All Relations between binocular and dark

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
Ryan Arzamarski, Steven J Harrison, Alen Hajnal, Claire F Michael. Lateral ball interception: hand movements during linear ball trajectories. Experimental brain research. vol 177. issue 3. 2007-10-31. PMID:16957883. in experiment 1, participants caught balls rolling toward them across a table, under full lighting using monocular or binocular viewing; in experiment 2, participants caught luminous balls with a luminous glove in an otherwise dark room. 2007-10-31 2023-08-12 human
R J Lythgoe, L R Phillip. Binocular summation during dark adaptation. The Journal of physiology. vol 91. issue 4. 2007-02-05. PMID:16994945. binocular summation during dark adaptation. 2007-02-05 2023-08-12 Not clear
Peter M Allen, Daniel J O'Lear. Accommodation functions: co-dependency and relationship to refractive error. Vision research. vol 46. issue 4. 2006-06-29. PMID:16009391. the functions were: amplitude of accommodation; monocular and binocular accommodative facility (6 m and 40 cm); monocular and binocular accommodative response to target distance; ac/a and ca/c ratios, tonic accommodation (dark focus and pinhole), accommodative hysteresis, and nearwork-induced transient myopia. 2006-06-29 2023-08-12 Not clear
Galen Kaufman, Tianxiang Weng, Tara Ruttle. A rodent model for artificial gravity: VOR adaptation and Fos expression. Journal of vestibular research : equilibrium & orientation. vol 15. issue 3. 2005-11-23. PMID:16179762. head-fixed gerbils (meriones unguiculatus, n=79) were exposed, in the dark, to 60--90 minutes of cross-coupled rotations, combinations of pitch (or roll) and yaw rotation, while binocular horizontal, vertical, and torsional eye position were determined using infrared video-oculography. 2005-11-23 2023-08-12 Not clear
Andrea Loftus, Philip Servos, Melvyn A Goodale, Nicole Mendarozqueta, Mark Mon-William. When two eyes are better than one in prehension: monocular viewing and end-point variance. Experimental brain research. vol 158. issue 3. 2005-02-15. PMID:15164152. experiment 3 required participants to reach, under a monocular or binocular view, for a continuously visible self-illuminated target object in an otherwise dark room. 2005-02-15 2023-08-12 human
D A CAMPBELL, R HARRISON, J VERTIGE. Binocular vision in light adaptation and dark adaptation in normal subjects and coal-miners. The British journal of ophthalmology. vol 35. issue 7. 2004-02-15. PMID:14848437. binocular vision in light adaptation and dark adaptation in normal subjects and coal-miners. 2004-02-15 2023-08-12 human
D A CAMPBELL, R HARRISON, J VERTIGE. Binocular vision in light adaptation and dark adaptation in normal subjects and coal-miners. The British journal of ophthalmology. vol 35. issue 8. 2004-02-15. PMID:14858783. binocular vision in light adaptation and dark adaptation in normal subjects and coal-miners. 2004-02-15 2023-08-12 human
Simon J Watt, Mark F Bradsha. Binocular information in the control of prehensile movements in multiple-object scenes. Spatial vision. vol 15. issue 2. 2002-11-13. PMID:11991571. so that the role of binocular information could be clearly determined, subjects made reaches both in the absence of a visible scene around the target objects (self-illuminated objects presented in the dark) and under normal ambient lighting conditions. 2002-11-13 2023-08-12 human
Baingio Pinna, Lothar Spillmann, Walter H Ehrenstei. Scintillating lustre and brightness induced by radial lines. Perception. vol 31. issue 1. 2002-05-29. PMID:11922122. whereas helmholtz's binocular gloss is elicited by stereoscopically fused incremental and decremental stimuli, the present study demonstrates that lustre can also arise from the interaction between line-induced brightness (illusory increment) and a dark gray disk (physical decrement). 2002-05-29 2023-08-12 Not clear
L M FORBES, F A MOT. A comparison of the variability of binocular and monocular threshold measurements during dark adaptation in the human eye. Journal of comparative and physiological psychology. vol 49. issue 5. 2002-05-01. PMID:13376747. a comparison of the variability of binocular and monocular threshold measurements during dark adaptation in the human eye. 2002-05-01 2023-08-12 human
