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John Plass, EunSeon Ahn, Vernon L Towle, William C Stacey, Vibhangini S Wasade, James Tao, Shasha Wu, Naoum P Issa, David Bran. Joint Encoding of Auditory Timing and Location in Visual Cortex. Journal of cognitive neuroscience. vol 31. issue 7. 2020-07-23. PMID:30912728. |
to test whether lateralized and nonlateralized components of crossmodal erps emerged from common or distinct neural generators, we compared responses throughout visual cortex. |
2020-07-23 |
2023-08-13 |
Not clear |
John Plass, EunSeon Ahn, Vernon L Towle, William C Stacey, Vibhangini S Wasade, James Tao, Shasha Wu, Naoum P Issa, David Bran. Joint Encoding of Auditory Timing and Location in Visual Cortex. Journal of cognitive neuroscience. vol 31. issue 7. 2020-07-23. PMID:30912728. |
these results suggest that crossmodal phase reset and erp responses previously found to reflect spatial and temporal facilitation in visual cortex may reflect the same underlying mechanism. |
2020-07-23 |
2023-08-13 |
Not clear |
Ross Wilson, Karen J Mullinger, Susan T Francis, Stephen D Mayhe. The relationship between negative BOLD responses and ERS and ERD of alpha/beta oscillations in visual and motor cortex. NeuroImage. vol 199. 2020-02-27. PMID:31189075. |
single-trial correlation analysis provided further evidence of relationship between eeg signals and the nbr, motor cortex beta responses to motor tasks were significantly negatively correlated with cross-modal visual cortex nbr amplitude, and positively correlated with intra-modal motor cortex pbr. |
2020-02-27 |
2023-08-13 |
human |
Thomas Deneux, Evan R Harrell, Alexandre Kempf, Sebastian Ceballo, Anton Filipchuk, Brice Bathellie. Context-dependent signaling of coincident auditory and visual events in primary visual cortex. eLife. vol 8. 2020-02-25. PMID:31115334. |
in v1, a small number of layer 1 interneurons gates this cross-modal information flow in a context-dependent manner. |
2020-02-25 |
2023-08-13 |
mouse |
Manuel Teichert, Marcel Isstas, Lutz Liebmann, Christian A Hübner, Franziska Wieske, Christine Winter, Konrad Lehmann, Jürgen Bol. Visual deprivation independent shift of ocular dominance induced by cross-modal plasticity. PloS one. vol 14. issue 3. 2019-12-26. PMID:30856226. |
this cross-modal effect was accompanied by strengthening of layer 4 synapses in v1, required visual experience through the ipsilateral eye and was mediated by an increase of the excitation/inhibition ratio in v1. |
2019-12-26 |
2023-08-13 |
mouse |
Malte Bieler, Xiaxia Xu, Annette Marquardt, Ileana L Hanganu-Opat. Multisensory integration in rodent tactile but not visual thalamus. Scientific reports. vol 8. issue 1. 2019-12-16. PMID:30356135. |
moreover, cross-modal stimuli reset the phase of thalamic network oscillations and strengthen the coupling efficiency between vpm and s1, but not between dlgn and v1. |
2019-12-16 |
2023-08-13 |
rat |
Alex T L Leong, Celia M Dong, Patrick P Gao, Russell W Chan, Anthea To, Dan H Sanes, Ed X W. Optogenetic auditory fMRI reveals the effects of visual cortical inputs on auditory midbrain response. Scientific reports. vol 8. issue 1. 2019-10-09. PMID:29880842. |
in the auditory system, the inferior colliculus (ic) in the midbrain receives cross-modal inputs from the visual cortex (vc). |
2019-10-09 |
2023-08-13 |
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Łukasz Bola, Katarzyna Siuda-Krzywicka, Małgorzata Paplińska, Ewa Sumera, Maria Zimmermann, Katarzyna Jednoróg, Artur Marchewka, Marcin Szwe. Structural reorganization of the early visual cortex following Braille training in sighted adults. Scientific reports. vol 7. issue 1. 2019-08-13. PMID:29234091. |
this change most likely reflects a strengthening of existing connectivity between the peripheral visual cortex and somatosensory cortices, which suggests a putative mechanism for cross-modal recruitment of visual areas. |
2019-08-13 |
2023-08-13 |
human |
Isabelle Scheyltjens, Samme Vreysen, Chris Van den Haute, Victor Sabanov, Detlef Balschun, Veerle Baekelandt, Lutgarde Arcken. Transient and localized optogenetic activation of somatostatin-interneurons in mouse visual cortex abolishes long-term cortical plasticity due to vision loss. Brain structure & function. vol 223. issue 5. 2019-02-27. PMID:29372324. |
the functional recovery of the visual cortex occurs through a combination of spared-eye potentiation and cross-modal reactivation driven by whisker-related, somatosensory inputs. |
2019-02-27 |
2023-08-13 |
mouse |
Isabelle Scheyltjens, Samme Vreysen, Chris Van den Haute, Victor Sabanov, Detlef Balschun, Veerle Baekelandt, Lutgarde Arcken. Transient and localized optogenetic activation of somatostatin-interneurons in mouse visual cortex abolishes long-term cortical plasticity due to vision loss. Brain structure & function. vol 223. issue 5. 2019-02-27. PMID:29372324. |
here we demonstrate that optogenetic stimulation of visual cortex sst-interneurons prior to eye removal decreases me-induced cross-modal recovery at the stimulation site. |
2019-02-27 |
