All Relations between olfactory and amygdala

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
R J Nelson, A S Fleming, C J Wysocki, T W Shinder, I Zucke. Chemosensory and neural influences on photoperiodic responsiveness of laboratory rats. Neuroendocrinology. vol 40. issue 4. 1985-06-17. PMID:3990912. olfactory information, not transduced by the amygdala, or nonsensory components of the olfactory bulbs appear to mask photoperiodism in intact rats. 1985-06-17 2023-08-11 rat
E W Kairiss, R J Racine, G K Smit. The development of the interictal spike during kindling in the rat. Brain research. vol 322. issue 1. 1985-03-07. PMID:6518361. animals were kindled by stimulation of hippocampal area ca3, fornix/fimbria, perforant path, amygdala or lateral olfactory tract. 1985-03-07 2023-08-12 rat
V L Chernova, N E Chepurnova, S A Chepurno. [Evoked potentials in the rabbit amygdala following its partial deafferentation]. Fiziologicheskii zhurnal SSSR imeni I. M. Sechenova. vol 69. issue 7. 1985-01-31. PMID:6680350. stimulation of the bulbar olfactory regions caused some facilitation of the eps in non-olfactory nucleus of amygdala. 1985-01-31 2023-08-12 rabbit
M Haug, S Simler, L Ciesielski, P Mandel, R Moutie. Influence of castration and brain GABA levels in three strains of mice on aggression towards lactating intruders. Physiology & behavior. vol 32. issue 5. 1984-12-18. PMID:6541796. in particular the most aggressive c57 castrates had significantly higher levels of gaba in the hypothalamus, the olfactory bulbs and the amygdala. 1984-12-18 2023-08-12 mouse
S Shibata, H Nakanishi, S Watanabe, S Uek. Effects of chronic administration of antidepressants on mouse-killing behavior (muricide) in olfactory bulbectomized rats. Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior. vol 21. issue 2. 1984-11-15. PMID:6541341. two forms of drug administration, i.e., systemic subcutaneous administration and microinjection into the medial amygdala were employed to examine the effect of chronic administration of psychotropic drugs on muricide in olfactory bulbectomized rats. 1984-11-15 2023-08-12 rat
S Shibata, H Nakanishi, S Watanabe, S Uek. Effects of chronic administration of antidepressants on mouse-killing behavior (muricide) in olfactory bulbectomized rats. Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior. vol 21. issue 2. 1984-11-15. PMID:6541341. these results indicate that muricide by olfactory bulbectomized rats is a useful animal model for evaluating antidepressants and that a potential site of action of antidepressants is located in the medial amygdala. 1984-11-15 2023-08-12 rat
A Weindl, J Triepel, G Kuchlin. Somatostatin in the brain of the turtle Testudo hermanni Gmelin. An immunohistochemical mapping study. Peptides. vol 5 Suppl 1. 1984-11-09. PMID:6148740. within the telencephalon, somatostatin perikarya are present in the anterior olfactory nucleus, in the medial, dorsomedial and dorsal cortex, in the pallial thickening, in the piriform cortex, paleostriatum augmentatum, in the dorsoventricular ridge, core nucleus of the dorsoventricular ridge, in area c and d, and in the amygdala. 1984-11-09 2023-08-12 Not clear
J O McNamara, M T Galloway, L C Rigsbee, C Shi. Evidence implicating substantia nigra in regulation of kindled seizure threshold. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 4. issue 9. 1984-11-06. PMID:6481454. bilateral microinjection of a gamma-aminobutyric acid (gaba) agonist, muscimol, into the area of the substantia nigra (sn) markedly suppressed both motor and limbic seizures induced by stimulation of amygdala, olfactory structures, or lateral entorhinal cortex. 1984-11-06 2023-08-12 Not clear
N M Hoosein, R S Gur. Identification of glucagon receptors in rat brain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. vol 81. issue 14. 1984-09-07. PMID:6087321. regional distribution studies indicate higher specific binding of 125i-labeled monoiodoglucagon to olfactory tubercule, hippocampus, anterior pituitary, and amygdala membranes, with somewhat lower binding to membranes from septum, medulla, thalamus, olfactory bulb, and hypothalamus. 1984-09-07 2023-08-12 human
M T Shipley, Y Geinisma. Anatomical evidence for convergence of olfactory, gustatory, and visceral afferent pathways in mouse cerebral cortex. Brain research bulletin. vol 12. issue 3. 1984-07-19. PMID:6722597. together with the descending connections from insular cortex to the amygdala and to brainstem autonomic structures, it is possible that the cortical integration of olfactory and gustatory-visceral information could modulate mechanisms involved in food selection and autonomic reactions relating to the chemical senses. 1984-07-19 2023-08-12 mouse
J C King, E L Anthony, A W Gustafson, D A Damass. Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LH-RH) cells and their projections in the forebrain of the bat Myotis lucifugus lucifugus. Brain research. vol 298. issue 2. 1984-07-13. PMID:6372946. perikarya were also consistently found dispersed in the mammillary region, anterior hypothalamus, preoptic areas, septum, diagonal band of broca, and olfactory tracts; they were occasionally observed in the dorsal hypothalamus, organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis (ovlt), habenula, amygdala, and cingulate gyrus. 1984-07-13 2023-08-12 rat
