All Relations between Depression and hippocampus

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
D Dahl, J M Sarve. Norepinephrine induces pathway-specific long-lasting potentiation and depression in the hippocampal dentate gyrus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. vol 86. issue 12. 1989-07-21. PMID:2734319. norepinephrine induces pathway-specific long-lasting potentiation and depression in the hippocampal dentate gyrus. 1989-07-21 2023-08-11 rat
A E Cole, C U Eccles, J J Aryanpur, R S Fishe. Selective depression of N-methyl-D-aspartate-mediated responses by dextrorphan in the hippocampal slice in rat. Neuropharmacology. vol 28. issue 3. 1989-07-03. PMID:2657479. selective depression of n-methyl-d-aspartate-mediated responses by dextrorphan in the hippocampal slice in rat. 1989-07-03 2023-08-11 rat
P K Stanton, T J Sejnowsk. Associative long-term depression in the hippocampus induced by hebbian covariance. Nature. vol 339. issue 6221. 1989-06-19. PMID:2716848. evidence for such heterosynaptic depression in the hippocampus has been found for inputs that are inactive or weakly active during the stimulation of a conditioning input, but this depression does not depend on any pattern of test input activity and does not seem to last as long as ltp. 1989-06-19 2023-08-11 Not clear
J Majkowski, A Sobieszek, E Dławichowsk. EEG afterdischarge patterns and performance of the avoidance response in hippocampally kindled cats. Acta neurobiologiae experimentalis. vol 49. issue 1. 1989-06-15. PMID:2718786. five basic types of eeg afterdischarge patterns were identified in the hippocampal formation: (i) continuous 2-4/s high amplitude spikes or spike and wave complexes; (ii) continuous, 4.5-12/s high amplitude spikes or spike and wave complexes; (iii) dysrhythmic pattern: disorganized irregular spiking, mixed with slow waves at 3-20/s frequency; (iv) continuous, 20-30/s comb-like shaped spiking of moderate amplitude, and (v) trains of high amplitude and frequency irregular spikes, lasting for 0.2-1 s. followed by eeg depression lasting 0.3-1 s. the performance of conditioned response was tested during first 10 s. of afterdischarge development after kindling electrical stimulation of the hippocampus. 1989-06-15 2023-08-11 Not clear
G Richter-Levin, M Sega. Raphe cells grafted into the hippocampus can ameliorate spatial memory deficits in rats with combined serotonergic/cholinergic deficiencies. Brain research. vol 478. issue 1. 1989-04-27. PMID:2924115. a pronounced depression of hippocampal eeg was observed in control and grafted but not in lesioned rats 15 min after the injection of ffa. 1989-04-27 2023-08-11 rat
J Kapur, J L Stringer, E W Lothma. Evidence that repetitive seizures in the hippocampus cause a lasting reduction of GABAergic inhibition. Journal of neurophysiology. vol 61. issue 2. 1989-04-06. PMID:2918363. a method was developed to quantify paired-pulse depression of population spikes in the ca1 region of the hippocampus of urethane-anesthetized rats with paired stimuli to the contralateral ca3 region at various states of excitability of pyramidal cells. 1989-04-06 2023-08-11 rat
J Kapur, E W Lothma. Loss of inhibition precedes delayed spontaneous seizures in the hippocampus after tetanic electrical stimulation. Journal of neurophysiology. vol 61. issue 2. 1989-04-06. PMID:2918364. paired-pulse depression in the ca1 region of the hippocampus was measured before administration of stimulus trains, in the quiescent period following the trains, and during and after spontaneous seizures. 1989-04-06 2023-08-11 rat
A Horita, M A Carin. Intraseptal microinjection of adrenocorticotropic hormone1-24 antagonizes pentobarbital-induced narcosis and depression of hippocampal cholinergic activity. The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics. vol 247. issue 3. 1989-01-31. PMID:2905004. intraseptal microinjection of adrenocorticotropic hormone1-24 antagonizes pentobarbital-induced narcosis and depression of hippocampal cholinergic activity. 1989-01-31 2023-08-11 rat
T W Morris, S E Ekholm, J H Simon, G V Marinetti, P P Harnish, L Isaac, D Fonte, P Leake. In vitro models for testing the metabolic effects of myelographic contrast media. Investigative radiology. vol 23 Suppl 1. 1989-01-24. PMID:3198346. using rat hippocampus slices, the authors observed significant depression of carbon dioxide production by metrizamide and by deoxyglucose, a known metabolic inhibitor. 1989-01-24 2023-08-11 rat
