All Relations between adrenal gland and adrenal

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M Chaminade, A S Foutz, J Rossie. Co-release of enkephalins and precursors with catecholamines from the perfused cat adrenal gland in situ. The Journal of physiology. vol 353. 1984-11-14. PMID:6481622. we have compared the nature of the enkephalin-like material derived from proenkephalin present in the intact cat adrenal gland with the material co-released with catecholamines from the perfused adrenal in response to splanchnic nerve stimulation and to perfusions with solutions containing acetylcholine (ach) or high potassium chloride (kcl). 1984-11-14 2023-08-12 cat
R Günther, C Kelbel, V Lenner, J Beye. [Technic of real-time ultrasonic examination of the adrenal glands and adrenal gland tumors]. RoFo : Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Rontgenstrahlen und der Nuklearmedizin. vol 141. issue 3. 1984-11-09. PMID:6435195. [technic of real-time ultrasonic examination of the adrenal glands and adrenal gland tumors]. 1984-11-09 2023-08-12 Not clear
U B Brückner, R E Lang, D Gante. Release of opioid peptides in canine hemorrhagic hypotension: effects of naloxone. Research in experimental medicine. Zeitschrift fur die gesamte experimentelle Medizin einschliesslich experimenteller Chirurgie. vol 184. issue 3. 1984-10-18. PMID:6089283. the high levels of enk in the adrenal effluent indicate that the adrenal gland is the main source of these peptides in the circulation. 1984-10-18 2023-08-12 Not clear
A Lambert, J Frost, W R Robertso. Preliminary experiences with a bioassay for adrenocorticotrophin (ACTH) in unextracted human plasma using dispersed guinea-pig adrenal cells. Clinical endocrinology. vol 21. issue 1. 1984-09-19. PMID:6086182. isolated adrenal cells were prepared by tryptic digestion of the guinea-pig adrenal gland and cortisol production by these cells was controlled specifically by acth. 1984-09-19 2023-08-12 human
A Armin, M Castell. Congenital adrenal tissue in the lung with adrenal cytomegaly. Case report and review of the literature. American journal of clinical pathology. vol 82. issue 2. 1984-08-29. PMID:6465087. adrenal cytomegaly is a cellular abnormality found in the fetal and neonatal adrenal gland. 1984-08-29 2023-08-12 Not clear
S Nishiyama, K Nakamur. Stimulation of adrenal DNA synthesis in cadmium-treated male rats. Toxicology and applied pharmacology. vol 74. issue 3. 1984-08-13. PMID:6204420. these results indicate that continued treatment with cd stimulates dna and rna synthesis in the adrenal cortex, which in turn results in the increase of the total protein contents of the adrenal gland and subsequently in the enlargement of the gland. 1984-08-13 2023-08-12 rat
S Nishiyama, K Nakamur. Stimulation of adrenal DNA synthesis in cadmium-treated male rats. Toxicology and applied pharmacology. vol 74. issue 3. 1984-08-13. PMID:6204420. although the adrenal gland became enlarged, the total adrenal corticosterone content decreased significantly. 1984-08-13 2023-08-12 rat
K A Mansour, V Maffei, J I Miller, C R Hatche. Transdiaphragmatic adrenal biopsy. The Annals of thoracic surgery. vol 38. issue 1. 1984-07-26. PMID:6732350. in selected patients, especially those in whom the adrenal mass is on the ipsilateral side of the lung lesion, the adrenal gland can be biopsied by a transthoracic transdiaphragmatic approach. 1984-07-26 2023-08-12 Not clear
b' J O Schroeder, S L Asa, K Kovacs, D Killinger, G L Hadley, R Volp\\xc3\\xa. Report of a case of pheochromocytoma producing immunoreactive ACTH and beta-endorphin. Journal of endocrinological investigation. vol 7. issue 2. 1984-07-25. PMID:6327797.' the excised adrenal gland showed both an adrenal medullary tumor and adrenal cortical hyperplasia. 1984-07-25 2023-08-12 Not clear
M Bryer-Ash, D M Wilson, B M Tune, R G Rosenfeld, S J Shochat, J A Luetsche. Hypertension caused by an aldosterone-secreting adenoma. Occurrence in a 7-year-old child. American journal of diseases of children (1960). vol 138. issue 7. 1984-07-20. PMID:6375348. an enlarged left adrenal gland was observed in the computed tomographic scan, and blood from the left adrenal vein contained much more aldosterone than blood from the right adrenal vein. 1984-07-20 2023-08-12 Not clear
M Faggiano, T Criscuolo, A A Sinisi, A Scialdone, A Bellastella, L Cuccurull. Virilization syndrome in a young woman due to an androgen-secreting adenoma. Journal of endocrinological investigation. vol 7. issue 1. 1984-06-11. PMID:6232309. echotomography, pneumoperitoneum radiography and selective adrenal venous angiography showed a tumor in the left adrenal gland. 1984-06-11 2023-08-12 Not clear
