All Relations between planning and mr

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Wei Yang, Liming Zhong, Yang Chen, Liyan Lin, Zhentai Lu, Shupeng Liu, Yao Wu, Qianjin Feng, Wufan Che. Predicting CT Image From MRI Data Through Feature Matching With Learned Nonlinear Local Descriptors. IEEE transactions on medical imaging. vol 37. issue 4. 2019-03-15. PMID:29610076. attenuation correction for positron-emission tomography (pet)/magnetic resonance (mr) hybrid imaging systems and dose planning for mr-based radiation therapy remain challenging due to insufficient high-energy photon attenuation information. 2019-03-15 2023-08-13 human
Giampaolo Pileggi, Christoph Speier, Gregory C Sharp, David Izquierdo Garcia, Ciprian Catana, Jennifer Pursley, Francesco Amato, Joao Seco, Maria Francesca Spade. Proton range shift analysis on brain pseudo-CT generated from T1 and T2 MR. Acta oncologica (Stockholm, Sweden). vol 57. issue 11. 2019-03-05. PMID:29842815. this work assesses the feasibility of using pseudo-ct (pct) generated from t1w/t2w mr for proton treatment planning, where proton range comparisons are performed between standard ct and pct. 2019-03-05 2023-08-13 Not clear
Pedro Henrique Martins, Flávia Martins Costa, Flávia Paiva Proença Lobo Lopes, Clarissa Canell. Advanced MR Imaging and Ultrasound Fusion in Musculoskeletal Procedures. Magnetic resonance imaging clinics of North America. vol 26. issue 4. 2019-01-30. PMID:30316468. advanced mr imaging techniques can help differentiate and characterize musculoskeletal soft tissue tumors and are the method of choice for detection, evaluation, local staging, and surgical planning. 2019-01-30 2023-08-13 Not clear
Paul Russell Roberts, Ashesh B Jani, Satyaseelan Packianathan, Ashley Albert, Rahul Bhandari, Srinivasan Vijayakuma. Upcoming imaging concepts and their impact on treatment planning and treatment response in radiation oncology. Radiation oncology (London, England). vol 13. issue 1. 2019-01-28. PMID:30103786. moreover, efforts to combine pet and mr to define solid tumors for radiotherapy planning and treatment evaluation are also gaining traction.keeping these advances in mind, we present brief overviews of other up-and-coming key imaging concepts that appear promising for initial treatment target definition or treatment response from radiation therapy. 2019-01-28 2023-08-13 Not clear
Carri Glide-Hurst, Siamak Nejad-Davarani, Steffen Weiss, Weili Zheng, Indrin J Chetty, Steffen Renisc. Per-organ assessment of subject-induced susceptibility distortion for MR-only male pelvis treatment planning. Radiation oncology (London, England). vol 13. issue 1. 2019-01-28. PMID:30111376. patient-specific distortions, particularly near tissue/air interfaces, require assessment for magnetic resonance (mr) only radiation treatment planning (rtp). 2019-01-28 2023-08-13 Not clear
Dong Nie, Roger Trullo, Jun Lian, Caroline Petitjean, Su Ruan, Qian Wang, Dinggang She. Medical Image Synthesis with Context-Aware Generative Adversarial Networks. Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention : MICCAI ... International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention. vol 10435. 2019-01-10. PMID:30009283. therefore, recently researchers are greatly motivated to estimate ct image from its corresponding mr image of the same subject for the case of radiation planning. 2019-01-10 2023-08-13 human
Birgit R Plantinga, Yasin Temel, Yuval Duchin, Kâmil Uludağ, Rémi Patriat, Alard Roebroeck, Mark Kuijf, Ali Jahanshahi, Bart Ter Haar Romenij, Jerrold Vitek, Noam Hare. Individualized parcellation of the subthalamic nucleus in patients with Parkinson's disease with 7T MRI. NeuroImage. vol 168. 2018-12-11. PMID:27688203. our results suggest that 7t mr imaging may facilitate individualized and highly specific planning of deep brain stimulation surgery of the stn. 2018-12-11 2023-08-13 Not clear
Hossein Arabi, Jason A Dowling, Ninon Burgos, Xiao Han, Peter B Greer, Nikolaos Koutsouvelis, Habib Zaid. Comparative study of algorithms for synthetic CT generation from MRI: Consequences for MRI-guided radiation planning in the pelvic region. Medical physics. vol 45. issue 11. 2018-12-11. PMID:30216462. magnetic resonance imaging (mri)-guided radiation therapy (rt) treatment planning is limited by the fact that the electron density distribution required for dose calculation is not readily provided by mr imaging. 2018-12-11 2023-08-13 Not clear
Luisa Altabella, Sara Broggi, Paola Mangili, Gian Marco Conte, Valentina Pieri, Antonella Iadanza, Antonella Del Vecchio, Nicoletta Anzalone, Nadia di Muzio, Riccardo Calandrino, Andrea Falini, Antonella Castellan. Integration of Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Tractography into tomotherapy radiation treatment planning for high-grade gliomas. Physica medica : PM : an international journal devoted to the applications of physics to medicine and biology : official journal of the Italian Association of Biomedical Physics (AIFB). vol 55. 2018-12-11. PMID:30314733. in this study, the feasibility of integrating mr tractography in tomotherapy treatment planning has been investigated, with the aim to spare eloquent wm regions from the dose delivered during treatment. 2018-12-11 2023-08-13 Not clear
Tsuicheng D Chiu, Tatsuya J Arai, James Campbell Iii, Steve B Jiang, Ralph P Mason, Strahinja Stojadinovi. MR-CBCT image-guided system for radiotherapy of orthotopic rat prostate tumors. PloS one. vol 13. issue 5. 2018-11-26. PMID:29847586. the phantoms were used for quality assurance tests and to facilitate end-to-end testing for combined preclinical mr and cbct based treatment planning. 2018-11-26 2023-08-13 human
