All Relations between hypothalamus and area R

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Ji-Yeon Jung, Hye-Ryung Yang, Yeon-Jin Jeong, Mong-Sook Vang, Sang-Won Park, Won-Mann Oh, Sun-Hun Kim, Dae-Hwan Youn, Chang-Su Na, Won-Jae Ki. Effects of acupuncture on c-Fos expression in brain after noxious tooth stimulation of the rat. The American journal of Chinese medicine. vol 34. issue 6. 2007-04-03. PMID:17163588. in addition, fos-ir neurons were found in the central cardiovasuclar regulation centers, such as the hypothalamus supraoptic nucleus (son) and paraventricular nucleus (pvn), and nucleus tractus solitarius (nts) and rostral ventromedulla (rvlm). 2007-04-03 2023-08-12 rat
Michael Numa. Motivational systems and the neural circuitry of maternal behavior in the rat. Developmental psychobiology. vol 49. issue 1. 2007-03-22. PMID:17186513. we present evidence that the medial preoptic area (mpoa: located in the rostral hypothalamus) may regulate maternal responsiveness by depressing antagonistic neural systems which promote withdrawal responses while also activating appetitive neural systems which increase the attractiveness of infant-related stimuli. 2007-03-22 2023-08-12 rat
Gerhard Roth, Frédéric Laberge, Sabine Mühlenbrock-Lenter, Wolfgang Grunwal. Organization of the pallium in the fire-bellied toad Bombina orientalis. I: Morphology and axonal projection pattern of neurons revealed by intracellular biocytin labeling. The Journal of comparative neurology. vol 501. issue 3. 2007-03-20. PMID:17245707. the ventral pallium including the striatopallial transition area (spta) has ipsilateral projections to the olfactory bulbs, rostral and lateral pallium, dorsal striatopallidum, vomeronasal amygdala, and hypothalamus. 2007-03-20 2023-08-12 Not clear
A J Thorpe, D F Doane, D C Sweet, J L Beverly, C M Kot. Orexin A in the rostrolateral hypothalamic area induces feeding by modulating GABAergic transmission. Brain research. vol 1125. issue 1. 2007-02-20. PMID:17092492. we previously identified the rostral lateral portion of the hypothalamus as an area important to orexin a feeding regulation. 2007-02-20 2023-08-12 rat
Tim M Wintermantel, Rebecca E Campbell, Robert Porteous, Dagmar Bock, Hermann-Josef Gröne, Martin G Todman, Kenneth S Korach, Erich Greiner, Cristian A Pérez, Günther Schütz, Allan E Herbiso. Definition of estrogen receptor pathway critical for estrogen positive feedback to gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons and fertility. Neuron. vol 52. issue 2. 2007-01-05. PMID:17046690. we then used a gnrh neuron-specific pseudorabies virus (prv) tracing approach to show that the eralpha-expressing neurons innervating gnrh neurons are located within rostral periventricular regions of the hypothalamus. 2007-01-05 2023-08-12 mouse
Flávio S J de Souza, Viviana F Bumaschny, Malcolm J Low, Marcelo Rubinstei. Subfunctionalization of expression and peptide domains following the ancient duplication of the proopiomelanocortin gene in teleost fishes. Molecular biology and evolution. vol 22. issue 12. 2006-04-13. PMID:16093565. first, in situ hybridization experiments indicate that the expression domains of the ancestral pomc gene have been subfunctionalized in tetraodon, with pomcalpha expressed in the nucleus lateralis tuberis of the hypothalamus, as well as in the rostral pars distalis and pars intermedia (pi) of the pituitary, whereas pomcbeta is expressed in the preoptic area of the brain and weakly in the pituitary pi. 2006-04-13 2023-08-12 mouse
K Yoshida, M Konishi, K Nagashima, C B Saper, K Kanosu. Fos activation in hypothalamic neurons during cold or warm exposure: projections to periaqueductal gray matter. Neuroscience. vol 133. issue 4. 2005-10-11. PMID:15927405. we investigated the distribution of neurons in the rat hypothalamus that are activated by exposure to neutral (26 degrees c), warm (33 degrees c), or cold (10 degrees c) ambient temperature and project to the rostral periaqueductal gray matter or caudal periaqueductal gray matter, by using the immunohistochemical analysis of fos and a retrograde tracer, cholera toxin-b. 2005-10-11 2023-08-12 rat