B Charbonnel, S Coornaert, J L Tellier, P Peltier, J F Chata. [Localization of pheochromocytomas by scintigraphy with meta-iodobenzyl guanidine. Comparison with computed x-ray tomography]. Presse medicale (Paris, France : 1983). vol 13. issue 14. 1984-05-22. PMID:6231610. the tumour was located in one adrenal gland in 3 cases, in both adrenal glands in 1 case, and between the aorta and the vena cava in 1 case; 2 were malignant with metastases. 1984-05-22 2023-08-12 Not clear
J Bousquet, S J Lye, J R Challi. Comparison of leucine enkephalin and adrenocorticotrophin effects on adrenal function in fetal and adult sheep. Journal of reproduction and fertility. vol 70. issue 2. 1984-04-26. PMID:6321721. the lack of effect of leu-enkephalin on adrenal cells implies that its action is exerted not directly at the adrenal gland, but indirectly at the level of the hypothalamus or pituitary through stimulation of the release of other corticotrophic substances. 1984-04-26 2023-08-12 Not clear
D A Wilson, H G Muchmore, R G Tisdal, A Fahmy, J V Pith. Histoplasmosis of the adrenal glands studied by CT. Radiology. vol 150. issue 3. 1984-03-23. PMID:6695079. we conclude that the diagnosis of disseminated histoplasmosis should be considered in any patient who has bilateral adrenal gland enlargement and who resides in an endemic area, especially if there is evidence of adrenal insufficiency, and that ct is superb for the assessment of adrenal gland morphology in this disease, and ct-directed biopsy is the recommended method of confirming the diagnosis in difficult cases. 1984-03-23 2023-08-12 Not clear
F Comite, R J Schiebinger, B D Albertson, F G Cassorla, K Vander Ven, T F Cullen, D L Loriaux, G B Cutle. Isosexual precocious pseudopuberty secondary to a feminizing adrenal tumor. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. vol 58. issue 3. 1984-03-12. PMID:6693544. adrenal microsomal 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-isomerase 17-hydroxylase, 17,20-desmolase, and 21-hydroxylase activities in the tumor and adjacent normal adrenal gland were measured. 1984-03-12 2023-08-12 Not clear
S E Oberfield, L S Levine, A Firpo, D Lawrence, E Stoner, D J Levy, S Sen, M I Ne. Primary hyperaldosteronism in childhood due to unilateral macronodular hyperplasia. Case report. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979). vol 6. issue 1. 1984-03-06. PMID:6319281. although hyperplasia is more common than an adenoma as a cause of hyperaldosteronism in childhood, a tumor was predicted, since adrenal vein hormone sampling with acth stimulation lateralized aldosterone secretion unequivocally to the left adrenal gland. 1984-03-06 2023-08-12 Not clear
T M Plant, D S Zoru. A study of the role of the adrenal glands in the initiation of the hiatus in gonadotropin secretion during prepubertal development in the male rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta). Endocrinology. vol 114. issue 2. 1984-02-24. PMID:6418533. these findings suggest that adrenal androgens are not involved in the initiation of the prepubertal restraint of gonadotropin secretion in the rhesus monkey and are consistent with the notion that the adrenal gland does not play a major role in determining the timing of puberty onset in higher primates. 1984-02-24 2023-08-12 monkey
A R Wakade, T D Wakad. Contribution of nicotinic and muscarinic receptors in the secretion of catecholamines evoked by endogenous and exogenous acetylcholine. Neuroscience. vol 10. issue 3. 1984-01-27. PMID:6139771. the aim of the present study was (1) to evaluate the functional contribution of nicotinic and muscarinic receptors of the rat adrenal medullary cells in the secretion of catecholamines evoked by exogenous and endogenous acetylcholine, (2) to know whether the ratio of epinephrine to norepinephrine in the perfusate of the adrenal gland stimulated with various agents was comparable and close to that in the adrenal medulla, and (3) to study the effect of tetrodotoxin on the secretion of catecholamine evoked by nicotine and muscarine. 1984-01-27 2023-08-12 rat
L D Farrell, T S Harrison, L M Demer. Immunoreactive met-enkephalin in the canine adrenal; response to acute hypovolemic stress. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (New York, N.Y.). vol 173. issue 4. 1983-10-28. PMID:6889316. these results suggest that the canine adrenal gland is a rich source of this opioid peptide and that the adrenal releases met-enkephalin in response to acute stress. 1983-10-28 2023-08-12 dog
L R Sheeler, J H Myers, J J Eversman, H C Taylo. Adrenal insufficiency secondary to carcinoma metastatic to the adrenal gland. Cancer. vol 52. issue 7. 1983-10-21. PMID:6309357. adrenal insufficiency secondary to carcinoma metastatic to the adrenal gland. 1983-10-21 2023-08-12 Not clear