All Relations between associative learning and dopaminergic

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Astrid Rohwedder, Nana L Wenz, Bernhard Stehle, Annina Huser, Nobuhiro Yamagata, Marta Zlatic, James W Truman, Hiromu Tanimoto, Timo Saumweber, Bertram Gerber, Andreas S Thu. Four Individually Identified Paired Dopamine Neurons Signal Reward in Larval Drosophila. Current biology : CB. vol 26. issue 5. 2017-01-10. PMID:26877086. dopaminergic neurons serve multiple functions, including reinforcement processing during associative learning [1-12]. 2017-01-10 2023-08-13 drosophila_melanogaster
Jocelyne Ventre-Dominey, Hélène Mollion, Stephane Thobois, Emmanuel Broussoll. Distinct effects of dopamine vs STN stimulation therapies in associative learning and retention in Parkinson disease. Behavioural brain research. vol 302. 2016-12-13. PMID:26778783. parkinson patients performed conditional associative learning embedded in visual (spatial and non spatial) working memory tasks over two consecutive days either on or off dopaminergic drugs or stn stimulation depending on the group of patients studied. 2016-12-13 2023-08-13 Not clear
Eric A Reavis, Sebastian M Frank, Peter U Ts. Caudate nucleus reactivity predicts perceptual learning rate for visual feature conjunctions. NeuroImage. vol 110. 2015-12-15. PMID:25652392. this finding supports the hypothesis that the dopaminergic system is involved in visual learning, and suggests that visual feature conjunction learning could be closely related to associative learning. 2015-12-15 2023-08-13 Not clear
Colleen Kirkhart, Kristin Scot. Gustatory learning and processing in the Drosophila mushroom bodies. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 35. issue 15. 2015-06-18. PMID:25878268. using molecular genetic approaches to target different neuronal populations, we find that the gamma lobes of the mushroom bodies and a subset of dopaminergic input neurons are required for taste associative learning. 2015-06-18 2023-08-13 drosophila_melanogaster
Andrew Vo, Nole M Hiebert, Ken N Seergobin, Stephanie Solcz, Allison Partridge, Penny A MacDonal. Dopaminergic medication impairs feedback-based stimulus-response learning but not response selection in Parkinson's disease. Frontiers in human neuroscience. vol 8. 2014-10-17. PMID:25324767. we sought to clarify the specific effects of dopaminergic medication on (a) stimulus-response association learning from outcome feedback and (b) response selection based on learning, in pd. 2014-10-17 2023-08-13 human
Thomas W Weickert, Venkata S Mattay, Saumitra Das, Llewellyn B Bigelow, Jose A Apud, Michael F Egan, Daniel R Weinberger, Terry E Goldber. Dopaminergic therapy removal differentially effects learning in schizophrenia and Parkinson's disease. Schizophrenia research. vol 149. issue 1-3. 2014-03-11. PMID:23830543. the role of dopaminergic treatment (dopamimetic versus dopamine antagonistic) effects on probabilistic association learning in these diseases that directly impact the dopamine system is not fully understood. 2014-03-11 2023-08-12 Not clear
Thomas W Weickert, Venkata S Mattay, Saumitra Das, Llewellyn B Bigelow, Jose A Apud, Michael F Egan, Daniel R Weinberger, Terry E Goldber. Dopaminergic therapy removal differentially effects learning in schizophrenia and Parkinson's disease. Schizophrenia research. vol 149. issue 1-3. 2014-03-11. PMID:23830543. the current study examined the effects of dopaminergic therapies on probabilistic association learning in 13 patients with schizophrenia and 8 patients with parkinson's disease under two conditions: after withdrawal from dopaminergic treatment and following administration of appropriate dopaminergic treatment. 2014-03-11 2023-08-12 Not clear
Stevanus R Tedjakumala, Margaux Aimable, Martin Giurf. Pharmacological modulation of aversive responsiveness in honey bees. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience. vol 7. 2014-01-16. PMID:24431993. we suggest that different classes of dopaminergic neurons exist in the bee brain and we define at least two categories: an instructive class mediating aversive labeling of conditioned stimuli in associative learning, and a global gain-control class which down-regulates responsiveness upon perception of noxious stimuli. 2014-01-16 2023-08-12 bee
Anna K Garske, Chloe R Lawyer, Brittni M Peterson, Kurt R Illi. Adolescent changes in dopamine D1 receptor expression in orbitofrontal cortex and piriform cortex accompany an associative learning deficit. PloS one. vol 8. issue 2. 2013-08-21. PMID:23437091. these results suggest that dopaminergic modulation of cortical function may be important for learning the predictive value of environmental stimuli, and that developmental changes in cortical dopaminergic circuitry may underlie age-related differences in associative learning. 2013-08-21 2023-08-12 rat