T Watanabe, Y Taguchi, S Shiosaka, J Tanaka, H Kubota, Y Terano, M Tohyama, H Wad. Distribution of the histaminergic neuron system in the central nervous system of rats; a fluorescent immunohistochemical analysis with histidine decarboxylase as a marker. Brain research. vol 295. issue 1. 1984-06-05. PMID:6713171. extensive networks of hdci fibers of various densities were found in many areas of the brain; they were particularly dense in the hypothalamus but were also found in the following areas: rostrally in the cerebral cortex, olfactory nuclei, medial amygdaloid nucleus, n. tractus diagonalis, and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, and caudally in the central gray matter of the midbrain and pons, auditory system, n. vestibularis medialis, n. originis nervi facialis, n. parabrachialis, n. commissuralis, n. tractus solitarii, and n. raphe dorsalis. 1984-06-05 2023-08-12 rat
K L Weller, D A Smit. Afferent connections to the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Brain research. vol 232. issue 2. 1984-05-15. PMID:7188024. injections that labeled the commissural division of the stria terminalis produced labeling of cells in the anterior basolateral amygdala and in the nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract. 1984-05-15 2023-08-12 Not clear
M J Wayner, F C Barone, S L Scharoun, R Guevara-Aguilar, H U Aguilar-Baturon. Limbic connections to the lateral preoptic area: a horseradish peroxidase study in the rat. Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews. vol 7. issue 3. 1984-04-12. PMID:6608070. afferents to the lpa originate in the prefrontal corex, nucleus accumbens, diagonal band and olfactory structures, lateral and medial septum, stria hypothalamic tract and stria terminalis, the magnocellular and medial preoptic nuclei, along the extent of the medial forebrain bundle in the lpa and lh, anterior and basolateral amygdala, ventromedial caudate-putamen, stria medullaris and lateral habenula, the stellatocellular-periventricular, ventromedial, arcuate and anterior hypothalamic nuclei, the perifornical area, zona incerta, ventral medial thalamic area, ventral tegmental area of tsai, interpeduncular nucleus, reticular zone of the substantia nigra, mesencephalic periaqueductal gray and reticular formation, all aspects of the raphe nuclei and the locus coeruleus. 1984-04-12 2023-08-12 rat
N Bons, A Combes, A Szafarczyk, I Assenmache. [Extrahypothalamic efferent pathways of the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the rat]. Comptes rendus des seances de l'Academie des sciences. Serie III, Sciences de la vie. vol 297. issue 6. 1984-02-28. PMID:6420007. in addition suprachiasmatic fibers and nerve endings were revealed in the medial, cortical and central nuclei of the amygdala in the hippocampic subiculum, in different areas of the olfactory system and in the area parolfactoria. 1984-02-28 2023-08-12 rat
P Gaudreau, R Quirion, S St-Pierre, C B Per. Characterization and visualization of cholecystokinin receptors in rat brain using [3H]pentagastrin. Peptides. vol 4. issue 5. 1984-02-14. PMID:6318206. cck receptors are highly concentrated in the cortex, dentate gyrus, granular and external plexiform layers of the olfactory bulb, anterior olfactory nuclei, olfactory tubercle, claustrum, accumbens nucleus, some nuclei of the amygdala, thalamus and hypothalamus. 1984-02-14 2023-08-12 rat
M L Jouandet, V Hartenstei. Basal telencephalic origins of the anterior commissure of the rat. Experimental brain research. vol 50. issue 2-3. 1984-01-07. PMID:6641853. the cells of origin of the rat's ac are found in the anterior olfactory nucleus, the olfactory tubercles, the anterior piriform cortex, the nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract, the lateral, basolateral, basomedial and cortical nuclei of the amygdala, the posterior perirhinal cortex, and the entorhinal cortex. 1984-01-07 2023-08-12 rat
N K MacLeod, W Reinhard. An electrophysiological study of the accessory olfactory bulb in the rabbit--I. Analysis of electrically evoked potential fields. Neuroscience. vol 10. issue 1. 1984-01-07. PMID:6646418. following electrical stimulation of the vomeronasal nerves, the primary olfactory nerves, the lateral olfactory tract and the corticomedial amygdala, we have made a study of evoked potentials in the rabbit accessory olfactory bulb. 1984-01-07 2023-08-12 rabbit
W Reinhardt, N K MacLeod, J Ladewig, F Ellendorf. An electrophysiological study of the accessory olfactory bulb in the rabbit--II. Input-output relations as assessed from analysis of intra- and extracellular unit recordings. Neuroscience. vol 10. issue 1. 1984-01-07. PMID:6646419. the input-output relations of the rabbit accessory olfactory bulb were studied by intra- and extracellular single unit recordings following electrical stimulation of the vomeronasal nerves, the lateral olfactory tract and the corticomedial amygdala. 1984-01-07 2023-08-12 rabbit
J L Price, R Ster. Individual cells in the nucleus basalis--diagonal band complex have restricted axonal projections to the cerebral cortex in the rat. Brain research. vol 269. issue 2. 1983-10-08. PMID:6883087. cells in the nucleus basalis--diagonal band complex provide a largely cholinergic projection to all parts of the telencephalon, including the olfactory system, amygdala, hippocampus and neocortex. 1983-10-08 2023-08-12 rat