All Relations between olfactory and amygdala

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P A Femano, H M Edinger, A Siege. The effects of stimulation of substantia innominata and sensory receiving areas of the forebrain upon the activity of neurons within the amygdala of the anesthetized cat. Brain research. vol 269. issue 1. 1983-09-23. PMID:6307477. the present study investigated the response characteristics of individual neurons in the amygdala following stimulation of the substantia innominata (si), and compared these responses with those elicited by stimulation of insular and temporal polar cortices and the lateral olfactory tract (lot). 1983-09-23 2023-08-12 cat
D M Mann, A M Tinkler, P O Yate. Neurological disease and herpes simplex virus. An immunohistochemical study. Acta neuropathologica. vol 60. issue 1-2. 1983-09-23. PMID:6308942. in the patient with alzheimer's disease va was present within nerve and glial cells of the amygdala, within oligodendrocytes of the optic and olfactory tracts and in macrophages within the temporal cortex hippocampus and cerebellum. 1983-09-23 2023-08-12 Not clear
J E Walker, F Fonnu. Regional cortical glutamergic and aspartergic projections to the amygdala and thalamus of the rat. Brain research. vol 267. issue 2. 1983-09-09. PMID:6135492. we have therefore removed various cortical regions or the olfactory bulk and determined high-affinity d-aspartate uptake and concentrations of glutamate, aspartate, and several other amino acids in the amygdala and thalamus one week later. 1983-09-09 2023-08-12 rat
W A Turski, E A Cavalheiro, L Turski, Z Kleinro. Intrahippocampal bethanechol in rats: behavioural, electroencephalographic and neuropathological correlates. Behavioural brain research. vol 7. issue 3. 1983-06-10. PMID:6132610. the patterning of distant damage after intrahippocampal injections of bethanechol involved the piriform cortex, entorhinal cortex, olfactory tubercle, anterior olfactory nucleus, subiculum, amygdaloid complex, temporoparietal cortex and hypothalamic nuclei. 1983-06-10 2023-08-12 rat
T C Rainbow, A Biego. Quantitative autoradiography of [3H]nitroimipramine binding sites in rat brain. Brain research. vol 262. issue 2. 1983-06-10. PMID:6301637. there are high concentrations of binding sites in the dorsal and medial raphe nuclei, the basal portion of the mammilary nuclei, the medial forebrain bundle, the olfactory tubercule and the posterior basal nucleus of the amygdala. 1983-06-10 2023-08-12 rat
S Shibata, S Watanabe, S Y Liou, S Uek. Effects of adrenergic blockers on the inhibition of muricide by desipramine and noradrenaline injected into the amygdala in olfactory bulbectomized rats. Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior. vol 18. issue 2. 1983-05-05. PMID:6132405. effects of adrenergic blockers on the inhibition of muricide by desipramine and noradrenaline injected into the amygdala in olfactory bulbectomized rats. 1983-05-05 2023-08-12 rat
S Shibata, S Watanabe, S Y Liou, S Uek. Effects of adrenergic blockers on the inhibition of muricide by desipramine and noradrenaline injected into the amygdala in olfactory bulbectomized rats. Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior. vol 18. issue 2. 1983-05-05. PMID:6132405. muricide in olfactory bulbectomized rats (ob rats) is readily inhibited by systemic administration of desipramine (dmi) or microinjection of dmi and noradrenaline (na) into the medial amygdaloid nucleus. 1983-05-05 2023-08-12 rat
S Shibata, D Suwandi, T Yamamoto, S Uek. Effects of medial amygdaloid lesions on the initiation and the maintenance of muricide in olfactory bulbectomized rats. Physiology & behavior. vol 29. issue 5. 1983-03-11. PMID:6891471. both the initiation and the maintenance of muricide following olfactory bulb lesions were suppressed by amygdaloid lesions, and this result suggests that the medial amygdala plays a facilitatory role in both the initiation and the maintenance of muricide in olfactory bulbectomized rats. 1983-03-11 2023-08-12 rat
M M Mesulam, E J Mufso. Insula of the old world monkey. III: Efferent cortical output and comments on function. The Journal of comparative neurology. vol 212. issue 1. 1983-02-14. PMID:7174907. through its connections with the amygdala, the insula provides a pathway for somatosensory, auditory, gustatory, olfactory, and visceral sensations to reach the limbic system. 1983-02-14 2023-08-12 monkey
P C Barbe. Adjacent laminar terminations of two centrifugal afferent pathways to the accessory olfactory bulb in the mouse. Brain research. vol 245. issue 2. 1982-12-21. PMID:7127070. injections further rostral, in the bed nucleus of the accessory olfactory tract (bnaot) and medial amygdaloid nucleus (m), give rise to labelling of a second ipsilateral afferent pathway to the aob which terminates in the internal plexiform layer (ipl) and is unaffected by strial transection. 1982-12-21 2023-08-12 mouse