S Williams, D Johnsto. Muscarinic depression of long-term potentiation in CA3 hippocampal neurons. Science (New York, N.Y.). vol 242. issue 4875. 1988-11-10. PMID:2845578. muscarinic depression of long-term potentiation in ca3 hippocampal neurons. 1988-11-10 2023-08-11 Not clear
M Mynlieff, T V Dunwiddi. Noradrenergic depression of synaptic responses in hippocampus of rat: evidence for mediation by alpha 1-receptors. Neuropharmacology. vol 27. issue 4. 1988-10-27. PMID:2843779. noradrenergic depression of synaptic responses in hippocampus of rat: evidence for mediation by alpha 1-receptors. 1988-10-27 2023-08-11 rat
G A Cottrell, C Nyakas, B Bohu. Hippocampal kindling-induced after-discharge and behavioural depression: immediate and long-term attenuation by opiate antagonists. European journal of pharmacology. vol 150. issue 1-2. 1988-09-16. PMID:3402532. hippocampal kindling-induced after-discharge and behavioural depression: immediate and long-term attenuation by opiate antagonists. 1988-09-16 2023-08-11 Not clear
G A Cottrell, C Nyakas, B Bohu. Hippocampal kindling-induced after-discharge and behavioural depression: immediate and long-term attenuation by opiate antagonists. European journal of pharmacology. vol 150. issue 1-2. 1988-09-16. PMID:3402532. hippocampal kindling results in tonic-clonic convulsions followed by a pronounced period of behavioural depression. 1988-09-16 2023-08-11 Not clear
G L Fricchion. Leao's spreading depression in the hippocampus. Acta neurologica Scandinavica. vol 77. issue 3. 1988-06-27. PMID:3259786. leao's spreading depression in the hippocampus. 1988-06-27 2023-08-11 Not clear
M D Applegate, P W Landfiel. Synaptic vesicle redistribution during hippocampal frequency potentiation and depression in young and aged rats. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 8. issue 4. 1988-05-26. PMID:3357011. synaptic vesicle redistribution during hippocampal frequency potentiation and depression in young and aged rats. 1988-05-26 2023-08-11 rat
M D Applegate, P W Landfiel. Synaptic vesicle redistribution during hippocampal frequency potentiation and depression in young and aged rats. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 8. issue 4. 1988-05-26. PMID:3357011. in the present studies, therefore, the schaffer collateral-commissural fiber projection to field ca1 of the hippocampus was used as a model brain system in which to assess quantitative relations between dynamic vesicle patterns and frequency potentiation and depression. 1988-05-26 2023-08-11 rat
C Ikonomidou-Turski, W A Turski, Z A Bortolotto, L Turski, E A Cavalheir. Convulsant action of naloxone in the rat amygdala. NIDA research monograph. vol 75. 1988-03-18. PMID:3123974. the electroencephalogram showed a sequence of alterations characterised by high voltage fast activity, spiking, bursts of polyspiking, electrographic seizures and postictal depression which first appeared in the amygdala and rapidly spread to hippocampal and cortical areas. 1988-03-18 2023-08-11 rat
L Fagni, F Zinebi, M Hugo. Helium pressure potentiates the N-methyl-D-aspartate- and D,L-homocysteate-induced decreases of field potentials in the rat hippocampal slice preparation. Neuroscience letters. vol 81. issue 3. 1988-03-07. PMID:3323951. we examined the influence of helium pressure on the depression induced by various excitatory amino acids in ca1 hippocampal field potentials. 1988-03-07 2023-08-11 rat
V I Maĭoro. [Analysis of hippocampal participation in organizing animal behavior]. Zhurnal vysshei nervnoi deiatelnosti imeni I P Pavlova. vol 37. issue 5. 1988-03-04. PMID:3433931. the regulation of cortically initiated information flow through the hippocampus by the unspecific inhibitory blocking, selective depression or potentiation of intrinsic hippocampal chains has been analyzed at different levels of reticulo-septal input, characteristic of different behavioural patterns. 1988-03-04 2023-08-11 Not clear
V I Maĭoro. [Analysis of hippocampal participation in organizing animal behavior]. Zhurnal vysshei nervnoi deiatelnosti imeni I P Pavlova. vol 37. issue 5. 1988-03-04. PMID:3433931. by the first mode of hippocampal regulation the ignorance of irrelevant stimuli during an automatized behaviour is achieved; temporary selective depression or strengthening of influence of certain relevant stimuli takes places in the two other modes. 1988-03-04 2023-08-11 Not clear