L E White, D M Coppola, D Fitzpatric. The contribution of sensory experience to the maturation of orientation selectivity in ferret visual cortex. Nature. vol 411. issue 6841. 2001-07-19. PMID:11429605. here we investigate whether visual experience has a significant role in the maturation of orientation selectivity and underlying cortical circuits using two forms of deprivation: dark rearing, which completely eliminates experience, and binocular lid suture, which alters the pattern of sensory driven activity. 2001-07-19 2023-08-12 Not clear
K Jáuregui-Renaud, M E Faldon, M A Gresty, A M Bronstei. Horizontal ocular vergence and the three-dimensional response to whole-body roll motion. Experimental brain research. vol 136. issue 1. 2001-03-29. PMID:11204416. we evaluated the human binocular response to roll motion in the dark and during visual fixation with horizontal convergence. 2001-03-29 2023-08-12 human
S M Ansti. Monocular lustre from flicker. Vision research. vol 40. issue 19. 2000-09-15. PMID:10958906. binocular and monocular lustre were measured in comparable conditions by a rating procedure, and both were reported only when the light and dark values of the flickering (or binocularly fused) spot straddled the surround luminance, so that the spot was alternately brighter and darker than the surround. 2000-09-15 2023-08-12 Not clear
M T Sato, A Tokunaga, Y Kawai, Y Shimomura, Y Tano, E Senb. The effects of binocular suture and dark rearing on the induction of c-fos protein in the rat visual cortex during and after the critical period. Neuroscience research. vol 36. issue 3. 2000-04-11. PMID:10683526. the effects of binocular suture and dark rearing on the induction of c-fos protein in the rat visual cortex during and after the critical period. 2000-04-11 2023-08-12 rat
M T Sato, A Tokunaga, Y Kawai, Y Shimomura, Y Tano, E Senb. The effects of binocular suture and dark rearing on the induction of c-fos protein in the rat visual cortex during and after the critical period. Neuroscience research. vol 36. issue 3. 2000-04-11. PMID:10683526. rats were subjected to binocular suture or dark rearing for 1 week during (postnatal days 14-21; p14-p21) and after (p50-p57) the critical period for activity-dependent modifiability of cortical ocular dominance. 2000-04-11 2023-08-12 rat
R R Oudejans, C F Michaels, F C Bakker, K David. Shedding some light on catching in the dark: perceptual mechanisms for catching fly balls. Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance. vol 25. issue 2. 1999-06-21. PMID:10205865. in experiment 2, catchers reliably ran to intercept luminous fly balls in the dark, that is, in absence of a visual background, under both binocular and monocular viewing conditions. 1999-06-21 2023-08-12 Not clear
F Lui, C Benassi, G Biral, R Corazz. Olivofloccular circuit in oculomotor control: binocular optokinetic stimulation. Experimental brain research. vol 125. issue 2. 1999-06-03. PMID:10204773. the experimental group underwent binocular horizontal stimulation, whereas the control animals were either kept in the dark or allowed to view a stationary pattern. 1999-06-03 2023-08-12 Not clear
P Wenderoth, J D Watson, G F Egan, H J Tochon-Danguy, G J O'keef. Second order components of moving plaids activate extrastriate cortex: a positron emission tomography study. NeuroImage. vol 9. issue 2. 1999-03-18. PMID:9927551. the perceived drift direction of a plaid appears to be determined partly by a binocular mechanism, which follows intersection of constraint rules (burke and wenderoth, 1993b), and partly by a monocular mechanism, which tracks the dark and bright intersects of the plaid, the contrast envelopes. 1999-03-18 2023-08-12 human
P Bitsios, E Szabadi, C M Bradsha. The effects of clonidine on the fear-inhibited light reflex. Journal of psychopharmacology (Oxford, England). vol 12. issue 2. 1998-11-06. PMID:9694025. light stimuli (0.43 mw/cm2, 200 msec) were generated by a green (peak wavelength 565 nm) light-emitting diode, and pupil diameter was monitored by computerized binocular infrared television pupillometry in the dark. 1998-11-06 2023-08-12 human
J J Marotta, A Kruyer, M A Goodal. The role of head movements in the control of manual prehension. Experimental brain research. vol 120. issue 1. 1998-08-27. PMID:9628412. subjects reached out in the dark to an illuminated sphere presented at eye-level, under both monocular and binocular viewing conditions with their head either free to move or restrained. 1998-08-27 2023-08-12 human