J Carlsen, J De Olmos, L Heime. Tracing of two-neuron pathways in the olfactory system by the aid of transneuronal degeneration: projections to the amygdaloid body and hippocampal formation. The Journal of comparative neurology. vol 208. issue 2. 1982-12-02. PMID:6181105. tracing of two-neuron pathways in the olfactory system by the aid of transneuronal degeneration: projections to the amygdaloid body and hippocampal formation. 1982-12-02 2023-08-12 Not clear
M N Lehman, S S Winan. Vomeronasal and olfactory pathways to the amygdala controlling male hamster sexual behavior: autoradiographic and behavioral analyses. Brain research. vol 240. issue 1. 1982-09-24. PMID:7093718. vomeronasal and olfactory pathways to the amygdala controlling male hamster sexual behavior: autoradiographic and behavioral analyses. 1982-09-24 2023-08-12 Not clear
M N Lehman, S S Winan. Vomeronasal and olfactory pathways to the amygdala controlling male hamster sexual behavior: autoradiographic and behavioral analyses. Brain research. vol 240. issue 1. 1982-09-24. PMID:7093718. previous studies suggest that the rostral corticomedial amygdala (cma), particularly the medial nucleus, is an important site where vomeronasal and olfactory stimuli critical to male hamster copulatory behavior are processed. 1982-09-24 2023-08-12 Not clear
M N Lehman, S S Winan. Vomeronasal and olfactory pathways to the amygdala controlling male hamster sexual behavior: autoradiographic and behavioral analyses. Brain research. vol 240. issue 1. 1982-09-24. PMID:7093718. to test the possibility that mating deficits seen after lesions of the rostrally-placed medial nucleus may be due to the interruption of chemosensory afferents to more caudal areas, we injected tritiated amino acids into the accessory and main olfactory bulbs of male hamsters in which we had first produced bilateral electrolytic lesions or sham lesions in either the rostral cma or basolateral amygdala, and then observed mating behavior. 1982-09-24 2023-08-12 Not clear
M N Lehman, S S Winan. Vomeronasal and olfactory pathways to the amygdala controlling male hamster sexual behavior: autoradiographic and behavioral analyses. Brain research. vol 240. issue 1. 1982-09-24. PMID:7093718. autoradiographic analysis of "vomeronasal' projections from the accessory olfactory bulb and "olfactory' projections from the main bulb, revealed that rostral cma lesions which damaged the medial nucleus and extended to the ventral surface of the brain (ventral lesions) interrupted vomeronasal input to the more caudally-placed posteromedial cortical nucleus, but spared olfactory inputs to adjacent caudal areas of the amygdala and piriform lobe. 1982-09-24 2023-08-12 Not clear
D J Albert, M L Wals. The inhibitory modulation of agonistic behavior in the rat brain: a review. Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews. vol 6. issue 2. 1982-09-17. PMID:7048154. mouse killing is induced by lesions of the anterior olfactory nucleus, the region ventral to the anterior septum, the lateral septum, the medial hypothalamus, the dorsal and median raphe nuclei, and the medial amygdala. 1982-09-17 2023-08-12 mouse
F T Russche. Amygdalopetal projections in the cat. I. Cortical afferent connections. A study with retrograde and anterograde tracing techniques. The Journal of comparative neurology. vol 206. issue 2. 1982-08-14. PMID:7085926. the results of the present study indicate that the main and accessory olfactory bulbs, the anterior olfactory nucleus, the prepiriform cortex and discrete regions of the medial frontal lobe, the insular and temporal cortices, as well as the perirhinal and entorhinal cortices and the ventral subiculum project to the amygdaloid complex. 1982-08-14 2023-08-12 cat
S Watanabe, H Nakanishi, S Shibata, S Uek. Changes in amygdaloid afterdischarges and kindling effect following olfactory bulbectomy in the rat. Physiology & behavior. vol 28. issue 4. 1982-07-22. PMID:7200621. changes in the thresholds for afterdischarges and the formation of kindling effect in the medial amygdala following olfactory bulbectomy were investigated in the rat with chronic electrode implants. 1982-07-22 2023-08-12 rat
S Watanabe, H Nakanishi, S Shibata, S Uek. Changes in amygdaloid afterdischarges and kindling effect following olfactory bulbectomy in the rat. Physiology & behavior. vol 28. issue 4. 1982-07-22. PMID:7200621. the threshold for afterdischarges in the amygdala of the olfactory bulbectomized rat (ob rat) was significantly decreased on day 4 after olfactory bulbectomy, however, no significant difference was found between ob and sham operated rats on days 7, 14 and 21 since the threshold in the sham group was also decreased at these periods after the surgery. 1982-07-22 2023-08-12 rat
S Watanabe, H Nakanishi, S Shibata, S Uek. Changes in amygdaloid afterdischarges and kindling effect following olfactory bulbectomy in the rat. Physiology & behavior. vol 28. issue 4. 1982-07-22. PMID:7200621. these results suggest that the activity of the medial amygdaloid nucleus is increased following olfactory bulbectomy. 1982-07-22 2023-08-12 rat