All Relations between olfactory and nasal

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
J A Matochi. Role of the main olfactory system in recognition between individual spiny mice. Physiology & behavior. vol 42. issue 3. 1988-09-16. PMID:3406147. animals received nasal irrigations of zinc sulfate to disrupt sensory input to the main olfactory system (mos) either prior to the 9-day exposure period (experiment 1) or immediately after the exposure period (experiment 2). 1988-09-16 2023-08-11 mouse
J Pevsner, R R Reed, P G Feinstein, S H Snyde. Molecular cloning of odorant-binding protein: member of a ligand carrier family. Science (New York, N.Y.). vol 241. issue 4863. 1988-08-09. PMID:3388043. thus, obp probably binds and carries odorants within the nasal epithelium to putative olfactory receptors. 1988-08-09 2023-08-11 rat
G Kobal, C Humme. Cerebral chemosensory evoked potentials elicited by chemical stimulation of the human olfactory and respiratory nasal mucosa. Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology. vol 71. issue 4. 1988-08-05. PMID:2454788. cerebral chemosensory evoked potentials elicited by chemical stimulation of the human olfactory and respiratory nasal mucosa. 1988-08-05 2023-08-11 human
C A Ferris, V J Schnadig, F B Quinn, L Des Jardin. Olfactory neuroblastoma. Cytodiagnostic features in a case with ultrastructural and immunohistochemical correlation. Acta cytologica. vol 32. issue 3. 1988-06-28. PMID:2453984. in a case of olfactory neuroblastoma, originally misdiagnosed as an undifferentiated carcinoma, cytologic examination of material scraped from the superior nasal vault revealed tumor cells suggestive of neuroblastoma. 1988-06-28 2023-08-11 Not clear
C A Ferris, V J Schnadig, F B Quinn, L Des Jardin. Olfactory neuroblastoma. Cytodiagnostic features in a case with ultrastructural and immunohistochemical correlation. Acta cytologica. vol 32. issue 3. 1988-06-28. PMID:2453984. since olfactory neuroblastoma has a relatively good prognosis and aggressive surgical resection may be curative, it is important that this tumor be distinguished from other small cell malignancies arising in the nasal cavity. 1988-06-28 2023-08-11 Not clear
S A Belinsky, C M White, T R Devereux, M W Anderso. DNA adducts as a dosimeter for risk estimation. Environmental health perspectives. vol 76. 1988-06-07. PMID:3447903. the dose response for o6mg formation differed considerably between the respiratory and olfactory mucosa from the nasal passages of the rat. 1988-06-07 2023-08-11 rat
J W Witki. Nervus terminalis, olfactory nerve, and optic nerve representation of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone in primates. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. vol 519. 1988-06-02. PMID:3129973. the luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (lhrh) system was examined immunocytochemically in olfactory bulbs of adult monkeys, including two new world species (squirrel monkey, saimiri sciureus and owl monkey, aotus trivirgatus) and one old world species (cynomolgus macaque, macaca fasciculata), and in the brain and nasal region of a fetal rhesus macaque macaca mulatta. 1988-06-02 2023-08-11 monkey
L Jenne. The nervus terminalis in the mouse: light and electron microscopic immunocytochemical studies. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. vol 519. 1988-06-02. PMID:3329466. the results suggest that gnrh in the olfactory system of the mouse can influence a variety of target sites either via the blood stream, via the external cerebrospinal fluid or via synaptic/asynaptic contacts with, for example, the receptor cells in the nasal mucosa. 1988-06-02 2023-08-11 mouse
M Schwanzel-Fukuda, D W Pfaf. Passive immunization of fetal rats with antiserum to luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) or transection of the central roots of the nervus terminalis does not affect rat pups' preference for home nest. Physiology & behavior. vol 41. issue 6. 1988-04-18. PMID:3327064. luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (lhrh) is found immunocytochemically in cell bodies and fibers of the nervus terminalis, a cranial nerve which courses from the nasal septum through the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone (medial to the olfactory and vomeronasal nerves) and enters the forebrain, caudal to the olfactory bulbs. 1988-04-18 2023-08-11 rat
K Mitsumori, G A Boorman, B N Gupta, J R Buche. Four-day repeated inhalation and recovery study of methyl isocyanate in F344 rats and B6C3F1 mice. Fundamental and applied toxicology : official journal of the Society of Toxicology. vol 9. issue 3. 1988-02-20. PMID:3692007. lesions of the nasal cavity in rats and mice were characterized by regeneration of the olfactory and respiratory epithelia secondary to epithelial erosion. 1988-02-20 2023-08-11 mouse