Seth M Tomchi. Dopaminergic neurons encode a distributed, asymmetric representation of temperature in Drosophila. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 33. issue 5. 2013-04-02. PMID:23365252. dopaminergic circuits modulate a wide variety of innate and learned behaviors in animals, including olfactory associative learning, arousal, and temperature-preference behavior. 2013-04-02 2023-08-12 drosophila_melanogaster
Xiu Liu, Courtney Jernigen, Maysa Gharib, Sheri Booth, Anthony R Caggiula, Alan F Sve. Effects of dopamine antagonists on drug cue-induced reinstatement of nicotine-seeking behavior in rats. Behavioural pharmacology. vol 21. issue 2. 2010-06-17. PMID:20168211. dopaminergic neurotransmission has been implicated in associative learning processes related to drugs of abuse. 2010-06-17 2023-08-12 rat
Xingu He, Lin Xiao, Nan Su. Effects of SCH23390 and spiperone administered into medial striatum and intermediate medial mesopallium on rewarding effects of morphine in day-old chicks. European journal of pharmacology. vol 627. issue 1-3. 2010-04-05. PMID:19878668. in the avian forebrain, the medial striatum and the intermediate medial mesopallium are thought to be important structures for associative learning in chicks, where the role of dopaminergic systems in learning processes has been verified in various behavioral paradigms, such as one-trial passive avoidance learning. 2010-04-05 2023-08-12 Not clear
Xingu He, Lin Xiao, Nan Su. Effects of SCH23390 and spiperone administered into medial striatum and intermediate medial mesopallium on rewarding effects of morphine in day-old chicks. European journal of pharmacology. vol 627. issue 1-3. 2010-04-05. PMID:19878668. however, it is not yet clear whether the dopaminergic system of these regions is responsible for associative learning underlying cue-elicited drug reward. 2010-04-05 2023-08-12 Not clear
Mareike Selcho, Dennis Pauls, Kyung-An Han, Reinhard F Stocker, Andreas S Thu. The role of dopamine in Drosophila larval classical olfactory conditioning. PloS one. vol 4. issue 6. 2009-11-17. PMID:19521527. to analyze the anatomy and function of the larval dopaminergic system, we first characterize dopaminergic neurons immunohistochemically up to the single cell level and subsequent test for the effects of distortions in the dopamine system upon aversive (odor-salt) as well as appetitive (odor-sugar) associative learning. 2009-11-17 2023-08-12 drosophila_melanogaster
Gavin D Phillips, Paul K Hitchcot. Blockade of the acquisition, but not expression, of associative learning by pre-session intra-amygdala R(+) 7-OH-DPAT. Psychopharmacology. vol 203. issue 1. 2009-06-02. PMID:18949458. two issues were addressed regarding the effects of amygdala dopamine manipulations on associative learning: first, an apparent contradiction between the effects of post- vs. pre-session dopaminergic manipulations and second, the ability of dopaminergic infusions to affect association formation vs. its expression following extended training. 2009-06-02 2023-08-12 Not clear
Giannis Voglis, Nektarios Tavernaraki. A synaptic DEG/ENaC ion channel mediates learning in C. elegans by facilitating dopamine signalling. The EMBO journal. vol 27. issue 24. 2009-01-09. PMID:19037257. we find that asic-1, a member of the degenerin/epithelial sodium channel family, which localizes at presynaptic terminals of dopaminergic neurons, is required for associative learning in c. elegans. 2009-01-09 2023-08-12 caenorhabditis_elegans
Giannis Voglis, Nektarios Tavernaraki. A synaptic DEG/ENaC ion channel mediates learning in C. elegans by facilitating dopamine signalling. The EMBO journal. vol 27. issue 24. 2009-01-09. PMID:19037257. asic-1 functions in these neurons to amplify normal dopaminergic signalling, necessary for associative learning. 2009-01-09 2023-08-12 caenorhabditis_elegans
Dharshan Kumaran, Emrah Duze. The hippocampus and dopaminergic midbrain: old couple, new insights. Neuron. vol 60. issue 2. 2008-11-26. PMID:18957213. in this issue of neuron, shohamy and wagner reveal how generalizations naturally emerge during associative learning through a partnership between putatively dopaminergic circuitry in the midbrain and the hippocampus. 2008-11-26 2023-08-12 Not clear
Julia A Weiler, Christian Bellebaum, Irene Dau. Aging affects acquisition and reversal of reward-based associative learning. Learning & memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.). vol 15. issue 4. 2008-04-30. PMID:18353994. reward-based associative learning is mediated by a distributed network of brain regions that are dependent on the dopaminergic system. 2008-04-30 2023-08-12 human
Caterina Breitenstein, Catharina Korsukewitz, Agnes Flöel, Timo Kretzschmar, Kai Diederich, Stefan Knech. Tonic dopaminergic stimulation impairs associative learning in healthy subjects. Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. vol 31. issue 11. 2006-12-12. PMID:16880771. tonic dopaminergic stimulation impairs associative learning in healthy subjects. 2006-12-12 2023-08-12 human