2023-08-13 |
mouse |
Mochun Que, Xinjian Jiang, Chunyang Yi, Peng Gui, Yuwei Jiang, Yong-Di Zhou, Liping Wan. Language and Sensory Neural Plasticity in the Superior Temporal Cortex of the Deaf. Neural plasticity. vol 2018. 2018-11-26. PMID:29853853. |
the cross-modal activation induced by the checkerboard was mainly due to a sensory component via a feed-forward pathway from the thalamus and primary visual cortex, positively correlated with duration of deafness, indicating a consequence of pure sensory deprivation. |
2018-11-26 |
2023-08-13 |
human |
Diane S Lazard, Anne-Lise Girau. Faster phonological processing and right occipito-temporal coupling in deaf adults signal poor cochlear implant outcome. Nature communications. vol 8. 2018-11-09. PMID:28348400. |
the outcome of adult cochlear implantation is predicted positively by the involvement of visual cortex in speech processing, and negatively by the cross-modal recruitment of the right temporal cortex during and after deafness. |
2018-11-09 |
2023-08-13 |
human |
Zuohua Tang, Lingjie Wu, Zebin Xiao, Xinghuai Sun, Xiaoyuan Feng, Qian Chen, Jiawen Fan, Jie Wang, Wentao Wang, Jianfeng Luo, Lixin Ji. Manganese-enhanced MR imaging (MEMRI) combined with electrophysiology in the study of cross-modal plasticity in binocularly blind rats. International journal of developmental neuroscience : the official journal of the International Society for Developmental Neuroscience. vol 61. 2018-05-18. PMID:28539242. |
our study aimed to determine and verify the establishment of visual to auditory cross-modal plasticity using manganese-enhanced mr imaging (memri) combined with examinations of the visual evoked potential (vep), auditory brainstem response (abr) and bilateral visual cortex response to a bilateral auditory stimulus (avr). |
2018-05-18 |
2023-08-13 |
rat |
Ashley L Schormans, Marei Typlt, Brian L Allma. Crossmodal plasticity in auditory, visual and multisensory cortical areas following noise-induced hearing loss in adulthood. Hearing research. vol 343. 2018-02-26. PMID:27387138. |
to that end, extracellular electrophysiological recordings were performed under anesthesia in noise-exposed rats two weeks post-exposure (0.8-20 khz at 120 db spl for 2 h) and age-matched controls to characterize the nature and extent of crossmodal plasticity in the dorsal auditory cortex (aud), an area outside of the auditory core, as well as in the neighboring lateral extrastriate visual cortex (v2l), an area known to contribute to audiovisual processing. |
2018-02-26 |
2023-08-13 |
rat |
Maren Stropahl, Ling-Chia Chen, Stefan Debene. Cortical reorganization in postlingually deaf cochlear implant users: Intra-modal and cross-modal considerations. Hearing research. vol 343. 2018-02-26. PMID:27473503. |
furthermore, cross-modal activation of the visual cortex seems to be adaptive for speech recognition. |
2018-02-26 |
2023-08-13 |
Not clear |
Luca Lo Verde, Maria Concetta Morrone, Claudia Lungh. Early Cross-modal Plasticity in Adults. Journal of cognitive neuroscience. vol 29. issue 3. 2017-11-20. PMID:27779909. |
it is known that, after a prolonged period of visual deprivation, the adult visual cortex can be recruited for nonvisual processing, reflecting cross-modal plasticity. |
2017-11-20 |
2023-08-13 |
human |
Luca Lo Verde, Maria Concetta Morrone, Claudia Lungh. Early Cross-modal Plasticity in Adults. Journal of cognitive neuroscience. vol 29. issue 3. 2017-11-20. PMID:27779909. |
taken together, our results demonstrate that the adult human visual cortex retains a high degree of cross-modal plasticity, which can occur even at very short timescales. |
2017-11-20 |
2023-08-13 |
human |
Guido T Meijer, Jorrit S Montijn, Cyriel M A Pennartz, Carien S Lansin. Audiovisual Modulation in Mouse Primary Visual Cortex Depends on Cross-Modal Stimulus Configuration and Congruency. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 37. issue 36. 2017-09-25. PMID:28821672. |
audiovisual modulation in mouse primary visual cortex depends on cross-modal stimulus configuration and congruency. |
2017-09-25 |
2023-08-13 |
mouse |
Guido T Meijer, Jorrit S Montijn, Cyriel M A Pennartz, Carien S Lansin. Audiovisual Modulation in Mouse Primary Visual Cortex Depends on Cross-Modal Stimulus Configuration and Congruency. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 37. issue 36. 2017-09-25. PMID:28821672. |
although a growing body of empirical evidence supports this view, the neural mechanisms of cross-modal integration in primary sensory areas, such as the primary visual cortex (v1), are still largely unknown. |
2017-09-25 |
2023-08-13 |
mouse |
Guido T Meijer, Jorrit S Montijn, Cyriel M A Pennartz, Carien S Lansin. Audiovisual Modulation in Mouse Primary Visual Cortex Depends on Cross-Modal Stimulus Configuration and Congruency. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 37. issue 36. 2017-09-25. PMID:28821672. |
these results show that v1 is involved in the encoding of cross-modal interactions in a more versatile way than previously thought. |
2017-09-25 |
2023-08-13 |
mouse |