All Relations between feeding and insulin

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Alfonso Mora, Christopher Lipina, François Tronche, Calum Sutherland, Dario R Aless. Deficiency of PDK1 in liver results in glucose intolerance, impairment of insulin-regulated gene expression and liver failure. The Biochemical journal. vol 385. issue Pt 3. 2005-07-29. PMID:15554902. the l-pdk1-/- mice were not insulin-intolerant, possessed normal levels of blood glucose and insulin under normal feeding conditions, but were markedly glucose-intolerant when injected with glucose. 2005-07-29 2023-08-12 mouse
Polly A Hansen, John A Corbet. Incretin hormones and insulin sensitivity. Trends in endocrinology and metabolism: TEM. vol 16. issue 4. 2005-07-27. PMID:15860408. the actions of these peptides on insulin-responsive tissues is less clear, but recent advances indicate that chronic treatment with exendin-4 increases insulin sensitivity via two distinct mechanisms: one is attributable to changes in food intake and the subsequent improvements in glycemia; the second is largely independent of reductions in blood glucose. 2005-07-27 2023-08-12 Not clear
Jens Juul Hols. Treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus with agonists of the GLP-1 receptor or DPP-IV inhibitors. Expert opinion on emerging drugs. vol 9. issue 1. 2005-07-21. PMID:15155141. glucagon-like peptide-1 (glp-1) is a peptide hormone from the gut that stimulates insulin secretion and protects beta-cells, inhibits glucagon secretion and gastric emptying, and reduces appetite and food intake. 2005-07-21 2023-08-12 Not clear
Frank R Dunshea, Dale E Bauman, Elizabeth A Nugent, Douglas J Kerton, Raymond H King, Ian McCaule. Hyperinsulinaemia, supplemental protein and branched-chain amino acids when combined can increase milk protein yield in lactating sows. The British journal of nutrition. vol 93. issue 3. 2005-07-21. PMID:15877871. piglet growth was increased by feeding the higher-protein diet (237 v. 273 g/d; p=0.05) but not significantly increased by insulin infusion (245 v. 265 g/d; p=0.11). 2005-07-21 2023-08-12 Not clear
W R Crowley, G Ramoz, K A Keefe, R Torto, S P Kalra, G R Hanso. Differential effects of methamphetamine on expression of neuropeptide Y mRNA in hypothalamus and on serum leptin and ghrelin concentrations in ad libitum-fed and schedule-fed rats. Neuroscience. vol 132. issue 1. 2005-07-20. PMID:15780475. the present studies tested whether methamphetamine alters the expression of neuropeptide y (npy) and agouti-related peptide (agrp), two important orexigenic neuropeptides, or proopiomelanocortin (pomc), the precursor for the anorexigenic peptide alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone, or the secretion of leptin, insulin and ghrelin, concomitant with inhibition of food intake. 2005-07-20 2023-08-12 rat
J J Hols. Treatment of Type 2 diabetes mellitus based on glucagon-like peptide-1. Expert opinion on investigational drugs. vol 8. issue 9. 2005-07-19. PMID:15992158. its actions include stimulation of all steps of insulin gene expression, as well as beta-cell growth, inhibition of glucagon secretion, inhibition of hepatic glucose production, inhibition of gastrointestinal secretion and motility, and inhibition of appetite and food intake. 2005-07-19 2023-08-12 Not clear
J R Lindsay, N A Duffy, A M McKillop, J Ardill, F P M O'Harte, P R Flatt, P M Bel. Inhibition of dipeptidyl peptidase IV activity by oral metformin in Type 2 diabetes. Diabetic medicine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association. vol 22. issue 5. 2005-07-18. PMID:15842525. glucagon-like peptide-1 (glp-1) and gastric inhibitory polypeptide (gip) are important insulinotropic hormones that enhance the insulin secretory response to feeding. 2005-07-18 2023-08-12 Not clear
Leona Plum, Markus Schubert, Jens C Brünin. The role of insulin receptor signaling in the brain. Trends in endocrinology and metabolism: TEM. vol 16. issue 2. 2005-07-15. PMID:15734146. insulin enters the central nervous system (cns) through the blood-brain barrier by receptor-mediated transport to regulate food intake, sympathetic activity and peripheral insulin action through the inhibition of hepatic gluconeogenesis and reproductive endocrinology. 2005-07-15 2023-08-12 Not clear
Dongzhe Song, Simon Hutchings, Catherine C Y Pan. Chronic N-acetylcysteine prevents fructose-induced insulin resistance and hypertension in rats. European journal of pharmacology. vol 508. issue 1-3. 2005-07-14. PMID:15680273. therefore, chronic treatment with n-acetylcysteine increases insulin sensitivity and prevents the blood pressure increase associated with fructose feeding in rats, the mechanism may involve the decrease of oxidative stress and alpha-adrenoceptor-mediated vasoconstriction. 2005-07-14 2023-08-12 rat
Jeanine Louis-Sylvestre, Anne Lluch, Françoise Neant, John E Blundel. Highlighting the positive impact of increasing feeding frequency on metabolism and weight management. Forum of nutrition. vol 56. 2005-07-12. PMID:15806828. increased feeding frequency leads to a reduction in the total secretion of insulin, an improvement in insulin resistance and a better blood glucose control, as well as an improvement in the blood lipid profile. 2005-07-12 2023-08-12 Not clear
