All Relations between Sleep Deprivation and hippocampus

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James E Delorme, Varna Kodoth, Sara J Ato. Sleep loss disrupts Arc expression in dentate gyrus neurons. Neurobiology of learning and memory. vol 160. 2019-12-24. PMID:29635031. here, using a variety of techniques, we have characterized the effects of brief (3-h) periods of sleep vs. sleep deprivation (sd) on the expression of arc mrna and arc protein in the mouse hippocampus and cortex. 2019-12-24 2023-08-13 mouse
Nicolette Ognjanovski, Christopher Broussard, Michal Zochowski, Sara J Ato. Hippocampal Network Oscillations Rescue Memory Consolidation Deficits Caused by Sleep Loss. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). vol 28. issue 10. 2019-11-06. PMID:30060138. here we show that following single-trial fear learning, sleep deprivation (which impairs memory consolidation) disrupts coherent firing rhythms in hippocampal area ca1. 2019-11-06 2023-08-13 mouse
Annalisa M Baratta, Silas A Buck, Austin D Buchla, Carly B Fabian, Shuo Chen, Jessica A Mong, Ana Pocivavse. Sex Differences in Hippocampal Memory and Kynurenic Acid Formation Following Acute Sleep Deprivation in Rats. Scientific reports. vol 8. issue 1. 2019-10-04. PMID:29725029. sex differences in hippocampal memory and kynurenic acid formation following acute sleep deprivation in rats. 2019-10-04 2023-08-13 rat
Annalisa M Baratta, Silas A Buck, Austin D Buchla, Carly B Fabian, Shuo Chen, Jessica A Mong, Ana Pocivavse. Sex Differences in Hippocampal Memory and Kynurenic Acid Formation Following Acute Sleep Deprivation in Rats. Scientific reports. vol 8. issue 1. 2019-10-04. PMID:29725029. after sleep deprivation, hippocampal kyna levels increased significantly only in males. 2019-10-04 2023-08-13 rat
Christopher G Vecsey, Ted Huang, Ted Abe. Sleep deprivation impairs synaptic tagging in mouse hippocampal slices. Neurobiology of learning and memory. vol 154. 2019-09-23. PMID:29551603. sleep deprivation impairs synaptic tagging in mouse hippocampal slices. 2019-09-23 2023-08-13 mouse
Christopher G Vecsey, Ted Huang, Ted Abe. Sleep deprivation impairs synaptic tagging in mouse hippocampal slices. Neurobiology of learning and memory. vol 154. 2019-09-23. PMID:29551603. therefore, we tested whether 5 h of total sleep deprivation (sd) in mice would impair hippocampal synaptic tagging and capture (stc), a form of heterosynaptic metaplasticity in which combining strong stimulation in one synaptic input with weak stimulation at another input allows the weak input to induce long-lasting synaptic strengthening. 2019-09-23 2023-08-13 mouse
Erratum: Saletin, et al., "Human Hippocampal Structure: A Novel Biomarker Predicting Mnemonic Vulnerability to, and Recovery from, Sleep Deprivation". The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 36. issue 20. 2019-07-31. PMID:31335922. erratum: saletin, et al., "human hippocampal structure: a novel biomarker predicting mnemonic vulnerability to, and recovery from, sleep deprivation". 2019-07-31 2023-08-13 human
G Hurtado-Alvarado, J Velázquez-Moctezuma, B Gómez-Gonzále. Chronic sleep restriction disrupts interendothelial junctions in the hippocampus and increases blood-brain barrier permeability. Journal of microscopy. vol 268. issue 1. 2019-06-27. PMID:28543440. at the 10th day hippocampal samples were obtained immediately at the end of the 20-h sleep deprivation period, and after 40 and 120 min of sleep recovery. 2019-06-27 2023-08-13 rat
Sebahattin Karabulut, Keziban Korkmaz Bayramov, Ruslan Bayramov, Fadime Ozdemir, Tugba Topaloglu, Ergul Ergen, Kamile Yazgan, Ahmet Sevki Taskiran, Asuman Golgel. Effects of post-learning REM sleep deprivation on hippocampal plasticity-related genes and microRNA in mice. Behavioural brain research. vol 361. 2019-06-04. PMID:30594545. effects of post-learning rem sleep deprivation on hippocampal plasticity-related genes and microrna in mice. 2019-06-04 2023-08-13 mouse
Rui Zhao, Xinxin Zhang, Yuanqiang Zhu, Ningbo Fei, Jinbo Sun, Peng Liu, Xuejuan Yang, Wei Qi. Disrupted Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Hippocampal Subregions After Sleep Deprivation. Neuroscience. vol 398. 2019-03-18. PMID:30529694. disrupted resting-state functional connectivity in hippocampal subregions after sleep deprivation. 2019-03-18 2023-08-13 human
Rui Zhao, Xinxin Zhang, Yuanqiang Zhu, Ningbo Fei, Jinbo Sun, Peng Liu, Xuejuan Yang, Wei Qi. Disrupted Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Hippocampal Subregions After Sleep Deprivation. Neuroscience. vol 398. 2019-03-18. PMID:30529694. previous studies have revealed that sleep deprivation (sd) alters hippocampal functional connectivity (fc). 2019-03-18 2023-08-13 human
