All Relations between cerebellum and Ataxia

Publication Sentence Publish Date Extraction Date Species
S Tóth, J Vajda, A Sólyo. The function of the human cerebellum studied by evoked potentials and motor reactions. Applied neurophysiology. vol 43. issue 1-2. 1981-04-13. PMID:7469404. altering the cerebellar function by high frequency stimulation appears to cause cerebellar symptoms such as hypotonia and ataxia. 1981-04-13 2023-08-12 human
S J Newsholme, M J Tyre. Cerebral mycosis in a dog caused by Cladosporium trichoides Emmons 1952. The Onderstepoort journal of veterinary research. vol 47. issue 1. 1981-03-17. PMID:7454235. the fungus, cladosporium trichoides, was isolated and cultured from a lesion in the cerebellum and from smaller lesions in the liver, kidney and spleen of a dog which had a history of behavioural changes, ataxia and collapse. 1981-03-17 2023-08-12 dog
M R Gome. Cerebellotrigeminal and focal dermal dysplasia: a newly recognized neurocutaneous syndrome. Brain & development. vol 1. issue 4. 1981-02-26. PMID:95427. the patient also had generalized hypotonia in early life, and at age 4 years 9 months, she was found to be moderately mentally subnormal and to have severe cerebellar deficit consisting of gait and truncal ataxia. 1981-02-26 2023-08-11 Not clear
K H Maurit. [Standing ataxia in cerebellar lesions. Differential diagnosis and pathophysiology of disorders of postural control]. Fortschritte der Medizin. vol 98. issue 26-27. 1981-01-16. PMID:7429388. [standing ataxia in cerebellar lesions. 1981-01-16 2023-08-12 Not clear
K H Maurit. [Standing ataxia in cerebellar lesions. Differential diagnosis and pathophysiology of disorders of postural control]. Fortschritte der Medizin. vol 98. issue 26-27. 1981-01-16. PMID:7429388. several forms of postural ataxia can be distinguished in cerebellar lesions by quantitative analysis of stance, a paleocerebellar, a vestibulocerebellar and a neocerebellar syndrome, for each of which a different underlying pathomechanism was found. 1981-01-16 2023-08-12 Not clear
K H Maurit. [Standing ataxia in cerebellar lesions. Differential diagnosis and pathophysiology of disorders of postural control]. Fortschritte der Medizin. vol 98. issue 26-27. 1981-01-16. PMID:7429388. these cerebellar atactic syndromes may be separated from several forms of postural ataxias of extracerebellar origin. 1981-01-16 2023-08-12 Not clear
I R Livingstone, F L Mastaglia, R J Penningto. An investigation of pyruvate metabolism in patients with cerebellar and spinocerebellar degeneration. Journal of the neurological sciences. vol 48. issue 1. 1980-12-18. PMID:6893466. this study extends previous observations of pyruvate metabolism in the spino-cerebellar degenerations by screening for abnormalities of pyruvate oxidation using the rise in blood pyruvate after an oral glucose load and examining the activity of the lipoamide dehydrogenase (lad) moeity of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex in the serum of 31 patients with friedreich's ataxia, hereditary spastic ataxia and primary cerebellar degeneration. 1980-12-18 2023-08-12 Not clear
I R Livingstone, F L Mastaglia, R J Penningto. An investigation of pyruvate metabolism in patients with cerebellar and spinocerebellar degeneration. Journal of the neurological sciences. vol 48. issue 1. 1980-12-18. PMID:6893466. two patients with friedreich's ataxia and 2 with primary cerebellar degeneration had abnormal blood pyruvate curves after oral glucose loading. 1980-12-18 2023-08-12 Not clear
I R Livingstone, F L Mastaglia, R J Penningto. An investigation of pyruvate metabolism in patients with cerebellar and spinocerebellar degeneration. Journal of the neurological sciences. vol 48. issue 1. 1980-12-18. PMID:6893466. the findings suggest that abnormal pyruvate oxidation occurs in some cases of friedreich's ataxia and primary cerebellar degeneration and that the abnormality of pyruvate metabolism is not necessarily reflected in the serum lad activity of these patients. 1980-12-18 2023-08-12 Not clear
M M Traub, J C Rothwell, C D Marsde. Anticipatory postural reflexes in Parkinson's disease and other akinetic-rigid syndromes and in cerebellar ataxia. Brain : a journal of neurology. vol 103. issue 2. 1980-10-27. PMID:7397484. cerebellar truncal ataxia only depressed the response in severe cases. 1980-10-27 2023-08-12 human
