiducial markers facilitating radiotherapy planning and treatment of prostatic carcinoma. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI. vol 41. issue 3. 2016-05-15. PMID:24510444. |
mr localization of implanted devices for radiotherapy (rt) in prostatic carcinoma is critical for treatment planning. |
2016-05-15 |
2023-08-12 |
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Srinivasan Senthamizhchelvan, Habib Zaid. Novel Quantitative Techniques in Hybrid (PET-MR) Imaging of Brain Tumors. PET clinics. vol 8. issue 2. 2016-05-10. PMID:27157949. |
molecular pet and anatomic mr imaging together can provide reliable quantitative information on tumor characterization, and help in treatment planning and monitoring therapeutic evaluation, noninvasively. |
2016-05-10 |
2023-08-13 |
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Elliot C Dickerson, Jonathan R Dillman, Ethan A Smith, Michael A DiPietro, Robert L Lebowitz, Kassa Darg. Pediatric MR Urography: Indications, Techniques, and Approach to Review. Radiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc. vol 35. issue 4. 2016-04-25. PMID:26172361. |
common indications for pediatric mr urography include evaluation of complex renal and urinary tract anatomy, suspected urinary tract obstruction, operative planning, and postoperative assessment. |
2016-04-25 |
2023-08-13 |
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Cali Fidopiastis, Charles E Hughes, Eileen Smit. Mixed Reality for PTSD/TBI Assessment. Studies in health technology and informatics. vol 144. 2016-04-23. PMID:19592767. |
by accurately capturing a patient's interaction with the environment in the context of simulation events, we can use mr as a tool for assessment and rehabilitation planning for individuals with stress-related injuries. |
2016-04-23 |
2023-08-12 |
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Andreas Graessl, Anjuli Ruehle, Helmar Waiczies, Ana Resetar, Stefan H Hoffmann, Jan Rieger, Friedrich Wetterling, Lukas Winter, Armin M Nagel, Thoralf Niendor. Sodium MRI of the human heart at 7.0 T: preliminary results. NMR in biomedicine. vol 28. issue 8. 2016-04-11. PMID:26082025. |
an integrated bow-tie antenna building block is used for (1)h mr to support shimming, localization and planning in a clinical workflow. |
2016-04-11 |
2023-08-13 |
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F Shteriev, N Koceska, S Kocesk. Software platform for visualization and evaluation of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Prilozi. vol 33. issue 1. 2016-04-08. PMID:23037185. |
the results of this study showed that the developed software and the mr imaging of the carpal tunnel structures can be used as a valuable tool for cts evaluation and detection, and it can also help in planning of surgery or revealing the cts etiology. |
2016-04-08 |
2023-08-12 |
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