Derek Daniels, Stacy Markison, Harvey J Grill, Joel M Kapla. Central structures necessary and sufficient for ingestive and glycemic responses to Urocortin I administration. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 24. issue 50. 2005-07-21. PMID:15601952. ingestive and glycemic responses were evaluated, and fos immunoreactivity was measured in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (pvn), the parabrachical nucleus (pbn), the rostral ventrolateral medulla (rvlm), and the nucleus of the solitary tract (nts). 2005-07-21 2023-08-12 rat
Débora C Hipólide, Karin M Moreira, Karen B L Barlow, Alan A Wilson, José N Nobrega, Sergio Tufi. Distinct effects of sleep deprivation on binding to norepinephrine and serotonin transporters in rat brain. Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry. vol 29. issue 2. 2005-05-09. PMID:15694238. [3h]nisoxetine binding to the ne transporter was generally decreased in 44 of 45 areas examined, with significant reductions occurring in the anterior cingulate cortex (-16%), endopiriform n. (-18%), anterior olfactory n. (-19%), glomerular layer of olfactory bulb (-18%), ventral pallidum (-14%), medial preoptic area (-16%), retrochiasmatic/arcuate hypothalamus (-18%), anteromedial thalamic n. (-15%), and rostral raphe (-17%). 2005-05-09 2023-08-12 rat
Harold Moura. [Identifying distinct components in the cerebral treatment of visual sexual information through functional neuroimaging]. Journal de la Societe de biologie. vol 198. issue 3. 2005-03-22. PMID:15662942. among other regions, several cerebral areas have been found to be linked to: 1) the cognitive component which comprises: i) the orbitofrontal cortex involved in attentional processes directed toward the target and the superior parietal lobules; ii) the inferior parietal lobules involved in motor imagery processes; 2) the motivational component which involves the caudal part of the anterior cingulate cortex, related to motor preparation processes; 3) the autonomic component: concurrent measures of cerebral activations by functional neuroimaging and of erectile response by penile plethysmography allow the demonstration of the involvement of the hypothalamus, the insula, and the rostral part of the anterior cingulate cortex in this component. 2005-03-22 2023-08-12 human
Lucia Manni, Nancy J Lane, Jean-Stéphane Joly, Fabio Gasparini, Stefano Tiozzo, Federico Caicci, Giovanna Zaniolo, Paolo Burighe. Neurogenic and non-neurogenic placodes in ascidians. Journal of experimental zoology. Part B, Molecular and developmental evolution. vol 302. issue 5. 2005-02-04. PMID:15384166. the neurohypophyseal placode may include the homologues of the hypothalamus and vertebrate olfactory placode; the rostral placode, producing the sensorial papillae, may possibly be homologous to the placodes of the adhesive gland of vertebrates. 2005-02-04 2023-08-12 Not clear
Enxuan Jing, Eduardo A Nillni, Vanesa C Sanchez, Ronald C Stuart, Deborah J Goo. Deletion of the Nhlh2 transcription factor decreases the levels of the anorexigenic peptides alpha melanocyte-stimulating hormone and thyrotropin-releasing hormone and implicates prohormone convertases I and II in obesity. Endocrinology. vol 145. issue 4. 2004-04-16. PMID:14701669. using dual-label in situ hybridization, we demonstrate that, in the arcuate nucleus of the adult hypothalamus (arc), nhlh2 expression can be found in rostral proopiomelanocortin (pomc) neurons, whereas in the paraventricular nucleus (pvn), nhlh2 is expressed in trh neurons. 2004-04-16 2023-08-12 mouse
T Pronina, M Ugrumov, E Adamskaya, T Kuznetsova, I Shishkina, V Babichev, A Calas, G Tramu, P Mailly, I Makarenk. Influence of serotonin on the development and migration of gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurones in rat foetuses. Journal of neuroendocrinology. vol 15. issue 6. 2003-08-13. PMID:12716405. radioimmunoassay showed no change in gnrh content in 5-ht deficient foetuses at e16 compared to controls, being higher in both cases in the rostral forebrain than in the hypothalamus. 2003-08-13 2023-08-12 rat