V S Regenbogen, S J Zinreich, K S Kim, F P Kuhajda, B I Applebaum, J C Price, A E Rosenbau. Hyperostotic esthesioneuroblastoma: CT and MR findings. Journal of computer assisted tomography. vol 12. issue 1. 1988-02-12. PMID:3335673. olfactory neuroblastoma is a malignant, slow growing, neurogenic tumor that originates in the olfactory mucosa of the upper nasal cavity. 1988-02-12 2023-08-11 Not clear
C Le Guillou, G Schwaab, P Marandas, A M Leridant, J D Piekarski, A Lusinchi, C Michea. [Olfactory esthesioneuroma. Clinical description and therapeutic results apropos of 45 cases observed at the Gustave Roussy Institute from 1956 to 1986]. Annales d'oto-laryngologie et de chirurgie cervico faciale : bulletin de la Societe d'oto-laryngologie des hopitaux de Paris. vol 104. issue 6. 1988-01-27. PMID:3426055. olfactory esthesioneuroma is a rare malignant nerve tumour of the nasal fossa, generally developing from the olfactory epithelium, 45 cases seen at the gustave-roussy institute between 1956 and 1986 are studied. 1988-01-27 2023-08-11 cat
A Ferreira, L G Dahlöf, S Hanse. Olfactory mechanisms in the control of maternal aggression, appetite, and fearfulness: effects of lesions to olfactory receptors, mediodorsal thalamic nucleus, and insular prefrontal cortex. Behavioral neuroscience. vol 101. issue 5. 1988-01-14. PMID:3675849. in the first experiment the importance of olfactory receptors was investigated by surgically removing the olfactory epithelium of the nasal cavity. 1988-01-14 2023-08-11 human
S A Belinsky, J A Swenberg, M W Anderso. Molecular dosimetry of O6-methylguanine formation and cell toxicity in lung and nasal mucosa by 4-(N-nitrosomethylamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone. IARC scientific publications. issue 84. 1988-01-12. PMID:3679414. histological examination of the nasal passages following treatment with nnk indicated that the olfactory region was more sensitive than the respiratory region to toxicity induced by nnk. 1988-01-12 2023-08-11 rat
H Tjälve, A Castongua. Localization of bound metabolites in the respiratory tissues and oesophagus by high-resolution microautoradiography in Fischer 344 rats treated with N'-nitrosonornicotine. IARC scientific publications. issue 84. 1988-01-12. PMID:3679415. the olfactory nasal mucosa and the oesophagus are targets for the carcinogenicity of nnn in fischer 344 rats. 1988-01-12 2023-08-11 rat
I S de la Lande, D A Parker, C H Proctor, V Marino, A Mackay-Si. Cocaine inhibits extraneuronal O-methylation of exogenous norepinephrine in nasal and oral tissues of the rabbit. Life sciences. vol 41. issue 22. 1987-12-23. PMID:3683085. nasal mucosa (respiratory and olfactory) and lingual gingiva of the rabbit were depleted of their sympathetic nerves by superior cervical ganglionectomy. 1987-12-23 2023-08-11 rabbit
J W Witki. Immunocytochemical demonstration of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone in optic nerve and nasal region of fetal rhesus macaque. Neuroscience letters. vol 79. issue 1-2. 1987-12-09. PMID:3313120. immunoreactive neurons and fibers were found in expected sites and also in sites not reported to date in primates: there was an abundant distribution along the pathway of the nervus terminalis and clusters of neurons anterior and ventral to the olfactory bulbs and scattered in the nasal septum. 1987-12-09 2023-08-11 monkey
D N Schwartz, M M Mozell, S L Youngentob, D L Leopold, P R Sheeh. Improvement of olfaction in laryngectomized patients with the larynx bypass. The Laryngoscope. vol 97. issue 11. 1987-12-09. PMID:3669839. a larynx bypass device was used to determine whether this olfactory deficit could be reversed simply by restoring nasal airflow. 1987-12-09 2023-08-11 Not clear
M S Lido. Effect of hydroxyurea on differentiation of mitotically inactive olfactory receptor cells in the frog. Toxicology and applied pharmacology. vol 91. issue 1. 1987-11-23. PMID:3499686. to obtain olfactory epithelia consisting of newly generated cells, the original olfactory epithelia in a group of animals were ablated by irrigation of their nasal cavities with a solution of zinc sulfate in distilled water. 1987-11-23 2023-08-11 Not clear
G Grevers, U Herrman. Fenestrated endothelia in vessels of the nasal mucosa. An electron-microscopic study in the rabbit. Archives of oto-rhino-laryngology. vol 244. issue 1. 1987-09-09. PMID:3619756. the ultrastructure of the vessels in the normal respiratory and olfactory mucosa of the nasal septum was studied in 15 adult rabbits. 1987-09-09 2023-08-11 rabbit