All Relations between cross-modal perception and v1

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Latifa Lazzouni, Patrice Voss, Franco Lepor. Short-term crossmodal plasticity of the auditory steady-state response in blindfolded sighted individuals. The European journal of neuroscience. vol 35. issue 10. 2012-09-25. PMID:22509989. our results shed light not only on the timeline associated with short-term crossmodal recruitment of input-deprived sensory cortices but also demonstrate that the visual cortex can display auditory cortex-like functioning in response to the assr. 2012-09-25 2023-08-12 human
Vincenzo Romei, Joachim Gross, Gregor Thu. Sounds reset rhythms of visual cortex and corresponding human visual perception. Current biology : CB. vol 22. issue 9. 2012-09-10. PMID:22503499. this shows that cross-modal phase locking of oscillatory visual cortex activity can arise in the human brain to affect perceptual and eeg measures of visual processing in a cyclical manner, consistent with occipital alpha oscillations underlying a rapid cycling of neural excitability in visual areas. 2012-09-10 2023-08-12 human
Kaiwen He, Emily Petrus, Nicholas Gammon, Hey-Kyoung Le. Distinct sensory requirements for unimodal and cross-modal homeostatic synaptic plasticity. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 32. issue 25. 2012-08-30. PMID:22723686. despite this expectation, we report in mice that losing behaviorally relevant patterned vision is sufficient to trigger cross-modal synaptic changes in the primary somatosensory cortex barrel fields, but is insufficient to drive unimodal synaptic plasticity in visual cortex (v1), which requires a complete loss of visual activity. 2012-08-30 2023-08-12 mouse
Arjen Alink, Felix Euler, Nikolaus Kriegeskorte, Wolf Singer, Axel Kohle. Auditory motion direction encoding in auditory cortex and high-level visual cortex. Human brain mapping. vol 33. issue 4. 2012-07-18. PMID:21692141. in addition, our findings suggest a cross-modal transfer of directional information to high-level visual cortex in healthy humans. 2012-07-18 2023-08-12 human
A Seemüller, E M Müller, F Rösle. EEG-power and -coherence changes in a unimodal and a crossmodal working memory task with visual and kinesthetic stimuli. International journal of psychophysiology : official journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology. vol 83. issue 1. 2012-05-07. PMID:22079828. crossmodal recognition of visually and kinesthetically presented object features seems to be related to a direct interaction of somatosensory/motor and visual cortex regions by means of long-range synchronization in the theta-band and such interactions seem to take place at the beginning of the recognition phase, i.e. 2012-05-07 2023-08-12 Not clear
Leen Van Brussel, Annelies Gerits, Lutgarde Arcken. Evidence for cross-modal plasticity in adult mouse visual cortex following monocular enucleation. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). vol 21. issue 9. 2011-12-09. PMID:21310780. evidence for cross-modal plasticity in adult mouse visual cortex following monocular enucleation. 2011-12-09 2023-08-12 mouse
Leen Van Brussel, Annelies Gerits, Lutgarde Arcken. Evidence for cross-modal plasticity in adult mouse visual cortex following monocular enucleation. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). vol 21. issue 9. 2011-12-09. PMID:21310780. in conclusion, this study supports an important cross-modal component in reorganization of adult mouse visual cortex upon monocular enucleation. 2011-12-09 2023-08-12 mouse
Nivaldo Vasconcelos, Janaina Pantoja, Hindiael Belchior, Fábio Viegas Caixeta, Jean Faber, Marco Aurelio M Freire, Vinícius Rosa Cota, Edson Anibal de Macedo, Diego A Laplagne, Herman Martins Gomes, Sidarta Ribeir. Cross-modal responses in the primary visual cortex encode complex objects and correlate with tactile discrimination. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. vol 108. issue 37. 2011-11-09. PMID:21876148. cross-modal responses in the primary visual cortex encode complex objects and correlate with tactile discrimination. 2011-11-09 2023-08-12 rat
Jyoti Mishra, Antigona Martínez, Steven A Hillyar. Effect of attention on early cortical processes associated with the sound-induced extra flash illusion. Journal of cognitive neuroscience. vol 22. issue 8. 2010-08-11. PMID:19583464. early cross-modal interactions in auditory and visual cortex underlie a sound-induced visual illusion. 2010-08-11 2023-08-12 human
Jyoti Mishra, Antigona Martínez, Steven A Hillyar. Effect of attention on early cortical processes associated with the sound-induced extra flash illusion. Journal of cognitive neuroscience. vol 22. issue 8. 2010-08-11. PMID:19583464. early cross-modal interactions in auditory and visual cortex underlie a sound-induced visual illusion. 2010-08-11 2023-08-12 human