T Pronina, M Ugrumov, E Adamskaya, T Kuznetsova, I Shishkina, V Babichev, A Calas, G Tramu, P Mailly, I Makarenk. Influence of serotonin on the development and migration of gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurones in rat foetuses. Journal of neuroendocrinology. vol 15. issue 6. 2003-08-13. PMID:12716405. in controls at e21, the gnrh content in the hypothalamus exceeded that in the rostral forebrain, whereas in the 5-ht deficient group the opposite was found. 2003-08-13 2023-08-12 rat
Gerhard Roth, Wolfgang Grunwald, Ursula Dick. Morphology, axonal projection pattern, and responses to optic nerve stimulation of thalamic neurons in the fire-bellied toad Bombina orientalis. The Journal of comparative neurology. vol 461. issue 1. 2003-06-18. PMID:12722107. labeled neurons (n = 142) were divided into the following groups: th1 neurons projecting to the dorsal striatum; th2 neurons projecting to the amygdala, nucleus accumbens, and septal nuclei; th3 neurons projecting to the medial or dorsal pallium; th4 neurons with projections ascending to the dorsal striatum or ventral striatum/amygdala and descending to the optic tectum, tegmentum, and rostral medulla oblongata; th5 neurons with projections to the tegmentum, rostral medulla oblongata, prectectum, or tectum; and th6 neurons projecting to the hypothalamus. 2003-06-18 2023-08-12 Not clear
Heike Münzberg, Lihong Huo, Eduardo A Nillni, Anthony N Hollenberg, Christian Bjørbae. Role of signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 in regulation of hypothalamic proopiomelanocortin gene expression by leptin. Endocrinology. vol 144. issue 5. 2003-05-22. PMID:12697721. furthermore, leptin-responsive pomc neurons are concentrated in the rostral region of the hypothalamus. 2003-05-22 2023-08-12 rat
Eduardo E Benarroc. New findings on the neuropathology of multiple system atrophy. Autonomic neuroscience : basic & clinical. vol 96. issue 1. 2002-12-03. PMID:11911503. these include the catecholaminergic neurons of the rostral ventrolateral medulla (c1 group) which project to the intermediolateral cell column and are involved in modulation of sympathetic vasomotor outflow, and noradrenergic neurons of the caudal ventrolateral medulla (a1 group) projecting to the magnocellular nuclei of the hypothalamus and regulating vasopressin (avp) release. 2002-12-03 2023-08-12 Not clear
Gloria E Meredith, Shannon Callen, Deborah A Scheue. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression is increased in the rat amygdala, piriform cortex and hypothalamus following repeated amphetamine administration. Brain research. vol 949. issue 1-2. 2002-11-27. PMID:12213320. repeated injections (5 days) of 5 mg/kg amphetamine were accompanied by an enhanced onset of stereotypical behavior and elevated bdnf mrna in the basolateral amygdala, rostral piriform cortex and paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus. 2002-11-27 2023-08-12 rat
Gang Cheng, Lauren R Marotte, Jürgen K Mai, Ken W S Ashwel. Early development of the hypothalamus of a wallaby (Macropus eugenii). The Journal of comparative neurology. vol 453. issue 2. 2002-11-27. PMID:12373784. strong cd 15 immunoreactivity was found in radial glial fibers in the rostral hypothalamus during early developmental ages, separating individual hypothalamic compartments. 2002-11-27 2023-08-12 Not clear
Chien Li, Joan Vaughan, Paul E Sawchenko, Wylie W Val. Urocortin III-immunoreactive projections in rat brain: partial overlap with sites of type 2 corticotrophin-releasing factor receptor expression. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. vol 22. issue 3. 2002-02-27. PMID:11826127. in the hypothalamus, ucn iii neurons were observed in the median preoptic nucleus and in the rostral perifornical area lateral to the paraventricular nucleus. 2002-02-27 2023-08-12 mouse