F Bakir, H Rustam, S Tikriti, S F Al-Damluji, H Shihristan. Clinical and epidemiological aspects of methylmercury poisoning. Postgraduate medical journal. vol 56. issue 651. 1980-08-28. PMID:7383945. in adults, the clinical picture could be classified as 1, mild (mainly of sensory symptoms) 2, moderate (sensory symptoms accompanied by cerebellar signs) and 3, severe (gross ataxia with marked visual and hearing loss which, in some cases, progressed to akinetic mutism followed by coma). 1980-08-28 2023-08-12 Not clear
I Fábregues, M Pineda, E Fernández-Alvare. [Friedreich's disease. Clinical study of ten cases (author's transl)]. Medicina clinica. vol 74. issue 8. 1980-07-12. PMID:7374233. friedreich's ataxia results from pyramidal tract degeneration and changes in the cerebellum. 1980-07-12 2023-08-12 Not clear
S S Spencer, J C Moenc. Progressive and treatable cerebellar ataxia in macroglobulinemia. Neurology. vol 30. issue 5. 1980-06-27. PMID:6768004. ataxia in macroglobulinemia has been attributed to cerebral infarction and blood hyperviscosity, but no previous case reports documented gradually progressive cerebellar signs without these concomitants and with regression on therapy. 1980-06-27 2023-08-12 Not clear
K Isaki, M Kurachi, Y Koyama, K Hosokawa, N Yamaguch. First autopsy report of a multiple sclerosis case in Hokuriku District of Japan. Folia psychiatrica et neurologica japonica. vol 33. issue 4. 1980-05-23. PMID:535838. furthermore, in the course of the disease, she had suffered from visual disorder, tetraplegia, hyperreflexia, pyramidal signs and cerebellar syndroms such as dysarthria, nystagmus, intention tremor and ataxia. 1980-05-23 2023-08-11 Not clear
K H Mauritz, J Dichgans, A Hufschmid. Quantitative analysis of stance in late cortical cerebellar atrophy of the anterior lobe and other forms of cerebellar ataxia. Brain : a journal of neurology. vol 102. issue 3. 1980-01-28. PMID:315255. (2) postural ataxia was quantitatively studied in three groups of patients with cerebellar lesions: (a) late atrophy of the anterior lobe, (b) tumours of the cerebellar hemisphere and (c) tumours within the vestibulo-cerebellum. 1980-01-28 2023-08-11 Not clear
P J Spira, J G McLeod, W A Evan. A spinocerebellar degeneration with X-linked inheritance. Brain : a journal of neurology. vol 102. issue 1. 1979-06-26. PMID:427531. post-mortem examination of one of the affected members revealed spinal cord pathology similar to that seen in friedreich's ataxia with degeneration of the dorsal columns, and spinocerebellar and corticospinal tracts although the loss of purkinje cells in the cerebellum was greater than is usually seen in that condition. 1979-06-26 2023-08-11 Not clear
K Hess, M Gresty, J Leec. Clinical and theoretical aspects of head movement dependent oscillopsia (HMDO). A review. Journal of neurology. vol 219. issue 3. 1979-05-23. PMID:84858. the occurrence of hmdo with ataxia of gait and cerebellar eye movement disorders (rebound nystagmus, flutter-like oscillations), in the absence of brainstem lesions (medial longitudinal fasciculus), is clinical evidence for hmdo due to a cerebellar lesion. 1979-05-23 2023-08-11 Not clear
C Gyldensted, L Pederse. Computed tomography in hereditary ataxias. Neuroradiology. vol 16. 1979-05-16. PMID:745705. cranial ct in 39 patients (23 belonged to 8 families) with four different groups of hereditary ataxia (ha) showed mainly three combinations of atrophic findings: (1) cerebellar ataxia (ca, n = 17) had marked atrophy of the cerebellum and/or the brain stem combined with moderate cerebral atrophy; (2) an intermediate group consisting of hereditary spastic paraplegia (hsp, n = 10) and friedreich's ataxia (fa, n = 7), both with moderate infra- and supratentorial atrophy; (3) atrophy was hardly demonstrated in the group of charcot-marie-tooth disease (cmt, n = 5). 1979-05-16 2023-08-11 Not clear
G Sanner, B Bergströ. Benign paroxysmal torticollis in infancy. Acta paediatrica Scandinavica. vol 68. issue 2. 1979-04-28. PMID:419989. the ataxia seen in some cases rather suggests a dysfunction of the cerebellum or of the vestibulo-cerebellar connections. 1979-04-28 2023-08-11 Not clear
B Knox, J Askaa, A Basse, V Bitsch, M Eskildsen, M Mandrup, H E Ottosen, E Overby, K B Pedersen, F Rasmusse. Congenital ataxia and tremor with cerebellar hypoplasia in piglets borne by sows treated with Neguvon vet. (metrifonate, trichlorfon) during pregnancy. Nordisk veterinaermedicin. vol 30. issue 12. 1979-03-28. PMID:733482. congenital ataxia and tremor with cerebellar hypoplasia in piglets borne by sows treated with neguvon vet. 1979-03-28 2023-08-11 Not clear