Domenica Bueti, Emiliano Macalus. Auditory temporal expectations modulate activity in visual cortex. NeuroImage. vol 51. issue 3. 2010-08-05. PMID:20298791. here we investigate crossmodal properties and category selectivity of temporal expectations examining activity in visual cortex during expectation of auditory stimuli (the sound of hand-clapping or of a hammer-hammering). 2010-08-05 2023-08-12 human
Shahin Zangenehpour, Robert J Zatorr. Crossmodal recruitment of primary visual cortex following brief exposure to bimodal audiovisual stimuli. Neuropsychologia. vol 48. issue 2. 2010-04-06. PMID:19883668. crossmodal recruitment of primary visual cortex following brief exposure to bimodal audiovisual stimuli. 2010-04-06 2023-08-12 human
Viola S Störmer, John J McDonald, Steven A Hillyar. Cross-modal cueing of attention alters appearance and early cortical processing of visual stimuli. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. vol 106. issue 52. 2010-02-17. PMID:20007778. cross-modal cueing of attention boosted the apparent contrast of the visual target in association with an enlarged neural response in the contralateral visual cortex that began within 100 ms after target onset. 2010-02-17 2023-08-12 human
Anton L Beer, Takeo Watanab. Specificity of auditory-guided visual perceptual learning suggests crossmodal plasticity in early visual cortex. Experimental brain research. vol 198. issue 2-3. 2009-11-02. PMID:19306091. specificity of auditory-guided visual perceptual learning suggests crossmodal plasticity in early visual cortex. 2009-11-02 2023-08-12 Not clear
Anton L Beer, Takeo Watanab. Specificity of auditory-guided visual perceptual learning suggests crossmodal plasticity in early visual cortex. Experimental brain research. vol 198. issue 2-3. 2009-11-02. PMID:19306091. however, it is still unclear whether crossmodal activity in visual cortex results from unspecific top-down feedback, a lack of visual input, or genuinely reflects crossmodal interactions at early sensory levels. 2009-11-02 2023-08-12 Not clear
Sing-Hang Cheung, Fang Fang, Sheng He, Gordon E Legg. Retinotopically specific reorganization of visual cortex for tactile pattern recognition. Current biology : CB. vol 19. issue 7. 2009-06-29. PMID:19361999. although previous studies have shown that braille reading and other tactile discrimination tasks activate the visual cortex of blind and sighted people, it is not known whether this kind of crossmodal reorganization is influenced by retinotopic organization. 2009-06-29 2023-08-12 Not clear
Ann M Peiffer, Christina E Hugenschmidt, Joseph A Maldjian, Ramon Casanova, Ryali Srikanth, Satoru Hayasaka, Jonathan H Burdette, Robert A Kraft, Paul J Laurient. Aging and the interaction of sensory cortical function and structure. Human brain mapping. vol 30. issue 1. 2009-02-27. PMID:18072271. ventral visual cortical regions exhibited cross-modal deactivations in younger but not older adults, whereas more dorsal aspects of visual cortex were suppressed in older but not younger adults. 2009-02-27 2023-08-12 Not clear
Jyoti Mishra, Antigona Martinez, Steven A Hillyar. Cortical processes underlying sound-induced flash fusion. Brain research. vol 1242. 2009-02-09. PMID:18585695. we used event-related potentials (erps) to investigate the timing and localization of the cortical processes that underlie this sound induced flash fusion, which is complementary to the sound-induced extra flash illusion that we analyzed previously [mishra, j., martinez, a., sejnowski, t.j. and hillyard, s.a., early cross-modal interactions in auditory and visual cortex underlie a sound-induced visual illusion. 2009-02-09 2023-08-12 human
Jyoti Mishra, Antigona Martinez, Steven A Hillyar. Cortical processes underlying sound-induced flash fusion. Brain research. vol 1242. 2009-02-09. PMID:18585695. this component, previously designated as pd180 [mishra, j., martinez, a., sejnowski, t.j. and hillyard, s.a., early cross-modal interactions in auditory and visual cortex underlie a sound-induced visual illusion. 2009-02-09 2023-08-12 human
Lotfi B Merabet, Roy Hamilton, Gottfried Schlaug, Jascha D Swisher, Elaine T Kiriakopoulos, Naomi B Pitskel, Thomas Kauffman, Alvaro Pascual-Leon. Rapid and reversible recruitment of early visual cortex for touch. PloS one. vol 3. issue 8. 2008-12-18. PMID:18728773. current evidence suggests that these functional gains are linked to the recruitment of the occipital visual cortex for non-visual processing, but the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying these crossmodal changes remain uncertain. 2008-12-18 2023-08-12 Not clear