All Relations between Scotoma and acuity

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
I V Tsapenko, M V Riabina, M V Zueva, R F Eliseeva, L A Katsnel'so. [Time course of bioelectrical activity of retina in patients with pigmented abiotrophy treated by deoxinate]. Vestnik oftalmologii. vol 115. issue 4. 1999-12-01. PMID:10523963. improvement of electroretinography data was paralleled by improvement of visual acuity, extension of visual fields, and decrease of scotomas. 1999-12-01 2023-08-12 Not clear
O Ehrt, A Scheider, O Gündisch, G Eckl-Titz, T Rittweger, A Kampi. [Surgical removal of subfoveal choroid neovascularization in senile macular degeneration]. Der Ophthalmologe : Zeitschrift der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft. vol 96. issue 7. 1999-10-21. PMID:10479891. the follow-up of central scotomas and fixation--next to visual acuity--are important parameters for the evaluation of new therapies in amd. 1999-10-21 2023-08-12 Not clear
E M Fine, G S Rubi. Effects of cataract and scotoma on visual acuity: a simulation study. Optometry and vision science : official publication of the American Academy of Optometry. vol 76. issue 7. 1999-10-14. PMID:10445638. effects of cataract and scotoma on visual acuity: a simulation study. 1999-10-14 2023-08-12 human
E M Fine, G S Rubi. Effects of cataract and scotoma on visual acuity: a simulation study. Optometry and vision science : official publication of the American Academy of Optometry. vol 76. issue 7. 1999-10-14. PMID:10445638. we tested visual acuity for targets of varying complexity (letters alone, letters flanked by one or two x's on each side, and words) in subjects with normal vision and in the presence of a simulated cataract, simulated scotoma, and their combination (scotoma + cataract). 1999-10-14 2023-08-12 human
E M Fine, G S Rubi. Effects of cataract and scotoma on visual acuity: a simulation study. Optometry and vision science : official publication of the American Academy of Optometry. vol 76. issue 7. 1999-10-14. PMID:10445638. visual acuity was best with normal vision and worst with scotoma + cataract for all of the acuity targets. 1999-10-14 2023-08-12 human
E M Fine, G S Rubi. Effects of cataract and scotoma on visual acuity: a simulation study. Optometry and vision science : official publication of the American Academy of Optometry. vol 76. issue 7. 1999-10-14. PMID:10445638. the cataract had a greater impact on visual acuity when the subject's central visual field was clear (normal vision) than when it was occluded by the simulated scotoma. 1999-10-14 2023-08-12 human
Z Hajji, M Halhal, Z Chaoui, M Chefchaouni, L Agnaou, A Berrah. [Wolfram syndrome. Three case reports]. Journal francais d'ophtalmologie. vol 21. issue 10. 1999-03-11. PMID:10052046. the ophthalmic signs of wolfram syndrome are progressive decrease in visual acuity, constriction of the peripheral visual field with or without central scotoma, color vision disturbances and bilateral optic disc atrophy. 1999-03-11 2023-08-12 Not clear
U L Nilsson, C Frennesson, S E Nilsso. Location and stability of a newly established eccentric retinal locus suitable for reading, achieved through training of patients with a dense central scotoma. Optometry and vision science : official publication of the American Academy of Optometry. vol 75. issue 12. 1999-02-23. PMID:9875992. six patients, median age 71 years, with a dense central scotoma in one eye and a median visual acuity of 0.06 (20/330) in the same eye, were all (100%) shown by means of fundus photography including a fixation target to preferably use an unfavorable retinal locus for fixation, i.e., within the lesion (scotoma). 1999-02-23 2023-08-12 Not clear
R R Ghauri, A G Le. Optic disk edema with a macular star. Survey of ophthalmology. vol 43. issue 3. 1999-02-22. PMID:9862313. the patient was treated with doxycycline and made a dramatic improvement to visual acuity of 20/30 with a minimal residual relative central scotoma. 1999-02-22 2023-08-12 Not clear
P P Pezzi, A M De Negri, F Sadun, V Carelli, V Leuzz. Childhood Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy (ND1/3460) with visual recovery. Pediatric neurology. vol 19. issue 4. 1999-02-10. PMID:9831004. within 2 months the left eye was also seriously involved, and visual acuity worsened to 20/300 in both eyes, associated with bilateral cecocentral scotomas and dyschromatopsia. 1999-02-10 2023-08-12 Not clear