Karem H Alzoubi, Bayan S Malkawi, Omar F Khabour, Tamam El-Elimat, Feras Q Alal. Arbutus andrachne L. Reverses Sleep Deprivation-Induced Memory Impairments in Rats. Molecular neurobiology. vol 55. issue 2. 2019-01-10. PMID:28101814. moreover, a. andrachne fruit extract normalized the reduction in the hippocampus gsh/gssg ratio and activity of gpx, and catalase (p < 0.05) induced by chronic sleep deprivation. 2019-01-10 2023-08-13 rat
Karem H Alzoubi, Bayan S Malkawi, Omar F Khabour, Tamam El-Elimat, Feras Q Alal. Arbutus andrachne L. Reverses Sleep Deprivation-Induced Memory Impairments in Rats. Molecular neurobiology. vol 55. issue 2. 2019-01-10. PMID:28101814. chronic sleep deprivation impaired both short- and long-term memory formation, while methanolic extract of a. andrachne fruits reversed this impairment, probably through normalizing oxidative stress in the hippocampus. 2019-01-10 2023-08-13 rat
Frank Raven, Eddy A Van der Zee, Peter Meerlo, Robbert Haveke. The role of sleep in regulating structural plasticity and synaptic strength: Implications for memory and cognitive function. Sleep medicine reviews. vol 39. 2018-11-05. PMID:28641933. on the other hand, several studies have now shown that sleep deprivation can reduce spine density and attenuate synaptic efficacy in the hippocampus. 2018-11-05 2023-08-13 Not clear
Ebrahim Nabaee, Mahnaz Kesmati, Ali Shahriari, Lotfollah Khajehpour, Mozhgan Torab. Cognitive and hippocampus biochemical changes following sleep deprivation in the adult male rat. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie. vol 104. 2018-10-09. PMID:29772442. cognitive and hippocampus biochemical changes following sleep deprivation in the adult male rat. 2018-10-09 2023-08-13 rat
Ebrahim Nabaee, Mahnaz Kesmati, Ali Shahriari, Lotfollah Khajehpour, Mozhgan Torab. Cognitive and hippocampus biochemical changes following sleep deprivation in the adult male rat. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie. vol 104. 2018-10-09. PMID:29772442. this study was designed to investigate memory retrieval and biochemical factors such as oxidant and antioxidant enzyme, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (bdnf) and magnesium levels in the hippocampus following pre and post-training sleep deprivation. 2018-10-09 2023-08-13 rat
Yusuke Murata, Ayana Oka, Ayaka Iseki, Masayoshi Mori, Kenji Ohe, Kazunori Mine, Munechika Enjoj. Prolonged sleep deprivation decreases cell proliferation and immature newborn neurons in both dorsal and ventral hippocampus of male rats. Neuroscience research. vol 131. 2018-09-24. PMID:28865754. prolonged sleep deprivation decreases cell proliferation and immature newborn neurons in both dorsal and ventral hippocampus of male rats. 2018-09-24 2023-08-13 rat
Yusuke Murata, Ayana Oka, Ayaka Iseki, Masayoshi Mori, Kenji Ohe, Kazunori Mine, Munechika Enjoj. Prolonged sleep deprivation decreases cell proliferation and immature newborn neurons in both dorsal and ventral hippocampus of male rats. Neuroscience research. vol 131. 2018-09-24. PMID:28865754. previous studies have indicated that sleep deprivation negatively affects hippocampal neurogenesis, which may explain the reason for the relation between sleep loss and depression. 2018-09-24 2023-08-13 rat
Yusuke Murata, Ayana Oka, Ayaka Iseki, Masayoshi Mori, Kenji Ohe, Kazunori Mine, Munechika Enjoj. Prolonged sleep deprivation decreases cell proliferation and immature newborn neurons in both dorsal and ventral hippocampus of male rats. Neuroscience research. vol 131. 2018-09-24. PMID:28865754. thus, the present study was conducted to elucidate regional differences in the adverse effects of sleep deprivation on hippocampal neurogenesis. 2018-09-24 2023-08-13 rat
Yusuke Murata, Ayana Oka, Ayaka Iseki, Masayoshi Mori, Kenji Ohe, Kazunori Mine, Munechika Enjoj. Prolonged sleep deprivation decreases cell proliferation and immature newborn neurons in both dorsal and ventral hippocampus of male rats. Neuroscience research. vol 131. 2018-09-24. PMID:28865754. male sprague-dawley rats were subjected to sleep deprivation using the "platform on the water" method for 24- or 72-h. quantification of hippocampal cell proliferation and immature newborn neurons was stereologically estimated using immunostaining with ki-67 and doublecortin (dcx), respectively, by optical fractionator method. 2018-09-24 2023-08-13 rat