Tsuicheng D Chiu, Tatsuya J Arai, James Campbell Iii, Steve B Jiang, Ralph P Mason, Strahinja Stojadinovi. MR-CBCT image-guided system for radiotherapy of orthotopic rat prostate tumors. PloS one. vol 13. issue 5. 2018-11-26. PMID:29847586. the corrected mr scans were co-registered with cbct and subsequently used for treatment planning. 2018-11-26 2023-08-13 human
Tsuicheng D Chiu, Tatsuya J Arai, James Campbell Iii, Steve B Jiang, Ralph P Mason, Strahinja Stojadinovi. MR-CBCT image-guided system for radiotherapy of orthotopic rat prostate tumors. PloS one. vol 13. issue 5. 2018-11-26. PMID:29847586. the distortion free mr images were co-registered with the corresponding cbct images and imported into a commercial treatment planning software smart plan. 2018-11-26 2023-08-13 human
Yifeng Han, Xindong Fan, Lixin Su, Zhenfeng Wan. Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging of Unicystic Odontogenic Tumors for Differentiation of Unicystic Ameloblastomas from Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumors. Korean journal of radiology. vol 19. issue 1. 2018-11-21. PMID:29354003. differentiating unicystic ameloblastomas from keratocystic odontogenic tumors (kcot) is necessary for the planning of different treatment strategies; however, it is difficult based on conventional ct and mr sequences alone. 2018-11-21 2023-08-13 Not clear
Eric D Morris, Ryan G Price, Joshua Kim, Lonni Schultz, M Salim Siddiqui, Indrin Chetty, Carri Glide-Hurs. Using synthetic CT for partial brain radiation therapy: Impact on image guidance. Practical radiation oncology. vol 8. issue 5. 2018-11-09. PMID:29861348. recent advancements in synthetic computed tomography (synct) from magnetic resonance (mr) imaging data have made mri-only treatment planning feasible in the brain, although synct performance for image guided radiation therapy (igrt) is not well understood. 2018-11-09 2023-08-13 Not clear
Assaf A Zeltzer, Carola Brussaard, Merel Koning, Randy De Baerdemaeker, Benoit Hendrickx, Moustapha Hamdi, Johan de Me. MR lymphography in patients with upper limb lymphedema: The GPS for feasibility and surgical planning for lympho-venous bypass. Journal of surgical oncology. vol 118. issue 3. 2018-10-11. PMID:30114316. mr lymphography in patients with upper limb lymphedema: the gps for feasibility and surgical planning for lympho-venous bypass. 2018-10-11 2023-08-13 Not clear
Thomas Sullivan, Joseph H Yacoub, Matthew M Harkenrider, William Small, Murat Surucu, Steven M She. Providing MR Imaging for Cervical Cancer Brachytherapy: Lessons for Radiologists. Radiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc. vol 38. issue 3. 2018-10-09. PMID:29757719. when it is feasible, many radiation oncologists choose to include a magnetic resonance (mr) imaging examination for planning bt treatment (ie, an mr imaging examination after placement of the applicator but before radiation dosing). 2018-10-09 2023-08-13 Not clear
Pardeep K Mittal, Ahmed S Abdalla, Argha Chatterjee, Deborah A Baumgarten, Peter A Harri, Jay Patel, Courtney C Moreno, Helena Gabriel, Frank H Mille. Spectrum of Extratesticular and Testicular Pathologic Conditions at Scrotal MR Imaging. Radiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc. vol 38. issue 3. 2018-10-09. PMID:29757721. in addition to morphology, lesion location, and tissue characterization (eg, fat, blood products, granulation tissue, and fibrosis), scrotal mr imaging provides important information that can affect surgical planning and improve patient care. 2018-10-09 2023-08-13 Not clear
Susheela Singh, Altaf Hossain, Isaac Maddow-Zimet, Michael Vlassoff, Hadayeat Ullah Bhuiyan, Meghan Ingeric. The Incidence of Menstrual Regulation Procedures and Abortion in Bangladesh, 2014. International perspectives on sexual and reproductive health. vol 43. issue 1. 2018-10-05. PMID:28930621. menstrual regulation (mr) has been part of the bangladesh family planning program since 1979. 2018-10-05 2023-08-13 Not clear
Mark Gainey, Montserrat Carles, Michael Mix, Philipp T Meyer, Michael Bock, Anca-Ligia Grosu, Dimos Balta. Biological imaging for individualized therapy in radiation oncology: part I physical and technical aspects. Future oncology (London, England). vol 14. issue 8. 2018-10-02. PMID:29521520. recently, there has been an increase in the imaging modalities available for radiotherapy planning and radiotherapy prognostic outcome: dual energy computed tomography (ct), dynamic contrast enhanced ct, dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (mri), diffusion-weighted mri, positron emission tomography-ct, dynamic contrast enhanced ultrasound, mr spectroscopy and positron emission tomography-mr. 2018-10-02 2023-08-13 Not clear
Lumarie Santiago, Rosalind P Candelaria, Monica L Huan. MR Imaging-Guided Breast Interventions: Indications, Key Principles, and Imaging-Pathology Correlation. Magnetic resonance imaging clinics of North America. vol 26. issue 2. 2018-10-01. PMID:29622128. for suspicious mr imaging-detected lesions that are mammographically and sonographically occult, mr imaging-guided breast interventions, including biopsy, clip placement, and preoperative needle localization, have been developed to permit accurate tissue diagnosis and aid in surgical planning. 2018-10-01 2023-08-13 Not clear