P Kawa, A Mańkowska, J Mackiewicz, Z Zagórsk. [Solar retinopathy]. Klinika oczna. vol 100. issue 4. 1998-12-17. PMID:9770984. return of visual acuity to 5/5 does not always imply complete recovery because of persistent central scotoma. 1998-12-17 2023-08-12 Not clear
Z Rothová, R Jec. [Residual findings in retrobulbar neuritis during demyelinization]. Ceska a slovenska oftalmologie : casopis Ceske oftalmologicke spolecnosti a Slovenske oftalmologicke spolecnosti. vol 54. issue 2. 1998-08-20. PMID:9622948. units on perimetry was followed by increased latencies of 2.5 ms. each other central scotoma on perimetry decreased the visual acuity of the patient for 1.6 lines on the snellen chart. 1998-08-20 2023-08-12 Not clear
T G Barrett, S E Bundey, A R Fielder, P A Goo. Optic atrophy in Wolfram (DIDMOAD) syndrome. Eye (London, England). vol 11 ( Pt 6). 1998-04-22. PMID:9537152. visual field examinations recorded before acuity deteriorated showed central scotomas with peripheral constriction. 1998-04-22 2023-08-12 Not clear
S Y Choi, J M Hwan. Optic neuropathy associated with ethambutol in Koreans. Korean journal of ophthalmology : KJO. vol 11. issue 2. 1998-04-14. PMID:9510653. abnormal ophthalmic findings include decreased visual acuity and abnormal visual field, especially in the central scotoma, and abnormal color perception. 1998-04-14 2023-08-12 Not clear
M Votruba, A T Moore, S S Bhattachary. Demonstration of a founder effect and fine mapping of dominant optic atrophy locus on 3q28-qter by linkage disequilibrium method: a study of 38 British Isles pedigrees. Human genetics. vol 102. issue 1. 1998-03-03. PMID:9490303. dominant optic atrophy, a hereditary optic neuropathy causing decreased visual acuity, colour vision deficits, a centro-caecal scotoma and optic nerve pallor, has been mapped to a genetic interval of 1.4 cm between loci d3s3669 and d3s3562 on chromosome 3q28-qter. 1998-03-03 2023-08-12 Not clear
A P Nesterov, E V Khadikov. [Effect of ciliary muscle electrical stimulation on ocular hydrodynamics and visual function in patients with glaucoma]. Vestnik oftalmologii. vol 113. issue 4. 1997-11-07. PMID:9381633. after electrostimulation the accommodation volume increased by 54%, relative accommodation reserve by 34%, coefficient of discharge by 42%, and vision acuity by 0.1 to 0.4 diopters in 6 out of 7 eyes in which vision was lower than 1.0 diopter; intraocular pressure was 16% decreased and the number of absolute and relative scotomas in the central visual field (humphry, 24-2) dropped by 40%. 1997-11-07 2023-08-12 Not clear
J S Sunness, G S Rubin, C A Applegate, N M Bressler, M J Marsh, B S Hawkins, D Haselwoo. Visual function abnormalities and prognosis in eyes with age-related geographic atrophy of the macula and good visual acuity. Ophthalmology. vol 104. issue 10. 1997-10-16. PMID:9331210. geographic atrophy (ga) may cause significant compromise of visual function, even when there still is good visual acuity (va), because of parafoveal scotomas and foveal function abnormalities antedating visible atrophy. 1997-10-16 2023-08-12 Not clear
A Remky, O Arend, S Wolf, B Bertram, M Rei. Morphologic changes of the macula in a patient with Purtscher's retinopathy. Ophthalmologica. Journal international d'ophtalmologie. International journal of ophthalmology. Zeitschrift fur Augenheilkunde. vol 211. issue 4. 1997-09-02. PMID:9216022. this reflects that focal capillary dropout may result in scotoma rather than in a decrease in visual acuity as reported in other diseases. 1997-09-02 2023-08-12 Not clear
J B Kerrison, A G Lee, J M Weinstei. Acute loss of vision during pregnancy due to a suprasellar mass. Survey of ophthalmology. vol 41. issue 5. 1997-07-29. PMID:9163837. a pregnant woman presented with headaches, bilateral decreased visual acuity, and a central scotoma with a superotemporal hemianopic defect in the right eye and a superotemporal hemianopic defect in the left eye, and bilateral temporal optic disk pallor. 1997-07-29 2023-08-12 Not clear
D S Mojon, P Kaufmann, J G Odel, N S Lincoff, M Márquez-Fernandez, R Santiesteban, D Fuentes-Pelier, M Hiran. Clinical course of a cohort in the Cuban epidemic optic and peripheral neuropathy. Neurology. vol 48. issue 1. 1997-02-26. PMID:9008487. the optic features were painless symmetric vision loss with poor visual acuity, color vision loss, central or cecocentral scotoma, optic disc pallor, and nerve fiber layer drop-out. 1997-02-26 2023-08-12 Not clear