Loretta L Nielse. Incretin mimetics and DPP-IV inhibitors for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Drug discovery today. vol 10. issue 10. 2005-07-12. PMID:15896683. these agents appear to have multiple mechanisms of action, including some or all of the following: enhancement of glucose-dependent insulin secretion; suppression of inappropriately elevated glucagon secretion; slowing of gastric emptying; and decreased food intake (i.e. 2005-07-12 2023-08-12 Not clear
B F Schrijvers, A S De Vriese, R G Tilton, J Van de Voorde, L Denner, N H Lameire, A Flyvbjer. Inhibition of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) does not affect early renal changes in a rat model of lean type 2 diabetes. Hormone and metabolic research = Hormon- und Stoffwechselforschung = Hormones et metabolisme. vol 37. issue 1. 2005-07-08. PMID:15702434. vegf-ab treatment had no effect on glomerular volume, uae, enos expression, body weight, blood glucose levels or food intake, but lowered serum insulin levels in non-diabetic and diabetic animals. 2005-07-08 2023-08-12 rat
S Fassino, G Abbate Daga, V Mondelli, A Pierò, F Broglio, A Picu, R Giordano, M Baldi, E Arvat, E Ghigo, L Gianott. Hormonal and metabolic responses to acute ghrelin administration in patients with bulimia nervosa. Psychoneuroendocrinology. vol 30. issue 6. 2005-07-05. PMID:15808922. in humans, intravenous (iv) ghrelin administration induces endocrine (increase in gh, prl, acth and cortisol) and metabolic (increase in glucose and decrease in insulin) effects as well as an increase in appetite and food intake. 2005-07-05 2023-08-12 Not clear
David Carlin. AMP-activated protein kinase: balancing the scales. Biochimie. vol 87. issue 1. 2005-06-28. PMID:15733742. in the hypothalamus, ampk is inhibited by leptin and insulin, hormones which suppress feeding, whilst ghrelin, a hormone that increases food intake, activates ampk. 2005-06-28 2023-08-12 rat
Ross G Clar. Recombinant human insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I): risks and benefits of normalizing blood IGF-I concentrations. Hormone research. vol 62 Suppl 1. 2005-06-17. PMID:15761240. in formal toxicology and carcinogenicity studies, rhigf-i has similar effects to insulin in that it can increase food intake, body size, and the growth rate of existing tumours. 2005-06-17 2023-08-12 human
B D Green, N Irwin, V A Gault, C J Bailey, F P M O'Harte, P R Flat. Chronic treatment with exendin(9-39)amide indicates a minor role for endogenous glucagon-like peptide-1 in metabolic abnormalities of obesity-related diabetes in ob/ob mice. The Journal of endocrinology. vol 185. issue 2. 2005-06-16. PMID:15845923. feeding activity, body weight, and both basal and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion were not significantly affected by chronic ex(9-39) treatment. 2005-06-16 2023-08-12 mouse
K Ishioka, H Hatai, K Komabayashi, M M Soliman, H Shibata, T Honjoh, K Kimura, M Sait. Diurnal variations of serum leptin in dogs: effects of fasting and re-feeding. Veterinary journal (London, England : 1997). vol 169. issue 1. 2005-06-13. PMID:15683767. serum insulin also showed diurnal variation with higher levels at 12:00-15:00 h. when insulin or glucose was injected in the fasted dogs to mimic the post-prandial insulin rise, serum leptin concentration was significantly increased in 4-8 h, but in both cases to a lesser extents than those after food intake. 2005-06-13 2023-08-12 dog
Steven A Shea, Michael F Hilton, Christine Orlova, R Timothy Ayers, Christos S Mantzoro. Independent circadian and sleep/wake regulation of adipokines and glucose in humans. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. vol 90. issue 5. 2005-06-09. PMID:15687326. to assess the relative contributions of day/night patterns in behaviors (sleep/wake cycle and food intake) and of the endogenous circadian pacemaker on observed day/night patterns of adipokines, in six healthy subjects we measured circulating leptin, soluble leptin receptor, adiponectin, glucose, and insulin levels throughout a constant routine protocol (38 h of wakefulness with constant posture, temperature, and dim light, as well as identical snacks every 2 h) and throughout sleep and fasting periods before and after the constant routine. 2005-06-09 2023-08-12 human
C Comte, S Bellenger, J Bellenger, C Tessier, J P Poisson, M Narc. Effects of streptozotocin and dietary fructose on delta-6 desaturation in spontaneously hypertensive rat liver. Biochimie. vol 86. issue 11. 2005-06-07. PMID:15589689. for this purpose, two rat models for these pathologies have been established: a type 1 diabetic hypertensive model obtained by streptozotocin injection to spontaneously hypertensive rat (shr), followed or not by insulin treatment (experiment 1); a type 2 diabetic hypertensive model by feeding shr with a fructose enriched diet (experiment 2). 2005-06-07 2023-08-12 human
R R Ettarh, A P Arikaw. Effects of diabetes and insulin resistance in pregnant rats on ex vivo vascular reaction to magnesium. Magnesium research. vol 17. issue 4. 2005-06-07. PMID:15726903. female sprague-dawley rats were made diabetic by intravenous injection of alloxan, or insulin resistant by fructose feeding. 2005-06-07 2023-08-12 rat